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DooDoo Tour - Departure

DooDooTour 1 - Travel is another point and click room escape game from site. "Use your mouse to click on objects and locations on the screen to progress through the game. Collect items and use them to escape the room. Some items can be combined or used in attach." Good luck and have fun!

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DooDoo Tour Departure Video Walkthrough

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  1. Okay, let's play.

  2. So far a picture i made bigger with the machine in the director's office, a white board i put in front of the door (outdoor), i put the big picture on it, rubber (i wrote help me on the board with it) glue, a hat, and a card with a phone number.

  3. In this doodoo game, you can't put back items ;)

  4. Found tape in the bookshelve at the director.. At least, It looks like tape

  5. Yes i mean tape not rubber :) you can write help me with it.

  6. Put the tape on the picture you placed outside.. You can zoom in

  7. Ooh, that's what it was: Tape

  8. If my English isn't good enough, it's because I'm Dutch so my grammar can be wrong.. Sorry for that!

  9. What about th hat, glue and the card? Where do i put them?

  10. Stil looking for where to put the other items..

  11. Stuck with this 3 items too

  12. use the hat for will be rewarded by the director. it will give you the opportunity to go places!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. thanks Rainbow!

  15. I can't zoom in on the picture I've put outside on the board and I can't use the tape ... is there a bug?

  16. I've tried to put the head everywhere but nothing happens..

    Maybe I'll come back later to see how.. Just trying for another minute.

  17. Put the hat under the board

  18. The necklace has a Omega sign in it.

  19. I tried to put it everywhere on that scene.. Maybe I'm missing something that had to be done before begging..

    Still stuck with hat, glue en businesscard

  20. RAchezlle just put the hat under the board !

  21. Thanks Drisana ... but now what?

    I can't do anything with the tape and glue ...

    The director wants something but I don't know what ...

  22. i think i want to look like the man in the passport bt i don't know how yet...

  23. Za click on "taxi" and give him money to travel ;)

  24. Please give some clues here ....

  25. i just put the hat down between the legs of the board and it turned upside down and stayed there...i went inside, when i came back out some generous citizens had filled it up!

  26. Where can I find the money?

  27. Board has multiple meanings in Dutch so don't know witch one.. Sorry

  28. passport from the airport

  29. Give passport to travelshop-manager

  30. Think we have to take false hair in shop but don't know how.. got a picture of the shop owner

  31. Rainbow ... what did you do before that?
    I have no clue what to do with the tape and the glue ...

  32. Nothing happens. I think we have to false the passport and if so, we need Chissors.

  33. got to go !! good luck all :)

  34. Hello! I can not place the tape on the board with the picture and nobody gives me any money.

  35. Give pasport to lady in travelshop, she gives you another ticket.

  36. @Za The tape writes above the picture on the board, then people will "help you"

  37. Friwi, first you must zoom in the poster.

  38. Same here friwi .... I've no idea what to do ...

  39. Ca3na ... which poster? the one from the wall I can't zoom into ...

  40. I'll try again later.. Think it's a bug.. Really does'nt work for me to put the hat there..

  41. Rainbow, I am trying but nothing happens ... I think I have a bug?!

  42. Thank you, but I can not zoom in. Started again, but it remains the same.

  43. Ha ha ha ha ha ha....i have a moustache!

  44. Finally, it's works now..

  45. I've had it ... I am wasting my time!
    Good luck everybody

  46. @friwi, did you put the picture through the photocopier? when it is big it sticks to the board then a space above is where the tape sticks. that's all i did, maybe you do have a bug?

  47. Rainbow, thank you! That was it.

  48. The money does'nt come out of the hat? Or is it a bug?

  49. Same here, no way to zoom in and/or and stick tape. This DooDoo looks more like a GazzyGazzy...

  50. Haha Rainbow, me to. Need a

  51. Full, Did you first made a Copyprint of the poster?

  52. Just put the enlarged photo (you can put it in the machine at the director) an the board out front, after that you can click on the picture to zoom in, then use tape on the picture.

  53. Thanks Rainbow, that hint for the photocopier really helped, ;.)

  54. What to do whit the photograph from a lady in a bath robe. (had it from the old shoplady).

  55. I tried to buty a Maxim magazine in the shop but the woman won´t let me

  56. how to get the moustache?

  57. I am in the taxi but cannot go anywhere, they places below are greyed out and i cannot leave the taxi either.
    Is this a bug ?

  58. @Ca3na i think we're matchmaking... i gave her a picture of the director but she gave me a phone number, not a picture, now i'm not sure what to do!

  59. Zazie, highlight the money and drag it the the chaufeur

  60. zazie, have you gotten the noney from the director? you need to pay for a taxi!

  61. Did some-one figured out the code from the safe in the house? I added up the numbers from both the tickets-10227979- but nothing. Also the birth date and exp. date of passport didn't work.

  62. Ahh found it, there is a back arrow on the left side.

  63. martina...who has a moustache? think of a waxing at a beauty shop!

  64. @Zazie:
    You must have money to travel with the taxi.
    Beg with the hat (how it's posted abouve). Change the money you get by director, give it to taxi driver.
    You can leave taxi-scene on left side.

  65. After you have the hat filled with money, trade it at the director. Than you can give it at the taxi driver. Bottem left there is a finger to leave the taxi..

    How to get the photo of the shop owner?

  66. @ Rainbow, The picture was hidden in the pocket of her (old shoplady) coat.

  67. For safe:
    It's the birthday of the woman we played. Look on calender in bureau and with magnifier glas on book on desk from director. The month could be June or July (don't remember, sorry)

  68. Thank you Stu and Martina.

  69. You can pin the photograph from the lady in bath robe next to the man on the poster.

  70. ha ha people felt so sorry for me on holiday with that woman! thanks Ca3na!

  71. I thought the code for the safe would be her birthday (17.06.1985. But it does not work.

  72. i cant give the shop lady pic of director

  73. @ Stu what calender on which bureau?

  74. i think it´s 27-06 ( or 06-27 ) but the book gives me 2009?

  75. The book gives you the year we are in (for me it was 2007). The birthday cake tells, how old she is. And the symbol at the necklace tells the astrological sign, which gives a hint for the month.

  76. My book is completely black

  77. Anybode any idea of where to put the flowers?

    Can't give photo of the directer to the shop lady.. Does'nt work..

  78. Wow Friwi, thanks...

  79. Full she is 25 on cake: so 2009-25 gives you the year
    Calendar at office gives you day
    Zodiac sign give you month

  80. martina, she might want his phone number!

  81. hmm, is this still live, i finally finished solving the loom dawn one, and proud that i did it all on my own, even the "secret ending"!

    loom dawn was a BEAUTIFUL game... lots of clever logical puzzles, and no pixel hunting, bugs, or other such stuff. wish there would be more of those! best escape game ive seen since icho, and probably the best single-room escape game ive EVER seen.

    but anyways, i guess ill have a look at this one now. i seriously doubt i can catch up to 100 comments though lol

  82. @Henrique: use magnifying glas
    @Rachelle and Martina: You have to combine 3 things together for the lady in shop

  83. How to see the year in the book. It´s all black!

  84. Tnx Talie, just found it out but now my NSFW alarm went of where i am ( i mean my boss just walked in ) See you and have fun with the game ;.)

  85. Oh!!! Had to adjust the brightness of my screen!
    But 20092529 doesn´t work!

  86. The safe is givin' me a headache

  87. 25-06 or 07- 1984 doesn´t work for me. Why ?

  88. Im having serious issues with the safe. I have worked out the code but what way am I putting it in? dd/mm/yyyy? Or otherwise? And how do you open it then?

  89. I call number from lady from phone at airport and man just saying hello

  90. 29091984
    None works!

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. put glue on mans speakerphone on airport dont know why

  93. Henrique, the calendar in the travel agency gives the day. For me it was 27. The order is ddmmyyyy.

  94. Henrique, the game started showing the calender of June, you are putting in September . This, ofcourse, could be random, i dont know

  95. and we get moustache hahhaha

  96. code: SPOILER27061983SPOILER

  97. Where 27 comes from???
    In my calendar I see 29 not 27

  98. None of all the numbers work for me.
    And what about the paper with PASSWORD on it ?

  99. martina, try the door now, you will see why!

  100. and now what rainbow i cant leave airport

  101. it was 27 on the calendar in agency, with june starts the game and on the director's book read 2008 (-25 years on the cake) = 27061983 and it worked for me

  102. Once again: calendar in travel agency gives day, book at director the year we are in. Zodiac sign gives month, and the cake her age. Subtract the age from the given year. Input ddmmyyyy. It sounds as if dates are different for everybody.

  103. Well, 27061983 doesn´t work for me.
    I see a 29 number on calendar behind desk girl, and the year in my book is 2009, not 2008.

  104. you have to work out the code for yourself. my game for example started in june. the calender in the office gives the day (29 in my case), the book on the desk in the director's office the year (2009 in my case). you know it's the girl's 25th birthday from the cake in her house, so know you can do your maths.
    in my case: 29061984

  105. I guess 29061984 should work but no way!

  106. @henrique: ok, then do the math, it shouldn't be too hard even if you don't know with what month the year started since there are only 12. but I think it's universal - june. good luck!

  107. What do do after input password?
    Does the safe opens by itself?

  108. I have 25 on calendar, 2009 on book, her age on cake is 25, the sign is cancer,so it should be :
    25 06 1984 or 25 07 1984 but it doesn´t work.

  109. put on whig and moustache in front of mirror at home

  110. I think we need that wig in the shop. But the lady won't let me. I feel so stupid with only wearing a moustache lol.

  111. Safe opened!!!
    29071984 worked!

  112. I'm back with a moustache ;)
    Once you input the code, go back and safe is open !

  113. for the code again: in the opening sequence you saw a calender, this gave the month the game is taking place in. if you can't remember, you will have to keep trying...

  114. @Kayelicha: how did you get whig?

  115. zoom out after entering the code, if it's the right one, the safe is opened.

  116. ca3na, the lady moved, don't know why though. guess it was the phonecall I made at the airport?

  117. You can combine the picture from travelshop-manager with the rose.

  118. 25061984 worked suddenly, but i am sure that i entered this number a hundred times before !

  119. Kayelicha how did you leave airport after taking moustache? guy dont let me leave

  120. How to make a phonecall ? I don´t have any coins...

  121. We can exchange the picture from the lady in the travel agency. Which one to take? What to do with pen, passport or certificate?

  122. i took a picture from the lady in travel agency and gave it to director. he gave me nothing in return but i cannot take another picture, or do anything else!

  123. just punch in number, no coins needed. has to be the number the lady at the shop gave you.

    Martina, I just called a taxi and went home to put on moustache.

    habe ticket now from director, guess I need to put on other clothes or change picture in passport? stuck right now.

  124. Rainbow, give him the money, he'll give you a ticket in return!

  125. Where is money for airport phone plz ?

  126. oops didn't refresh :) The call doesn't work ....

  127. thx Kayelicha very logical :)

  128. Oh no, I gave my ticket to the guy at the airport and he said I was a loser and made me start all over again. really fed up now!

  129. thanks guys, great game.
    @Drisana... i didn't need money but when i made the call, i had to do it twice before the old lady moved.

  130. I gave the picture to the director, showed my passport but did not get a ticket. He neither wants money nor the porn journal.

  131. way! it's such a long game to start again. i must have been lucky!

  132. How or where to get a pen.

  133. friwi, have you packed your suitcase properly? you need to put in the camera and a first aid kit.

  134. Oh, there are more things to get at the shop. A hockey club and a pot.

  135. Ca3na, it's on a shelf near the magazines

  136. where do i get the first aid kit?

  137. Men, I spend a lot of money at the taxi.

  138. Rainbow, no, I have no first aid kit.

  139. Where is a suitcase ?
    And i cannot take pen in the shop, phonecall didn´t work either.

  140. @ Rainbow I saw that pen but I can't take that. The Lady isn't that friendly to me. She also growls when I touch the wig head.

  141. Ca3na go to the airport and make phone call and that lady move and you can take wig ,but i cant take the pen too

  142. Cool, you have to beg for more money. You`ll then get a list of what to take with you. Funny.

  143. have you given her the photograph and number? she gives you her number, you can take a few things from behind her, a suitcase, flippers, shirt, snorkel, bikini, magazine, and i thought, the pen!
    @friwi, the taxi driver will have a first aid kit.

  144. Yes, I tried to bribe him with money and the journal, but he doesn't want to hand it over.

  145. friwi where did you get the list?

  146. Okay, got pen, but before I hat to beg again with the constructors helmed.

  147. i have given the photo to the shoplady and i've called her from the airport. She's now standing by the phone, but i can't take anything in the shop?

  148. You have to beg three times using bigger items and sadder stories every time. Picture of Lady and construction helmet. Then use pencil and pot to get more. You get the list, when you give money, passport and picture to the director.

  149. I am finally out. Funny story, but it took quite long!

  150. Hi, could someone tell me how to put the picture of the lady on the poster please..I'm totally stumped!

  151. I will give up this one, nothing works :(
    Thx for your help anyway and cu at the next game !

  152. jefner you need a pin. put it on pic in you invetory and then on the board

  153. Friwi if you are still here please tell me which pic i need to give to director? mine whit moustache and wig?

  154. Thanks Martina, any clue as to where the pin is? I've hunted everywhere

  155. @friwi, what do you mean with beg? where?

  156. ooh POP, found it - yay!

  157. sorry jefner dont remember i know its red :)

  158. OK, I'll just use the mishap to make a walkthrough:

    PART 1:

    In the beginning you will see a calender. make a mental note of the month the whole thing takes place, you will need it later on.

    walk into agency. to right to director, wake him up so he sits straight. take glue and adhesive tape from board, hat from table, card from his hand.

    go to secretary, take stand (left side) and pic off the wall. use pic on copy machine to enlarge it

    go outside, place stand right of door. put pic on it. zoom in. use tape on it - it will spell "help me". zoom out, place hat in front of stand

    go inside agency again, when you come out the hat is full of change. take hat and give it to director, he'll change it to bills. now you are mobile! call a taxi (button) and give the driver money, he'll take you around. head homewards first.

  159. Martina, no the picture of the director goes to the shop lady. When you "earned" enough money, you can buy a picture in the travel agency. That you give to the director. But before that, you have many other things to do.

  160. I can't give the shoplady the picture.

  161. It is written above. You have to combine three things for the shoplady.

  162. i earned it last time whit pot and after that another way to earn more?

  163. what to do with the magasine ?

  164. I think the last important thing to do for me is the code for the safe, but I tried everything but it won't open. I've the year 2007 Lion= july (so 07) date is 27.

  165. Pot and pencil is the last begging tour. You again have to exchange it for money and then hand the director for the tickets. But you have to deal with the shoplady first, waking romantic expectations in her...
    (dont want to give it all away).

  166. The game as a simple image of humanity, so who might be interested in the journal? The cabdriver. But he wants something more before.

  167. My checklist is ok, i got tickets, but can't leave; Do i have to find a man suit ??

  168. and i'm out! thx everyone!

  169. @ Friwi, please tell which 3 things I have to combine. I have combined picture of travel manager and rose.

  170. Drisana put camera in suitcase too

  171. Ca3na and his number (visitcard, hope thats it's called on english)

  172. Martine, already done that thx ;)

  173. i tired to give everything i have to the cab driver. I miss something ...

  174. Drisana, you have to give him the certificate.

  175. I did the pot begging a while ago, the cabdriver won't except the magazine (tried that also a while ago) and the shop-lady is cold and heartless.

  176. AAARGH, I'm a loser! dont think I can be bothered to play again!

  177. I already gave him the certif, i already have the first aid kit

  178. @ Martina,thanks! But you won't believe how many times I tried that.Now it works!

  179. Part 2:
    at home take pin (left side of mirror), health certificate (board)
    camera (top left on board), magnyfying glass off the dvd-player and flowers. note that it is your 25th birthday and that there is a safe behind picture on wall. birthday card gives clue, that the actual birth-date is the password.

    now go back to the agency. use your magnifying glass on the green book on the director's desk, then look at the calender left of the secretary to see what day it is today.

    now you can go back to to you house and calculate the password:

    DD (from secretary's calender, in my case now 27)
    MM (from the prequel, in my case june)
    YYYY (from the book in the office - 25, in my case 2007-25= 1982), so PW would be 27061982
    just zoom out and the safe will be open

    do not forget to zoom in on astro-sign or the code won't work!

  180. Ca3na: picture, flowers and buisiness card go together to enflame the shoplady. She`ll give you a phonenumber. Use that at the airport to move her over to the other side of the shop. Then you can take several things from the shop. I had to call her several times, before I got all the stuff I needed. But maybe I was just blind before.

  181. Well i will wait for the walkthrough. I go shopping see you ;)

  182. Friwi Thanks, but I had all those things; my suitcase is full. But I still can't get in the safe. that is my only obstacle I think..

  183. Now go to shop. take pic that is in the pocket of the lady. go to the airport, take helmet (right side) and the passport on the bags on the right.
    back to the agency now.

    combine pic with pin, zoom in on stand and add the pic of the ugly shoplady. zoom out and place helmet under the stand. now do the trick again of going in, coming out, taking the money and changing it at the director's.

    you're rich now, let's go shopping!

    take suitcase, bucket, magazine, beach slippers, bikini, shirt and whole diving-kit (including the snorkel behind the magazine) and the pen (in front of green vase). in order not to get confused too much with all that stuff, just start packing you suitcase with all the things it will take in.

    back to the agency. zoom in on stand and use pen on it to show 3 kids. zoom out and place bucket in front. now do the same routine as before and you will have lots of money! yeah!

    While inside with the director, wake him up to take a picture of him. Now you can combine his picture with the roses and the business-card.

  184. I quit. I was the first but I never end this game. So stuck with the safe end the cabdriver won't accept my magazine (and that is I think because of the stupid safe).
    Thanks for your help everyone.

  185. Ca3na, did you subtract the 25 from the year on the directors book?

  186. Part 4:

    To the shop again. The lady is very pleased with the picture and the roses! she will give you phone number in return. With this number you can now go to the airport again. Just take the phone and dial the number the lady gave to you. Now put your glue on the speakerphone of the guy at the airport and pretend to enter the buildung. He will hold you back, ripping off his moustache in doing so. Good! Now take the moustache and return to the shop. The lady will have moved - you can now take the whig at the left of the counter she wouldn't give you before!

    When you enter the taxi again, give the driver money and the certificate you're still carrying with you - he will reward you with a first aid kit. put camera and kit in the suitcase.

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