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E-Addict Mini Riddles 2

E Addict Mini Riddles 2 is another point and click type room escape game developed by EAddict using Dr. Fou's Room Escape Maker. In this game, you must find some items and solve puzzles to escape the room. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I was just thinking I needed another torture episode from E-Addict. :-)

    Alas, I will have to wait, the link appears not to be there.

  2. Ooo, I went on Chat and Eaddict posted a link there that works.

  3. the link works for me but I haven;t got a clue where to start.....

  4. Oh, it looks like the link got fixed.
    I actually got one open!
    The clock one... I was overthinking again.

  5. Drat! I'm not getting anywhere and I'm falling asleep.

    I don't know what time zone Eaddict is in, but your games always seem to be posted in the wee hours of the morning here. :(

  6. Working today!
    will have to do these tomorrow

  7. Thanks for the new game E Addict!
    Hi Joe and Peggy! so far I got 2 safes open : the fake bodyguard one, and the one under the poster.
    Here are hints just in case : for the first I mentioned ww2, and for the second : only one thing that would frighten me at that time of the month

  8. Solved the one under clock....hint is the clock.

  9. Thx E Addict !! I love these, but it seems to be very hard....

  10. E Presto i don´t understand your hints.

  11. Ohh got the bodyguard safe open. I was overthinking....

  12. Hint : How the invasion in Normandy was called ?

  13. Got safe under poster open.

  14. Hint : A maybe existing animal ?

  15. OMG, i need help, nobody here ??

  16. I just came back and still nobody to help ?
    E Addict where are you ??!!!
    For the legend safe i tried jacko, elvis and lots of others, nothing is working :-(

  17. I tried also JAMES (Dean, Morrison)...nope

  18. Thanx Edgar !

    Hello guys .. as usual part 2 .. same as the first with enough hints this time i hope .. that's it !

    lol Peggy i knew you missed me ! :-)

    Hey Zazie :-) for the Legend safe .. the numbers are supposed to tell you who the legend is .. two numbers actually .. you just have to read them properly !

    E Presto congrats for the riddle you just published .. i'll take my time trying it later in the background .. peeking at all the hints of course :-) .. so the hints were enough for the coordinates safe right ?

    and Joe i thought of dedicating this game to you actually for all the compliments you included in your comments before :-) .. and the way you post your comments in small paragraphs .. i just like it ;-) ..

    see you later ..

    Thanks !

  19. Huhu E Addict, i came back, read your hint, but i still don´t get it.....feeling sooo stupid :-( I will come back tomorrow and try to solve the other safes. I don´t get the "left ROLL right" safe either.I am stumped.Tried Wheel, Tires etc...and left- right reminded me at the tire PROFILE (zig-zag) but nope.
    N8 all

  20. E Presto and Zazie, thanks for the hints.

    Still working on ALEGEND. I even tried Zorro (it looks kinda like a 'Z').

    EAddict says to look at the numbers properly. I Googled "19, 1958" and thought I had it with 'solar eclipse', but no. Google gives me Van Cliburn and Eisenhower's broadcast from space amongst other things.

    I'm having difficulties reading the numbers any differently.

  21. Hey Peggy ! sorry was playing E Presto's Riddle .. two numbers .. just read each one in a different way .. so ? and btw there are many other easier puzzle to start with .. i'll be around anyway ! :-)

  22. 19 19 58 ... could be lg, l9, 1g, s8, 85, 8s, 61, b1, bl, 6l...
    I've tried upside down, backwards, I've read them slowly and trying to combine them to make words. Any other hints you could share?

    Also, I'm not finding any of the other puzzles any easier.

  23. two set of numbers Peggy .. one number is used in the two sets .. those two numbers should tell you who the legend is .. using Google of course .. and btw the sign also should help getting you to the answer !

  24. Okay, today is calmer, I'm back to trying to open safes! (thanks for playing mishmash btw)

  25. haha, I actually got the legend safe just with sign! I am now trying to work out what the numbers are! lol
    Hint : I got it because I recognized the sign. I thought the answer was going to be harry potter (even though he isn't really a legend)!
    Tell me if that hint is too vague!

  26. Sorry E Addict, forgot to answer your post : I got that safe open just with bodyguard, but coordinates are a good extra hint

  27. ok so worked first number you on legend safe very easily (it's 2digits.2digits) and the other set of numbers I converted to letters, and googling them together I got the answer. Tell me if my hints are too much E Addict

  28. the "you" in previous post was supposed to be "out", don't ask me how that happened!

  29. haha! got the back start one too!

  30. Still don´t get the lengend :-(

  31. hint: kind of rebus under that safe (not the post-its) and on the left, it's not a 5

  32. Zazie! You're here! How are you? It's been a while!
    For the legend: what does harry potter have on his forehead? That is the sign

  33. Zazie, I need a hint for the clock! I've tried many things such as looking at it like a compass, taking first letters, etc

  34. Hi E Presto, thx i am fine :-)
    The clock was easy for me....what are clocks showing ?

  35. Slap face! lol Great hint, thanks so much!

  36. I see the signe (blue) but nothing works. Has the answer to do with harry potter ?

  37. no nothing to do with harry potter, it was just to help you see what the blue thing was. If you know what it is google it with the first set of numbers, which lloks like this : xy.xy

  38. OMG Finally !!!! This safe was hell for me lol.

  39. LOL Zazie! YAY! I don't know where to start with the other ones.

  40. And stuck again, for the left roll right safe i tried hundreds of words and nothing.

  41. And the safe with the 2 rings i tried everything what has to do with a face, (eyelid, lashes, etc) with a car or a bicycle (wheels, tyres, street etc)

  42. I will have to come back to it later Zazie, I must go for now, enjoy :) good luck

  43. Ok thx for your help...need a break too.

  44. Hello again .. oh wow Em you did solve most of it .. and i don't mind you giving any hints at all .. i want it done myself !

    Zazie .. these symbols represent a word .. so letters are letters , just convert numbers into letters and it would be obvious !

    see you later !

  45. E Addict, are you referring to the safe with 2 black circles ?

  46. Not so obvious for me lol...
    I see V (could be the letter V, or the number 5, changed into a letter it would become E), the turned = sign (could be B as second letter), two "O"s and the E in the middle.

  47. what you see isnt a V Zazie .. you are missing something around it !

    btw i sent this message a couple of minutes ago and it just gone !

  48. Wow opened the smart safe, this was tricky :-)

  49. Don´t see anything around V, only the " signs, i am stumped.

  50. :-) good work Zazie ! yes there is something around it .. not the same size though !

  51. wow Zazie .. very good ! :-) .. still one to go ? sorry i'm just busy doing some stuff ..

  52. I am trying hard the one step south safe, nothing until now...

  53. Clues please Zazie
    M safe and the smart safe
    Doing well up to now
    Struggling otherwise

  54. Hint for M safe : Where did you learn Math and when ? Maybe a long time if you wanna redo it, you need something working to do it again.

  55. Smart safe : Look at the number which is disappearing, make it into a letter.

  56. Need help with the "one step south" safe and the safe with 2 circles.And the back/start safe too.

  57. Have been working on all of them
    The number that is disappearing is the 9
    Solution begins with G?

    I learnt math at school
    Many many years ago
    Fingers and toes to add and subtracrt
    Nothing works
    Somewhat obtuse clue but will probably kick myself when I get it

  58. If you want to redo the Math you lerned in school today, you need a good .........

    9 is which letter in Alphabet ?

  59. Genius
    I finally got the math one
    Am thinking about the I ( ninth letter clue )
    Still worknig on the others too
    Am really struggling today
    Horrible days @ work

  60. Safe with 2 circle looks like someone riding a bike
    Tried all related
    No help

  61. No sorry i am stuck too at the others, but watching a film at the same time right now lol....

  62. E Addict said that letters are letters and signs have to be transformed. And V is not the letter V and i should look at something around. So i can read IIV as 3 (letter C) and VII as 7 (letter G) maybe..

  63. have to go
    back later
    Thanx for the games E addict
    Extremely difficult Still love them
    I really admire the obtuse way that you put these together

  64. got 5 safes open, trying to get the legend safe right now, think i might be overthinking it again, anyone still around?

  65. Yeah yeah....from time to time i am looking if i can get some help....wait, i will will change PC, back in a few minutes.

  66. The legend safe was the hardest for me until now....but there are still some others i cannot open.

  67. BTW i even don´t know this legend :-) Never heard this name.

  68. Ok some more hints for it :
    1.Look at the blue pattern, what is it ?
    2.Look at the first 2 number sets (19,19) this must be a year.
    3. Google 1 and 2 together.

  69. all that keeps showing up is a ball player that gets hit by a lb

  70. or 19.19 is a time, and not a year hmmm

  71. thanks zazie, went back and read it again, its all in the way you write the timing.

  72. Didn't understand the "9" or "I" the answer has 6 letters, more hints please

  73. YW rds, i am going to bed soon. Not sure if i ever will escape this room lol. E Addict always is saying that it is so obvious, but it isn´t ! At least nor for me. I will come back here tomorrow, if ever you find some hints for the other safes, please share ! I am doing lots of things beside this, but i am thinking all the time what it could be :-)This 4 letter code (south) is making me crazy too. Cu later.

  74. Ok ...what is called smart nowadays ? And look at the number positions.....

  75. Looks familiar to you ? (the numbers)

  76. I tried "myself" and nothing...

    Thanks Zazie I'll try that...

  77. The answer is absolutely obvious and logical, well done E Addict ;-)

  78. Hello guys .. and Zazie i appreciate the effort ! :-)
    so still 3 safe locked ? i'm sorry i've been doing lots of stuff today ! let me know if further hints still needed .. and btw for the A7 safe .. convert the 7 first ..

  79. Yep, i just don´t get this black circles safe grrr....Read my comment a bit above about roman numerals and tell me if i am on right track or not.3=C and 7=G ...not sure but i must sleep now, please let some hints E Addict (for tomorrow)

  80. E addict for the 123 am i in the ball park at all?

  81. @Zazie

    The first V read backwards and for sixth letter use question mark in your search

  82. Amenophis thank you .. the sixth letter is actually my mistake .. sorry .. just noticed it btw !

  83. not making any progress so I think i will take a break and try again later, good luck all

  84. by the way i'm supposing the hints by E Presto and Zazie enough for the safes already opened .. so if anyone needs any extra hints just let me know ..

  85. Woo Hoo!!! I got the A7 safe! :D

    Just googled AG alone and the light came on.

  86. lol Peggy wow .. i always knew you could do it ! :-)

  87. (btw I'm still stuck on level 5 of Em's Mishmash) Sssshhhh, don't tell anyone.

  88. I'm not getting anywhere with PND 321,
    nor Left Roll Right.
    EPresto mentioned for the Back Start safe that the figure to the left of the crate was not a 5. I'm assuming, then, that it is an 'X'? But that doesn't help me much anyway.

  89. oh lol no ! just pick out the letters that come after E and M separately .. there were one M and 4 Es i guess !!

  90. it is an X .. and see the whole picture Peggy including the box , ( start ) and ( back ) .. so ?

  91. Thanks E regarding mishmash, but I FIIINNNAAALLLYYYYYY got that one. I just need to be smacked over the head with a board (with the answer on it) for it to register in my brain.
    I'm on the coordinates that look like braille.

    But that's a different game.
    Back to PND, start and back, and rolling.

  92. lol Peggy i agree ! and you are on the right track for the coordinates ..

    and for the PND you are on a track as well ! :-)

  93. NOW I get the back and start! Clever!
    You were right. That SHOULD have been easier.

  94. I hadn't noticed that it could be more than just numbers.

  95. finally got the p nd, yay any other clues on the left right, or voov?

  96. rds for the double O shapes on the wall see Amenophis' post and my post at 4:30 and 4:41 .. L missing :-) .. sorry again !

  97. thanks Eaddict, i could have sworn I already tried that, just one more to go, and hints on the left roll right?

  98. it cant be more obvious ! :-) have another look first !

  99. thanks E Addict, got it, had to keep staring at mine to come up with the

  100. :-) so all safes unlocked now ?

  101. yes all safes unlocked, but my exit codes dont seem to be working, am i forgetting a step?

  102. yes you are rds .. you may wanna find the right decoder now lol .. key in Bolt's safe .. the note to the right !

  103. key for the decoder i mean .. find which decoder uses 3 letters as a key !

  104. Wait! rds, can you share a clue on how you figured out the PND safe?

  105. how do you get to work peggy?

  106. did you get it? or do you need another clue?

  107. I am not good at picking the right decoder..... grrrr..... i am trying to turn it into a word right Eaddict? lol

  108. 2 words actually rds ( 1st part and 2nd part ) but all depending on finding the right ' machine ' !

  109. Got the A7 safe
    That was mean E addict
    Clue... 7th letter is a g

  110. Ugh
    Just got the smart safe

  111. Hey Joe i see you are doing well in this one ! :-)

  112. does rumkin carry this machine you speak of Eaddict? lol

  113. just google ' cipher machine ' rds ! :-)

  114. and you'll find it here :

  115. 3 safes left
    I am still stuck
    Not doing well

  116. I am struggling today with these last 3
    Not a good 2 days @ work
    I am looking @ the earlier posts
    Not quite understanding

  117. lol Joe ok one by one :

    it's not a bicycle .. it's a word of 6 letters which i missed one by mistake lol the L actually ..

    it's not a crate it's a Box ..

    P N D 3 2 1 .. missing a letter after the P !

  118. Thanks for that last clue, EAddict. I finally figured out what PND 321 referred to, I just couldn't figure out what word you were looking for.

    Now, about that ROLL safe.?

  119. are you left-handed or right-handed Peggy ?

  120. AARGH
    Got the Box clue
    You are brilliant
    So clever
    Obvious once you pointed out it was a box
    Loved the Smart clue too
    Now working on the other 2

  121. E, I'm right-handed, but I'm sure you weren't really asking me. I don't understand that as a clue, though.

  122. YAYY got the PND321
    Obvious once you get it

  123. right-handed means that it's supposed to be on your right .. now do you need another board with this answer on it ? lol

  124. Got the " bicycle" one
    Dont know why but once you gave me the L the answer switched on
    So only safe left is the R /L roll
    Have tried twist
    Am still thinking
    The quality of your games is spectacular.
    I feel so stupid after I click to the solutions
    They are usually obvious except for Brad Pitt
    Eaddict will understand last reference

  125. LOL, E! :D
    I just might need a head-smacking.

  126. Joe M. I understand too, and I agree.

  127. Hi Peggy
    I am stuck on the last clue
    Any other hints?
    This game has really taxed me
    Love it!!!

  128. lol Joe .. we all feel this way sometimes when playing escape games .. they only seem simple after being solved .. i experienced those moments a lot playing Em's riddle tonight !

  129. rds665 said he understood R/ROLL/L after he stared at it a while.

  130. This comment has been removed by the author.

  131. Me too
    Tried playing ems riddle
    Stopped on level 2
    good but not entertaining to me in the same way as your games
    I never used to post 4 yrs
    Got mad when people started bashing your games and Dr Fou game maker.
    If they tried to see like we do they would be as impressed with what YOU are doing with this platform Great job.
    Still stuck on the R/L clue

  132. Peggy still stuck at it ?

  133. Peggy there is a tread pattern on the center object.

  134. Still stuck. I just can't come up with a 5-letter word that fits.

  135. Peggy and Joe .. how exactly are you moving around in my room ?

  136. JoeM, does this mean you figured it out?

  137. NO Peggy
    Its just something I noticed

  138. It looks like the front wheel and handles of a cycle.
    It could be the L/R direction signals in a car.
    Most of the words I come up with have more or less than 5 letters.

  139. i'm sorry i got to go .. for the final cipher review my hints to rds .. see you later !

  140. OMG! What does that have to do with roll?

    Finally got it.

  141. Peggy
    Dont work

  142. You got it with mouse.
    There are left & right buttons on it.

  143. Oh
    Is there a name for the wheel in the middle of the mouse?

  144. My mouse is optic, but you do the same thing with the buttons.

  145. I am just not getting it
    Feel so stupid!

  146. Press doe not work Cannot find 5 letter word

  147. Joe, when we select something on our screen, we refer to this as c****ing on it.

  148. AARGH!!!!!
    Finally got it
    The roll refers to the wheel in the middle
    I am so so dumb!!!
    I have to go to bed
    Will work on cipher tomorrow
    Could not have done it without u Peggy
    THANX so much!!

  149. E Addict
    Great game as ever

  150. is anyone still around, if so.... is it the enigma machine i need? i cant gt it too load on either computer

  151. rds, sorry, I was going through all the ciphers and my computer quit responding. I'm still around, but I am no help.

  152. thanks for answering me peggy, I tried all the other ciphers and got nowhere, am hoping its not enigma that is needed... could some one leave me an answer and a clue please.

  153. Before I leave for tonight, I just want to make sure I'm understanding the clues for the exit door.

    The clues which say 1st are
    E4, X6, B2, D5, O1, Q3

    So to decipher them, I use OBQEDX in that order?

  154. Peggy, that is what i have, and Eaddict say to use "end" from the safe as the "key"

  155. Back right now and everybody is out except me lol....
    I am missing two safes, i don´t get them.

    The box safe
    The PND321 safe.....

  156. Waiting for some help now....

  157. thought maybe PND321 had to do with a gear shift
    xbox ???

  158. Ahh xbox, seems to be a good hint....let me think...

  159. Got it open, you are right the solution starts with your word, the rest i googled.

  160. Now stuck with the last safe PND

  161. E Addict said somewhere that there is a letter missing behind the P ?? What does it mean ?

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. xbox was right as i look in google for xbox, there are several models....

  164. I googled myself silly & tried all the potential answers. Now it works. TY

    Any ideas about PND123?

  165. Not at all, i didn´t understand the hints.

  166. A gear shift is what changes the car transmission. Park, neutral, drive. I'm guessing maybe the missing letter after P is R, but what do the numbers mean?

  167. Ahh to google (no ideas yet for the numbers)

  168. Park




    3rd gear

    2nd gear

    1st gear

  169. Got it ! Look at the position where the safe is..

  170. Are we overthinking this? PRND321 but the safe only has letters, no numbers. Am I being blind . . .

    @Zazie Many thanks for your responses. I have to be gone for awhile but if you have a breakthrough, or anyone else joins us & can help, please, please, please leave hints.

  171. Yes but for the pRnd321 safe the solution IS the missing letter.....? What does it mean, look at my list two comments above. that´s the word we are looking for.

  172. Now i have lots of letters for the exit door...but what does 1st and 2nd mean ?

  173. Ok maybe there are two doors lol

  174. Well the first sequence doesn´t work and the second only has 5 letters and "END"

  175. Some help for exit door code ?

  176. Hmm no help ok....maybe tomorrow.

  177. JC and Zazie
    You have solved the PND321 safe

    I am here trying to understand the cipher

  178. Sorry rds it is
    No idea which cipher machine to use
    Guessed which one by E addicts enigmatic nature

    Great game E addict
    WE love your games

  179. Zazie and JC
    There are 2 words involved and the numbers tell you which order to press the letters

    Will check in later to see if you got it or if I can give more help

  180. joe, it is the "enigma machine" not another cipher will work?

  181. Hello .. yes it is the Enigma machine ( unfortunately rds :-) ) with END used as a key ! and btw probably your java needs to be updated or the page needs a special permission i dunno !

  182. darn, i have tried every update i can to get that cipher to work on my comps, but it just wont work, at least i was able to get all the way to the last step.

  183. There is a letter after "P" missing and this letter is the solution. n8 n8

  184. @Zazie Sorry, I just got back & am too tired to think. Got it. Thank you!!

    @Zazie & Joe M I may be slow, but I am persistent. Will get on the cipher in the am after my 1st cup of coffee.

    Thanks to all of the hints from so many people.

    G'nite all.

  185. I must sleep now, hoping to find a good hint to escape tomorrow :-)
    @E Addict your games are just toooo cute ! Please let them come, i adore them. I am a fanatic woman lol....

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