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Space Pirate vs. Alien Lobsters Walkthrough

Space Pirate vs. Alien Lobsters


Space Pirate vs Alien Lobsters is another addicting and challenging physics based puzzle game. Those mangy Alien Lobsters have taken your sword. Use your Space Pirate skills to blast those pesky critters of the spacey sea to another dimension. Have fun!

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This game is RIDICULOUSLY glitchy. I've had to refresh the page several times because it gets stuck where it won't fire, even though it shows the meter charging.
Without fail, everytime before it does this, I'll have a round where it immediately shows 0 before I even fire the first shot. Then when you "Reset" it does the no-firing thing.
I've also had a couple times where it wouldn't fire but the number of bombs would decrease as if it did fire. This was not the same problem, and simply resetting the level fixed that one. The others required refreshing the page. It's very aggravating.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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