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Beauty and the Beast

Minoto - Beauty and the Beast is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Ahhhh...perfect game to end a fabulous day! :D

  2. have ball, camera zebra pattern and brush and already stuck :(!

  3. Minoto is early this week.

    Put pattern on ball.

  4. hi all!
    put the policeman in the locomotive

  5. "The brute of the neardeath reverted to type. Living with the girl became possible." LOL

  6. 3 rings on the right pole and 2 rings on the left pole... :D

    Great game as usual :)

  7. easy. just took me a bit because of a new doorcracker door.

  8. Cute and great yeah.

    doorcracker door ????

  9. small tool - yeah. easy one, but since rank depends on when you crack the door, i wanted to be awake and there for it. it came out, and i popped over there rather than play minoto.

  10. Ah I see Trisana, that's another game. But I can't see it here!?

  11. no, they haven't updated it since door 41 or so. i just go over there, franky (the creator) gives us a heads-up on the forum of the site a day or two before a new door. (

  12. Hello all- looks like I missed the live one.=| Oh well maybe next time. This Minoto was a little on the guessing side. maybe 3/5 moderate difficulty.

    Gotta love the smoking Easter Island Statue-oops I mean not a cigarette, a dirty coin. lol.

    gotta love Minoto!

  13. Passing on this invasion of bunnies...
    .(..) <- bow to the cuteness!

  14. think it's supposed to look like this...
    .(\ /)
    .( . .)

  15. it was a nice litle game,cute as usual :-)

  16. Cute game; cute bunny (@JJ)

  17. YAY - MINOTO!! It's early again!

  18. Love the bunny! @JJ
    Thanks @nicolette for the hint for getting the medicine! the avatar!
    Adorable game as usual... and a tiny bit more of a challenge!

  19. have ball, camera zebra pattern and brush and already stuck

  20. rdnckwritr,
    That's almost exactly the same comment as comment #2 on this page.
    For the answer look at comment #4.

  21. Well..I'm stuck, too. I have camera, watermelon juice, cigar/dirty coin, tube of white liquid and brush....can't do anything

  22. Zoe,
    use white stuff on brush, then brush on cigar.

  23. pop...put toothpaste on brush that comb-over guy was using on his head...

  24. The brute of the neardeath reverted to type. Living with the girl became possible!

  25. Thanks small-tool!

  26. Can't wait to see what zoz comes up with for a WT on this one!!

  27. Let's see now, unless I'm mistaken, this time we have a zebra that works part-time as a stripper,
    a balding guy ( in his underwear)hanging around a park bench, a statue in denial about it's smoking addiction, a cop that hi-jacks trains, a litter-bug bear, a psycho monkey with a club, and a dysfunctional couple who nedd medication to cope.
    Yep,...Just another day in the life of Minoto. LOL

  28. i cant find this zebra pattern everyone is talking about o.o

  29. nevermind! finished :)

  30. Thanks Kollie and nokra! ;) It's a reblog item from a wallpaper site.

  31. Doh! I was too busy drinking H. cordata tea to notice a new Minoto game. Rats! Or, is it mice and elephants today?

  32. lol knotaklu! You should write a walkthrough!

  33. please tell me someone IS writing a catchy walkthrough for this, it just wouldn't be Minoto without one!

  34. put the coins on the 2 plants,
    2 on the first, 3 on the second, to get the medicin for the beast

  35. hellooo? anyone doing a walkthrough?

  36. well i cant make one tonight

  37. @blackcat and @Meg... I'd love to be talented in that way, but my walkthroughs doesn't fit in a Minoto. And zoz still has the cast on, so I forgive her for not writing anything ;) Hot_shot got tired of writing for Minotos not long ago, and... well we might just have to enjoy the game itself this time.

  38. I am not talented...but inspired...and since we are missing ZOZ...

    Let's Make a Classic Minoto....Classical

    To the tune of "The Blue Danube"
    (btw, I know it doesn't rhyme!)

    Beauty and the beast, he is trem-bling
    A blindfolded monkey swings a stick

    We take the round ball, then move... to right
    Then take the strol-ling station ...employee

    Move right and take suit... off the ...Zebra
    It is high le-vel.. clothes of.. business

    And then mo-ve right, give them to...
    a half-naked balding man...

    He gives us a brush , it stimulates the head
    How the hell do I get that Cam er a?

    Put the station guy on the pla atform
    The sun leaves the cam-era

    We'll take a close up pho-to
    Of the performing ze-bra
    Apply the stripes to the ball

    and you get a delicious water-melon

    Go back to the mon-key with a stick
    and give him the water me-elon

    He cuts it in two, just for you
    Go right and feed it to the Panda

    He spits out the seed , get it and rind
    Make juice and put out the cigar

    It's not a cigar , but dirty coins , how do we cle-an it???

    Plant the seed in a po-ot
    And a white tube appe-ars
    White liquid comes out from the inside

    Put it on the brush and clean all the coins!

    Go back to the per-forming ze-bra
    And look at the plants that are grow-ing
    The coins will fit ov-er the plants

    Put two on the left , three on the right!

    The root of plant it does release
    The medicine that recovers state

    Go back to the beast and give to him
    The medicine and I'm sure you'll find...

    The brute of the neardeath, reverted to type

    Liv-ing with the-e girl, became poss-i-ble.

    Da Da Dah!

  39. That's a GREAT, very funny WT nokra! I didn't realize zoz still has her cast on... :-(

  40. Excellent @nokra! I loved the way you used hyphens to get the timing of the Blue Danube! rofl!

  41. Well, @zoz...I think I learned that from you!!!
    Get that cast off soon, Okay?!!!!

  42. Get better @zoz!
    Nice fill-in @nokra!
    Thank you! :)

  43. i like this game is cute. i love the movie too...heheh


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