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Treasure of Big Totem 6

Treasure of Big Totem 6 is the sixth episode of Treasure of Big Totem point and click adventure game created by Federico Rutenberg, the creator of Esklavos and Doctor Ku game series. This time, you have to get the scroll from Mutumba. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. shark likes the rubber ducky

  2. @Muse, the model is on the table besides the tribe guy.

  3. Oh, I missed a live Rutenberg again! :(


  4. Well, yes. Shorter and way easier than the last one. But always fun :)

  5. loved the *naughty*! was expecting another arrow to appear at the left of the screen to take me further into the jungle...haha!!! next game then...

    Hi Edgar :) tapping what can we!!!

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  8. I love these games! This one was much easier than they usually are, but i was still stuck for a while because i missed the yellow duck.

    Use the hand to the left of the inventory to pick things up. Use the + to combine things.

    Take the hammer from the right of the left green bush.
    There is something sparkling in the water to the left of the head of the man, but the shark won’t let you take it.
    Move left.
    Take the yellow duck from the left basket on the stone altar.
    One totem has been stolen and you need to bring it back.
    The monkey hid a chiesel, and X marks the spot.
    Move right.
    Click on the big X in the bushes between the trees to get a chiesel.
    Click on the + in the inventory, then chiesel and hammer to combine them.
    Put the yellow duck in the water to the left of the mans head.
    Click on the sparkles below it to get a mirror.
    Move left.
    Show the mirror to the guardian.
    Now, you may enter the tent (because you look like him).

    Inside tent.
    Find three ”plugs”:
    - lower left corner on the wood.
    - to the right of the pot on the table.
    - lowe right corner below the golden mask.
    Click on the three masks by the trees and see holes with red dots.
    Place one plug in each hole to prevent leakage.
    Get a camera.
    Leave the tent.
    Take a picture of the totem on the stone altar.

    Move right.
    Use the hammer combined with chiesel on the small stone between the right tree and the duck.
    Pick the totem up (change to ”hand” in inventory first).
    Move left.
    Place the totem on the other totem (on the stone altar).
    Get a scroll from the guardian.
    To be continued…


  9. too much fun, but too short..

  10. meh. Not my favorite in the series, but I am glad I didn't have to keep retrying to get the timing of something right. Easy out with no help.

  11. caught this one from the random section

    thx for all your creations, Federico ☺
    & thx Ellie for the WT


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