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The Forest Road

The Forest Road is another new point and click escape game from Games2rule. You are traveling alone in a forest road; unfortunately your car fuel tank was broken by hitting on a sharp stone in the road. Now you want escape from the dangerous forest. There is no one to help you. Find the right way to escape from there by using your mind. Good luck and Have Fun!

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  1. Hi Players,

    Finish the game first and post your clear walkthrough. The first person's walkthrough will be published in our website's walkthrough page with their name. Good Luck and Have Fun!

    Games2rule Team

  2. yikes - a bloody knive amongst lots of stuff

  3. 3 pieces of wood, shovel, lighter, knife (used on wire)

  4. No one playing?

    Hi, escapers - going in!

  5. made fire and burned a rubber piece

  6. Used shovel on a sand tile right of house, got patrol.
    Where did you make fire ?

  7. have now liquid rubber on a stick and shovel left

  8. Hi all, joining you :)

  9. Can´t find the spot where to make fire...

  10. Hi SwissMiss and Zazie! 3 pieces of wood, lighter, tire piece and lighter, and stick and shovel. Looking where to use them.

  11. for making fire click top left in front-house-view

  12. Thx SM, got it now. Left with stick with melted stuff and petrol.

  13. same here Zazie - stuck now

  14. Hi Katharina !
    Stuck now.

  15. And now stuck with petrol and stick with melted tire!

  16. I wonder, why we can zoom in at the rear of the car!

  17. Ah - inside petrol tank now! Clicking again when zoomed at the car.

  18. Not inside, under petrol tank, I think! Repaired it with the melted tire.

    Now looking how to feel in petrol!

  19. Finally loaded, NOW im joining you all lol. Slow computer!

  20. Hi Jo.C.! Professionals together stuck ...

  21. Just found too what to do with stick...

  22. Okay, found the petrol-fill-in hotspot.

  23. ... and out!

    Nice, but short

  24. And off I go in my little red car :)

  25. Have had fire going and tire melted for a while, and assumed I'm supposed to put melted tire on the stick but it won't go on. Came here for help and see that people have been able to get melted tire to adhere to stick. Please tell me how!!

  26. John, have you taken the bowl off of the fire?

  27. Nevermind...You remove the bowl of melted tire from the fire first, THEN dip the stick into it.

  28. Thanks Jo.C. Just realized that after I posted.

  29. I didn't realise it at first either :)

  30. Hello fellow escapees.

  31. vroom vroom .......outta here lol

  32. what the!!!! I fixed my ruptured fuel tank, put gas in car and when i tried to get in car, it took of without me!. i shall have to start over....i think i see the Blair Witch.

  33. Was that Jason Vorhees cabin? The knife was bloody ;o)

  34. navigation was terrible. needs arrows or something. just a pixel-hunt.

  35. Here are the instructions 1-
    1. Click on the small stick under the tree in between right and center.
    2. Click on the zippo lighter on the ground on the right.
    3. Click on the dug out portion of the ground that looks like a trail. Arrived at house!
    4. Click on the shovel on the left side of the house.
    5. Click on the stick under the middle of the house.
    6. Click on the the bloody knife next to the door step.
    7. Click on the stick on the right side of the doorstep.
    8. Click on the far right to go to the back of the house.
    9. Click the tire, click the knife from your inventory, and then click the tire to cut a portion of rubber off. (Click on it.)
    10. Click on the center-right on the ground where the pot hides under the leaves. Collect it.
    11. Click on the far right where you see a lump of dirt.
    12. Select the shovel from your inventory and click the dirt. You will now see a gas tank hidden there. (Click on it.)
    13. Click on the large log under the tree where you are near. (There is only one.)
    14. Go back to the front of the house and click the upper center/upper of the left side of house.
    15. You will now be in a grassy spot. Put all your logs there but on the stick.
    16. Click the zippo lighter from your inventory and click the logs to ignite them.
    17. Get your pot from your inventory and put it on top.
    18. Put the little piece of rubber in the pot. Click on the pot to take it out of the fire.
    19. Click on the pot from your inventory and a window will pop up.
    20. Click the stick from the inventory and dip it in the molten rubber.
    21. Now go back to where your car broke down and click on your car.
    22. Click slightly in front of the back wheel. You are now under your car looking at your gas tank.
    23. Click your "molten rubber on a stick" from your inventory and click the crack in the center of your gas tank. The molten rubber will patch it.
    24. Go back to where your car is in full view and click the gasoline tank from your inventory. Pour it into the gas tank.
    25. Go to where your car is in full view again and click the front of it. SUCCESS! YOU WON!!!


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