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Evening Time

Evening Time is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Looks like I'm the only one here...

  2. I'm here too.. love these!

  3. Not anymore Cyberjar88!
    Sakura kept me a little behind.

  4. Hm, is this the first time we do a zooming in a Minoto?

  5. fast and cute as usual!

  6. only time to play and then I must go. I look forward to seeing all the comments later!

  7. lalalalala..lalalalalal....a

  8. hey back @ella, lol. Glad to see you around!

    Got delicious end again? Hm... well, cute and fun as always, but more strange maybe, dont you think?.:)

  9. addicted to these escape games

  10. much more strange @Edgar!
    who knew we could pick up a shadow???

  11. off to play tin-man :) :)

  12. ROFLMAO..... even by Minoto's surreal standards this is a bizarre hoot. Lovely - and I hope to see one of those nice Minoto psycho sing-throughs later. Wish I could do it but my imagination is just not up to it.

  13. Callin' out around the world
    Are you ready for a brand new treat?
    Minoto's here and its crystal clear
    That rabbit is needing a seat!
    They're playin' in Chicago
    Down in New Orleans
    Up in New York City

    All we need is Minoto, sweet Minoto
    There'll be Minoto everywhere
    There'll be mouse pads tapping and people clapping
    Minoto in the streets!

    Oh, it doesn't matter what you wear
    Just as long as you are there
    So come on, everyone grab a mouse
    Everywhere in every house
    They'll be playing'
    The're playing minoto!

    This is an invitation
    Across the nation
    A chance for the folks to meet
    There'll be laughin' and playing' and people saying'
    Minoto's our weekly retreat!

    All we need is Minoto, sweet Minoto
    There'll be Minoto everywhere
    There'll be mouse pads tapping and people clapping
    Minoto in the streets!

    Happy Friday!

  14. lol Zennor - "Dancin in the Street" Excellent!!!! hilarious, too! thanks for the chuckle!

  15. What does that t-shirt say???

  16. a house rocket!! Toilet seat fountain! These games crack me up!!

  17. @Edgar: I think this is the first time there's a zoom, come to think of it.

  18. Zennor...That was great! Happy Friday to you too!

  19. Delicious end!
    This has to be my favorite Minoto game!
    @zennor...(another talented "Z" player)

  20. @Zennor excellent! I love the song :D

  21. I am confused. What was delicious about the end? Did I get to eat the apple?

    I found it particularaly funny that the key from the mouse hole after the pink bunny gets goosed by the toilet -- the key that opens the spaceship for the shadow people is the ....

    NORMAL KEY???!!! only in Minotoia!

  22. SingAlong Minoto 6
    to the tune of "Me and My Shadow"

    Me and my shadow
    Tiptoe through Minoto's World
    This week it's strange though
    I can't even find that cute Bread Girl

    But that's OK with me
    There's lots to see,
    And lots to do,
    And new features, too!

    Pink screwdriver is our first find
    And we take it gleefully
    A squirrel can use it on the sign
    To remove a signboard soft white "T"

    This changes "Terminal"
    But we don't mind
    'Cuz "erminal"
    Is fine for this sign

    So let's proceed to the next scene
    Where we find a blue T-shirt
    It isn't that clean
    Neither is the pink T in the dirt

    So let's take all these shirts
    Pink, white and blue
    And clean the dirt
    Until they are new

    Because the whirlpool of washing
    Machine twisted them into
    A rope of pink, blue, red and green
    I know just who to give this rope to!

    Cliff-dwelling monkey copes
    With hammer strong
    We throw the rope
    And pull him along

    To safety and then he gives us
    Strong hammer in gratitude
    We will take it just
    Not to do so would be really rude!

    Let's take the hammer back
    To sun in ice
    And have a crack
    At ice once or twice

    To set the sun free, free at last!
    But he's still a weak small sun
    Put him in fire so he can cast
    Shadow to appear by balding one

    The shadow is so fine
    It comes along
    With me and mine
    Because it's my song!

    We can let our shadow go play
    With the one who's on the cliff
    Then we'll get earphones
    And give them to Doctor as a gift

    The Yeti's heart will scare
    The Doc who will
    Fall off the chair
    But Doc will smile still

    But let's go back to the place where
    Little elephant so sweet
    Could use the Doc's chair
    To reach the fruit that he wants to eat

    And while he's perched atop
    The Doctor's chair
    An odd piece drops
    It can't be repaired

    But we can give it to Bunny
    To use as a (*wink, wink*) "Throne"
    Uh, oh! a water spout lifts the
    Bunny and drops him back in his home

    There are two mices there
    And flowers, too
    I sniff the air
    And then go "A-choo!"

    Now I can pick up a blue key
    I know what this key goes to!
    Near by the monkey
    Is a house that's a big rocket, too.

    When we unlock the door
    The shadows queue
    There's five (not four!)
    They know what to do

    They file into the big rocket
    And take off for parts unknown
    Thus leaving us behind to get
    Delicious end, method of only one.

  23. @Zennor, you continue to amaze with your songs! Dancin' in the Street here, too!

  24. OMG I left the word "because" off the end of line 3, verse 9!
    I've totally lost my touch :(((
    (the mind was lost a long time ago)

  25. Another masterpiece...@ZOZ
    I want to sing along but I have no idea how it goes after the first line...LOL

  26. @Zennor- loved the song and sang along :o)) and @Zoz - awesome! I don't know how you do it but I am glad you do. I used to have to peek at the tips and hints for these but now I can manage a Minoto without assistance.. (big deal LOL) - but I wouldn't miss the comments for the world.

    Take screwdriver then go right.Zoom in to the squirrel and give him the screwdriver.Take the letter T and go right.Take the blue shirt and put the letter T and the T-shirt in the washing machine.Go right and take the red T-shirt.Go left and put the red shirt in the washing machine.Take the rope and go right.Use rope to help the monkey to climb up.Take the hammer and go back to the first area.Use the hammer on the block of ice 4 times.Take the sun and go right.Put the sun on the torch and take the man's shadow(is that even possible?I do know that Shikamaru Nara from Naruto has a Shadow Possession Technique.Maybe Minoto's real name is Shikamaru Nara!)and go to the last area.Give the black man the shadow.Take earphone(or part of the stethoscope)and go left.Give doctor the stethoscope and take his chair(I can't believe how strong a yeti's heartbeat is!).Go left twice and give chair to the elephant.Take the part of the chair(when you click it and you pressed ? you will see that it seems that it's not a part of a usual chair)and go right twice.Put the seat fragment on the toilet(I told you it's not a real part of a chair)and go into the hole.Take key,get out,go right and use key on door.

    The door in which it locked was opened, and the people who had returned to the house started on a journey somewhere.

    delicious end
    only one method

    I now know Minoto's real name!Shikamaru Nara!
    @zoz,I was expecting another great songthrough from you!
    @Zennor,great uhh.....rap?Well most of the words are rhyming!
    And I also didn't understand who/what are those black people!And why is it called delicious end?

  28. I am always too late for a live minoto.
    Well I did send some emo's to space (or maybe twilight fans or something)
    Not a bad day.. :)

  29. What is this, I don't even...

  30. Zoz....ROFLOL!!!


    1. Take SCREWDRIVER [Bottom-Left]
    2. Move Right
    3. Click on the letter "T" in TERMINAL [on Green Banner]
    4. Use Screwdriver on letter "T", and click to get T
    5. Zoom out, and Move Right
    6. Take BLUE T-SHIRT, next to Pink Rabbit
    7. Move Right
    8. Take PINK T-SHIRT
    9. Move Left
    10. Put T, Blue- & Pink T-Shirt in Washing Machine [Top-Right]
    11. Take Laundry to get LAUNDRY ROPE
    12. Move Right
    13. Give Laundry Rope to Monkey [Bottom-Right]
    14. Take HAMMER
    15. Move Left 3 Times
    16. Use Hammer on the Sun, 4 Times
    17. Take SUN
    18. Move Right
    19. Put Sun on the Flames [Middle-Right]
    20. Take OLD MAN'S SHADOW
    21. Move Right 2 Times
    22. Place Shadow with the Shadow Man in the bg with iPod
    23. Take EARPHONES from Shadowman
    24. Move Left
    25. Give Earphones to Doctor [Bottom-Right]
    26. Take CHAIR
    27. Move Left 2 Times
    28. Give Chair to Elephant
    29. Take PART OF CHAIR
    30. Move Right 2 Times
    31. Use Part of Chair on the Toilet, next to Rabbit
    32. Click on the Hole the rabbit made on the floor
    33. Take KEY (next to Flower)
    34. Zoom out
    35. Move Right, and use Key on Door

    WOW! This game was so Random, and I loved it... However, I hope this Walkthrough is helpful for those who still are stuck :P

    About the Minto Quiz:

    I am sorry, but I haven't maken it yet! However, I will try to make a Quiz with 30 Questions. Half of the questions will be about the previous Minoto game, and the rest will be about this game :)


  32. rofl @zoz...another rousing rendition for Minoto :) I have another idea for a Minoto song...get a little jazzy with *I've Got The Fever* Peggy Lee style :) just an example...the chorus:

    Mi - No - To...Minoto...
    Minoto gives me fever to play
    We've got the fever.... *syncopated bass plays in background*

    what do you think? lol!!! I would love to see your words for that :)

    @Zennor...woot...I am dancin in front of my! thank you for that rockin Minoto and Zoz should team up like Bernie Taupin and Elton John... YES!!!

    @hot_shot...thank you for your walkthrough too...I always read the walkthroughs before I play the game...not because I need them...but they are definitely more entertaining!lol! Although, the World of Minoto is a surreal, whimsical, strange out-of-body experience :) always...your walkthroughs are thoughtful and thorough :) I look forward to playing your MQ when you can find the time to create them for us ;)

    You all rock the CASBAH!!!!!

  33. Zoz, a request as well for the next game: "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen ? Can you? lol

  34. @Irish and @Full, you place tall orders!
    @Irish, I really struggled with the "Billy Jean" request before. Also, I think Peggy Lee's phrasing might get lost when put into words, but maybe not.
    @ Full, Hmmm,
    "MI NO TO! SCAR A MOUSH! Can you do the Fandango?
    Let us play! Let us play! Let us play!"
    Shades of Wayne's World!
    Maybe if you could add music to the SingALong... one problem is finding songs that everyone knows.

    Jeez, I'm actually discussing this as if it's some academic pursuit! ROFLMAO!

  35. @Prid, so good to see/read you again! I was just thinking before I checked in "I hope Prid is back".
    And @hot_shot, as always you make me smile and laugh - Shikamaru Nara, indeed!

  36. Ah Prid good to see you again!Great 35-step WT BTW.I hope you could succeed in making the MQ......well I lost count!The point is I hope you could make another MQ and thanks to irishenigma and zoz for appreciating my WT!And since Minoto's real name is Shikamaru Nara,my real name is Alex Mercer and that's why I changed my picture to my self portrait!LOL just kidding!The point is I really want to be like Alex!Really!Have you ever played the game Prototype?If you haven't,then you should play that game(Warning:That game contains violence and offensive language and suitable for ages 17+ but who cares?Just play it!)

  37. Yea..Prid!! Would love to se a combined mini quiz!!! Great WT, too!

  38. @hot_shot: Are you sure his name is Shikamaru Nara? Where did you find that, cause isn't that a character from the Anime Serie, Naruto?

    And, I think it's time to tell y'all my real name:

    Zain-ul-Mubin Mushtaq (which is shortened to Zain Mushtaq, but people only call me Zain)

    Prid / Zain

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. @Zoz...rofl!!! of course this is an academic pursuit... ;) well okay...I suppose we could always go classic and do Minoto to Poulenc's Gloria but...on second would have to write in Latin and it would take almost an hour to! You see what you have started don't! Now you are going to be inundated with various requests for sing-a-long ideas...that is what happens when you're talented :P

    @Full...oh that is brilliant...classic rock and roll...Bohemian Rhapsody...poor Zoz... :D

    @Prid/ nice to meet you :) You are both very talented ;)

  41. @Zain,I already knew your name in Newgrounds!But I didn't know it was Zain-ul-Mubin Mushtaq!Is it because you're from Halden,Norway?My real name is Nathan John Kiba...I mean...Alex Mercer!Yeah that's my name!And YES Shikamaru Nara is from the Naruto Series and I am sure that Minoto's real name is Shikamaru Nara because if that's not his real name then how did we get the man's shadow when we put the sun on the torch?Shikamaru has a Shadow Possession Technique!!It is a technique to possess a shadow!!And Zain,when are you gonna finish MQ no.I lost count!?

    Alex Mercer

    P.S. Respond to this message before I consume you!I have the ability to do that because I'm Alex Mercer!Haven't you played the game starring me called Prototype?

  42. Hello if there is anybody still playing this game. 1st time here and new to these games

  43. @Maria: These games are hilarious and very funny, and also really random! They come out every weekend (Friday, Saturday or Sunday) and is a must play!

    You could tell us why you liked/disliked the game?

    @hot_shot: I am not finished with the Quiz, but I've started working on it. Hopefully, it will be released by this week :)

    And I've only played [PROTOTYPE] once, at my friends house - it was pretty fun ^_^


  44. Prid, it is nice to learn your real name. :) I'm glad I can shorten it to Prid or Zain because I will never remember that whole thing. Wow!

    I look forward to your quiz even though I will do badly. I can't remember yesterday's events; never mind more than a week ago. hahahaha

  45. @Maria very belated hello and welcome.

  46. @Maria,welcome to EG24!This game is made by Minoto!Mostly everyone loves these games and Minoto's games re released every week!Sometimes Friday,Saturday or Sunday!I would also tell you that Minoto's real name is Shikamaru Nara!
    @Prid/Zain,I can't wait and I also played Prototype twice in a computer shop.It's like GTA but more awesome!
    And I would also like to announce that all of you can now call me Alex!


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