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Obama Saw Game 2

InkaGames - Obama Saw Game 2 is a new point and click type adventure game by Inka Games. The evil puppet has kidnapped Obama again to force him to play his twisted game. Help them escape safe and sound! Good luck and have fun! [Subbed by Escapeartist]

Play Obama Saw Game 2

Obama Saw Game 2 Walkthrough

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  1. 1 star rating???

    Gotta figure this out...

  2. Oh I see, only music and game not loading, at least for me.

  3. if you use addblock, timmy, then you should deactivate... the game load correctly...

  4. Must click several times when mouth is open.

  5. Ugh. Why must they include these dumb games that require speed?

  6. I got it Eduardo, thanks, using IE.

    Not bad so far, just started. Very intuitive.

  7. I can't get rid of the skull! If I step off the moving platform, it makes me go in the skull room and die. Not sure what I'm missing. I'm tired of constantly having to go back for stones.

  8. ya u keep collecting stone n die in front of skull wht to do man

  9. Use the nail on the slingshot then the mask, then use the magnet
    put the mask on the dog & send it into the skeleton room first

  10. yay finally got the dog to kill the skull :)

  11. chainsaws to the fore LOL

  12. wht the password for the door whr u use the glasses to many no on wooden board :(

  13. Stupid minotaur LOL stops for a sign..

  14. damn did I find a bug?
    I didnt take stop sign to cross room so now reincarnate in vacant right side room of minotaur?

  15. Iam out fun i love inkagames :)

  16. Not many hints left for people who are not out and stuck.....

  17. same by me, could someone from the guys which are out, make a WT please?

  18. Well, I am stuck with an empty slingshot, magnet, M-paperhint, cat and rainbow-paperhint. Cat and rainbowpaper come from room behind minotaur. Use stop sign several times. Missing 200 gr for the big guy and don't know what to do in the M-room behind Ronald.

  19. Waltkthrough above under "play" link.

  20. Thanks for telling us you are out. Maybe a little help could be very useful. Sometimes the walkthrough is not very clear. P.e. how to interpretate the numbers? If you be so kind, please?

  21. Anybody??? Am I all alone here?

  22. I need help with number on the wood. I Don't know how write code to door using google . I have numer 3269714863589 . Thank you person which tell me how is code door

  23. 9 first numbers is up and 4 last numbers is down.

  24. Was so happy when I saw a Saw game, but Hated it!
    I gave up.... the face speed game....unresponsive buttons that have such small click zone which if you don't hit it perfectly resulted to having to going back to get items and do the same action over and over because both myself and my computer are not light of speed fast.. Don't waste your time on this one. More frustrating then fun.

  25. I'm stuck at the numbers too, don't get the logic behind it, and I think I'll give up soon

  26. hi everyone to get rid of the skull just get inside the platform then when you are in front of the right door throw the masked Dog in the door then he will munch on that skull :D

  27. Can't play the "first faces" game in Chrome (occasionally shows correctly but usually shows all the faces at the same time)

  28. Anybody worked out the code on the wood yet?
    I'm still stuck!

  29. yes for the code on wood u use glasses there r the first row of 9 numbers n second is 4 numbers (2 line) with four numbers tht says order so u need a four digit no for the door so chk the order in the second row lets say its say 4129 (first line with nine no is (342678105)choose the fourth number from first line then first then second then ninth no thts the four digit code for you so the no wud be 6345 since i have already played just trying to help out hope this does

  30. In M room: walk over the M like the note says. A pile of burgers appear. I gave the big guy a burger and asked him to stand on the 200 kg but nothing happened. Help please.

  31. Catqueen, if you talk to the big guy, you find he is 2 hamburgers short of weighing 200 kg.

  32. I give up... can't throw dog inside... clicked arrow, door, floor, no good. The speed game was already painful enough.
    I love inka games, but these speed/coordination chalenges are not my idea of an escape game.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Thx it!. Stuck on the rotating tiles in the end.
    Got clue: Yellow -> 5 4 Blue. Do I have to make 5, 4 in the windows left from tv?

  35. Finally got it. For me thje clue was 5-4: First place the 5 middle left and then step on the left side (yellow part) then step on the 5 so the left window shows a 5. Then rotate until the 4 is middle right so the right window shows a 4. Then the door opens. And out.

  36. when to click where man when mouth open? however I can not get to the door

  37. marita: click very fast when mouth is open. I tried it 7 times before I got lucky.

  38. Another Incagame. Is always fun. Hope there is not an impossible game-in-game included this time...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Strange story: You break the lamp, and then the floor floats away...

  41. How can you click on the face that shows up first when they all show up together? Impossible game-in-game again!

  42. Really? We have to save Obama from an evil clown? Obama IS an evil clown, let him keep him!

  43. any help with the robot?

  44. Fantastic game!

    For the faces riddle, just concentrate on places where you see faces first, not on which face in particular appears first. I.e. you get a pattern appearing made up of faces before the entire screen is filled with faces. It is this pattern you need to recreated.

    For the Bender puzzle, just make a path of green tiles (making rest red) so that he passes from the marked numbers which you see on your clue sheet and they turn blue. It is a bit of trial and error but you'll get there in the end. It is not too hard.

    Hope these clues help!

  45. Walkthrough Part 1:

    -After the intro, grab the magnet in the corner and go right. Take the dog and a stone from the pile. Go right again and take a nail on the ground below the yellow button.
    -Go left and click the Pigsaw face to play the first face game: click only when the mouth is open. 10 successful clicks and the door will open. Go up and grab a slingshot.
    -Combine the nail & slingshot and use it on the mask. Use the magnet to get the mask. Combine the mask & dog.
    -Go down & right. Stand on the platform. Combine stone & slingshot and use it on the yellow button. When you reach the other side quickly use the Mask/dog on the doorway. (If you take too long before using the dog, or if you shoot the button without standing on the platform first, you'll have to grab another stone from the pile & repeat.)
    -Go left again, grab another stone from the pile, then go right. Stand on the platform again, combine stone with slingshot again, shoot the button again. When you get to the right side quickly click the arrow to move right.
    -Take the fat dog. Go right and grab a paper int he corner. Look at the paper for the "M" directions. Go right again and take a stop sign.
    -Go left, then down. Take the stop sign and quickly put it on the ground in front of you. When the minotaur turns around take the stop sign back and cross the room. When you reach the second red spot, quickly put the stop sign in front of you again. Go right and take the cat and another paper. Look at this paper to get a color order. Go left, take back the stop sign, cross the room, and put the stop sign down again when the minotaur charges. Go left (with or without the stop sign; you won't need it again) to get back to the room with 4 doors.
    -Go left again and click the second Pigsaw face. This time you have to click the faces that show up first. Six rounds of this and the door will open.
    -Go up and talk to Ronald. Talk to him the first topic ("I see you are sad") to learn that he's lonely. Give him the fat dog. Talk to Ronald again and ask about the second topic (passcode) to learn the passcode to the door. Enter the passcode into the panel by the door on the right of this room and it opens.
    -Go right. Walk the M from bottom-left along both arches to bottom-right. A table with hamburgers should appear. Take a hamburger; highlight it in the inventory to learn it is 100 grams.

  46. Walkthrough Part 2:

    -Go left twice, right, then up. Notice the 200 kg platform. Ask the big man his weight (2nd question) to learn he is 200 grams short of 200 kg. Give him the hamburger. Go get another hamburger (left-left-up-right) and give it to the big man (left-left-right-up). Talk to the big man about the first topic (stand on the platform please) and his weight will open the door.
    -Go right and talk to Prof. Fink. Ask about the second topic (lost cat again), then give him the cat. He gives you glasses that can see through wood.
    -Go left twice, then right. Notice the big wood wall that says "numbers order". Move the glasses over the wood to reveal two lines of numbers, one nine digits 1-9 then one four digits 1-9. The second line tells you which digits in the first line form the passcode. (Ex: first line 785469132, second line 3154. Passcode is 3rd-1st-5th-4th digits in first line, or 5-7-6-4.) Put the glasses away & put the passcode into the keypad; the door opens.
    -Go right to reveal a color walkway; take the paper to get a four-digit number (digits 1-8). Notice the colored panels show digits in the frames when you step on them, and the left panel resets. Look at the color order paper: the colors from top to bottom are 1 through 8, in order. Match the colors to the four-digit paper to determine which numbered panels to step on. Step on the correct four panels in order and the door opens.
    -Go right again. Take yet another paper; look at the paper to see Bender's face and three numbers. Look through the window by the opposite door. Click the tiles to make a walkable (green) path for Bender from one door to the other that passes over the three numbers from the paper in order. Talk to Bender to send him walking. If it works, both doors in this room will open. (TIP: Be careful about putting numbers from the paper on corners in your path. Bender tends to cut corners and might miss a number. If this happens just change the path a little and try again.)
    -Go right twice and you're in the final room. After Pigsaw's introduction, take the paper below the two frames on the right. Read it; it will say "yellow-(digit)-(digit)-blue".
    -Every time you step on the "rotate" button in the middle, the number wheel spins. Notice that the first number you step on goes on the first frame. Step on that button (you'll have to step off then on again to make it spin multiple times) until the first digit on the paper is on the left, touching the yellow. Stand on the yellow floor again, then step on the first digit.
    -Now rotate the wheel again, but make sure when rotating multiple times, you step off either up, down, or left, as the first digit you step on touching the blue will go into the second frame. (Standing on the yellow floor resets the whole thing). Rotate the digits until the second digit from the paper is touching the blue. Then step on that digit, then the blue floor. This will open the door and you're out.

  47. These are fun - and very funny!!

  48. I read all the comments and walktrough, but I still can only pass 1 sigle level of the "faces" game. And there seem to be 6! I don't see a pattern,Tania, the just show up all together and every face I click turns red...

  49. Finally I understood:i level 1 you have to remember only 1 face in level 2...2 and so on until you haveto remember the place of six faces in level 6. Sorry, I'm rather slow. :-)
    Finally passed it

  50. Thank you big time LGelevator.

  51. I Escaped, but I wanted to replay and now the macdonalds "M"
    doesn 't work anymore: I have the paper, walked it maybe 5 times, and the sandwichtable doen't show up. What am i doing wrong?

  52. Jef Pedal,
    I think in the middle of M you have to go down to the end
    and then return to finish the M. Myself tried it 3 or 4 times
    and suddenly the hamburger appears.

  53. So much fun only by Inka Games.
    I hope the new games are ready soon.

  54. how do you do the wood and glasses part i tried both ways that were on here and neither one worked


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