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Stray Cat

Minoto - Stray Cat is another very cute and funny point and click type adventure game created by Minoto. In this game, you search around for finding items and solving puzzles. Enjoy the lovely graphics. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Classic Minoto, easy and cute!

  2. Out! Nice game, as ever, from Minoto

  3. Thanks Minoto for all your wonderful games !

    Btw, thanks to all for your comments and wonderful walktroughs!

  4. YES A NEW MINOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Oh how I love Minoto!

  5. Knocked down the trees with the boomerang, got a fruit. Put the fruit in the raccoon's basket, weighing it town and causing his pole to fall over into a wall. Collected some blue powder from the wall. Then I went all the way to the right and grabbed the syringe from the drawer. Now I can't figure out what to do next.

  6. powder goes with seringe

  7. i am stuck with dracula

  8. Put the dirty towel by the rope holding up the coffin. The magnifying glass will ignite it, burning the rope and dropping the coffin on the ground. Collect some more oxidizing agent in the syringe and use it to melt the chain. Then use the vampire on the coffin.

  9. flory, fill and use the syringe again.

  10. oh noooooz! new Minoto right when I have to leave :O

  11. Sakura AND minoto at the same time
    nice treat

  12. Yea - MINOTO!!! It's early this week!!!!

  13. get receipt from cash register

  14. Sooooo cute! Love these!

  15. Clear! Too cute!...and I needed lots of help on this one...LOL

  16. I love minoto's games because they're cute and easy. (although i did need a hint on where to put the dirty towel... hehe)

    This is a very cute game! There is a Japanese children's song about a lost kitten and a dog police officer. This game must've been inspired by that song, "Inu no Omawarisan"

  17. ok im stuck where do i refill syringe or place the x towel that was posted to put by rope?

  18. To refill the syringe, first you have to repair the plant's broken branch on the far right. Use the syringe on the powder to get the repairing compound and use the compound on the plant. It'll grow a new branch with a fruit that spills juice on the floor. Fill the syringe with the juice--that's the oxidizing agent.

    As for the towel, have you gotten it dirty yet? If not, you first have to use it to dry off the wet oni, then use it to wipe down the store window. Once it's dirty, place it right below the rope holding up the casket, where the beam form the magnifying glass is pointing.

  19. SingALong Minoto Number Umpteen
    to the tune of "Stairway to Heaven"

    There's a lady who's sure
    That her kitten’s secure
    And she's buying a bright can of pet food

    In Minoto she knows
    If the stores are all closed
    With a word she can get what she came for

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    And she's buying some food for her kitten

    There's a code on the can
    That she wants us to scan
    'Cause she knows that her kitten
    Is hungry

    What Mom Cat does not know
    Is that outside the sto(re)
    The Police Fox is holding her kitten

    Ooh, it makes me wonder
    Ooh, it makes me wonder

    There’s a Boomerang, too
    And a young fellow who
    Casts a shadow like some kind
    Of Vampire

    In the trees there are things
    Things with no clear meanings
    Unless we’re in the land of

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Aren’t you glad that we’re here in Minoto?

    There's a feeling I get
    When I look to the west
    And see baby raccoon
    On the pole there

    So boomerang I seize
    And throw it through the trees
    Causing fruits that exist there
    To fall down

    Ooh, it makes me wonder
    Ooh, it really makes me wonder

    What would happen if I
    Gave fruit to raccoon guy?
    So I do and the pole
    Topples over

    (But the raccoon still smiles,
    ‘cuz he knows all the while
    In Minoto-Land these things
    Are normal!)

    In my thoughts I have seen
    Rings of smoke through the trees
    And the voices of those
    Who stand looking

    And it's whispered that soon
    If we all call the tune
    Then the piper will lead us to reason

    (No, wait! Something is wrong
    I’ve switched to the wrong song!
    Ah, well, sometimes my thoughts are

    Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, ooh, whoa, oh

    If the wall turns to shattered powder
    Don't be alarmed now
    Just mix it with the
    Syringe liquid

    You’ll get Repairing Agent to use
    And in the long run
    There’s still time to change
    The broken plant

    And it makes me wonder
    Aw, uh, oh

    Fill the Injection Syringe with the
    Yellow liquid
    And use it to dissolve the star lock

    Take the Sledge Hammer and give it to
    Green Dog in hard hat
    He’ll dig a hole and leave a towel behind

    Now use that white towel to dry off the
    Wet Devil Baby
    And take the wet towel to the window

    And clean the dirt that is obscuring
    Dracula’s image
    It will transform the boy who’s standing there

    Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow?
    And did you know
    The dirty towel can cause a fire to burn?

    And so we use the Looking Glass
    To burn the rope to smoke and ash
    And drop the Coffin from the tree
    Where we must melt the chain so we
    Will fill the Syringe once again
    With Yellow Liquid so our friend
    Young Dracula can at last rest
    And Bar-code Reader we will test
    To buy the pet food can at last!

    And ev-ree-one is now hap-pee in

    Cats End
    Only One Method

  20. A classic already, @zoz. Thanks for the laughs, you really rock!
    I'm so glad I didn't play Minoto before so I could do it following your lyrics and with LZ in the background... all along! :)

  21. wow that was interesting. The rat was biting the bar code. lol. Is that C Sharp or G flat on the lyrics? Good tune.

  22. Thanks for the WT zoz! Speaking of WT...I don't think I'm writing a WT for Minoto games anymore. I kinda get bored since Minoto's games are always the same. Good day to you all! God Bless!

  23. @hot_shot, just know that I've always enjoyed reading them if that can be of any meaning for you. I could respect your decision of stop writing them, but i wouldn't like you to. You are one of my favorite people in the site (some others know it) and I really hope to still see you around... maybe to share one of 2 inkagames we both like much?
    Have a great weekend, god bless you too... stay cool @NK!!!

  24. @zoz: Very funny - LOL!!! "What Mom Cat does not know Is that outside the sto(re)" LOL!!

    @hot_shot: Sorry you feel that way. I've always enjoyed your WT's too!

  25. My favorite Sing-along-through to date!!!!!
    Thank You @Zoz for the continuous entertainment!!!

  26. @Edgar, I might write a WT for Inkagames and Psionic's games. I like Psionic too.


    Take boomerang(yay, Avatar! Wait a's boomerang not boomer-Aang! Left 4 Dead! Wait a's not Boomer-ang either)and go right twice. Use the boomerang to knock down the 3 trees(three trees?LOL!And wow, it has the power of Boomer from L4D even though he's the weakest super zombie and Aang from Avatar:The Last Airbender!). Take the orange(Hey apple! Wait, it's not the annoying orange!)and go left. Give the bear the [annoying] orange and take the shattered remains of the building(just kidding). Go right twice and open the drawer and take the syringe with the blue liquid. Combine the blue liquid from the paint powder from the house(I think)and you'll get a first aid kit(sort of. Wait a minute...this is Left 4 Dead!).Use it on the plant(hey,that was for the uninfected humans!)and use the syringe to take the yellow acid(Boomer bile! Wait,it's Spitter bile!). Go back to the first area and use the Spitter bile on the lock on the box. Open it and take the jackhammer(I think).Go right and give the green cat the jackhammer. Take his white towel and go right. Give the towel to the big guy and go left twice. Use the wet towel to wipe the store door(sweet!more rhymes!). Take Dracula(that's the part that I'll never understand)and go right twice. Put the dirty towel under the coffin and go right. Take some more Spitter bile and go left. Use the Spitter bile on the coffin and place Dracula near it. Take the scanner and go right. Use the scanner on the can and take the receipt. Give the receipt to the customer.

    The kitten met parents who finished shopping in the shop.

    Cats end
    only one method

    CREDITS(sort of):

    I'ma back! I think I now know why I suddenly got tired of writing WT's. Thanks to Edgar for still appreciating my WT's and also another great ST from zoz!

    SOME...THINGS: turned into and I dunno why. I'm learning Japanese and Korean by the way. Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Kazuki Gokumoto. That is all!

  27. @hot_shot, thank you for reconsidering and writing another classic WT!
    And good for you about learning Japanese - I only know a few "really useful" phrases, like "Wagamu Senso" (rubber band battle) and "Kichigai" (maniac).

  28. Hi! A have a few questions which are...
    1) the blue powder needs to go in the syringe, right? Do you pick it up and combine them by clicking them both in the inventory because for me that doesn't work!

    2) Where do you get the towel from?
    Thank you!

  29. 1) Hightlight the blue powder and then the bar with the question mark, so you see the blue powder in a sub-screen. Then highlight the syringe and click the blue powder.

    2) Give the drill to the guy working on the street.


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