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Must Escape the Castle

[REPLAY] Must Escape - The Castle is another Must Escape point and click room escape game series. You were exploring the castle and the king had you thrown in to the dungeon. Now you must escape the castle. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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Must Escape the Castle Walkthrough

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  1. I've actually caught a live one?

  2. Hi @Enjoy. And it's by Selfdefiant!

  3. Found stick, lit stick, lit torch, found key and out of the room now

    Hi all!!!

  4. Lit stove, found glasses and give them to the wizzard and found an empty pouch

  5. Put sand in pouch, filled the hourglass and got a red ring.

  6. Have to make some antidot for the dragon. Have bottle filled with water

  7. I am where you all are... looking for glasses now

  8. Found key in kitchen, used key to get pepper and found a wrench

  9. key behind shield on stairs

  10. following behind everyone as usual.. making progress!

  11. Used wrench on shield to get another key and filled sand in pouch

  12. Filled sand in "sand clock" to get a ring

  13. Filled some green slime in bottle with water

  14. @Linda pouch is in the wizard room, in shelves with books

  15. just missing the dragon scale. Dragon won't give me one

  16. OK, anyone looking for the obvious pouch, it's in perfect view on the shelf upstairs. Lol.

  17. Pouch is in second room, on the middle bookshelf.

  18. Of to find now my last spider

  19. Dragon scale I got from random clicking - I think somewhere near his back/top of tail.

  20. click dragon tail for scale

  21. annaby clik in his tail for the scale :)

  22. Out - that was a very good game!

  23. and out - that was cute!

  24. Thanks everyone for the dragon scale answer!

  25. thank you @ selfdefiant very cute game!

  26. Anja: spiders

    1- Cell behind a rock
    2- Turn on the stove
    3- Near the chest with slime

  27. I just said....It is time for a SD game!!!!!!lol

  28. lol @nokra - I saw your comment in the last game!

  29. better late than never... especially for an SD game!!! Very cute dragon (poor guy, I was glad to help). Wonderful game!! Thank You!!!

  30. Agree completely - a very beautiful game with beautiful music - «moochas grassias» (said the cow) @Selfdefiant!

  31. hi all just starting, cant get out of the room. Does anyone know where the stick is

  32. sherry12 it is in dark room

  33. shameful my 9 year old completed it efore me lol

  34. Where do you get the rain water?

  35. POP found it... now, where do I put the sand?

  36. I found the stick finally and lit the torch.

  37. POP found that, too....doh

  38. Yay - out!!
    Thanks selfdefiant - great game as always!

  39. Hi all... where is the key for the cabinet in the kitchen? I think i have everything else! Thanks!

  40. Found a bug: Do not use the jar in the rathole. It made me lose it including all of it's contents...

  41. POP found it!

  42. the key for the cabinet in the kitchen is behind the pans hanging on the walls, you have to click on them to move them

  43. I've got the ring, now what? Where are the glasses for the wizard?

  44. randomuser,
    in one book in shelf.

  45. That was a very quick, enjoyable, and easy game!! Thank you, Selfdefiant! I have finally played enough escape games that I can do some of them without any help. Yay!!

  46. @Faye -lol! Now you can call yourself "addicted" as we all are!!!

  47. @Faye Thanks, found the glasses!

  48. where are the glasses?

  49. The glasses are in a book in the bottom of the bookcase

  50. where is the green slime?

  51. nm, reread the comments and needed the key from behind the shield that goes to the box where the chair is.

  52. Can't figure out what to stick in the holes where the spiders seem to be.

  53. That was a cute and easy game!

  54. David,
    You don't stick anything in the holes. You use the bottle (next to the dragon if I remember correctly) to collect the spiders.

  55. Thanks, small-tool. Your comments always help.

  56. thanks for all your help, Im out this is a cute game . I enjoyed it.

  57. hello.... i enjoyed the game , only needed help with the dragon scale... and i liked the music too :)

  58. Didn't have to look at the comments :) nice and relaxing :)

  59. What a lovely surprise!
    A nice little unexpected Selfdefiant game!
    I laughed so much at the little fat "my" hand that gets the first key!
    To Selfdefiant, I always try to make your escape games last as long as possible, but this one was so much fun and so cute that I couldn't wait to get through the next unlocked door. =)
    Treasure chest full of green slime?
    When one needs green slime as much as we did, it IS treasure! I love it, haha
    Thank you so much!

    To Speelteveel:
    I played again to check out your bug report.
    Yes, the bottle disappears if you dive into and back out of the mouse hole holding it, but if you click the inventory space where it WAS, it reappears - all its contents intact.
    You don't lose it, it just turns invisible, haha =)

  60. Walkthrough

    Find a spider under the stone but you need to have something to put it in.
    Pick up the stick below the shadow, use it on one of the lit torches to light it, light the unlit torch to expose the hole, get key from the hole, open the door.

    Find sand on the steps, strange!
    Take the leather pouch from the cupboard.
    Get a pair of glasses in one of the books, search for yourself which one.
    Light the firewood with the lit stick to see another spider, again you need to have something to put it in.
    Talk to the wizard on the right and give him his glasses and get key from him.
    use the key on the door and go in.

    Move the things on the wall and you will get a key.
    Open the cb with the key and take the fire pepper.
    Move the green bowl on the table and take a wrench.
    Talk to dragon, take book and see recipe for potion.
    Take dragon scale and empty bottle.
    Put sand in pouch, fill the hourglass and get a red ring and get the sword.
    Use the wrench on the shield near the stairs and get key.

    Open the chest with the key and get slime and add it to the bottle.
    Add all the recipe ingridients to the bottle to make the potion and give it to the dragon.
    Then give him the sword, use it to the cut the chains and out of the door.

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. how can we use the ring? i cant get any sword..

  63. Both times I played, I just had the ring in my inventory. I think I'd scrolled over it to see what its text said, and I was able to pull the sword out.
    The first time I played I equipped the ring and the text said "empty your hand first", so I just went for it.
    I hope that helps you, r3naki =)

  64. -Another- selfdefiant?!?

    The man's as brilliant as he is prolific...

    If I was wearing a hat, I'd tip it =)

  65. The ingredients must be mixed in the right order LOL

    Sweet game :-)

  66. Need Help?
    (Section One)
    1.Click the rock to show the spider.
    2.Click the stick then click the fire.
    3.Click the unlit touch.
    4.Click the crack in the wall.
    5.Click the key.
    6.Use the key to open the gate.

    (Section Two)
    1.Click the pouch on the shelf.
    2.Use the touch you have to light the fireplace.
    3.Click the purple book and remove glasses.
    4.Give the glasses to the wizard.
    5.Fill pouch with sand.
    6.Click the sand timer and fill with sand.
    7.Remove the ring.
    8.Click the wizard again to remove the key.

    (Section 3)
    1.Left- Click the dragons tail to get scale.
    2.Click the empty bottle.
    3.Click the dragon again to remove the book.
    4.Right- Click the sword.
    5.Full the empty bottle with water.
    6.Kitchen- Click the third pan to remove the key.
    7.Click green thing to remove the wrench.
    8.Use the brown key to open the door and remove the pepper.
    9.Add the pepper to the bottle.
    10.Add the three spiders from section 1,2,3 in the bottle.
    11.Go to section 2, at the shield use the wrench to unbolt and remove key.
    12.Back to section 3, go to the throne and unlock the chest using the key and fill the bottle with green slime.
    13.Add the dragons scale to the bottle.
    14.Give the potion to the dragon.
    15.Now click the sword and give it to the dragon.
    16.Go to the castle gate and using the sword cut the chains.
    17.Go and escape and Be FREE!

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.


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