Minoto - Lion's Story is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game
lol @zoz! It feels good that you describes it as the "Dream House of Minoto" since I was actually stuck for a moment before I found the hammer "it is strong". The contents of the bag of santa really surprised me lol. I'm glad that SSSG only got a "gun of the toy". lol @toride "it seems to be old for a moment". I just love Minoto!
@ginger when the mouse is sweeping in front of the lion cage click on her to zoom in and give her the dust pan, that gives the code for the glass slipper
Hi all! Greatest Minoto ever, don't you think? I got stuck myself a couple of times, lol! I doubt anyone could have make it out of this one in AT LEAST... 10 minutes? hehehe.
Thanx Mama...but that's one of the problems...even when zoomed in, the mouse won't accept my dust pan. So either it's a bug (never noticed one in Minoto's games before), or there's something I have to do before I can make the mouse take the dust pan...o, trouble trouble in Minoto Paradise lol.
@ginger, look again in the inventory if you got some pieces of paper (second space from bottom). It's not very clear that the mouse takes the dust pan.
@Ginger, I can't remember if you have to do something else first, I'm going back in to see. Also, you can't do the other things you asked about until you get the code from the mouse.
@marie I don't know about on here, but on other sites I've downloaded from you only get to play for a limited time and then you're prompted to buy it. You could just try it, if it does cost and you don't want to pay just uninstall it. :)
zoz....he is a genius...and i tried googling for him...to no avail.........really want to know how he gets the ideas for thes fantasticallyfabulous games
WALKTHROUGH Of the boring kind while waiting for the true WT’s written by the amazing poets among us. • Take the soft pillow • Go right • Put the pillow on the bed • Click on Santa’s bag and get a gun of the toy • Turn left • Give the gun of a toy to the sneaky black guy and get a secret case • Go right twice • Put the secret case in the top hole in the cupboard • Click on it and get strong fungicide • Take the handle of the secret case, it is toride (it seems to be old for a moment) • Take the usual dustpan • Go left • Use the strong fungicide in the corner to get a driver; ”abnormality is not found” • Go right twice • Use the driver on the clock and get a long and slender bolt • Click on the clock and turn the clock arms to 12 • Click on the right mouse • Go left three times to find the mouse again (sweeping by the lion cage) • Zoom on the mouse and give it the dust pan • You won’t see that it accepts the dust pan but you get some slip of paper in the inventory • Go right • Use the long and slender bolt on the pink safe • Use the driver on the bolt and get heating pad • Go right • Look at your slips of paper and enter the code to get a very small shoes of the glass • Go right • Give the very small shoes to the mouse and watch the ninja-jump • Take the stairs • Use the toride on the holes where the stairs was to get a strong hammer • Go left three times • Give the stairs to the jumping cat • Take the fan • Go right twice • Use the heating pad on the penguin • Use the fan on the penguin • Take a sweat with the salt taste • Go left twice • Use the sweat with the salt taste on the lion cage • Use the hammer on the lion cage Lion end – only one method!
What follows was found in a briefcase just outside a famous Hollywood Studio. These are notes for a presentation to the Studio Bosses about a proposed Blockbuster Movie.
Lion's Story, part 1 in which we see, for the first time, the use of a three digit code in Minoto-land!
The Cast: All of our faves are back, including the Hula Dancing Green Kitteh, the SuperSneakySpyGuy, Santa, the Eskimo Penguin, Ferocious Lions, and Prince Rat. New to this story is CindeRatElla.
Story Synopsis: Scene One The story opens at the circus, with a crowd eagerly watching a trio of Lions, only one of which is caged (note: this will necessitate the use of extra Security and a closed set, but we feel it is essential to the story line). In the foreground, behind the crowd, is Green Hula Kitteh (henceforth, GHK). GHK is shorter than the people in the crowd, being a Kitteh, and is apparently having some difficulty seeing the Lions. On the right stands SuperSneakySpyGuy (henceforth, SSSG) looking as sinister as ever (although SSSG is normally featured in movies costarring Miami Mom, we believe it is time to cut the apron strings and let him stand on his own work). Immediately in front of SSSG's table is a Soft Pillow, which we take as we
Cut to Scene Two Here, Santa is in a room at a table bearing his Bag of Goodies. Also in the room is a bed, and chest with a stuck drawer, and a Pile Of Dirt on which is growing Fungus. (we have contacted Santa regarding this scene, and he is willing to appear in a room with Fungus with for a supplemental fee, which is being negotiated). At this point, we put the Soft Pillow on the bed. Santa, clearly exhausted by his heavy work schedule, climbs into the bed for a nap, leaving his Bag of Goodies unguarded. Opening the bag, we find what appears to be a semi-automatic weapon, but is actually a Gun of the Toy. We take the Gun of the Toy. (stealing from Santa may be seen as trauma-provoking for small children, hence the PG-13 rating).
Scene Three Eskimo Penguin sits stoically beside a desk and a cup of colored pencils. The desk only has one drawer; the top drawer slot is oddly empty. There is a Dustpan on the desk, which we take.
We return to the Circus for Scene Four It seems that the Mayor of Minoto-land has instituted a policy of Amnesty For Weapons, with SSSG serving as an Official Official. We give the Gun of the Toy to SSSG, who gives us the Secret Case in return.
Cut to the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room for Scene Five We cleverly slide the Secret Case into the empty top drawer slot and press it all the way in, thus causing the bottom drawer to pop open, revealing a spray bottle containing a Strong Fungicide.
Return to Santa's room for Scene Six We spray the Strong Fungicide on the Pile Of Dirt and Fungus in the corner ( Santa has asked for an additional salary supplement related to being in the room with a Strong Fungicide, but we are confident that we can bundle the Fungus and Fungicide into one package at a substantial savings to the Studio). The Pile Of Dirt and Fungus disappears, leaving only a Screwdriver with a Pink Handle (we don't need to remind the Studio that an appearance by a Screwdriver substantially increases the box office draw of a picture, and the use of a Pink Handle guarantees an additional appeal to the female demographic, especially when abnormality is not found).
In Part 2, the remainder of the Found Notes will be presented.
Scene Six We now move right as far as we can go (bearing in mind that the Studio Bosses prefer to keep left at all times; again, we feel this move is essential to the story line and in now way gratuitous). In this scene is a staircase leading to a high platform where Prince Rat stands by a beautiful Princess Rat who, in reality, is no Princess at all but is CindeRatElla. We use the Screwdriver with the Pink Handle to remove a Long and Slender Bolt from the clock. This enables us to move the hands of the clock to Midnight . Once the Midnight Hour has arrived, we tap CindeRatElla on the shoulder and tell her what time it is. Alarmed, she runs down the steps and away from Prince Rat, who is left standing, perplexed and alone, at the top of the stairs. Scene Seven As we run after CindeRatElla, we pass through the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room and notice a Shoes of the Glass hanging from a chain locked to the blue pencil. We continue running, passing Santa still sleeping in his bed and come finally to the Circus, where we see CindeRatElla, a poor house Rat, sweeping in front of the Lion's cage (we're very excited about this scene, as it will require one continuous take by a moving camera set on a trolley as it passes through several rooms. This could clinch an Academy Award Nomination for Best Cinematography, in our opinion). Approaching CindeRatElla, we are able to use the Dust Pan to collect Slip of Paper (Paper that was able to be taken from among garbage) On the paper are 3 numbers (6,1, and 3). (This is where we really break new ground in the Minoto franchise, adding the use of a three digit code to the story line!)
Scene Eight As we head back to the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room, we stop in Santa's bedroom and use the Long Slender Bolt and the Screwdriver to form a handle for the chest drawer. Inside the drawer is a Heating Pad (it is an indispensable tool for winter to obtain warmth).
Scene Nine Back in the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room, we enter the three digit code into the lock and now have the Shoes of the Glass (it is a very small shoes). We also give the Heating Pad to the Eskimo Penguin, who immediately throws off his coat and begins to sweat. We also take the time to remove the Toride from the top drawer/briefcase and notice that it seems to be old for a moment.
Scene Ten Moving to the staircase scene ( and this conjures the image of Gone With the Wind and pays homage to all the great movies of old), we give the Prince Rat the Shoes of the Glass, whereupon he hurries down the stairs to CindeRatElla, who is waiting for him there. They exit to the left. Now, we take the Stairs where the Rat Prince was dancing with the princess We can now place the Toride in the two holes where the stairs once were and lift a trap door to get a large hammer (it is strong).
Scene Eleven Returning to the Circus, we give the Stairs to GHK, who rewards us with a breathtaking demonstration of his Hula skills and gives us a fan.
Scene Twelve Hurrying back to the Eskimo Penguin, who is in danger of heat stroke, we fan him, knocking off the Sweat with the Salt Taste . Although the Penguin looks somewhat catatonic, we have done all we could for him so we hurry back to the Circus for
Scene Thirteen Placing Sweat on the bars of the Lion's cage causes them to crack. Now it is just a matter of using the Hammer to knock the bars out completely, freeing the Lion to be with his Lion Friends (again, this will require extra Security. However, we have enlisted the services of an Expert Exotic Animal Handler who has done extensive work in the Film Industry and we feel confident that this Scene can be pulled off without injuries or casualties).
Fin As the credits begin to roll, this statement appears: Boss of lion that a man of suspicious, black clothes was restraining. Lion's companions are very pleased to be put out from the cage. Lion End. Only one Method.
And, Cue Music. There won't be a dry eye in the house!
This is where the Found Notes end. Will we see this movie one day? Stay tuned!
@Full that is GREAT!!! And Ellie sounds just like the woman I always have to talk to when i call the bank. Or the doctor. Or the phone company ( especially the phone company!)
I absolutely LOVE it @zoz!!! Amazing!! Thanks for showing us what really goes on behind the scenes :D:D Back up to read from the beginning again... and I vote for you as well, prepare your award speach!
Hey @zoz, is there really no limit to your talent? WOW!! So much fun from you all the weeks... and getting way better. I'm warning: you ARE getting all of us used to have you and your extraordinary pieces of art here! You're amazing!!
@Full, LOL! That was unique too! Hahahaha, I actually thought I was hearing Ellie for real! :P Hey, something like this would have been SO useful in that timed gazzy game... and it still will, I'm sure!
Really great site with so many really talented, nice AND honest people... and so proud to be your friend! :D
Take the pillow.Go right and put pillow on bed(good night Santa!)and open Santa's bag!Take gun(I think there was an agent who did lots of good deeds during the whole year but Santa forgot to give his present for almost 6 months!)and go left.Give gun to agent(told ya')and take his briefcase.Go right twice and use briefcase as a drawer(so you mean that briefcase was only used as a drawer!?lol wut!?).Close it and take fungicide on the other drawer and take the briefcase handle(that was awkward)and dustpan.Go left and use the fungicide on the fungi(DUH!Fungi means...2 or more fungus and cide means...to kill...AH YOU GET POINT!So fungicide means to kill 2 or more fungus!It can't kill one fungus only because if it can only kill one fungus,it should be called funguscide!LOL!)in Santa's room(hmm...fungi inside a bedroom...Santa is too busy making presents for 12 months so he forgot to put some decorations on his room).Take screwdriver(A SCREWDRIVER BEHIND FUNGI!?IS SANTA CRAZY OR WHAT!?Sorry Mr.Claus,Minoto made the game like that so don't blame me if I'm not on your nice list for 2010)and go right twice.Use screwdriver on the screw(do I even have to explain why?),take the outer covering of the clock and click on it 4x to make it noon.Click on the pink mouse and go back twice.Use screw on the drawer with no handle and use put screw in there.Use screwdriver to tighten it and click it again.Take heating pad(Santa lives in the North Pole and it's so cold there so he needs a heating pad due to the very low temperature)and go left.Zoom in on mouse and give her dustpan.Click on pieces of paper in your inventory that the mouse swept up,click ? and note the 3 numbers:6,1,3.Go right twice and give penguin the heating pad(there's no penguins in the North Pole because Penguins can only be seen in the South Pole and Antarctica is much colder than the North Pole).Put in the code 613 on the pencil and take the glass shoe.Go right and give the shoe to the mouse and take the stairs.Put the briefcase on the 2 holes.Open it and take hammer.Go back to the first area and give stairs to the green cat.Take the weird dancing cat's fan and go right twice.Give fan to the penguin.Take his sweat(...)and go left twice(STOP DANCING YOU UGLY CAT OR ELSE I'LL KILL YOU!)and use sweat on the rusty cage bars.Use hammer to destroy it.AFTER THAT,USE THE HAMMER TO KILL THE STUPID ANNOYING CAT!!!!!Just kidding(although I wish I could do that)!
Boss of lion that a man of suspicious, black clothes was restraining. Lion's companions are very pleased to be put out from the cage.
Lion end only one method
IT'S OUR 112TH PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE DAY!!!!! @Ellie,Nice WT and ST @rose,I completely disagree with you @zoz,is there an audition for your movie?If there is,I'll audition for SSSG!GUNS ARE AWESOME(can we make the toy gun look like a REAL gun?) @ginger*, >:(
@hot_shot, you are definitely one of the coolest and most interesting people I know (even though I must disagree with you about the Green Hula Kitteh, who I find to be extremely charismatic). Keep up the good work, and Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, you guys are amazing. last week i came on this site to read a walkthrough and now i check couple of time a day to catch a live game with you people.
@zoz,thanks and I still disagree with anyone who thinks that cat is amazing and if I were Minoto,I'd regret that I didn't made that hammer to kill the cat too. @everyone,I'm SLIGHTLY learning how to write Japanese/Korean(I have my own reasons why I wanted to write,speak and read Japanese and Korean and ESPECIALLY the Korean part.That's the most private one.)and learning how to draw manga on Manga Tutorials.That is all!
I agree that this game was a great one - little more thought needed to finish!
and zoz...wow! Every week I think, what can she do to top that - and then you top it!! So incredibly clever! I'd like to audition for the GHK part, if possible!
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Minoto! Great way to start the weekend!!
ReplyDeleteso SuperSneakySpy guy is back, along with Santa, who has a gun in his bag!
ReplyDeleteThis is gonna be fun again.
ReplyDeleteim in ;)
ReplyDeleteHi all!
Yeah! I love the weekend's Minoto!
ReplyDelete"Boss of lion that a man of suspicious, black clothes was restraining. Lion's companions are very pleased to be put out from the cage."
ReplyDeleteWhat the heck does that mean.
Anyway it was fun like every week.
Hi all! Have dust pan, handle from brief case, fungicide, SD, and heating pad. Now I'm stuck!
ReplyDeletestuck with dustpan, toride, fungicide, sd, heating pad, now what ???
ReplyDeleteFinally! A screwdriver!
ReplyDeleteim with u , mama lol
ReplyDeleteoh...need a code now ;)im not good with codes at all!!
ReplyDeleteCan't believe I'm stuck in a minoto! lol Any hints/ideas for the heating pad or clock?
ReplyDeleteTry the fungicide on the mushrooms...
ReplyDeleteoh, just got the clock!
ReplyDeleteYOu need the screwdriver for the clock, then put it on noon
ReplyDeletegive dust pan to mouse in first scene for code
ReplyDeletewow minoto
ReplyDeleteCute game. Out. More items that usually.
ReplyDeleteok...out ;)
Oh the complexity! This was like the Dream House of Minoto-land!
ReplyDelete@mama: use the heating pad on the bride ;)
ReplyDelete@mama: oh and u can use it twice...
ReplyDeleteI'm stuck. Gave the sweat to the lion in the cage and something happened.. but i don't know what - and don't know what to do next!
ReplyDelete@ Marie thanks, but where's the bride?
ReplyDelete@zoz, I don't know how you're going to top the last Minoto haiku, but somehow I'm sure you will!
ReplyDeletehave the hammer and feeling really dumb right now :)
ReplyDeletemary...the bars of the cage were weakened...guess how we would break them?
ReplyDeleteHmmmm... I'd guess with a hammer - I noticed someone has a hammer, but I haven't.. back to the hunt! Thanks @shantanu!
ReplyDeletethe little mousebride, when u give her the heating pad she runs away..u ll find her later as "cinderella"
ReplyDelete2. time u can you it is on the penguin...
finally out, thanks for all the help everyone! It was nice to catch a live game, especially a minoto!
ReplyDeleteAhhh POP found it. I forgot I hadn't used that seemingly old toride...
ReplyDeletewhere's the hammer?
ReplyDeleteI think maybe you just have to click on the mousebride, because I think I believed I'd used the toride on her, not the heating pad.
ReplyDelete@daniel: use the toride in the last screen..
ReplyDelete@Daniel use the toride in last room
ReplyDelete@daniel, take a look around where the stage/steps thing was - and use something from the inventory!
ReplyDelete@mary: maybe she takes every chance to run away LOL
ReplyDeleteThanks @ Mary D!
ReplyDeleteFirst time ever stuck in a minimoto game!
lol @zoz! It feels good that you describes it as the "Dream House of Minoto" since I was actually stuck for a moment before I found the hammer "it is strong".
ReplyDeleteThe contents of the bag of santa really surprised me lol. I'm glad that SSSG only got a "gun of the toy".
lol @toride "it seems to be old for a moment".
I just love Minoto!
Minoto was the very first game I ever got out of myself all on my own - still my greatest favourite, for the sheer surreality of them :o)
ReplyDeleteHey guys...I've been stuck for about ten minutes, and your comments are terribly confusing...
ReplyDeleteWhere to use the torride, how to make the mouse accept the dustpan, on which animal to use the heat pad, and, not unimportant: in which order lol?
any idea who is Minoto? maybe shunchun can help us
ReplyDelete@all: ive a question: did u ever try these downloadable ones?
ReplyDeletei would like to, but im not sure if i have to pay or something...
@ginger when the mouse is sweeping in front of the lion cage click on her to zoom in and give her the dust pan, that gives the code for the glass slipper
ReplyDeleteTomtidom...I asked a couple of questions guys...
ReplyDeletecute game. i love all minoto games
ReplyDeleteHi all! Greatest Minoto ever, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteI got stuck myself a couple of times, lol!
I doubt anyone could have make it out of this one in AT LEAST... 10 minutes? hehehe.
after u got the code, u can use the heating pad on the penguin...
ReplyDeleteThanx Mama...but that's one of the problems...even when zoomed in, the mouse won't accept my dust pan. So either it's a bug (never noticed one in Minoto's games before), or there's something I have to do before I can make the mouse take the dust pan...o, trouble trouble in Minoto Paradise lol.
ReplyDelete@Marie, I've never tried them on here and was wondering the same thing. I know other sites offer them as trials, but you have to pay to keep playing.
ReplyDelete@ginger, the toride is used in the clock scene, after you take the stairs (you need to make the mice go away first).
ReplyDelete@ginger mouse dont accept dust pan, but u get the papers with code
ReplyDelete@ginger, look again in the inventory if you got some pieces of paper (second space from bottom). It's not very clear that the mouse takes the dust pan.
ReplyDeleteginger: take a look in ur inventory...maybe the pieces are already there.....
ReplyDeleteginger. set time on 12
ReplyDelete@mama: thanks ;)
ReplyDeleteso actually it is normal that u pay for them ???
@Edgar, definitely the best one in my opinion!
ReplyDelete@Ginger, I can't remember if you have to do something else first, I'm going back in to see. Also, you can't do the other things you asked about until you get the code from the mouse.
@shantanu: "who is Minoto?"! That's like asking who is the Wizard of Oz, or who is Santa! Minoto is just Minoto!
ReplyDelete@Ellie and Marie: you're right! The pieces are there...never saw them! Moving on now...
ReplyDelete@ginger she doesn't actually take the dustpan, check your items to see if you got the slip of paper
ReplyDelete@marie I don't know about on here, but on other sites I've downloaded from you only get to play for a limited time and then you're prompted to buy it. You could just try it, if it does cost and you don't want to pay just uninstall it. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you all...I'm out now.
ReplyDeleteThe problem was in the pieces I didn't see.
And in the crazy hint to use the fungicide on the mushrooms, for there weren't any. Or were they in the inventory as well lol?
Anyway...on to the next game...see ya!
And this certainly wasn't the easiest Minoto game ever...first time i got stuck in about two years ;-)
ReplyDeletezoz....he is a genius...and i tried googling for him...to no avail.........really want to know how he gets the ideas for thes fantasticallyfabulous games
ReplyDeleteIt was great playing with all of you! Now I've got to go before my kids wreck the house! lol
ReplyDeleteOf the boring kind while waiting for the true WT’s written by the amazing poets among us.
• Take the soft pillow
• Go right
• Put the pillow on the bed
• Click on Santa’s bag and get a gun of the toy
• Turn left
• Give the gun of a toy to the sneaky black guy and get a secret case
• Go right twice
• Put the secret case in the top hole in the cupboard
• Click on it and get strong fungicide
• Take the handle of the secret case, it is toride (it seems to be old for a moment)
• Take the usual dustpan
• Go left
• Use the strong fungicide in the corner to get a driver; ”abnormality is not found”
• Go right twice
• Use the driver on the clock and get a long and slender bolt
• Click on the clock and turn the clock arms to 12
• Click on the right mouse
• Go left three times to find the mouse again (sweeping by the lion cage)
• Zoom on the mouse and give it the dust pan
• You won’t see that it accepts the dust pan but you get some slip of paper in the inventory
• Go right
• Use the long and slender bolt on the pink safe
• Use the driver on the bolt and get heating pad
• Go right
• Look at your slips of paper and enter the code to get a very small shoes of the glass
• Go right
• Give the very small shoes to the mouse and watch the ninja-jump
• Take the stairs
• Use the toride on the holes where the stairs was to get a strong hammer
• Go left three times
• Give the stairs to the jumping cat
• Take the fan
• Go right twice
• Use the heating pad on the penguin
• Use the fan on the penguin
• Take a sweat with the salt taste
• Go left twice
• Use the sweat with the salt taste on the lion cage
• Use the hammer on the lion cage
Lion end – only one method!
What follows was found in a briefcase just outside a famous Hollywood Studio. These are notes for a presentation to the Studio Bosses about a proposed Blockbuster Movie.
ReplyDeleteLion's Story, part 1
in which we see, for the first time, the use of a three digit code in Minoto-land!
The Cast:
All of our faves are back, including the Hula Dancing Green Kitteh, the SuperSneakySpyGuy, Santa, the Eskimo Penguin, Ferocious Lions, and Prince Rat. New to this story is CindeRatElla.
Story Synopsis:
Scene One
The story opens at the circus, with a crowd eagerly watching a trio of Lions, only one of which is caged (note: this will necessitate the use of extra Security and a closed set, but we feel it is essential to the story line).
In the foreground, behind the crowd, is Green Hula Kitteh (henceforth, GHK). GHK is shorter than the people in the crowd, being a Kitteh, and is apparently having some difficulty seeing the Lions.
On the right stands SuperSneakySpyGuy (henceforth, SSSG) looking as sinister as ever (although SSSG is normally featured in movies costarring Miami Mom, we believe it is time to cut the apron strings and let him stand on his own work).
Immediately in front of SSSG's table is a Soft Pillow, which we take as we
Cut to Scene Two
Here, Santa is in a room at a table bearing his Bag of Goodies. Also in the room is a bed, and chest with a stuck drawer, and a Pile Of Dirt on which is growing Fungus. (we have contacted Santa regarding this scene, and he is willing to appear in a room with Fungus with for a supplemental fee, which is being negotiated).
At this point, we put the Soft Pillow on the bed. Santa, clearly exhausted by his heavy work schedule, climbs into the bed for a nap, leaving his Bag of Goodies unguarded. Opening the bag, we find what appears to be a semi-automatic weapon, but is actually a Gun of the Toy. We take the Gun of the Toy. (stealing from Santa may be seen as trauma-provoking for small children, hence the PG-13 rating).
Scene Three
Eskimo Penguin sits stoically beside a desk and a cup of colored pencils. The desk only has one drawer; the top drawer slot is oddly empty.
There is a Dustpan on the desk, which we take.
We return to the Circus for Scene Four
It seems that the Mayor of Minoto-land has instituted a policy of Amnesty For Weapons, with SSSG serving as an Official Official. We give the Gun of the Toy to SSSG, who gives us the Secret Case in return.
Cut to the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room for Scene Five
We cleverly slide the Secret Case into the empty top drawer slot and press it all the way in, thus causing the bottom drawer to pop open, revealing a spray bottle containing a Strong Fungicide.
Return to Santa's room for Scene Six
We spray the Strong Fungicide on the Pile Of Dirt and Fungus in the corner ( Santa has asked for an additional salary supplement related to being in the room with a Strong Fungicide, but we are confident that we can bundle the Fungus and Fungicide into one package at a substantial savings to the Studio).
The Pile Of Dirt and Fungus disappears, leaving only a Screwdriver with a Pink Handle (we don't need to remind the Studio that an appearance by a Screwdriver substantially increases the box office draw of a picture, and the use of a Pink Handle guarantees an additional appeal to the female demographic, especially when abnormality is not found).
In Part 2, the remainder of the Found Notes will be presented.
oh @zoz - this is hysterical - I'm refreshing every 30 seconds for part 2
ReplyDeleteEllie´s Speech-through:
You guys keep amazing me with all your creativity!!
ReplyDeleteJust amazing...
Wishing you all a great weekend!!
and now a speech-through! @Ellie - I'm in awe!
ReplyDeleteHahaha... that's so funny @Full!! It sounds exactly like me ;) Great job!
ReplyDeleteAnd you're brilliant as always @zoz!! I'm laughing loud and eagerly waiting for Part 2. This is so exciting!! :D
A great weekend to you too @Truus!!
ReplyDeleteLol, have a nice weekend all of you!
ReplyDelete@zoz: Thanks for part 1. Love it! I am waiting stoically in front of my monitor for part 2.
ReplyDeleteI liked the dancing cat....he was cute :)
ReplyDeleteLion's Story, part 2
ReplyDeleteScene Six We now move right as far as we can go (bearing in mind that the Studio Bosses prefer to keep left at all times; again, we feel this move is essential to the story line and in now way gratuitous).
In this scene is a staircase leading to a high platform where Prince Rat stands by a beautiful Princess Rat who, in reality, is no Princess at all but is CindeRatElla.
We use the Screwdriver with the Pink Handle to remove a Long and Slender Bolt from the clock. This enables us to move the hands of the clock to Midnight .
Once the Midnight Hour has arrived, we tap CindeRatElla on the shoulder and tell her what time it is. Alarmed, she runs down the steps and away from Prince Rat, who is left standing, perplexed and alone, at the top of the stairs.
Scene Seven
As we run after CindeRatElla, we pass through the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room and notice a Shoes of the Glass hanging from a chain locked to the blue pencil.
We continue running, passing Santa still sleeping in his bed and come finally to the Circus, where we see CindeRatElla, a poor house Rat, sweeping in front of the Lion's cage (we're very excited about this scene, as it will require one continuous take by a moving camera set on a trolley as it passes through several rooms. This could clinch an Academy Award Nomination for Best Cinematography, in our opinion).
Approaching CindeRatElla, we are able to use the Dust Pan to collect Slip of Paper (Paper that was able to be taken from among garbage) On the paper are 3 numbers (6,1, and 3). (This is where we really break new ground in the Minoto franchise, adding the use of a three digit code to the story line!)
Part 3 still to come
Lion's Story, part 3
ReplyDeleteScene Eight
As we head back to the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room, we stop in Santa's bedroom and use the Long Slender Bolt and the Screwdriver to form a handle for the chest drawer. Inside the drawer is a Heating Pad (it is an indispensable tool for winter to obtain warmth).
Scene Nine
Back in the Desk/Eskimo Penguin room, we enter the three digit code into the lock and now have the Shoes of the Glass (it is a very small shoes).
We also give the Heating Pad to the Eskimo Penguin, who immediately throws off his coat and begins to sweat.
We also take the time to remove the Toride from the top drawer/briefcase and notice that it seems to be old for a moment.
Scene Ten
Moving to the staircase scene ( and this conjures the image of Gone With the Wind and pays homage to all the great movies of old), we give the Prince Rat the Shoes of the Glass, whereupon he hurries down the stairs to CindeRatElla, who is waiting for him there. They exit to the left.
Now, we take the Stairs where the Rat Prince was dancing with the princess
We can now place the Toride in the two holes where the stairs once were and lift a trap door to get a large hammer (it is strong).
Scene Eleven
Returning to the Circus, we give the Stairs to GHK, who rewards us with a breathtaking demonstration of his Hula skills and gives us a fan.
Scene Twelve
Hurrying back to the Eskimo Penguin, who is in danger of heat stroke, we fan him, knocking off the Sweat with the Salt Taste . Although the Penguin looks somewhat catatonic, we have done all we could for him so we hurry back to the Circus for
Scene Thirteen
Placing Sweat on the bars of the Lion's cage causes them to crack. Now it is just a matter of using the Hammer to knock the bars out completely, freeing the Lion to be with his Lion Friends (again, this will require extra Security. However, we have enlisted the services of an Expert Exotic Animal Handler who has done extensive work in the Film Industry and we feel confident that this Scene can be pulled off without injuries or casualties).
As the credits begin to roll, this statement appears:
Boss of lion that a man of suspicious, black clothes was restraining. Lion's companions are very pleased to be put out from the cage.
Lion End.
Only one Method.
And, Cue Music.
There won't be a dry eye in the house!
This is where the Found Notes end. Will we see this movie one day? Stay tuned!
Lol Zoz, just great!!
ReplyDelete@Full that is GREAT!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Ellie sounds just like the woman I always have to talk to when i call the bank. Or the doctor. Or the phone company ( especially the phone company!)
and the award for best screenplay of all time goes to ... zoz!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations zoz - no one will ever top this!
@Full - how did you do that?
ReplyDeleteLol Zoz, thanks. It is actually the voice of my frontdoor neighboor, but she catched a cold
ReplyDelete@zoz, I agree with annaby, definitely award winning!!!
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE it @zoz!!! Amazing!! Thanks for showing us what really goes on behind the scenes :D:D Back up to read from the beginning again... and I vote for you as well, prepare your award speach!
ReplyDeleteAnother great game from Minoto, easy and fun and longer this time...well done :)
ReplyDelete@zoz, great work! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteBo-ring walk-throughs... :-|
Juuuust kiddddding lol
Yay for Minoto games!!! Such sweet pastel goodness for the soul.
ReplyDeleteAnd *thunderous applause* to Zoz and her amazing creativity. I'm just waiting for the moment I can scoop up that gem on DVD.
Fully!! Hysterical! Not quite what I imagined Ellie sounding like :)
What a delightful diversion on this otherwise hideous day. Whew! I needed this smile :)
Hey @zoz, is there really no limit to your talent? WOW!! So much fun from you all the weeks... and getting way better. I'm warning: you ARE getting all of us used to have you and your extraordinary pieces of art here! You're amazing!!
ReplyDelete@Full, LOL! That was unique too! Hahahaha, I actually thought I was hearing Ellie for real! :P
Hey, something like this would have been SO useful in that timed gazzy game... and it still will, I'm sure!
Really great site with so many really talented, nice AND honest people... and so proud to be your friend! :D
5 stars for the game, 6 stars for the walkthroughs :)
ReplyDeleteTake the pillow.Go right and put pillow on bed(good night Santa!)and open Santa's bag!Take gun(I think there was an agent who did lots of good deeds during the whole year but Santa forgot to give his present for almost 6 months!)and go left.Give gun to agent(told ya')and take his briefcase.Go right twice and use briefcase as a drawer(so you mean that briefcase was only used as a drawer!?lol wut!?).Close it and take fungicide on the other drawer and take the briefcase handle(that was awkward)and dustpan.Go left and use the fungicide on the fungi(DUH!Fungi means...2 or more fungus and cide means...to kill...AH YOU GET POINT!So fungicide means to kill 2 or more fungus!It can't kill one fungus only because if it can only kill one fungus,it should be called funguscide!LOL!)in Santa's room(hmm...fungi inside a bedroom...Santa is too busy making presents for 12 months so he forgot to put some decorations on his room).Take screwdriver(A SCREWDRIVER BEHIND FUNGI!?IS SANTA CRAZY OR WHAT!?Sorry Mr.Claus,Minoto made the game like that so don't blame me if I'm not on your nice list for 2010)and go right twice.Use screwdriver on the screw(do I even have to explain why?),take the outer covering of the clock and click on it 4x to make it noon.Click on the pink mouse and go back twice.Use screw on the drawer with no handle and use put screw in there.Use screwdriver to tighten it and click it again.Take heating pad(Santa lives in the North Pole and it's so cold there so he needs a heating pad due to the very low temperature)and go left.Zoom in on mouse and give her dustpan.Click on pieces of paper in your inventory that the mouse swept up,click ? and note the 3 numbers:6,1,3.Go right twice and give penguin the heating pad(there's no penguins in the North Pole because Penguins can only be seen in the South Pole and Antarctica is much colder than the North Pole).Put in the code 613 on the pencil and take the glass shoe.Go right and give the shoe to the mouse and take the stairs.Put the briefcase on the 2 holes.Open it and take hammer.Go back to the first area and give stairs to the green cat.Take the weird dancing cat's fan and go right twice.Give fan to the penguin.Take his sweat(...)and go left twice(STOP DANCING YOU UGLY CAT OR ELSE I'LL KILL YOU!)and use sweat on the rusty cage bars.Use hammer to destroy it.AFTER THAT,USE THE HAMMER TO KILL THE STUPID ANNOYING CAT!!!!!Just kidding(although I wish I could do that)!
Boss of lion that a man of suspicious, black clothes was restraining. Lion's companions are very pleased to be put out from the cage.
Lion end
only one method
@Ellie,Nice WT and ST
@rose,I completely disagree with you
@zoz,is there an audition for your movie?If there is,I'll audition for SSSG!GUNS ARE AWESOME(can we make the toy gun look like a REAL gun?)
@ginger*, >:(
ReplyDeleteMy news post in Newgrounds about our 112th Philippine independence day
@hot_shot, you are definitely one of the coolest and most interesting people I know (even though I must disagree with you about the Green Hula Kitteh, who I find to be extremely charismatic).
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work, and Happy Independence Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL, you guys are amazing.
ReplyDeletelast week i came on this site to read a walkthrough and now i check couple of time a day to catch a live game with you people.
in german: ich bin einfach verhext!!!
: )))
@zoz,thanks and I still disagree with anyone who thinks that cat is amazing and if I were Minoto,I'd regret that I didn't made that hammer to kill the cat too.
ReplyDelete@everyone,I'm SLIGHTLY learning how to write Japanese/Korean(I have my own reasons why I wanted to write,speak and read Japanese and Korean and ESPECIALLY the Korean part.That's the most private one.)and learning how to draw manga on
Manga Tutorials.That is all!
I agree that this game was a great one - little more thought needed to finish!
ReplyDeleteand zoz...wow! Every week I think, what can she do to top that - and then you top it!! So incredibly clever! I'd like to audition for the GHK part, if possible!
I engaged in arms dealing for this one...and the gun I traded was a fake! He's gonna put me in an oil drum!
ReplyDeleteGREAT!!!!! dancing and singing..made it without help...!!!
ReplyDeleteOh my!!! What wonderful walkthroughs -- a screenplay, a spoken one, and a funny one from hot_shot.
ReplyDelete@Hot_shot belated happy independence day. I hope you had fun! And sorry -- I LOVE the kitty!!!!! Don't you hurt him. DX
@Full you are a technological marvel <3
@zoz just WOW. I am in awe lady. I hope you check back in here one day and find the hugs I left you! ((hugs))
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