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Chef VS Panda

Chef vs Panda is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Good morning all! Going in right awat! :D

  2. I said/typed awat, lol! But coffee can wait!

  3. YES!! this is more like it, could not figure out last game

  4. yes! Sakura and Minoto! and Edgar, too, lol!

  5. That panda certainly seemed to have been deliciously satisfied!! Loved the cursor coming out off the PC monitor.

    Thanks Minoto... once again! :D

  6. another scary clown... who's going to become... a priest??????

  7. lol @zoz, I bet you could live withtout Minoto or Sakura any day... but not me ;)

  8. did i saw the clown was scary? He's got nothing on the panda (who also has lousy table manners)!

  9. @Edgar, you are absolutely right, I've had a crush on you for such a long time now, *sigh*

  10. And I'm going in now! Had some computer trouble. Hope to catch up lol.

  11. @zoz, don't touch Edgar! ;)

  12. oops! Hi Ellie! pay no attention to anything written above!

  13. lol @zoz! I'll cover my eyes and pretend not to read your posts :)

  14. Oops, hi @Ellie!

    *nervously sweating*

    Hm, @zoz... the things you say!!

  15. @zoz and @Edgar... good for you that I'm too busy playing this Minoto again and again! Lovely as always, laughing here!

  16. @zoz. Well, this heart of mine has an owner already (a beautiful and wonderful one I should say), but maybe a little bit of it couls be enough for you?

  17. Finally let me comment and I've forgotten what I was going to say.LOL
    Maybe Sneakanake was right going to the other site.
    Think I'll follow him on his EBR Bridge of time and space.

  18. oh, Edgar, I will cherish whatever you can spare me (after all, how can a lowly little raccoon with a screwdriver compare with a majestic camel in the eyes of a, um, baby crocodile?)

  19. Love these games always fun and easy, wish they were longer.

  20. Hm... change that for a lovely crocofrog.
    (love you too ;))

  21. "long hatchet, it enjoyed that the rabbit jumped up and down" too funny!

  22. @zoz, @Edgar, @Ellie - you guys are hilarious!

  23. you may think it's funny @Zoe, but just try to get between me and Edgar and you'll see just how serious it is!

  24. Wow! @zoz, I was just hoping he would write a new mini game...sheesh! ;)

  25. lol @zoz! I think I have found my way of getting between you and Edgar. Sorry :( You know, camels and crocofrogs are perfect matches lol.

  26. Oh...I'm getting mixed up - that was Prid. Brain's fried, I guess...

  27. @Ellie: yes, you did! And neither Z's nor all of the alphabets can change that now :D

  28. oh well @zoz... time to move on for us Z's. the E's have spoken! lol!

  29. The World According to Minoto
    or, why my real world friends look at me strangely when I try to explain this game to them

    1. Frightening clowns, pandas with no table manners, chefs who can work magic with just a soup pot, little soldiers who secretly long to be priests, and pink bunnies can all get along together. Perhaps the rest of the world should pay attention!

    2. Telephone receivers must have something attached. Unlike in the real world with cell phones, it is not possible to call only by this.
    I'll bet in Minoto's world the automobile drivers pay better attention.

    3. Clowns can hang out on park benches reading about the priesthood and not get arrested and carted away by the police. Minotoans obviously cherish their freedoms!

    4. Pink bunnies climb trees and hop up and down on branches that once were hatchets. In the real world, it would take massive amounts of alcohol to make this happen.

    5. In books of job change, sentences because of becoming the priest are written. In the real world, this would have to include quite a bit of legal advice and psychiatric counseling.

    6. Little soldiers who are obviously distraught by their career choice can throw down their weapons, including the thin escutcheon, and magically transform immediately into priests. Or monks. Or something. In other words, love will always win over war. Pay attention, @RealWorld!!

    7. Chefs who cook at roadside stands can use thin escutcheons to cover the soup pot and prevent the flavors from escaping. In the real world, they would have to get at least six extra permits to do this.

    8. Pandas can spit out their food and still be lovable. Come to think of it, that's pretty much the same as it is in the real world.

    9. Chef is so talented that a simple dip in his soup can change an IH heater (exclusive use!) into a black mousepad. Just try that in the real world, all you celebrity chefs!

    10. The heater cum mousepad can not only cause an arrow on a computer screen to move, it can make it move right off the screen and onto your desk! Even Macs can't do that! Although they may be able to next week.

    11. Cute little green puppies with hardhats are employed as traffic engineers, and they are always cheerful and helpful. Even when placing white arrows around towns for SSSG! Traffic engineers in the real world are often neither cute, nor cheerful, nor especially helpful. They do, however, wear hardhats.

    12. Santa rides around in a large mail car and delivers cushions. In the real world, everyone knows that Santa rides around in a sleigh and no self-respecting child would accept so lame a present as a cushion. We're much more demanding than that in the real world.

    13. Long hatchets can enjoy being jumped up and down on by pink bunnies. So much so that the hatchet will fall from the tree if the bunny jumps off in favor of a cushion. In the real world, this would be rated A for Adult Content

    14. A delicious fruit, the seed of pepper, can result from bathing in the light of the sun, and this seed of pepper can make a soup taste so good that it causes the panda to shoot beams of light from his eyes and mouth. In the real world, anyone shooting beams of light from his eyes and mouth must be heavily sedated and monitored closely until the drugs wear off.

    15. Finally, the panda that had eaten the chef's delicious dish seems to have been satisfied. And that makes everything right in the Minoto world. So right that it is the delicious end, and it is the only one method. Life is so much simpler in Minoto-land. One day I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me. But that's a story for another day.

  30. @Zoe, you're right. But I'm not sad, because the E's are obviously so happy together!

  31. *sniffle* all the good men (crocofrogs) are taken. Sigh

    The lonely kit fox curls up in Sneak's vacant corner.

    (ps. great game BEARS WITH LAZER EYES!!!!!!!!)

  32. the geek in me has to point out that I spelled laser incorrectly on purpose

  33. lol@kkf! It's good to see you again!

  34. lol - Minotoans!! Is that what we are?!

    I like Minoto-land much better!

    @zoz: That was simply one of the funniest thing's I've read (since your last funny thing)! You are very clever!!

  35. @zoz Fantastic walkthrough.

    I will now expect the iCursor with removable arrow.

    "I'll bet in Minoto's world the automobile drivers pay better attention." -- Even in Minoto's world I doubt this is possible

    I am now going to look for a pink bunny to get drunk so it will jump up and down on a branch. *here bunny, bunny, bunny! Here bunbun!*

  36. Hi zoz! :D I haven't been gone too long, I hope. I don't know if I will ever get caught up on games :O

  37. u ppl were too busy on a romantic chat.. wondered if i am interrupting..

  38. of course @Nanthini!

    Welcome to Minotoia (is that right, Zoe?)

  39. always minotos are cute.. just that usually i am late for that.. caught up on time today i guess!!

  40. @Nanthini just girl talk ;)

    Glad to "see" you "live"

  41. @kitkatfox yeah.. me too seeing you ppl live after long time.. usually when i come live none wil be ter and vice versa... and no new games too sometimes.. i guess the forthcoming hours will be busy.. unfortunately its bedtime for me or rather my naughtiest son.. so good nite folks try to catch up with you in some other live game!!!

  42. lol kkf: Yes, Minotia - if the characters are Minotoans, than what are we?

  43. Sorry @Nanthini and welcome to Minotoia!

    Wonderful "Minoto-Land Through" @zoz!!! I never stop being amazed by you! I'm glad that I spent some time updating the Museum of Walkthroughs, and I could put this one right into it :)

    @kitkatfox, nice to see you here again! You might not have been gone for a long time, but it feels like an eternity! I miss you and your walkthroughs! Btw.. you got mail.

  44. I never get a live there a certain time you guys all play? I'm on EST btw.

  45. @Ellie I have been crashed at my parents' house while mine got new windows. I like my neighbors and all, but not enough to stay in a house with no curtains or blinds up. lol

    I haven't checked my mail (bad me) since I have been gone. I'll be sure to check it tonight! If you need me sooner, use my work email.

  46. lol Ellie. I just saw you did use the work one. Duh for not thinking to check first. :P

  47. No @rose, no certain time. The games come out several times a day, and you just need some luck and patience to catch one live. If you look at the times of the comments you see that it differs a lot. The EG24 time is GMT+1.

  48. @rose I figure EST is Eastern Standard Time, which is the same for me in Virginia(apologies if there is another meaning of the abbreviation than that), then they new games normally come out during work hours here.

  49. @Rose: Minoto and Sakura usually get posted some time on if you check on those days you might find a live one of those...

  50. ROFL....still on the floor...wait...give me a minute and i will stumble to my knees...lolol!!!

    @Zoz...another brilliant, hilarious and eerily true comparison ;) I'll take Life In Minoto most days of the week...although I do agree about the driving...bad driving is pervasive no matter where you are :D love the Mac!!! you always make my Friday with your Minoto sing-through's or dissertations on the psychology *or psychosis* lol of the land that Minoto built...actually...change that...the Land of Zoz ;)

    lol @Ellie, mean I have to fight BOTH of you for Edgar ;) :P

  51. p.s. now I'll play the actual!!! always have to check out the latest Zoz analysis ;)

  52. I thought that was Ronald Mc Donald!!! LOL!

  53. When you're alone, and life is making you lonely
    You can always play

    When you've got worries, all the noise and hurry
    Seems to help, I know

    Just listen to the sound when you pick up all the stuff,
    Pandas,clowns and sunshine it just never is enough!

    How can you lose? The lights are much brighter there...
    You can forget all your troubles; forget all your cares, and play

    MINOTO -- things will be great playing
    MINOTO -- you'll complete it for sure
    MINOTO -- everything's waiting for you

  54. @Zennor....aka Petula!!! Great post! You have a future in Sing-throughs.. ;) Thank you for putting a fun song in my head on a Friday :D

  55. Your welcome! I was inspired by one Zoz did a while back to the tune of 'My favourite things'
    Happy friday!xx

  56. @Zennor...happy TGIF to you too ;) hope to see more of your songs...keep them coming :) the game is always fun to play, but the posts are what make this game...and all games in EG24...such a riot to play :D

  57. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh my weekend starts at last - lovely lovely hysterical Minoto and even lovelier hysterical posts.
    I wanna live in Minotoland for ever.....

  58. @Zennor - "Downtown" upbeat words to an upbeat song! Thanks for making my day brighter. I agree with irishenigma!!!

  59. I know I'm miles behind here but, I need to add my bit.
    Excellent as ever zoz, and a fantastic new entry from Zennor.
    It seems that the 'z's' rule this joint. I may change my u/n to Zambler lol

  60. Hey @Zambler---welcome to Minotia!! I think you should become a "Z" too!

  61. but zitzatfox doesn't sound right at all :P

  62. Hm, I'm not sure if I want to be a Zllie lol. Well, congrats to a great song @Zennor (and thank you)!!

  63. @Irish, I always seem to miss you in live games :o((( But I always love reading your comments and especially your hysterical walkthroughs (I've checked in on Ellie's Museum of Walkthroughs today).
    Speaking of Ellie, alas Irish and all other contenders - we are officially too late in the quest for Edgar's heart. It has already been hopelessly stolen by Ellie.
    @Zennor, you make me proud to be a Z! And describing Minoto by way of Petula Clark - brilliant!
    @Zambler and any other Z wannabes, you are all welcome (although kkf, I must sadly agree about the zzf thing. We love you anyway!)

  64. well...we can still flirt with Edgar can't! That's okay isn't it Ellie ;) I must concur with you, Zoz, that Kitkat should stick with her name...but I love Kitkat :D Zirish would look rather silly too I'm afraid...haha!!! One day Zoz...we will play a live game together...I live for the hysterical! Off to Ellie's museum :)

  65. lol @Zirish! I wouldn't want to keep you from flirting with Edgar... he's just not allowed to flirt back.
    Well... when it comes to lovely persons as you, that's really not a problem either :)

    I too hope to catch you in a live game soon! First, I guess I'll have to catch a live game myself lol. Missed many of them live lately.

  66. with Zoz, Zellie, and Zirish -- poor Zedgar won't know what hit him.

  67. ROFL @Zitkatfox..I mean funny :D

    @Ellie...I am officially a follower of your Museaum of Walkthroughs :) I have been laughing my way through the afternoon...I had forgotten about some of those WT's/comments I!!! It was wonderful to read zoz' Minoto sing-throughs and analysis...poor Freud...haha!!! So many great people here :D

    @SneakSnake and Suicune...wherever you are...I MISS YOU!!!!!!

  68. the nerd in me *don't feel bad Kitkat ;)* must state for the record that I typo'd *Museum* ... pftttt!!!! *putting hat back on head* ;)

  69. Wasn't around here to read all of you girls, but sadly true (not for me though), like @Ellie said, I won't (disallowed) flirt back :(

    And I also must say to all of the boys out there having (or starting to have) a crush on Ellie... Sorry!

  70. @Edgar...gongtats to you and Ellie ;) You are both very very isn't that I don't pay attention *ahem*...I picked up on a special chemistry between you two...I just didn't know you were a!!! Zoz mentioned that to me today...anyway I think it is wonderful :D I am very lucky myself so I say live and love :) Hugs to you both ;)

  71. Thanks @irish! That's the best Gongtats I've ever got :) *Hugs back!!*


    Take the disconnected phone and go right.Connect it with the PHONE and then you will prank call the clown(I love it on how he said "hello").Take his book and go right twice.Give the knight the book and take his shield(and by shield I mean thin escutcheon and besides the electric wave obstruction machine from Halo Flower,escutcheon was hard to type too but electric wave obstruction machine is even harder to type!).Go right and give the chef the escutcheon(I copy-pasted that word!LAWL!).Take the cutting board and go left then put the cutting board in the chef's food(IF THAT'S SQUID INK AGAIN I'LL NEVER PLAY ANOTHER MINOTO GAME AGAIN!LAWL!Just kidding!)and take the black cutting board.Go left and put the black cutting board under the mouse.Take the arrow from the computer(is that even possible?)and go left twice.Give the green cat the arrow and take the cushion.Go left twice and give rabbit the cushion.Take spear(at first it looks like a spear to me but the pointed part is a little bent)and go right twice.Use the spear......I mean hatchet on the bamboos and go left.Place the bamboo near the pot and take the pepper.Go right and give chef the pepper.

    Finally, the panda that had eaten the chef's delicious dish seems to have been satisfied.

    delicious end
    only one method

    (Is there a love tria.......)When I put things in parentheses it means that DON'T READ THEM(except for my walkthroughs because all of them had parentheses and @zoz,to your "The World According to Minoto or.....I hate typing too much",how is no.13 rated A?Shouldn't it be rated M or T?Because A has violence but should I say this....."adult themes"and don't ask me how I know that!@Zennor,you're right!

    And if you all excuse me,I'll try to hack into the game and try to kill all the characters in Minoto's games using the hatchet!WAIT!I'll hack Halo Flower and I will give the gun INFINITE AMMO TO KILL THEM ALL(okay how did THAT get into my head!?I wish I put that in the parnthesesesesses I HATE TYPING THAT WORD)!!!!!!!!!

  73. @zoz,about your FIRST comment,do you mean that Minoto,Sakura[Haruno]and Edgar make you happy when you see a game here in EG24?I'm happy if there's a Minoto game,Inkagame,a Psionic3D game and JonBro's games and Prid's Minoto Quiz!

  74. Minoto always seems to bring a smile and a laugh like I'm a little kid again. Playing it always has a wholesome effect on me it's unusually great!

  75. @hot_shot, first off it's great to see you! Minoto, Sakura and Edgar all make me happy to see them, but then so do you and many other gamers (like Prid, for example)!
    Now for the really important stuff: O.M.G. You are so funny!!! Your TISOOMFMGT had me at "hello"! And boyohboy can i ever relate to your comments about typing "escutuchchootcheon" and copying and pasting. You have a unique voice and writing style. I hope to see more of your musings.

    As for the ratings, I was just winging it, I don't really know all those letters and what they mean. And I'm too old to need to know, anyway. They can throw anything they want at me because I've pretty much seen it all by now.

    And as for your comments about hacking and killing and parnthesesesesses... um, did mention you have unique voice and writing style?

  76. Walkthrough:

    1. Take PHONE RECIEVER on grass [Near Bottom-Left]
    2. Move Right
    3. Place Phone Reciever in Phone [Bottom-Left]
    4. Take GREEN BOOK (LOL, Clown's voice is girlish)
    5. Move Right 2 Times
    6. Give Book to Soldier
    7. Take SHIELD, the Soldier dropped
    8. Move Right
    9. Give Shield to Chef
    10. Take PAD from where Chef was (Orange-color)
    11. Move Left
    12. Dip the Pad in the Dish, to get BLACK PAD
    13. Move Left
    14. Place Black Pad under the Computer Mouse
    15. Take ARROW that fell out of the screen
    16. Move Right 2 Times
    17. Give Arrow to the Animal near the Traffic Lights
    18. Take CUSHION from inside Truck
    19. Move Left 2 Time
    20. Give Cushion to the bouncing Rabbit
    21. Take SPEAR
    22. Move Right 2 Times
    23. Use Spear on Bamboo Grass
    24. You'll get BAMBOO GRASS
    25. Move Left
    26. Place Bamboo Grass on the Dying Plant near Window
    27. Take PEPPER SEED
    28. Move Right
    29. Put the Seed of Pepper in the Dish
    30. Both, the Chef & the Panda are satisfied :)

    I hope this short Walkthrough with 30 Steps is enough to get you through the game if you need help. I know that usually my Minoto walkthroughs comes with 40 Steps, but this one wasn't as long as the others!

    MINOTO QUIZ: I know that I've not made a single Minoto Quiz for like a month now. I thought that I could make a Quiz for 4 Minoto Games in 1, and then I would have gotten 100 Questions. But, that would take just too long with my new Layout! However, I am not busy right now, so I think that a Minoto Quiz will be released for this one :)


  77. @zoz,thanks!I always try to make my walkthroughs(and my posts on Facebook)funny!And how did you know I have a "unique" voice and writing style!?The writing style is correct and the voice........yeah.......and when I write things in the parentheses(man I hate typing that word!)in the SOME ADDITIONAL STUFF section it means you shouldn't read them!Oh yeah I forgot to put the violent part in the parentheseseses!!!!!!!
    @Prid,thanks!I thought you'd never make another Minoto Quiz!

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Good to see you again!!
    Looking forward to your quiz :))

  80. The soldier turning into a priest reminded me of Fat Princess. Has that game been released in Japan?


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