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Mini Mini Escape 2

Mini Mini Escape 2 is another point and click type room escape games by Mme. Try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I hope that's not to mini.

  2. I am not quite sure when sqares are allowed to disappear on left picture

  3. This has one of those match the colour puzzles - on my seventh go....

  4. We had one of these before - you have to match the colour in either a direct line or with one angle. Difficult to explain without a diagram. You can't match them in a 'staple' shape, for instance, but you can in a straight line or an L shape. Does that make any sense? Having another go.

  5. Thanks for explanation. I always get stuck on the same point

  6. Urban, I think the matching colors have to be in a straight line or just around one corner. Hope you can understand.

  7. I keep getting stuck in the same place too - it's that black one that is always in the way!

  8. I get as far as being left with 2 of each color: white, green, red, brown, grey and the black....didn't quite understand it in the first version of this game....will try again with the straight/angle....thanks for the hint Clodagh

  9. Stuck with the next riddle... The one with the circles and the arrows. I'm hoping for a POP!

  10. Oooh, it's tricky. Thanks for the tip Clodagh.

  11. the color thing is IMPOSSIBLE!

  12. evans
    try to start from middle

  13. It refers to the letters, I'm pretty sure about that, but I still don't know how...

  14. Trying variations of HNL - no luck so far.

  15. blue-blue

  16. Sorry that I can't help with the color thing, I just tried a lot of times, and then somehow it worked. A few hints:
    -the ones with only two colors are easy, eliminate those first
    -there are always the same at the end left over, think of a way to eliminate those and then choose the ones that have to be eliminated before, so try to think from the end, i.e. the opposite way
    Hope that this helps anybody...

  17. Yeh - done the colour puzzle! I took out the double blocks first, and then sort of worked around the top lefthand corner. I'll try to do it again to see what I did.

  18. I thought maybe since the arrows are pointing left, we should rotate the 2 bottom letters making NH become ZI but doesn't seem to work. :(

  19. Take out the two orange squares on the line just above the bottom line and the two blue squares just to the right of the black square. after that try not to take adjacent squares out but rather go across the board to take out the other colours

  20. smarties: I tried that too, I thought that it might be the letters before those, but why the up arrow at the L??

  21. I don't know. I'm really stuck! :)

  22. Very smart, smarties! I was trying to find the letters next to and above the L N and H on my keyboard (not easy because I wore off the print with constant typing). L is rightside up. The other two are tilted as you said. Out. :)

  23. Oops, that was Szarra. Sorry!

  24. Not sure it was me that helped - still don't know what I'm doing! Will try your tip though.

  25. Oh, NOW it works! :P Maybe I wasn't clicking the right pixel on the enter button....

  26. Ha! well done Szarra and mereilin.

  27. Thanks for the clues for tilting the letters - out at last!

  28. Soryy, don't get it... Is it the letter right side up from the L on the keyboard? What keyboard? QWERTY? Would you please spoil the solution? Because it doesn't work for me.

  29. Nothing to do with keyboard escapism, just imagine turning the letter onto their sides (or staying upright in one case).

  30. Very clever :)
    Thanks, I don't think I'd have ever thought of that

  31. Finally got the colors, thanks again for the extra hint RSA Momma Cyndi

  32. Having a real stupid moment... I can see that N is Z and H is I, but what is a L upside down?? A 7??

  33. L is the only one that stays the same.

  34. Ah, got it, L is just L! Oh my god... m(

  35. Thanks Clodagh, realised it in the end. ;-)

  36. got it, you're on the right track escapism......but not a 7....spoiler.....


  37. Always happens like that, doesn't it Escapism! Byee!

  38. WHOHOO! Finally solved this tricky color puzzle without help.

    Loved this!

  39. HINT for the color puzzle:

    DO NOT work yourself through that from "outside", e. g. from an area with lots of free fields.

    Instead, think you're Robinson Crusoe on a lone island and start with a close pair ENTIRELY surrounded by other blocks (imagine it to be the sea). Can't give away which, that would be spoiling.

    Again, think as if the island was as small as your bathroom, and to be able to move around, Robinson would work his way from where he stands outside bit by bit.

  40. for those, who stiil can't solve the square riddle:
    hope this may help;)

  41. Good one. The color tile removing puzzle was tough - but not too tough. The final (letter) puzzle was even tougher. But still not unfairly tough, I liked it.

    One side note to the developer: if you include a puzzle box where the players have to scroll through the entire alphabet - and do it three times - then you might consider making the letter inoput boxes scrollable both ways - or stop including later letters of the alphabet. Why make the players click 20+ times unnecessarily?

  42. Loved the picture puzzle and the color matching puzzle. Letter code was poor IMO.

  43. It took me an embarrassingly long time to notice you could turn the pieces around in the picture puzzle. I was frustrated for ages... sigh need more coffee LOL.

  44. It took me an embarrassingly long time to notice you could turn the pieces around in the picture puzzle. I was frustrated for ages... sigh need more coffee LOL.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Mary, logic sometimes helps here. Can it usually be that there is sky on the bottom and something stony, rocky above? That suddenly makes you think there is something upside down.

    (BTW What a revolutionary idea for Hottategoya (ex Dghgbakufu). Puzzles upside down! So one could either solve them while hanging from a high bar, manually turn the monitor by 180° or take the challenge by solving them the normal way :))


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