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123Bee Zoo Escape

123Bee Zoo Escape is another new point and click type escape the room game by "Imagine yourself to be in a position where you have got trapped inside a Zoo. Now, you'll have to interact with the animals and divert them to get clues and objects to escape out of that Zoo." Good luck and have fun!

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123Bee Zoo Escape Video Walkthrough

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  1. only a pin and magnet so far. can't get the root

  2. thanks yalcin post this escape game

  3. So far I found: root, pin, hack saw blade, magnet.
    I released the bird and combined root with magnet.

  4. just have a pin , magnet and a frog

  5. got the key from the cocidial

  6. Deefrost, mind to share? I only have a pin and a magnet. Stck

  7. @tat use the pin to open the bird cage..

  8. unlocked the fish tank but now im stuck

  9. alright im OUT..any1 needs help??

  10. @tat
    take blade from birdcage and cut root

  11. heyyyy what happen it went to main screen on me now i have to start over

  12. yes pls help groovychick

  13. @cmeloche ..zoom in on the bananas next to the fish tank and use the saw to take it,, then give it to the elephant..

  14. thanks Groovychick - making progress now

  15. You can also cut a stick from tree and give it to ape.
    Now I'm stuck

  16. hey this game play full version on 123bee lol.

  17. @deefrost thers afrog at the bottom of the trre ,,u need it for the snake

  18. Ah, thanks Groovychick

  19. zoom in at the bottom of the tree next to the monkey cage

  20. i cant use the ring master stick on the loin

  21. Im also out......
    Thanks 4 all .............

  22. out - thanks for the help

  23. can anyone tell me how to get the loin

  24. And out!
    Thank you all.

  25. I've must have clicked in a wrong spot. Have to begin again....

  26. @cmeloche use the stick with the monkey

  27. cmeloche1 - I just clicked with it on the cage and it worked. Maybe this is a 123bee bug

  28. @cmeloche1
    you have to use the whip that you got from the ape on the lion.

  29. i am but its not working is there a certan spot to click on the loin

  30. Hey Im Rank 1 of the high score

  31. must be a bug cause it went bk to main page

  32. hey this game is full of pixel hunt.

  33. just finished monotone 3... is this still live?

  34. Out my own, then: good game for me!!

  35. is anyone still playing?

  36. I am @Doris. Just starting actually.

  37. ah, that's fine!! combined magnet and root so far

  38. Is there any use in the fish tank? i clicked all over in it and tried all items on it and nothing happens. whats the point in opening it? Or is it i cant find the exact pixel to click?

  39. you mean the root between the monkey and the parrot? How did you take it?

  40. cut it with the saw, edgar

  41. I found a frog under the tree, right side.

  42. Ok @Doris, don't have a saw yet.

  43. I think we have to open the snake cage first to get the net! but where is key?

  44. @ justy u hav the net from the snake cage , u need that for the fish

  45. edgar, you get saw if you open bird cage with pin. pin is on the ground right side, just in front of monkey cage

  46. NVM Out, I needed to feed the elephant bananas first.

  47. my.. where's the saw, shall I need to use my pin?

  48. bananas are left of snake cash in bushes i think you need to find zoom in.

  49. ok,found them! am blind after playing hidden number games

  50. lol, just when I was starting to feel affection for that frog :(

  51. yes, that was a cruel game! all the poor frogs and fish!!! am out.

  52. stuck now. I've opened lion's cage but nothing in my inventory but the saw. I know I need monkey's whip, but how to get it?

  53. and elephant won't share a banana!

  54. Help! What to do with the ring master stick?

  55. cut a branch from the tree (the frog tree) und give it to the monkey

  56. yes high score muahahaha!

  57. I put it all over the lion and the lions cage - nothing happens...

  58. @jutti
    is for lion cage, when you opened it, click on lion

  59. @Doris, you there? Aren't you already out?
    @Jutti, ring master stick? Or I'm way behind of you or we have different games here :S

  60. Can´t use the ring master stick on the lion, where exactly is the spot ?

  61. edgar, just stayed here a bit to be of help - for ONCE in a game!!! needed help most of the time

  62. Maybe this is again 123bug... I start new...

  63. I just opened the lions cage and clicked with the whip (or ring master thing)on the lion or the openening of door

  64. lol, ring master stick!!!??? Out finally, thanks @Doris and @Jutti for re-living this game. That was way fun!

  65. Played on my own and now I am where you should use the ringmaster stick on lion... but nothing happens... Am I missing something or is this some more 123buggy crap.
    In Nursery escape Game where you have to comb dolls hair to get key.. I tried it 16 times, even restarting my computer and uploading newest flash player... never could get pass the bug.
    I refuse to go through this for this game. so am I missing something or should I just forget it.?

  66. It doesn´t work for me and i won´t start over a third time !
    (First time i had "play full version" grrrrr)

  67. @a
    Is the lion's cage open?

  68. Mine is open but nothing....

  69. @a and @ zazie
    had no problem, but played on their page,maybe that's the reason!
    I opened the door of the cage and clicked the lion and got a key

  70. That's weird @Zazie. I had no problems dragging that whip into the cage opening.

  71. after restarting it still doesn't work for me... I'll give up this buggy lions cage (@Zazie for me grrrrrr too!)

  72. @Doris might be right. I always go directly to 123bee site to play their games to avoid the full version screen.

  73. what i did was, use ringmaster stick near lions head not the hole you opened with key.

  74. its possible that I only dragged it to the cage or lion. don't know exactly

  75. So sorry to hear that @Zazie & @Jutti.
    Well, my lunch break is over. Got to go back to work. See you!

  76. have to leave now. so sorry. see you next time!!

  77. Hi, so there is pixelhunting and bugs??
    Well I'll start anyway and see what its like.

  78. Can't get whip to work. I hate 123buggy games!

    How come we give gazzyboy such hell and these games are 10 times worse. They should call themselves 123CRAP games. I will not play again because they make money each time we play and if we replay trying to get pass the bugs they make more money so it works out better for them to put up bug infested games.

  79. poor fishy and froggy. I escaped (with a hint about the bananas), but I feel evil. :(

  80. @a you have the cage door open? (I haven't checked to see if you have other comments)

  81. @ a, i agree with you !
    These are far worse than Gazzyboy games.

  82. Hey kitkatfox. Yes door is open, I watched video walkthrough and have done everything right so it is another bug.
    Shame .. reloaded played again.I know I said I wouldn't . and it worked this time.
    instead of them getting paid for one player they got paid for two. I think they do this on purpose.
    They should call themselves

  83. Get the black thing from the ground below the monkey’s cage -- it’s a pin
    Use (drag) the pin to the bird cage lock
    After the bird flies free, get the light gray thing inside the cage door -- it’s a saw blade
    Also get the magnet from the side of the bird cage
    Click the back tree trunk to zoom in

    Use the saw blade on the left stripped root to cut part of the root
    While still zoomed in on the tree, use the blade on the right bare branch
    Back up once
    Get the root string and branch from the ground
    Use the branch on the monkey, and he will give you the ring master whip
    Zoom in on the plant just to the left of the monkey cage
    Get the frog after he hops
    Back up

    Turn right
    Click the root string in your inventory
    Add the magnet
    Close the view and use the string/magnet to fish out the gator’s key
    Click the key to get it and the magnet thing

    Go right
    Note the key the elephant has, but he doesn’t want to give it to you

    Go right
    Zoom in on the fish tank keyhole (in the brown lid)
    Use the gator key to open it, but you can’t do anything yet

    Back up
    Zoom in on the bananas over the path
    Use the saw to get them

    Back up and turn left
    Place the bananas left of the elephant’s trunk
    Get the elephant’s key (you can just click it)

    Turn right
    Zoom in on the snake cage
    Use the elephant’s key on the key hole
    There is a fishnet in there, but you can’t get it with the snake guarding it
    Place the frog in the door opening and the snake will chase it
    Get the fish net and mourn the poor frog (click the white part of the net)

    Back up and zoom in on the fish tank again
    Use the net in the opening
    Use the net to get the clownfish
    Click the fish to place him in your inventory

    Back up
    Go forward down the path using the middle arrow
    The cranes won’t let you fish out the key
    So give them a fish instead
    (either explain to any kids around that you just murdered Nemo, or lie and say the birds wanted a pet)
    Use the magnet to fish out the crane key
    Click the get it

    Turn right
    Use the key on the lion’s cage to open the small door
    Drag the whip to the opening and he will knock out the key
    Get the lion’s key

    Turn right
    Back up
    Turn right again, and you are at the gate
    Zoom in on the gate lock
    Drag the key to it and escape!

  84. @a I have trouble a lot with their games and bugs. If I use an object and it sticks to my cursor, then I know it will not work.

    The object should always go back into your inventory when you release the mouse button.

    To release an object temporarily, just right click a few times. The object will go back in the inventory, but this doesn't solve the overall problem.

    I can usually get it to work by zooming in and out of the screen. I do this with my mouse wheel, but I don't know if you have one.

  85. @Zazie I agree these have more bugs than Gazzyboy. But I will NOT play those games. I despise the way they have ads hijack my browser to lead me to an ad site. I was playing them on gamershood for a while, but the last time I tried that, I got the “play full version at gazzyboy” thing like 123bee does.

    >:( No way!

  86. For a minute there I thought I was going to have to feed the monkey to the lion.

  87. lol Jamos. No mammals die in this game!

  88. Hm. Nothing happens when I drag Ring Masters stick on to the lion. Is there a special place? Have tried opening and right on the lion itself. Nada.

  89. @hollita593 a got stuck in the same place. :(

    The whip worked for me when I dragged it to the open door. You can watch the video walkthrough to see if it helps, but I think it is a bug.

  90. @a

    i agree with you that NOWADAYS, 123bee games are worse than gazzy games, but only for the sole reason that gazzy stopped being so pixel hunty and having codes that there was no hints for. back in the day, gazzy WAS worse than 123bee. and used to have many bugs too, to top off the pixel hunting. been less bugs and pixel hunts with gazzy lately though, and i see the general approval of thier games has gone up, while 123bees games have stayed the same.

    however i will insist that gazzyboy is more greedy than 123bee, for the reason kitkatfox has stated- NO ONE ELSE whos games we play here has a more intrusive and ruthless advertisement
    system than gazzyboys, they want to literally CHOKE us with ads (and possibly adware as kitatfox said) and if we try to avoid going to thier site by using gamershood, the FORCE us to go to thier site just so we can see the ads and they make money! i already stopped playing thier games, but after hearing what kitkatfox said i dislike gazzy even more than ever, because thats an extremely selfish thing for them to do to us players!

    well, that said, i never click into gazzy games anymore (especailly since the aggressive ads started), but i still do give 123bee games a fair trial before judgement. im not sure why, i guess its because sometimes im lucky enough to not get hit by "123bug", and WHEN their games are not buggy, theyre better than gazzyboys games. too bad they usually are buggy though :/

  91. Finally I took the time to finish this game and I found it pleasant (even though I forgot about the "full version"). I rarely have problems with bugs on 123bee games. I needed help from Groovychick since I didn't try the pin as a key, that got me stuck. Thanks!
    I just wonder how all the keys in this zoo got stuck among the animals. An evil practical joke lol.

  92. Suicune, don't know if you will read this but I agree about the ads. What irks me off is how close they put the ads to the game so if you miss you are taken away from the game. That is rude.
    I remember when escape room games first started. It seems like the quality has gone down cause they are so busy making games that there are less and less well thought out games. And pages take forever to load for those who have slower internet or computers because of all the ads. I am getting tired of this.

  93. yup im here and ive read it, i have to agree with you again on what you just said- its annoying that the ads are so close to the game window, and almost every site does that nowadays.

    i can see the requirement to have ads, because without any a website could not stay running due to lack of funds... but when people start taking it several steps further like gazzy has, then its an issue. theyre probably trying to make as much profit as possible, as opposed to just covering the site upkeep cost.

  94. Thanks again. Couldn't have got out without the clue for the frog.


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