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Apparition - The Beginning

Apparition - The Beginning is another new point and click adventure game from Melting-Mindz. You are a new paranormal investigator and this is your first mission. You have a list of Objectives, some investigative equipment and a passion for the unknown. Enter Apparition - The Beginning, Make your way through the abandoned asylum and collect evidence of paranormal activity. Once complete, see where you rank among the other investigators on the leader board. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Yea!!! I love @selfdefiant games!!!

  2. I caught an orb...having a hard time here in the dark...LOL

  3. i ve did everything, except "collect 2 orbs" how do they look like?

  4. I am so lost here, but I happened upon it,and the screen told me it was there...hope that helps...

  5. @nokra i was lost at first as well, now i fell here like at home :D the map helps a lot

  6. What are black masses? I miss them only

  7. @cece the name black mass describes them best :D

  8. And out. Black mass seems black smoke, and I cant take photo, only take it

  9. Can't find the last orb, even not with Edgar's map.

  10. Too dark for me :( My eyes hurt..a pity

  11. @Child of Light, maybe you need to open a locker to make it come out?

  12. took me a while to find 2 orbs. I didn't realize at first that we could interact with the pictures.

    You have a flashlight in your hand.
    If you click the items in your inventory, it will replace your flashlight with them. Your tools are:
    Flashlight -- lets you see normally
    Night vision -- lets you see in the dark (and see black masses)
    Thermometer -- records changes in temperature
    EMF reader -- records changes in electromagnetic fields
    Camera -- records pictures of ghosts and mists
    Sacred wand -- collects orbs (which look like tiny balls of light)

    Be sure to replace a tool with the flashlight before leaving a room. You can't walk around with things like the themometer in your hand because they won't work. You have to bring them out in each room.

    You move by moving your cursor around the screen and clicking when an arrow appears. Clicking the map button near the bottom right of the screen shows you a map.

    You can only manipulate a couple of objects in the game. Click around to figure out what.

    You have objectives-- they are:
    Explore all rooms
    Photo 2 mists, 2 black masses (black mists), and 2 apparitions (little girl ghosts)
    Find 4 cold spots, 6 electromagnetic hot spots
    Collect 6 orbs

    Use the thermometer in the first room. Record cold spot 1/4 (it will work when the temp gets down in the 50s)
    Go forward
    Use the EMF detector. Record hot spot 1/6 (around the middle top of the screen)
    Go back and right
    Use the EMF detector. Record hot spot 2/6 (around the bottom right corner of the screen)
    Go right
    Use wand to capture orb 1/6 (left of middle of the screen)
    Go right
    Use camera to photograph the mist 1/2
    You should now have 4 rooms across the bottom level of your map
    Go left and forward
    Use the nightvision and click the black mass 1/2 in the back corner of the room
    Go back and left. Now go forward to the stairs

    Use the thermometer to capture coldspot 2/4
    Go left
    In the locker room, click the bottom left closed locker.
    Use the wand to capture the freed orb 2/6
    Go right 2 times
    Use the camera to photograph the mist 2/2 OBJECTIVE COMPELETE!
    Go right (room with the fallen over machine)
    Use the wand to capture the orb 3/6 (bottom right corner)
    Go left 2 times and then forward
    Go left
    Use camera to take picture of the ghost girl/apparition 1/2
    Go left
    Use the night vision goggles and click the black mass 2/2 on the closer right door OBJECTIVE COMPLETE
    Go left (room with counter and cabinets)
    Open the second closed cabinet from the right on the top cabinets to free an orb
    Use the wand to capture orb 4/6
    In the same room, use the EMF reader to capture the hotspot 3/6 (near bottom left corner of room)
    Go right and down
    Use the thermometer to record the coldspot 3/4
    Go forward 2 times
    Use the thermometer to record coldspot 4/4 OBJECTIVE COMPLETE
    In the same room, use the EMF reader to capture the hotspot 4/6 (top of the room, left of center)
    Go back and right 3 times
    Use the wand to capture orb 5/6 (towards the upper left corner of the room)
    Go forward (room with electrical cords on the left side)
    Use the EMF reader to capture the hotspot 5/6 (sorry, I didn’t make note of where)
    Back up and go right
    Use the EMF reader to capture the hotspot 6/6 (top middle of room) OBJECTIVE COMPLETED
    Go left 2 times
    Now go forward
    Use the wand to capture orb 6/6 (towards the upper right corner of the room) OBJECTIVE COMPLETED
    Go forward
    Use the camera to capture the picture of the girl ghost/apparition 2/2 ALL OBJECTIVES COMPLETED!!
    Leave! (go back 5 times, left, and back)


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