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Treasure of Big Totem 16

Treasure of Big Totem 16 is the next episode of Treasure of Big Totem point and click adventure game created by Federico Rutenberg, the creator of Esklavos and Doctor Ku game series. Victoria meets Otto in the suspension bridge. But ... What happened to the bridge?. Solve the mystery to find the next scroll. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. i've got a sock,a stone,a worm and a woodden fork. also i lit a fire, than i'm stuck. could anybody help me please

  2. i've got a sock,a stone,a worm and a woodden fork. also i lit a fire, i combined the sock and the fork, i clicked on the little star in the water and gave the worm to the fish and got another stone

  3. put the stone on the skull, but nothing more..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. the place where we putting stones are important ;)

  6. getting tired of random clicking

  7. I lit the fire, I've read all hints that are within suitable range plus listened to the parrot. I combined the sock and the stick, put the water and fire stones on the skull etc. Now I should be able to get the drops of magic water somehow, but I've got nothing on that. The only tools left are the plain stone (which has been useless so far) and the sock 'bag'.

    Need help.

  8. @ Katak where did you get the firestone?

  9. @katak where did you find the fire stone? i've got a stone but i cant use it anywhere

  10. I believe the fire stone is the one that expands/changes when it's heated, I believe it's the one from the fish

  11. I finished the bridge, got a spear and some kind of tooth and the stick+sock

  12. Arrang the blood ,plant, water, fire stone with the chain, in background u see the pillars raising.try diffrent combinations.

  13. put the watter stone in the skull on first place and then on the second place the fire stone,it will give u a seed

  14. ahem.
    Could someone please tell where you get the firestone please?

  15. Please, where did you find the firestone????? i`ve only got the waterstone, and the useless blan stone....??? Help, please :))

  16. when the bridge is done, collect several items from oposit side with waterfalls.

  17. i use the seed on the fertile earth piece, and nothing happened

  18. But where is the fire stone? I have the water stone and another stone that does not do anything on the fire

  19. put the stone in fire....

  20. Place the waterstone in the first position on the skull in close up. That will raise a platform in the water and the firestone is one that.

  21. Hey, you geniusses out there, give us blonds a hint, where we find the firestone!

  22. Sorry, place the stone from the platform in the fire, and then it becomes the firestone.

  23. @Nefertiti, Below the fertile earth there is a stone that says where 2 of the stones need to be. It will water the seed

  24. @blom put the water stone first place at the skull than zoom out, you can see the part of bridge with a stone, take the stone and put it on the fire so you'll have the fire stone

  25. When you get the water stone, put it in the "necklace" or whatever that is on the skull. If you put it in first place, you'll see a pillar rise in the background. Go back and collect the fire stone. Repeat that with different all the stones.

  26. Then place the firestone in the second position on the skull and another platform is raised. The second platform has a seed on it.

  27. with the pole from left upper screen you get a pickaxe....but where to use

  28. @fuzzball, did you click the star in the water and fed the worm to the fish? After that you should be able to take a stone from the water, I believe that was the firestone

  29. got it!!Thank you all:))

  30. Give magic spear to the woman and she'll show you where to use the pickaxe. Collect death stone and follow instructions you got from the waterfall inscription.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Thx, lovelygiraffe. Out

  33. Am I bugged?? I put bean in fertile earth and cant find plant stone... Is the bean the stone?

  34. i've got a thorny thing but dont know what to do with it

  35. Use the thorn branch on Otto to get his blood. Then combine with the rock to get a bloodstone.

  36. hit the brain

  37. ok, nevermind,i wounded the man for blood than combined blood with the stone in the inv.

  38. out.. mention the small plaque, right side of the waterfall

  39. I give up!! Usually better at this series but the plant stone got me stuck...

  40. What to do with this skull stone ?

  41. have the skull stone, but don't understand the text on the plaque on the right of the waterfall; what to do with the skull stone?

  42. Got it, put the stones from above : blood, water, fire, bones.

  43. Blood, water, fire, skull.

  44. got it! had blood, water, skull, fire. Was wrong. Out, thanks for the help.

  45. Hi! Can someone help me, please. I've put the seed in the fertile earth, but what to do next?

  46. anyone here i can only find three twigs

  47. One is on the far on top of rock on the grass, one on the middle rock (in the grass) to the right.

  48. LOL So why wont some person tell us baldy blonde people the plant stone story Zazie....
    Just kidding.

  49. C@ke, just take the plant stone from the just grown tree.

  50. Geeze I clicked all over that spot on the fertile earth so the tree was to the right of it???
    Will try again.

  51. The new tree was to the right on top of rock.

  52. Well that is third restart and no new tree grew for me again....
    Do I have to wait awhile and\or question the knucklehead Otto a few times???
    Or do unmentionable things to make the bean fertile???
    This is my final give up!!

  53. Just will ask did the tree grow immediately?

  54. Leroy you have to change positions of the stones in the necklace, like the plaque on the cliff under the man says. Then a spring should appear next to a small tree.

  55. For the tree, on the skull put water stone (blue) in the second place and fire stone in the fourth. Then the tree will appear.

  56. Wow this episode was hard. I couldnt have done it alone, thanks for your hints!

  57. Geeze a Saturday night I guess. No one mentioned that and I did read the plaques on the rockwalls LOL
    TY All

  58. Ok, let me try posting this once:)


    Click parrot to find out you need four nature stones for bridge and death stone for scroll, then click a plaque under the parrot to find out which stones you actualy need.

    Click Otto's bag three times to get matches.

    Collect four branches: one above Victoria, one left of the skull on the edge of the cliff, one right of Victoria and one above Otto. Put them on a stone right of Victoria and use matches on them to light a fire. Also pick up a worm just next to that rock. Click sparkling thingy in the water so the fish comes out and then give him (or her, I'm not sure) that worm.

    Pick up a sock - it's under Otto's bag. Left from Otto is another branch - combine it with sock, so you get a net. Use it on the sparkling thing in water to get water stone.

    Click on skull and put water stone in the first spot on the necklace, then back out. You'll see a pillar came out of the water with a sphere. Put that in fire and you'll get fire stone.

    Click skull again and put fire stone in the second spot. Back out again, collect the seed.

    Click plaque right of Victoria and see hint. Follow it and put water stone in second place and fire stone in fourth so you get Drops of magic water. Put your seed in those drops and a tree will grow. Collect the "leaf" which is actualy the plant stone.

    Click skull again, put the plant stone in third spot (while you're there, rearange water and fire stones again, as they were before), back out, collect thorns.

    Be mean to Otto and puncture him with thorns, sou you get a drop of blood.

    Pick up a stone (infront of Victoria, a little to the left) and put Otto's blood on it. Now you have a blood stone, put it in the necklace, so your bridge is ready.

    Collect speare (right of the bottom waterfall), tooth looking gray thing next to the water (middle of screen) and a brown stick tihngy above the parrot. Combine stick and "tooth", so you get a pickaxe.

    Give speare to Victoria and see sparkling thing right of the top waterfall. Click it with pickaxe to get death stone.

    Read the plaque: His blood stained the water, and the fire burned his bones. It's a hint for order of stones on the necklace to get the scroll.

    Collect the scroll and you're done.


  59. Treasure of Big Totem are games of my favourite ones, although quite often I need some support from comments / WT for the one or another thing.
    Therefore, thx @lovelygiraffe & posters above.
    This time the colour changing of the cursor was too wan for me to see it properly, even with a high quality screen & being quite keen-eyed...

  60. The visual style in these games is evolving nicely, but I agree that the cursor change was a little difficult to see in this one. I think only the border of the arrow turns yellow now, and you really have to keep your eye on it.

    I don't know WHERE she found "Thick McLargehuge" on the bank up there, but his comments were funny, and it was a lot of fun smacking him around with the thorny twig =D The only thing which would have really made my day would be if he'd flinched ;)
    Well, that'll teach him to drop his handbag and scatter his socks around the countryside like that!

  61. grumble grumble grumble...the game tells us to put the water stone in second place, but you have to put it in the first spot to make the pre-fire stone appear?

    I usually like these, but that was just illogical! :(

    Thanks for the walkthrough, @lovelygiraffe. I never would have figured this thing out.

  62. I still can't find the dang scroll! I've done everything and "something happened..." but I have no idea what! LOL

  63. These games could be better if there were more instructions, a lot of it is random clicking. I only finish thanks to all the hints and comments.

  64. Doesn't age well, lots of pixel hunts and absurd reaches for items.


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