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Industrial Escape

Industrial Escape is another point and click type room escape games created by SCenicienta for Escape Games 24. In this escape game, players have to look for clues, search items and solve puzzles in order to escape. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hello escapers, I love it when they stick new games in with the older ones...kinda like a little hidden object game in itself.LOL

  2. Found a green thing and a red thing. Did put the red thing in the orange box and have a key now.

  3. And the green thing goes on the green box/drawer and gives a key too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Trying to join but after I press play, the game screen is just black. Did I miss something?

  6. And the first number is 5 (use the keys on the green boxes/drawers) and a new key again.

  7. 2 keys as well, but torn up paper? several clues, but so far no connection between them.

  8. Never mind. 3rd time's a charm.

  9. Found a lot of keys (used all), found hint for 4 numbers (s5p9o3i6ler), hint 20 19 24 5 24 19 9 and a=5, b=6, c=7

  10. The third digit is inside the gray coded box; open it with the 20 19 24 5 etc code and the a=5 b=6 c=7 hint.


    Hi @cece :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Stu, where to use the third key (the key you get from the green box/drawer)?

  13. Hi everybody i am joining...

    One of the keys opens the panel above the thing where you put the green thing ---> another kaey.

  14. I think I figured out the code but it won't work on the door.

  15. s-t, that key is to be used in the red box inside a dark hole.

  16. @small-tool: I don't remember maybe the red box!?

  17. Quite easy again. Taking notes was more time consuming than the game itself.

  18. got 1st through 4th paper now, but where to use them?

  19. Out too - one number was wrong in my post - sorry

  20. @vkacademy, maybe you have a different 3rd digit?
    The note with the number 3 was only an example, not the 3rd digit itself.

    @Rudy, at the left door in the starting view.

  21. Yep Edgar, the 3 was an example and not the third digit. I remember I made that same mistake in a game a long time ago and then you also told me it was an example. Guess I neve learn.
    Anyway, good game.

  22. Yes out, this was easy :)

  23. My third number was a 8

  24. I think the numbers are the same for everyone.

  25. My papers are 5936 - so you're saying one of them was just an excample?

  26. annaby,
    Yes, sorry, that was my fault, the third is 8.

  27. Wow, you guys are amazing, that took me 20 mins. and look at all of you who are already finished.

  28. Can't get gray box code.

  29. Really @s-t? I can't remember that. Anyway, something to check constantly in the Good Escaper's Manual, lol.

  30. @edgar, thx, had to answer the phone

  31. @Obidan,

    A=5 B=6 C=7 etc. That way, 20=P 19=O 24=T...

  32. Slapping myself upside my head!

  33. Reading back the comments I see I totally missed the fact that cece is back.

    Hi there cece, long time no see.

  34. And looking back (4 months ago) I can see (and remember alright) this game is almost the same than this one:

    Same way to get the numbers for the code and same password (potatoe, misspelling included). Another lame case of game authors lacking of originality and new ideas :(

  35. I agree with Peke. Easy game where making notes took longer than the game itself. Nice anyway! The hardest part was finding the hotspots and finding them again when I needed to go back. I easily get lost in any game with more than 1 view lol.

  36. And that's the game where I made that mistake Edgar, great find. And looking back I see my memory is not as good as I thought it is; Ellie told me I made that mistake there. But then again, it's an easy mistake to make with the two of you isn't it?

  37. Lol @small-tool! In fact, both I and Edgar told that it was just an example ;)

  38. You're right Ellie,
    Well thanks, so now I know not only my memory is bad, but I read (comments) bad as well. I guess it's only going down hill from here.

  39. Glad to inform you @small-tool :D Better to know about the down hill process, than thinking it's all good, right?

  40. Yep, it's always a pleasure to know you're with one foot in the grave and I will ley you know when I hit rock bottom.

  41. Great! You might get to have some fun there together with Mitarashidango.

  42. lol @small-tool and @Ellie - and I agree about the notes taking longer than the game but, I do enjoy code cracking. :)

  43. Loosing my memory, loosing my capability to read and probably loosing my mind so here is my;


    Go right and see 20, 19, 24, 5, 24, 19, 9.

    Go right and take the GREEN THING and see on the yellow pole;

    Go right and zoom in somewhere in the back and take the RED THING.

    Go right and see A=5, B=6 and C=7.

    Go right and zoom in on the orange box and put the red thing in and take KEY #1.
    Pay attention 'cause here comes the hard part of the game; zoom in on the open middle part of the machine in front and see a little jigsaw puzzle. Do the jigsaw and see it's a hint how to use the A, B etc to make a number. Stupid people like me might think they found out what number 3 is but they couldn't be more wrong. It's just a method to show you how to make a 3.
    Zoom in on the code box and put in the code. It's POTATOE (lower case, so potatoe) because you saw A=5, B=6 etc. and you saw 20, 19, 24 etc. So A in the alphabet is normally 1, but now it's 5, so 20 is now letter 16 and that's P etc. and take NOTE #1

    Go right and put the green thing in the bottom slot and take KEY #2.
    Use key #2 on the top plate and take NOTE #2
    Use key #1 on the middle plate and take KEY #3

    Go back to the second scene and zoom in on the black screen and use key #3 in the red/orange box/ottoman and take NOTE #3

    Go back to the first scene and now you can put in the code in the door and go out.
    Using the method from the jigsaw you see that the message on the jigsaw makes a 9 and in the same way the 3 notes give the other numbers, so it is 5986.

  44. lol @small-tool. Good idea to make a will while you still have a few of what sounds like rapidly diminishing faculties.

  45. It's worse annaby. See my last comment on Ordinary Room Escape. And 'last' isn't probably metaphorical. I quess I soon can't write anymore as well.

  46. @Small-tool - I saw that. And I also just read your Shame-on-you WT for Friends room escape. I'll be laughing over that all evening. Thank you!!!


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