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Urbex - Urban Exploration Incident 1 is a new scary point and click type room escape game from Psionic. Explore a scary old abandoned factory. Invited by a trusted friend you head deeper within, except all is not what it seems in this derelict place. Something dark lurks within, something creepy and in-human. Will you get out alive?. Good luck and have fun!

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Urbex Walkthrough

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  1. this looks interesting, but when the game loads, it tells me to install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. OK. So I do that, reload the game, and it tells me to install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player. Pfffft.

  2. Loaded nicely for me. Looks like a nice game.

  3. Loaded well for me. I'm on to Part 2 now. Have just closed missile blast doors. Creepy.

  4. It's all pretty straight forward. Onto Chapter 3: the Sewer System. (eww)

  5. Good graphics, nothing puzzling for quite a few scenes, now in a missile silo looking for electrical tape or maybe jumper wire.

  6. hmmm... you need a tool (wrench I'm guessing) before you can keep moving on through the sewer. I went down and held my breath but ran out of air. If you die you have to go back to the start of the chapter.

    Also found a 'secret area' in the sewer. Not sure if there were others earlier on that I missed.

  7. Oh, you don't need a new tool, just use your crowbar. Swimming through the sewer gets a bit tricky if you run out of breath though!

  8. When you get to the second grill just keep using your crowbar on the question mark areas, then you'll get a nice little surprise o_O

    After that I keep dying at the locked gate.

  9. Fiz that's where I'm stuck. I got the crowbar to take the nuts off, but I still can't get the grate open and can't go back above water. What am I doing wrong?

  10. Same here, clicking like crazy at the catches on that gate, just not fast enough.

  11. Oh, locked gate is just unlocked by hand. Then use crow bar to open the gate.

    Collected round pieces in water before moving on.

  12. What did you do Andrea? I've died 5 times.

  13. Use the crowbar to get the nuts off, then use it again in the middle to lift the grate.

    Use the crowbar again at the next grill on each of the question marks (four times usually, although I opened it once by just clicking on them three times).

    At the final gate open the latches by hand. You have to actually move them, not just click on them. Then use crowbar to get the gate grill out of the way.

  14. Just tried again, used crowbar in middle, clicked a billion times on the middle and died.

  15. OK, now in Chapter 4. Have fixed the wires but nothing else seems to be happening...

  16. Which gate/grill are you at Jessica? There are three in the sewer swim.

  17. I couldn't get it to load either. After the Armor Games intro, I just got a black screen.

    This one worked for me:

  18. I'm at the first one, where you take a breathe then go under water. There are 2 bolts on the bottom corners that you use crowbar to take off. Once they are off, I can't do anything else.

  19. Ah, there are more wires to fix near the roof. Gate now open.

  20. It really sucks when someone is stuck in the same spot that you are asking for help with, then they post they "made it!" then never say another word.

  21. There are four nuts there! Two at the top as well. You should see a small question mark come up I think. When you've clicked all four corners then use crowbar on the middle of the grill.

  22. Well, I found Stinger. Poor guy didn't make it. Make sure you look all around the floor in the little room Stinger is in. Found a tape recorder and something else, but they haven't turned up in my inventory. I was hoping I could use that tape recorder on the relay station things all around the train yard - there's a little message at the bottom of each one saying listen for the click.

  23. Alas poor Stinger. I knew him, Horatio. Sorry Jessica; was busy playing.
    1st gate: 4 bolts; use crowbar
    2nd gate: crowbar on places with ?
    3rd gate: rotating things at bottom left and right. Click till they are away then crowbar in the middle.

  24. Fiz, as you click the buttons one in each row will sound different from the others. That's the one you want to have clicked.

  25. Relays aren't that much of a problem. The click is pretty obvious. For people without sound these are the positions for each relay:

    Relay 1: 1 6 11
    Relay 2: 4 5 11 (I think!)
    Relay 3: 3 8 10
    Relay 4: 2 6 10

  26. Make sure you click on the blue pantograph switch until it reaches the top. You'll find it on the train engine at the buffers area. Pull the pin there as well.

    Now I've got power, pantograph and pin pulled I just need to find the brake system.

  27. Ah, it's in the buffer area too. And finally, a place to use the screw driver!

  28. Same place as the pin, there is a cable below that needs to be unscrewed.

  29. Smashed my train engine through the big doors, thought I'd see daylight and escape but nooooooooooooo... more dank, dark tunnels!

  30. I've been photographing tags as I've gone as well.

  31. Ive pulled the pin, unscrewed the cable, did both relay boxes, moved the lever thing to the top and now stuck.

  32. Oh goody, roof collapse and another timed air task. Tricky to find all the places to click. Finally found a something solid but didn't use my crowbar in time. Trying again.

  33. Yeah, trying to go through the dark tunnel too.

    There are 4 relay boxes

  34. Oops, make that 3 relay boxes.

  35. Jessica - there are four relay boxes. One at the shunts, one at the buffers, one on the back right wall and one in the back right corner. You will need to go into the room at the back as well to find a key for the train and switch the power on when all the relays are done.

  36. I make it through the tunnel until the scene is lit again but then get stuck.

  37. Got the 4 boxes done. Stuck trying to open door.

  38. Made it through after I kept missing the obvious way through the middle!

  39. Remember to use your skeleton key for any doors with regular locks.

    To get out of the train yard you bash the train through the doors!

  40. This was good. Now to go back in and look for the secrets and tags etc.

  41. Yeah, you just have to keep finding spots. The next couple are kind of just below center, to the left or right.

    In the darkness, the first 4 spots are
    - very top center
    - bottom right quadrant, about 3/4 way down and 3/4 to the right the screen
    - far left, a bit above the center line
    - dead center

  42. I see dead people. LOTS of dead people!

  43. In the lab. Found "something subtle on the wall" and deactivated security lock 1. Now stuck.

  44. Ah, back to the foyer and found another secret panel.

  45. Im at the end where it says I need to claw my way out (in the dark) - any way to get out of this?

  46. Made it out. In the lab there are four different panels to disable the security locks, you have to look around for the clues for the grid patterns.

  47. Now have Security Locks 1, 3 and 4 deactivated. Searching searching for number 2...

  48. Jessica: Move your mouse around to find the moving forward arrows. On the third one you use your crowbar. I kept getting stuck after the scene gets re-lit because I didn't search around the middle of the screen, so don't forget to look there.

  49. Found the moving forward arrows, used crowbar, then cant find any more moving forward arrows and keep dying.

  50. How to I stop getting killed by the bug?

  51. Ok made it to areas that are somewhat lit, but still keep dying. Think i'm going to consider this one done.
    Thanks for all your help Fiz!

  52. POP - a panel on the right, gotta click at the right time

  53. Deactivated Lock 2 (go back to the foyer again to look for secret panels).

    Now I'm stuck trying to fend off a killer fly.

  54. Finally out and wreaked urban havoc :)

  55. Oh, POP here too! Sliced fly.

  56. I got all the tags, graffitti and audio tapes but only got 2 of the secret areas and documents and only 4 out of 10 flies.

  57. Great Adventure .. n WOW Great Graphics !!

  58. reminded me of Dead Space actually !!

  59. Thank you for the link, gmm, I had a black screen, too, with the link given here.

  60. A great game, 5 stars, IMHO !

  61. verry super cool game!!! :D

  62. "Download the latest Flash Player", same what zoz got (see initial post).

    This STINKS.

    I bet the engine simply does a stupid comparison by fetching latest version number and then compares and if the comparison fails, you get that nonsensical message.

    Speaking of nonsensical, this is absolute BOLLOCKS on Linux!!
    Adobe did something terribly idiotic by stopping Linux support for Flash Player version greater than 11.2 (last).

    So the version check will ALWAYS fail henceforth.

  63. The best of psionic was killer escape`!!!

  64. I have the latest version of Flash and I'm at some black screen after the loading screen...Pffttt..this game clearly shows favoritism.

  65. @ arbeitslooser: habe das gleiche Problem..:(

  66. Wow that was intense lol... good game though (but i did need the walkthrough for a bit)

    And thanks @ gmm for that link, i was just getting a black screen as well :)

  67. *UPDATE*

    No success, but at least I know now that it's NOT Psionic games nor Armor Games to be blamed for the FlashPlayer madness!

    The message actually comes from MOCHICRYPT used in the Flash file. And since MochiCrypt is in the preloading routine, it will never make it to the actual game.

  68. epic! thanks for the alternate link above.

  69. Creepy cool new style of game! Thanks!!!

  70. Thank you @gmm for the alternate link of
    All I was getting in Firefox/Windows was popup windows and a black play screen.

  71. Very long game with an actual storyline. Well worth playing to the end. Quite a few pixel hunts and a few fuzzy clue graphics, plus a couple of trial-and-error timed action sequences (that are a pain). Just memorize the sequences and where to click (pixel hunt locations one by one). It is worth struggling your way through, even if it unfortunately breaks the atmosphere of game play.

    SPOILERS: Pixel hunt the walls of each room when you get to the lab, there are two doors and 4 locks. The left room has 3 screens, one has the code. When you get attacked from the ant hit the green button on the right.

  72. This game takes forever to load, but so far it hasn't asked me to install anything.

  73. I only see a black screem after it loads. Trying to reload it now.

  74. Nope, still the black screen. I wonder if it's still loading or something.

  75. I have re-published it for flash 11.2, you night have to clear your cache/refresh if you having problems previously (or try it on newgrounds/kongregate) Thanks. Psionic.

  76. The black screen was the sitelock (should have added some text) It has been removed now, Please try to clear your cache/refresh or try it elsewhere.

    Thanks for playing all!!


  77. Very good game but it left me feeling cold as the creatures escaped alongside me. Will there be a continuation, I wonder?

  78. Loved this!!! Cannot for the life of me find the 4th secret area/doc/tape though :/

  79. i have no idea where to fine section lock 1!!! pls help.

  80. i can't get past the power boxs in chapter 2 can someone help me

  81. Finished! Finally! Took me 8 hours ( i was on and off over the 8 hours are there any other similar games that any of you can recommend?

  82. I can't find the train key in chapter 4. all the tasks are done, but i cant find the key.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. For the gryph lock security system what's the code???

  85. caught this one from the random section

    but couldn't play, as link is broken...
    (all links to are broken btw)
    also the alternative link from comments d/w anymore...


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