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Waste of Time III Walkthrough

Waste of Time III


Waste of Time III is another free online puzzle/word/riddle game by Jonthewatch for Escape Games 24. 8 more levels to complete. There are no source clues or software trickery, just text based clues leading to the answer. Look for patterns in the text to advance to the next level. Good luck and have fun!

Play Waste of Time 3!



LOL..LOL ..im the first to start riddle of jon ...

Not really a riddle, just hiding words and numbers....hope you enjoy it

some spelling mistake in text ..just notice that ...anyone playing ?

raasti, I'm here. I'm not familiar with the favorite songs on level 3.

ok great peggy ..im still at 1 ...LOL

Hi raasti, I think those mistakes are the point...

level 1, note the spelling mistakes, find the letters....then you have the name

yeh i kno i got 4 letters but cant make any word

1st letter is the one thats missing, not the one that's too many...

I didn't need to know the songs. Just find the numbers hidden in the words.

I can't do anything with the songs either.

oh got it ..i got 1 letter wrong ..

Ok I'm too stupid for this, can't find any nrs in those titles. you mean e.g. "one" in someone, peggy?

@uzi, yes. SomeONE. I can't remember them all, but I remember the word before "our" ended with an "f" to make four...

wht to do on 2 ? again spelling mistake

The numbers are clear on level 4, but I can't figure out what to do with them. Or is it something else I should be looking for?

@raasti, I had to print out the poem to get it. Just enter the missing letters.

thanks..! found 20 but doesnt work, will keep looking. raasti compare to real lyrics of raven

@uzi, don't add the numbers, just enter them in the order they appear.

thanx.this is a bit exhausting

Still stuck on 4. I've tried adding the numbers, enter hi to low & low to hi, counting words (15), counting letters of the numbers (again 15). Can't find any hidden numbers or words.

thanx for help but i think this is difficult for me ..

anyway your hardwork is much appreciated @ JOHN

I am at the same place as you Peggy. Been at this one for awhile.

for level 4, use the number in some way on the title

Thanks annaby! I was skipping a word when trying to do that

I hate being the stupid one. But I still don't get level 4. A little more hint please?

Peggy - take the number and count ... not words, but ...

level 4: the number gives you the letter to look for....

Thanks for the game Jon!

:D Donas

OMG! FINALLY! Thank you Jon.

Jon - a little hint for 8? Been stuck on that for quite a while now.

Hmm I am still on 5... :(

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 12:34 PM  

This game sux

Can't really hint for lvl 8....go back and use the answers to get the letters you need

level 5 - how would Caesar look at that?

oh - TY jon - Should have thought of that!!

btw, the misspelling on level 8 is not deliberate - don't let it throw you
(jon - spelling errors not like you :) - nice game, thanks!)

what spelling error?

im still on 2 can someone spoil it please

Level 2: atlast

sherry12, compare what you have to the original, look for lost letters

jonthewatch thank you Im no good in these games

I am really sorry I made that mistake. Forgive me.

I cant get 3 i guess ill wait for a WT

no big deal jon :D

sherry - there's a number hidden in each line - 4 numbers, use digits for the answer

stuck on level 6

level 6 - there's a nationality embedded in the title of his first novel

level 7 - country hidden in sentence
level 8 - see hint above
gotta go - good luck all

thanks annaby... got it :)

ok I have three letters for level 1 but not working help...only three errors that I see

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 1:48 PM  
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DKat, lamb, fleece, mary & sure.

oh my, just saw Marty...in Level 1...not thinking today I guess :)

every time i put the answer in and press enter it directs me to a web page not found, what do i do?

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 1:52 PM  
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jsherry, that means the answer is incorrect. Go back and try again.

@86ff....etc. Perhaps you need to be clever to play them.....there are some good hidden object games here, and you can zoom in to help you.....

Not everyone is capable of riddles, this is a great game, fun and clever. Thanks Jon!

ok it's still not work i think im going to give up!

what are you trying jsherry?

jsherry, what level?

im still on level 1, i get how to do it but the guesses im trying are not working

im using these letters....emth

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 2:07 PM  
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you have 4 words with missing or wrong letters, makes a common girls name

Lvl 1....fix my typos...take those letters to make a word....mary had a little lamB, the first letter is B

jsherry, the M should be a B

Thanks for the advice 86ff....now, go play with the traffic

oh k lol thanks now i get it!

and 86ff, I'd suggest you get a life, we already know how rude you are, there is no place for it here!

stuck on level 5, dont get clue above...:(

Thanks for the game Jon, good fun for those of us that love these :) - keep them coming!!

Dkat, the Roman's had a special numbering system...

Lvl 5: look for roman numerals

DKat, convert the numbers into an old numbering system that Caesar might have used.

oh ok wow , i haven't played these games in a while...thanks for hints...I go see if I can get it now :)

thanks for the nice comments guys...86ff is way to busy solving worthwhile puzzles, like how to solve the Earths ecological problems to help here. Keep asking for hints and you will get them.....

got 5,easy once you know what to do

86ff - this site posts games for all ages and all interests. If you don't like a game, don't play it. And please don't post any more comments until you've learned some basic manners

thanks for your support Annaby :)

My pleasure :D

FROM NEW: I suggest that if you don't want to play the game, then DON'T!! No need for offensive and mean comments here.

@Donas and New, people who play here have friends. We play together and have fun. That person has neither fun nor friends. We should feel pity for a person without fun or friends in their life. Go EG24 family!

I second, third and forth that!! :)

:) Sweet !!

I second, third & fourth that too :)
I must say I was rather surprised to see rude comments on this site. I've been on it a while and never seen that before. I guess it takes all sorts.

Need help with Country on level 7???

Look at the sentence carefully - it's buried in there somewhere

ok cee bee...still looking...i'll find it

found country, yay !!

:) - always better to find it yourself than get a spoiler :)

c'mon guys.....hit the finish.....

then post a walkthrough....


       Anonymous  5/19/13, 3:11 PM  
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congrats DKat :)

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 3:13 PM  
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Thanks for your input 86ff...now, go and play with some people like yourself...or to put it another way, go play with yourself

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 3:14 PM  
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I loved this game and I needed hints...oh well I had fun!!!!

You don't have many friends here 86ff....

thanks DKat :) Glad you enjoyed it

I thought you weren't stumped 86ff...you shouldn't need hints or any reason to read the comments. The traffic is real busy any time you need to go play.

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 3:21 PM  
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       Anonymous  5/19/13, 3:23 PM  


You obviously lack common sense, critical thinking, and any sort of morals, standards or integrity to continue this. Could you go find something else to do now? We're tired of it. Take care now, ya here?

Try making a sentence. Let English speakers know what you are trying to say.

Thanks Jon! Very fun!

thanks Enjoy :)

lol If you want logic here it is http://marvriddle.webd.pl/marv_riddle/start.htm

have fun

We have a sneaking suspicion who 86ff is Mtatt....

lol :P

       Anonymous  5/19/13, 7:24 PM  
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still not getting 4. Anymore hints?

Thanks Jon, I enjoyed that (unlike some!!!)

The congrats video was a bit 'Eggist' though lol

BTW I don't know where the Scott suddenly appeared from....


@Robin Rob - if you still need help on level 4, there are four lines and four numbers, pick letters from each to find a kind of monster...

*each line

Thank you jonthewatch!! Enjoyed the riddles and thanks for the help - didn't need quite as much this time!

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 12:54 AM  

Became engrossed in the little spat above and missed the clue for level 6. Who'd have thought a little Sunday evening word game could be so contentious!

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 1:03 AM  

Became engrossed in the little spat above and missed the clue for level 6. Who'd have thought a little Sunday evening word game could be so contentious!

Thank you Rambler. Still nowhere on 4. Can you give me answer to line 1 as a hint?

use the number to find what letter you need.....on the first line, One is the number, use the first letter

and please do google Jonthewatch, you will find nothing but gaming posts, comments etc....if you find anything else I would like to know about it.

So on 4 answer is ostf? Only anagram I get is "soft" and that's not working.

Hi Robin. The O is correct. Next letter is a g which is the 6th letter of the next line. Continue that way and you will have your four letter word

no, this is a tricky level...use the number to get the letter in that sentence. The second line gives the letter G

yeah all done
thanks Jon for the great game
thanks to all players for the great hints
love these games ....x

can't seem to find the country on 7..... any help please? I know it's hidden in the sentence but where......

toward the end of the sentence

Five stars from me, Jon, thanks for the games.

Any help on 6? not irish,american, french, or ginger.

I am stuck on lvl 8.....great game Jon !!
But i need help now.

pop, found it on my own..... yeeeehh and out! :-)

look at all the answers you got so far zazie

robin, look at the title of his first novell....

thanks for a fun game jon.... nice waste of time lol

Ohh thx Janet, i did not imagine this...will look now

I did it too jippieh, this was fun !

yea-got 7 on my own.

       Anonymous  5/20/13, 10:51 AM  
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@ 86ff4042-c0c5-11e2-b1dd-000bcdcb8a73, here is a riddle just for you. Good luck and have fun!

1. four
2. number
3. acclimate
4. cockroach
5. once_ more
6. kokomo
7. deceitful
8. counterfeit

I trust you will be able to figure it out with no help.

@ 86ff4042-c0c5-11e2-b1dd-000bcdcb8a73

Enough of this trash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Theres no place for you here !!!! cant someone delete this ???

it will be deleted new

Having it deleted as we speak


About your childish, hateful posts,
Secretly hidng behind an anon name.
Seems to me something's seriously wrong with you,
How about seeking some mental help?
Obviously you're not happy with yourself,
Little bit challenged in the trousers region, maybe?
Ending (for) now with; this is a riddle too.

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       Anonymous  5/20/13, 3:03 PM  
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who in the hell is this loser? Go away you hateful, hateful person!

Please dont waste your time with this guy. Just enjoy your games here. He will be dealt with.

86ff. You obviously have a grudge against me. If you want to talk to me about it. Meet me in the chat room sometime. Keep your poison out of comments.

I have no idea who this 86ff individual is, but do everyone a favor and drift away into the sunset...Jon works very hard to make challenging, fun games for us and I, for one, appreciate his effort. This is a game site for those who enjoy, and can handle, a challenge. And just in case there is any confusion...the good people here actually have above average grey matter.

@Jon...an ignorant, asinine moronic person who finds it necessary to hide behind a ridiculous, uninspired combination of numbers and letters obviously has no idea who you are and he/she/it is not worthy of your time :) Someone this clueless couldn't possibly have a grudge against you...I think this banal personality dislikes the world in general. Thank you for yet another great game!

Well was going great guns until I got to level 5 and I'm totally stuck. Is it something to do with toes or feet or something??? Feeling very dense.

POP. Puzzled over this for ages and as soon as I post a thought hits me! Romans, countrymen lend me your ears. NB use lower case for this answer. I tried it first with caps and it didn't work.

Really enjoyed that, thanks for the hints...they were needed. And I'm glad to have missed the 'performance' by the numbered lettered one.

thats the first time I've ever managed to finish one of these riddle games thanks to all the hints from you guys.
Good game.

nice one jon and loved the end lol

done but for some reason level 4 was not there :/ mad the last question a bit more challenging anyway lol thanks brill game

I've never understood how to solve riddles. Still don't. Had to use the comments on most of these. Thanks for the help, all.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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