Minoto - RatRanger is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun! Play This Game
It's actually 1:30 am where I am, so I think I'll get some sleep. I'll look forward to Zoz's fantastical walkthrough. It'll be like another little gift :) Have a great night/day everyone
Take cutter and go right. A pink mouse will come out and go inside the cake. The panda will eat the cake with the rat inside (OMG!) and take the strawberry. Go right and take the silver ball. Go right and put the silver ball on the spring. Put strawberry on the bronze thing behind the flower. Open it and take the zipper (The bag is opened. Zipper of legend. LOL!). Go left and give the zipper to the uhh... cat? Whatever! Open his bag and take the insect trap. Go left twice and use trap to lure the insect with 100 yen chocolate on it's back. Take it and go right thrice. Give the insect to the lady and take the turnip. Go left and give the turnip to the rabbit. Take the furikake rice seasoning and go left. Put the F. R. S. (it's too long) on the aquarium and take the mini submarine. Put the submarine on the fireplace twice (I think) and take the nail. Go to the last area and put the nail in the hole. Click on the spring and take salmon roe. Go left twice and put the salmon on the panda's sushi.
Rat that entered panda's stomach. A blue rat raged a little in panda's stomach. Both were able to come out (aw man!).
Rat end only one method
I forgot to think of a title for my walkthrough; and I finally finished the dark carnival on Left 4 Dead 2! Happy birthday Shazzie! And I'm still looking forward to zoz's WT. BTW, I still don't have any followers on my Twitter account.
Minoto Meets Sakura: Rat Ranger in the Salmon Roe Room Because it seems more efficient to write two WTs at once!
Part 1
You were walking slowly while thinking that the attemperation in the room and outdoor was difficult. You suddenly noticed there was a door in the wall in the presence. When you opened the door and entered the inside, you were confined in the magical realm of Minoto/Sakura Land!
- You will click a doubtful point on the screen, and take the Cutter from the floor. Be thankful you didn't have to find a key and open a cabinet to get it.
- Note that the seemingly 100 Yen Coin appears to have legs which render it quite elusive. Not too surprising since this is a point and click adventure that is called escape game.
- Go right.
- Since there seems to be no problem to cut it, use the Cutter to open the package on the table.
- Take the Blue Key *oh nooz! Panda ate cake with blue key before you could get it!* Not only that, but he ate the Pink Rat that had burrowed inside the cake. Piglet Panda! Did someone forget to tell him that it is good to enjoy it refreshingly in a short time? Because this occasionally needs flashing though this is a game with only a simple, simple mystery.
- Take the Strawberry that was in the cake and that seems to be sweet. You have 1 strawberry. At least You-Know-Who didn't eat that, too!
- Go right.
- Take the Ball of Silver. It is a bullet of toy silver. Only three more balls and you can put them in the TV for the code.
- Note the Swing suspended above the TV. You will probably need a stick to get what is on it. But for now, especially there is no doubtful point.
- Go right.
- Solve the Strawberry Puzzle (hint on gold plaque) and take the Yellow Key once the bag is opened.
- Examine the Yellow Key and see that it is the Zipper of Legend.
- Say hello to Miami Mom, who is trying to pass herself off as a Little Match Girl. Nice try, old gal, but you're a bit old for the part.
Minoto Meets Sakura: Rat Ranger in the Salmon Roe Room Part 2
- Go left.
- Put the Yellow Key/Zipper of Legend on the Beaver's zipper. Especially there is no doubtful point!
- Take the Insect's Trap. It is a tool to lure out insect and to capture it. And you were hoping for another strawberry!
- Go Left twice.
- Place the Insect's Trap on the floor and wait until the insect takes the bait. Maybe the trap wasn't a Red Key, but it got you a 100 Yen Chocolate (cake to have shape that looks like 100 yen). Could it be that instead of five strawberries you need to collect five 100 yen chocolates to get the Perfect End? Wait and see.
- Go right three times.
- Give the 100 Yen Chocolate to Miami Mom, whose love for money is surpassed only by her love for sweets. In return, she gives you a Fresh Turnip. Fair exchange? Apparently it is in Minoto/Sakura Land!
- Go left.
- Note that somehow the chocolate/turnip exchange turned the TV on to the M Company Stock Report, which indicates the company is doing quite well. Maybe you should have asked for shares of stock instead of a turnip, but it's too late now!
- Give the Fresh Turnip to the Pink Bunny, who turns out to be even more useful than a stick in retrieving things from high places.
- Take the Furikake Rice Seasoning. It is a dry condiment meant to be sprinkled on top of rice. But you have no rice; it's all in the Rice Bowl Room game! Five bowls of it as a matter of fact.
- Go left.
- Give the Furikake Rice Seasoning to the fish in the tank, who are Furikake Fish and therefore chow down on the seasoning.
- Take the Submarine with comfortable rotation of propeller, and note how it churns out a path (of bubbles?) behind it, all the way out of it's inventory box!
- Go left.
- Put the Submarine on the embers burning in the fireplace to snuff them out. Normally, you would be using a Hammer to knock a hole in something at this point, but snuffing out a fire works just fine. And you get a Nail heated by fire!
- Go right three times.
- Put the Nail in the hole in the post and the Silver Ball on the spring platform (not the TV? That's a change, but as I keep telling you, especially there is no doubtful point!).
- Watch that Silver Ball ricochet off the Nail and into the flower which spits out five balls of Salmon Roe (which seems to be delicious)! Now you have enough Salmon Roe to get the Perfect End!
- But wait, that Piggy Panda sees the Salmon Roe, which you carelessly left in the dish on the table in front of him. In a flash, he has eaten not just the Salmon Roe, but the dish it was in and a Blue Rat who was unfortunate enough to come between Porcine Panda and food.
- Ah, but even Panda Boar has his limits. He turns piggly pink in the face and coughs up two Rats, one of whom had not surprisingly raged a little inside the Portly Panda's stomach. Fortunately, both rats were able to come out.
- You heard the sound that something opens.
GAME CLEAR! You solved various mysteries of the room and were able to walk out of the room (but not out of Minto/Sakura Land!). And you got all Salmon Roe. Porky the Panda ate Salmon Roe. PERFECT END! (only one method)
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Am I first - or is the blogging page not working again?
ReplyDeleteI think you might be Swissy.
ReplyDeleteAny idea about the submarine?
Ahh, use the 'comfortable rotation' on the fire lol
ReplyDeleteA blue rat raged a bit in Panda's stomach - both were able to come out
ReplyDeleteI am sooooo happy we saved the little ratties
Hi SwissMiss....I've been here for a couple of minutes and can't believe I'm stuck!
ReplyDeleteAnnnnd out!! Come and play zoz :O)
ReplyDeleteHi Rambler
ReplyDeleteto hot to stay in bed!
Lovely minoto as always
yes, 90% of the fun of minoto is Zoz's WT
ReplyDeletehave to come back later or perhaps YOU can write it Rambler
TerryJ - where are you stuck??
ReplyDeleteI don't have the wit or wisdom of zoz to do a WT for Minoto....
ReplyDeleteYay!!!! A brand new Minoto to help me start my birthday celebration!!!! What a great little gift.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Shazzie
ReplyDeletehope you have a nice day!
Why thank you Swiss! It's one of those monumental milestones that women would rather not divulge :)
ReplyDeleteIt's actually 1:30 am where I am, so I think I'll get some sleep. I'll look forward to Zoz's fantastical walkthrough. It'll be like another little gift :) Have a great night/day everyone
ReplyDeleteGo Go Rat Ranger!
ReplyDeleteYay I was just thinking is it Minoto time yet? =)
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Shazzie!
ReplyDeletelol, saved a rat today! And I had already saved a mouse out of the claws of my cat yesterday.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Shazzie, have a nice day!
ReplyDeleteTake cutter and go right. A pink mouse will come out and go inside the cake. The panda will eat the cake with the rat inside (OMG!) and take the strawberry. Go right and take the silver ball. Go right and put the silver ball on the spring. Put strawberry on the bronze thing behind the flower. Open it and take the zipper (The bag is opened. Zipper of legend. LOL!). Go left and give the zipper to the uhh... cat? Whatever! Open his bag and take the insect trap. Go left twice and use trap to lure the insect with 100 yen chocolate on it's back. Take it and go right thrice. Give the insect to the lady and take the turnip. Go left and give the turnip to the rabbit. Take the furikake rice seasoning and go left. Put the F. R. S. (it's too long) on the aquarium and take the mini submarine. Put the submarine on the fireplace twice (I think) and take the nail. Go to the last area and put the nail in the hole. Click on the spring and take salmon roe. Go left twice and put the salmon on the panda's sushi.
Rat that entered panda's stomach. A blue rat raged a little in panda's stomach. Both were able to come out (aw man!).
Rat end
only one method
I forgot to think of a title for my walkthrough; and I finally finished the dark carnival on Left 4 Dead 2! Happy birthday Shazzie! And I'm still looking forward to zoz's WT. BTW, I still don't have any followers on my
Twitter account.
yay completed without help for a change lol
ReplyDeleteLOVE Minoto! Cute game this time.
ReplyDelete@hot-shot: Funny!!!!
Despite all my rage, I'm still just a rat in a panda's stomach.
ReplyDeleteMinoto Meets Sakura: Rat Ranger in the Salmon Roe Room
ReplyDeleteBecause it seems more efficient to write two WTs at once!
Part 1
You were walking slowly while thinking that the attemperation in the room and outdoor was difficult. You suddenly noticed there was a door in the wall in the presence. When you opened the door and entered the inside, you were confined in the magical realm of Minoto/Sakura Land!
- You will click a doubtful point on the screen, and take the Cutter from the floor. Be thankful you didn't have to find a key and open a cabinet to get it.
- Note that the seemingly 100 Yen Coin appears to have legs which render it quite elusive. Not too surprising since this is a point and click adventure that is called escape game.
- Go right.
- Since there seems to be no problem to cut it, use the Cutter to open the package on the table.
- Take the Blue Key *oh nooz! Panda ate cake with blue key before you could get it!* Not only that, but he ate the Pink Rat that had burrowed inside the cake. Piglet Panda! Did someone forget to tell him that it is good to enjoy it refreshingly in a short time? Because this occasionally needs flashing though this is a game with only a simple, simple mystery.
- Take the Strawberry that was in the cake and that seems to be sweet. You have 1 strawberry. At least You-Know-Who didn't eat that, too!
- Go right.
- Take the Ball of Silver. It is a bullet of toy silver. Only three more balls and you can put them in the TV for the code.
- Note the Swing suspended above the TV. You will probably need a stick to get what is on it. But for now, especially there is no doubtful point.
- Go right.
- Solve the Strawberry Puzzle (hint on gold plaque) and take the Yellow Key once the bag is opened.
- Examine the Yellow Key and see that it is the Zipper of Legend.
- Say hello to Miami Mom, who is trying to pass herself off as a Little Match Girl. Nice try, old gal, but you're a bit old for the part.
Still to come, Part 2
Minoto Meets Sakura: Rat Ranger in the Salmon Roe Room
ReplyDeletePart 2
- Go left.
- Put the Yellow Key/Zipper of Legend on the Beaver's zipper. Especially there is no doubtful point!
- Take the Insect's Trap. It is a tool to lure out insect and to capture it. And you were hoping for another strawberry!
- Go Left twice.
- Place the Insect's Trap on the floor and wait until the insect takes the bait. Maybe the trap wasn't a Red Key, but it got you a 100 Yen Chocolate (cake to have shape that looks like 100 yen). Could it be that instead of five strawberries you need to collect five 100 yen chocolates to get the Perfect End? Wait and see.
- Go right three times.
- Give the 100 Yen Chocolate to Miami Mom, whose love for money is surpassed only by her love for sweets. In return, she gives you a Fresh Turnip. Fair exchange? Apparently it is in Minoto/Sakura Land!
- Go left.
- Note that somehow the chocolate/turnip exchange turned the TV on to the M Company Stock Report, which indicates the company is doing quite well. Maybe you should have asked for shares of stock instead of a turnip, but it's too late now!
- Give the Fresh Turnip to the Pink Bunny, who turns out to be even more useful than a stick in retrieving things from high places.
- Take the Furikake Rice Seasoning. It is a dry condiment meant to be sprinkled on top of rice. But you have no rice; it's all in the Rice Bowl Room game! Five bowls of it as a matter of fact.
- Go left.
- Give the Furikake Rice Seasoning to the fish in the tank, who are Furikake Fish and therefore chow down on the seasoning.
- Take the Submarine with comfortable rotation of propeller, and note how it churns out a path (of bubbles?) behind it, all the way out of it's inventory box!
- Go left.
- Put the Submarine on the embers burning in the fireplace to snuff them out. Normally, you would be using a Hammer to knock a hole in something at this point, but snuffing out a fire works just fine. And you get a Nail heated by fire!
- Go right three times.
- Put the Nail in the hole in the post and the Silver Ball on the spring platform (not the TV? That's a change, but as I keep telling you, especially there is no doubtful point!).
- Watch that Silver Ball ricochet off the Nail and into the flower which spits out five balls of Salmon Roe (which seems to be delicious)! Now you have enough Salmon Roe to get the Perfect End!
- But wait, that Piggy Panda sees the Salmon Roe, which you carelessly left in the dish on the table in front of him. In a flash, he has eaten not just the Salmon Roe, but the dish it was in and a Blue Rat who was unfortunate enough to come between Porcine Panda and food.
- Ah, but even Panda Boar has his limits. He turns piggly pink in the face and coughs up two Rats, one of whom had not surprisingly raged a little inside the Portly Panda's stomach. Fortunately, both rats were able to come out.
- You heard the sound that something opens.
You solved various mysteries of the room and were able to walk out of the room (but not out of Minto/Sakura Land!).
And you got all Salmon Roe.
Porky the Panda ate Salmon Roe.
(only one method)
@TB Tabby, lmao over your rat rage
ReplyDelete@Shazzie, Happy Happy 21st Birthday!!! :oD
@Rambler and SwissMiss and Shazzie and hot_shot, you are all too kind (but you make it fun to come up with Minoto-Land ideas!
ROFL @Zoz. Excellent WT...and um...not 21 my dear. But thanks for the compliment just the same :)
ReplyDeleteloved it once again, got out by myself, still read the wth... great fun, you guys, even when not live... almost live to me
ReplyDeletewhat fun to read as always. Minotos are good, but the comments are excellent!
ReplyDeleteGreat job zoz. And darn we didn't get to enjoy 5 balls of salmon roe (ICK!)
very belated birthday to @Shazzie. I know you aren't 21, but 29 and holding, right? ;)
rofl...one of the funniest Minoto's to date...and little match girl is back :)
ReplyDeleteRoe Renders Rat Rage ...really????
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EmojiYou can also check recent comments to help other players, if they need help about games.