Rescue Baby is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by
Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!
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Rescue Baby Video Walkthrough
ReplyDeleteI'm here too -- and I'm stuck!
ReplyDeleteMe too
ReplyDeleteGot the cell phone and now nothing seems to work
ReplyDeleteCan't believe I'm stuck on a Minoto game
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way
ReplyDeleteO. M. G. It's Minoto time!!! Where is SneakSnake???
ReplyDeleteGo to the far right screen and you'll get reception on the cell.
ReplyDeletefood of rice and pickled ume? Ew.
ReplyDeleteBut the cat nursing kittens is really sweet :o))))
Thank you geokiss
ReplyDelete"the class was attended at the school of comedy. It is a humour."
ReplyDeletesure enough made me laugh!
hi goodmorning
ReplyDeleteoops the biy is dead
ReplyDeletethis is like watching Abbott and Costello or Martin and Lewis. "It is a tool only for indispensable comedy for comedy" lmao
ReplyDeleteawwwww what a sweet mommy cat
ReplyDeleteheeee the boy is alive!
ReplyDeleteso i have a fan now.. now what?
ReplyDeleteanother kitten?
ReplyDeleteopened fan ot find box cutter
ReplyDeleteOpen the fan
*Xenon in disguise*
huh, the baby is rescued. Clear.
ReplyDeleteIs that it?
i love minoto games!
ReplyDelete@blackcat: "Xenon in disguise" - well done!
ReplyDeleteI knew something looked odd about one of those "kittens"
but how was i to know it was "a baby who was shrewdly driinking cat's milk"?
don't bother hot-shot, this game its way too easy.
ReplyDeleteOnly got tripped up by the cell phone.
ReplyDeleteoops, that was Edgar who made the "Xenon in disguise" comment! Well done Edgar!
ReplyDeletehey zoz, how come you're not still in the msn? Zombies are waiting!!
ReplyDelete@Liefie - how can you say this game was easy??? It was harder than Dreamhouse!!! Oh, the complexity!
ReplyDeleteYou never say "is that it" in a Minoto game! You enjoyed the way through them by reading all of the descriptions of the items and you laugh at the way unexpected things happen.
LOL @zoz!
@Edgar, zombies? I did make a msn account today, but i haven't checked it in several hours. I think I'd better see about these zombies!
ReplyDeleteyou should! Don't let them wait!
Hey there, Ellie!!! Where is SneakSnake when we need him to help us through this difficult game?
ReplyDeleteSneakSnake will come at due right time, like the lighting sun that embraces all (all little darlings, that's it)
ah, I see, he is busy embracing Little Darling. Good for them!!!
ReplyDelete@zoz... I'm walking in circles...lost... need SneakSnake... need walkthrough...
ReplyDeletelol @Ellie
ReplyDeleteSo many things could go through my mind when reading you, but I know you're playing and you mean the game... or not?
Embracing @SneakSnake, you're such a hot-shot! (apologies to Nathan's of course)
lol @Edgar
ReplyDeleteGive your mind a break and save the thinking for later games... I am always talking about games :)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I know what you mean, escapaholism is a very hard disease to get rid of... but who wants to get rid of it??
R U coming or not?
Take the key on the ground and click the warrior on the other side of the bridge.The warrior will cross the bridge,go to the purple spot,AND DIE!(He'll live again!I promise!And how the heck did he die by going to the purple spot?)Go right twice and use key on the refrigirator and penguin will come out and take the food of rice and pickled ume(What the heck is an ume?)and go right and take lunchbox next to the cat.Look at the lunchbox using ? and put the food of blahblahblah into the lunchbox.Go left twice and put the lunchbox between the baby and his mom.
lol, that kid is great, isn't he?
ReplyDeleteWay to go hot-shot, will be waiting for that WT as much as the embracing sun... or even more if that's possible.
LOL...the fun never ends...!!
ReplyDeleteAt the end page, when you see "only one method.."
Click at the baby!
I can't believe that I'm stuck on a Minoto game! Someone PLEASE finish walkthrough!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you have?
Besides a headache maybe
ReplyDeleteI have taken phone, child shows up at picnic scene, for the life of me, can't figure out what to do next.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I never get stuck on Minoto games!
ReplyDeleteGo to the far right scene (school) and open the cell phone. Click on it to make a call. Close it again and take the priest.
ReplyDeleteThanks sooooo much! No problem after that.
You are welcome @Billie.
ReplyDelete"Rescue Baby", or This Is Why I Love Minoto
ReplyDeleteWe open on a scene where there are two actors; One seems to be a little gymnast holding a fan. The other looks like a knight, holding a sword. But then we click on him and discover that he is not so bright. He crosses the bridge and walks (with wet feet, no less) on the electrified rug.
RIP little knight
(btw, these guys know how to build a coffin in record time!)
Let's take that key on the grass and move along. We can't help the little knight, anyway.
Although it is just "a usual key" it will open the freezer which has been holding a penguin captive. Coincidentally, the freezer also holds "food of rice and pickled ume " (don't know about you, but I ain't eating none of that)
Let's move on to the next scene, where we see the cutest mother cat nursing her kittens! Except, oh, no, um, one of the "kittens" looks rather odd. Oh, well, if mother cat isn't worrying why should we?
In that same scene, we pick up a "Lunchbox. Any contents are not, and are made lonely" This is so so sad
Well, let's just put the food of pickled rice and ume in that lonely lunchbox. Lonely no more!!! Yay!
Now, who would want/need this delicious lunch? I'm thinking the rather zaftig dame with the blue eyes and the brown hair. Let's see if she wants it.
Whoa, yeah, she wanted it! Too bad for her, a crow wanted it, too, and flew in and knocked her right on her zaftig a**, causing her to drop her cell phone.
Well, that's ok because her cell phone doesn't work here, anyway. This is because "the electric wave doesn't reach or it is not possible to talk over the telelphone". Oddly enough, my cell phone often has the same problem. Right here in the 21st century. Go figure.
So let's go all the way to the right, as far as we can go (but, please, not as far right as Rush Limbaugh). [thanks to geokiss for this tip]. Because now, "if it is the place with electric wave, it is possible to call".
Who to call? Oh, I dunn1o, let's just hit speeddial.
And look who we called. "It is a father called by telephone". He is so cute! Let's just pick him up and take him with us. But where?
We go back to the scene with the zaftig brunette and, my oh my!, a baby appears! (I always wondered how that happened. Thanks to Minoto, now I know)
Let's go back to the opening scene and see how the little gymnast is doing now that the knight is in a casket.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! We go there and the Father comes along and..... and..... resurrects the little knight from the dead!
In an act of what is no doubt gratitude, the little knight gives up "Arms", even though "it is a so useless arms though used by the brave man". Whatever.
We'll give that "Arms" to the cricket (?) with the cello and watch as he butchers a piece by Bach. At least the bad music caused the closet to open, revealing the "school uniform that exists in the closet"
What to do with this uniform? I seem to recall a naked baby a scene back, let's see if this uniform fits him! It does indeed! "It put on the school uniform. It became student's feelings".
Let's send this boy to school! And out he pops with crazy eyes! He is a comedy aspirant! The class was attended at the school of comedy! It is a humour!
Let's go see if he can make the gymnast laugh. Oh, yeah! Ha ha ha. Laughed so hard they both fell in a pit. Ha ha. Now, that's funny.
Gymnast left behind his fan! "It is a tool only for indispensable comedy for comedy". Yeah, like I didn't already know that.
If we click on the fan, "Harisen was resolved. It became one sheet of paper". And, coincidentally, gave up a "cutter with strong teeth used to make harisen".
And I'll bet it can be used to open a box, too. Like the one in front of the zaftig brunette. And so it can. Look, a kitten! "It is a kitten that had been confined in the corrugated cardboard". And it's green!
Clearly, this kitten needs motherly love. And we know just the mother to give it! So we take the green kitten to the lovely purring mother cat. But there's no more room at the inn, unless mother cat turns out one of her young.
As it happens, one of those "kittens" turns out to be "a baby who was shrewdly drinking cat's milk". The nerve!
I'll bet that brunette would like to have this baby. Maybe it's even her baby!
Sure enough, once she lays her eyes on this little brat, we get the "baby end (only one method)".
And an explanation: "The crow that emptied the stomach took the baby by mistake as food. The baby was able to come to mother's origin safely".
Thank goodness for that clear explanation of what we just witnessed!
This is Why I Love Minoto
@zoz ROFL
ReplyDeleteyou're not the only Minoto lover around. And nice description on the inconsolable mother! "rather zaftig dame with the blue eyes and the brown hair" btw, is it just me or does anyone else sees her mustached?
A bird will take the baby(you'll find out why the bird took the baby and now you know why this game is called "Rescue Baby")and the mom will drop her phone.Take her phone and go to last area.(The baby is drinking the cat's milk but you'll have to get him later)Look at phone by the ? button.Click the circle button on the cellphone and you will see a father(priest)outside the church(that's the person you called w/ the phone)and TAKE him back to the 1st area and put him on the grave and THE WARRIOR HAS REVIVED(told 'ya)and take the arms(it looks like a saw)inside the knight's grave.Go right twice and give arms to bug playing the violin.The cabinet will open and take school uniform.Go left and give boy the uniform and TAKE him to school in the last area.He will come out as a comedy aspirant(I guess that school was for comedians)and TAKE him back to the first area and put him on stage and take harisen(the paper fan)and look at it(? button)and open it and take the cutter inside.Go right and use cutter on box and you will get a kitten.Go back to last area and replace baby with kitten.Now,go left twice and put baby on crib.
"Baby end only one method"
The crow that emptied the stomach took
the baby by mistake as food.
The baby was able to come to mother's origin safely".
THE END!!!!!!!!!!(I told you I'd finish my walktrough!And I don't get the part where he said "The crow that emptied the stomach".I think Minoto means The crow that had an empty stomach!)Besides,I kinda get too lazy playing EG24 until a Minoto game comes out.I LOVE MINOTO GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I MEAN,WHO DOESN'T?Oh,and click the baby on the "Baby end"
ReplyDeleteANY HELP?
When you click the baby again, he gets tossed up, and the kitten falls back, hits the mom, and eats the food :)
ReplyDeleteThis game was very weird. It made absolutely no sense, though I did get out w/o help.
ReplyDeletedo you speak turkish?
ReplyDelete*comedy boy performing*
ReplyDeleteYOU SUCK!!!! *SMACK*
ha,ha Edgar! I noticed that moustache too.
ReplyDeleteI guess that only happens on Minoto, although I thought this one was kinda weird!
ReplyDeleteI almost never play a Minoto live because it's mostly way past bedtime here when they come out. By the way; great walkthrough and you too @hot-Nathan.
@Edgar and @Ellie, like I said to @zoz, In Minotos I'm never there at the right time. But that's ok, I love to enjoy Minoto on my own. Not making comments during the game gives me the possibillity to totally step into the crazy world of Minoto.
Speaking about crazy, is it just me or is Minoto getting stranger and stranger:
A guy gets killed because there is an electric blanket in the open field.
A penguin is locked in a fridge with sushi.
A crow steals a baby from a transvestite and that baby drinks milk from a cat.
A naked boy pops up from nowhere, because...?
A priest (like he is Jesus himself) brings a man back to life and a comedian (probably telling bad jokes about that) is getting slapped in the face (with a fan with a knife in it?) so hard the stage falls down.
And after having the baby back, why not throwing it in the air so high it becomes a cat.
Well, all together it seems to me it's a story about voodoo-like religion and strange sexuality like; child abuse, cross-dressing; bestuality (penquins with sushi in a fridge and drinking milk from a cat) and SM (electric shocks and naked boys made into comedians to hit them with knifes).
lol, but you are so right SneakSnake. The creator of this game must have a real twisted brain!! Especially when you put it like that :)
ReplyDeleteLOVE Minoto - this was better due to cell phone...little tricky!! Keep 'em coming!!!!
ReplyDelete@ hot-shot, GREAT walkthrough!
ReplyDeleteAnd @SneakSnake, I believe you're really on to something. In a few years, Universities will be offering Seminars on deciphering the mysteries and meaning of Minoto. And you will be the Professor!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteEasy Walkthrough:
ReplyDelete1. Take KEY near Middle-Left of screen, on the ground
2. Click on the Warrior, on the other side of Bridge [Top-Left]
3. Move Right 2 Times
4. Use Key on the Freezer Lock
5. Click Freezer to open it
6. Take FOOD inside Freezer, on bottom of it
7. Move Right
8. Take the LUNCH BOX, on Left-side of the Cat
9. Move Left 2 Times
10. Click Lunchbox in inventory, and then ? Mark on Right-side
11. Put the Food in the Lunchbox, and close zoomed in window
12. Give Lunchbox to Baby (Baby will get kidnapped)
13. Take MOBILE PHONE Mother/Lady dropped
14. Move Right 2 Times (you have to move to this area)
15. Click on Mobile Phone in inventory, and then ? Mark on right-side
16. Click on Mobile Phone to call
17. Close zoomed in Window
18. Take PRIEST in the background, near Right-side
19. Move Left 3 Times (nude boy will appear, just wait and then Move)
20. Use Priest on the Warriors Coffin
21. Take SWORD from inside Coffin
22. Move Right 2 Times
23. Give Sword to Green Bug (Musician)
24. Take SCHOOL UNIFORM from inside Closet
25. Move Left
26. Give Uniform to nude boy [Bottom-Left]
28. Move Right 2 Times
29. Drop the School Boy in the School Building in background
30. Take him again once he comes out
31. Move Left 3 Times
32. Place School Boy, left-side of the guy in red suit, holding a fan
33. Once both of them falls down, take FAN
34. Move Right
35. Click on Fan in inventory, and then ? Mark on right-side
36. Click on Fan to open it, take CUTTER, close zoomed in window
37. Use Cutter on Box [Near Bottom-Right], and take KITTEN
38. Move Right 2 Times, give Kitten to cat, and you'll get BABY
39. Move Left 2 Times
40. Give Baby to Mother/Lady
I hope this Walkthrough helps those in need. This episode was indeed very cute, and I hope Minoto makes more of these :D
Type: Easy-to-follow Walkthrough | 40-Steps
Time Used: approx 20 Minutes
Written Date: 21th February 2010
Written By: Prid
Three great and different Walkthroughs that complement each other. Thank you all!!
You know i love it!!
Thank you for writing and finishing the WT, it is a great one!
Easy to read and follow as with all of your walkthroughs! There was actually a need for a straight WT as well in this Minoto, the mobile phone was tricky!
I normally sleap as well when they are out with a few exceptions, and I agree that they are made to be enjoyed slowly. I need plenty of time in this crazy world! And I will be there for every single one of your seminars (I expect zoz predictions to come true sometime soon).
zoz, u write the funniest walkthroughs.i can't stop laughing.
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely right. After reading you I've given myself the time to think of the things you say... on how strangely weird Minoto has become.
Hey, and don't forget the fact that the boy left school just to make a living out in the show biz... a reflection of the global depression we're living nowadays?
does that mother have a hitler mustach?
ReplyDeleteImportant Update
ReplyDeleteAt the baby end only one method, I neglected to mention (because I neglected to do it) that we can click on the baby. At this, the baby flies straight up, and what comes back down is a green kitten.
Now, there are several explanations for this:
1. the baby flies up and becomes a green kitten
2. the baby flies up and changes places with the green kitten, since the baby is now totally addicted to mother cat's milk.
The psychological significance of the two scenarios are quite different, but both are rather disturbing. Especially when we consider the fact that after the green kitten comes down in place of the baby, it sucker punches the zaftig brunette/mom There are definite issues that need to be resolved in this family!
Some of you have commented on the zaftig blue-eyed brunette's "mustache", even going so far as to liken it to Hitler's mustache (maybe some issues in your past with your mother?). Personally, I thought it was her smile, but now that it has been brought to my attention, I can definitely see a possible mustache.
So to recap
--This is a depiction of a sick, sick family
--There is so much anger and sexual innuendo apparent in this story that it is clearly not suitable for children
-- And, finally, I really love to use bold italics!!!
Neverending fun reading comments about Minoto... THANK YOU @zoz (again)!!
ReplyDeleteYeah Minoto...in...n...out!
ReplyDeleteI hope this text will be bold I'm not sure if this will work I just copied it from the pm's(private messages)from newgrounds and @Prid,nice walktrough and @zoz,LOL!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOh and @SneakSnake,Minoto games are fun but weird!I mean,in the electric blnket,WHERE DID THE ELECTRICITY COME FROM!?AND,those other things that I don't understand about Minoto.....
ReplyDeletethats one ugly baby lol
ReplyDeleteI don't think that's an electric blanket. It's a poison swamp from the first Dragon Quest game. They'd drain HP when the player character walked over them.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete@Lauren,IT'S VERY UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletephew! I thought that I was going to get stuck in a Minoto, which would have been embarrassing. But I made it out without help.
ReplyDeleteNow, can someone help me off the floor? I fell out of my chair laughing so hard at all the comments!
(PS It is a bit hard to type from down here)
ReplyDelete@hot_shot yay! Thank you so much! I am already short. Having to type from the floor made my arms ache!
ReplyDeleteFor me it´s definitely confirmed now after this game that the comments made at this site are funnier, better and often at least more worth reading than playing the game itself.
I love minoto <3
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