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Puzzle Room Escape 4

Puzzle Room Escape-4 is fourth episode of Puzzle Room Escape point and click room escape game series from Games2rule. The room with new puzzles!! Escape from the room by solving puzzles cleverly and find the way out. God luck and have fun!

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  1. I don't like to say this.... but FIRST!!!

  2. The sliderpuzzle got me!
    I'll stay locked up!!

  3. Quitting at the slider puzzle. Never have been any good at those. Have fun guys.

  4. stil on slider puzzle

  5. Now Slider puzzle with numbers

  6. me too quitting.. hate slider puzzles

  7. slider puzzle is a hole lot easier with the numbers! Now I could finish the game.

  8. how do you drop pieces on first puzzle....lake scene???

  9. Lake puzzle: try and figure out where the piece goes, then hover over it and click to rotate until it finally accepts it.

    Slider puzzle: the pieces are numbered, which helps, but instead of going across 1 2 3 4 5, the numbers go down (so the top row looks like 1 6 11 16 21).

    Pumpkin puzzle: it's mostly trial and error. I found best success figuring out which was the top right corner, and then watch the pumpkin bounce around to match up the pieces.

    While not extremely hard, this is one of the more time consuming Puzzle Rooms.

    Hope this helps!

  10. @ladyofsinging: Did you ACTUALLY solve the slider puzzle? Seems to me like impossible to solve; not difficult but impossible, meaning the game is defective in the pieces' distribution. Don't know if I'm clear enough here.

  11. I had the same problem with the slider puzzle. Basically, if you get the puzzle almost solved but two tiles are reversed, it's mathematically unsolvable. That happened here, but I don't know if there's only one iteration of the puzzle or if different players get different layouts.

  12. i cant beleive i actually put up with this, but i did. final time was 17:23 lol

    i think i actually took longer on the mountain puzzle than the slider puzzle, because the awkward piece placement method of the mountain puzzle was hard for me to understand at 1st. the slider puzzle is all luck (with the last 6 pieces) though, and thats why i hate slider puzzles.

  13. @jason

    that happened to me, i just had to undo a few pieces, scramble them up again, and try again, and luckilly it worked the 2nd time. i hate the luck factor of sliders though, thats why i dont think any good escape game should have them.

  14. also, i just wanna point out that ALL slider puzzles, no matter the size, be it 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, or even 10x10...

    they will always be the same difficulty, just longer to complete, for its only the last 6 pieces that are EVER a problem, the rest is impossible to get stuck with, as long as you do 1 row at a time, until the 6 bottom right corner pieces remain.

  15. Geez. Now I could solve it... 3 times in a row starting from columns and then by rows. They must've fixed it since it was unsolvable before.

  16. I always love these little puzzle games,
    and I don't think you solve slider games just by luck. There is definitely a system to finish them. You just have to keep moving the rows of numbers. (like a snake)
    I quess either you see how it's done, or you don't....or maybe I just need a good shrink :)

  17. @truus

    well, only the last 6 pieces are luck, ive done a LOT of slider puzzles, and im not bad at them, but 1 thing that i can NEVER predict is if the last 6 pieces will fit or not, and ive asked some people if theres a strategy for the last 6 pieces and ive been told no.

    ive also looked up guides for sliders in the past, trust me, and none of them give a concrete answer on how to solve the last 6 pieces, its all chance at that point, and if it should fail, then you gotta break up the above row to make room to shift them around and try to fix it. and thats where sliders upset me.

  18. the way ive been taught to do them is:

    (ill give an example for a 4x4 slider)

    1- top row 1st (pieces 1 2 3 4)
    2- left column next (pieces 5 9 13)
    3- 2nd row next (pieces 6 7 8)

    this leaves only the last 6 pieces (10 11 12 14 15 16), and sometimes they work for me, other times they dont, and i could be doing the exact same puzzle twice, and get different results each time!

  19. It's true you have to break up above rows, but that NEVER bothered me! It's just part of the entire puzzle. There's no time limit, it's NOT like it's a race, just take your time solving them and they can REALLY be fun!!
    I've played a LOT of them too and they NEVER upset me in any way. I know about the unsolvable slider puzzle made by Sam Loyd, and as long as they don't put that one in a game, it's o.k. by me!

  20. yay!!! i finally did it ... lol!!! the pumpkin puzzle took the longest to solve but i made it out...whoo hoo!!!!! i don't mind slider puzzles too much but the mountain puzzle was the easiest to do...i really enjoy these puzzle games! keep them coming :)

  21. can anyone tell me why I can't ever load a game from "games2rule"??

  22. ive solved all the puzzles i think but no key is appearing and i can only access the slider puzzle cabinet whwere all the squares have appeared so i cant move anything have i done somthing wrong or am i just being dumb

  23. Blah not going to play this. It's boring..

  24. Oh noes, big slider puzzle. I am going to torture me with slider puzzle.

  25. Can someone please post a full solution to that pumpkin puzzle?

  26. I played this game yesterday as it came up as a random option. I forgot how nice it is to play a game that has puzzles instead of just finding random objects.


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