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Escape from the Small Bar

Tesshie - Escape from the Small Bar is another Japanese point and click type escape the room game by Tesshi-e, who is also creator of Mild Escape, Escape from the Underground Room and Escape from the Forest of the Fairy, Ground Escape games many other games. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. already stuck...

    Got nearly everything but the code for the last door. Guess I need a coin, but can't get it!

  2. I am out already, so if someone needs help......

  3. Look at the blue id card for door code

  4. Hi Zazie!! Can you help me with the last green door? Can't get the code thing to work!

  5. Yeah little help please. Stuck at the same place as cvkameke. Is there a coin needed? Also what is the switch in the other room for? It doesn't seem to do anything.

  6. Horray. I'm out!! Thanks Zazie!

    Very nice game!!

    Duffman: the useless knob in the other room isn't as useless as it seems...

  7. you miss a knob to open the door for blue card and theres a knob that does nothing in the other room.. ;)

  8. Yeah, got it =) It finally occurred to me when I saw the open / close on the jukebox.

  9. i must be stupid,i can not find the second screw,i do not know where to use the apron or the stick

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  11. I'm stuck too! I'm obviously missing something... have screwdrive, unsharpened pencil, a screw, apron, and ?walking stick?. Opened door to ?office?, but can't get the key from the glass cabinet

  12. theres one screw in one of the box thingy on the shelf..use screwdriver.other one is bottom left corner in view of chairs
    use knife on apron

    zinha,where are you stuck?

  13. POP, got 2nd screw

  14. POP... just got letter cab (move 2--> letters, not same letters 2 positions -->)... may be rolling now

  15. the knife is in closet left of door to office

  16. i have screwdriver pencil2 screws and a stick.
    found 3 letters in vases.. tried entering that code in the shutters/ cabinet by how many flowers were in each vase.. nothing happened.

  17. knife is inside alphabet code cupboard

  18. made it...finally "clicked" in my head when I realized the screwdrive was reversible

  19. Just give up the alpha code already. Please. Have tried all combos using the hint on bar and nothing is working yet.

    And how to open the blue egg from the shelf Screwdriver pencil and stick don;t work on it...

  20. Got egg done thanks to helpful hint from Budda. Thank you Budda

  21. hey holly you can flip the screwdriver head over make it the flat head tip and you can open the egg

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  23. clue is under glass.code is according to number of flowers on vase (1,2,3).then just shift the letters ahead by 2
    holly, try change the screwdriver head holly.i think it was flat end..

  24. I can't find the apron, and I can't get the office door open. Help, please

  25. OK I really appreciate you helping me. I am really stupid at this point. Here is where I am at with the code:

    1 flower = K
    2 flower = C
    3 flower = R

    so...(And I have tried many combos) If I put the letters in order they would be K C R.

    If I skip by two then the code would be R K C ??

    I'm not getting it. I have tried sussing it out and reading for hints. Now I just want the ding dang code. Know what I mean???

  26. I need a coin to open the jukebox...

  27. POP, got it; HMS is hours, minutes, seconds and point them just like the clock has them.

  28. where to use the shape code from pad of paper?

  29. Walk- or Hintthrough

    My first walkthrough, or more a hint through, so please be kind…

    Well, a typical tesshi environment on the first screen. Smooth and nice music, as we escapers like it…

    But what is this? Is there something blinking left under the bar table? Yes, a screw. It might come in handy, so we take it and back up. Ah, look at this beautiful lonely flower in a vase and remember the letter on the vase.
    Go one step ahead and a bit to the left to the bottles. Lift up the glass and look at the table mat with the cherry on it. Turn it around. A code!! We’ll come back to this later. Nothing left to do here. If you like you can have a look at the jukebox, but nothing to do here so far.

    Turn left and you see a rack and another vase with two flowers in the middle. Look at the vase and remember the letter. Then back out and take a look at the rack. Strange symbols on the side, might be a code… And you can pick up the egg, but you can’t do anything with it.
    So turn right and look under the bar in the closet. A stick! Turn left, and there is the old and faithful screwdriver, escapers best friend, and a useless because unpointed pen.

    Turn left and you face a door. Well, I don’t speak Japanese, but even without being able to read what tesshi writes I can guess that this door is closed. But maybe the weird device with H, M and S on it might help? What could H, M and S stand for? Maybe Hour, Minute and Second? And maybe the watch beside the door helps with that? Yes it does!! Oh, and there is another vase with three flowers in it and a letter on it under the watch.

    Open the door and go in. A key behind glass, and a closed cover with holes in it. Not very useful. Turn right and take a look in the bin, as always. Take the skirt and if you like look at the writing pad and the knob on the wall, both useless now.

    more in part two...

  30. Back out three times and take a look on the closet on the wall. A code is needed, a code with three letters, and coincidentally we have three letters from the vases. And the three vases had different numbers of flowers in it. Hm, if we type in those letters from the vases, nothing happens. But there was more on that table mat. A number and a arrow. Well, maybe that indicates how many letters you have to go on in the alphabet? Yes!!! It works! A knife and a handle!

    Use the knife on the pen and the skirt and combine the screw with the handle. But you need another screw…

    Go back into the room and use the pen on the writing pad… Symbols corresponding to the symbols on the rack! Wonderful!

    Back out five times, and when you face the rack, click on it and take the egg again. Now you have tools, so lets try them. Knife doesn’t work, Phillips screwdriver doesn’t work, but maybe we can change that screwdriver? Yes, we’ve got the second screw! Combine that with the handle and remember where you needed a handle. In the room!

    Go back to the room and use the handle with the (Phillips!!) screws. A key!!!

    Back up until you see the jukebox and go there, use the key on the hatch. Take the magnet and switch the knob to coin free (who didn’t wanted to do that?). Back up. Now we can type in a code. Remember the hint on the writing pad and that it did correspond to the symbols on the rack. And there were things on the rack, different numbers of things… Type that in, and the jukebox starts to work, revealing a blue thing you can’t get yet.

    But wasn’t there a free space under the hatch close to the knob, and didn’t it say ‘open’ and ‘close’? So you might need another knob. There was a knob in the other room! So go there.

    Try your tools on the knob, and don’t forget your double headed screwdriver. Wayhay! We have the knob! But what about that sparkling nice key in the showcase on the wall?

    Now it is construction time! You have a magnet, a cord like thing from the skirt and a stick. What would an experienced escape gamer do with this things? So do it! And if you face the showcase look up and use it there to get the key.

    Then go back to the jukebox again, use the knob and take the blue thing. A card! Again with symbols on it. It’s math time!
    second part of the walk-/hintthrough:

    Back up and turn around until you face the green door. A key is required for the hatch beside the door, but we have keys galore. And we need a card to activate the code thing, so what? Now type in what your faithful calculator said to that equation on the card, and here we go…

  31. Oh my lord I didn't even see the handle in the cupboard...uggggh

  32. OooHHHH!!!

    Monalittle! Thank you! I never would have gottne that.

  33. I mean the part about the code. I was so stuck on that. Progressing nicely now...

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  35. YW...Thanks for the hints all as always :0)

  36. Great job on the hint through; thanks for posting it.

  37. I played this a couple of hours ago - it isn't difficult, rather it is very logical. I liked playing this a lot.

  38. Thanks Seawall!! Unfortunately I missed the life Sakura game when I wrote it... :-(
    But you can't have everything, right?

  39. Thanks, cvkameke. Now the happy coin, i'll go to find with Xenon hint..

  40. sorry for my typo!
    SHM451620 on the card is the clue for a Happy Coin.

  41. Xenon, I saw the clue in the blue card

  42. ah thnx xenon..i completely forgot about the happy coin :)

  43. why can't I get my screws to go into the panel on the wall? I've tried combining them with the screwdriver (and yes, I'm using the philips end)

  44. marcy, put screws on handle.then handle on panel and finally screw them

  45. nvm - duh. didn't see the handle in the alphabet closet.

  46. Oh, the happy coin! Yes, thanks Xenon. I forgot that one too.

    So another hint for the happy coin ending (for the people who are as stupid as me, because it took ages until I understood Xenons hint...): S, H and M have been in my hintthrough too, just in another order. And then "Happy coin will bring happiness to you!!"

  47. Very good game. I played it before.

  48. oooh! Alloy and Tesshi-e! What a great pair of games today.

    I think I will save this one until the weekend. :)

  49. Happy Coin:
    after you've used the blue card..look at it and you have a new code SHM451620
    its similar to the HMS code used in the starting so that makes
    S=45 seconds (that would be at 9 position)
    H=16 hours (4 pm)
    M=20 minutes (again at 4 position)
    put that and you'll be open it and take happy coin :)

  50. Entertaining walkthrough but too detailed, in my opinion. Sometimes it is better just to list steps and solutions for people who are impatient LOL

  51. @cvkameke, i loved your walkthrough. I found it amusing AND informative. Good job!

  52. Tania,

    So your idea of Romeo and Juliet is:

    Boy meats girl, they die.

    The end.


  53. Yay, out with HAPPY COIN! I figured that SHM451620 had something to do with it! :)

    Thanks Xenon!

  54. cvk..your WT is cool ....funny but great, it was 3402, isn´t it ?

  55. I love Tessi-e games!! Forgot about one of the basic rules in escaping; ALWAYS check ALL of your items in the inventory! Out with a hint for the screwdriver, thanks @Sweeti!

    I loved your walkthrough @cvkameke, thank you!

  56. Thank you all for your nice comments about my walkthrough, very encouraging. It wasn't easy to write it, especially because english is not my first language.

    I needed so many walkthroughs on this lovely site that I wanted to give something back one day...

    @Tania: I know what you mean. In the middle I realised that it will be too long, and sometimes I also prefer the shorter ones, but I didn't wanted to change the whole thing. Maybe next time it will be more like 'boy meets girl they die' (@Knotaklu: ROFL!!)

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  58. Finally did a Tesshi-E w/no help WooHoo!!

  59. got the first ending by myself.

    I knew about the card hint for the happy coin, but couldn't understand how to use it until notty's post. Thanks notty!

    I kept trying to add the numbers. I didn't think of reading them literally. All well. I'm happy that I stuck through it to get the first ending.

  60. caught this one from the random section

    but couldn't play as this game is no longer available on Tesshi-e's homepage :-(


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