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Ena Fun House Escape

EnaGames - Ena Fun House Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Ena Games. Assume that one day you went to the house of your friend to spend your spare time and to have fun. so you guys decided to play some fun games. After some time you slept their and your friend locked the house without knowing that you are sleeping inside. Once you wokeup you noticed the lock at the door and try to escape from their by using the hidden clues. Click on the objects to interact and solve puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Miss the fourth paper...

  2. Is it Fun House Escape, as the title says, or Beach Escape?
    I presume it will be the first. Let's see how far I can get without help. :-)

  3. Found 4th paper on the car, near the hole!

  4. Game is missing/cannot load ... error reported wen clicking the link .. although it is hidden ..
    I can see the SWF link, but no file !!

  5. Loaded for me on IE - maybe try that?

  6. Last code in hidden ink..need an acid to read it.

  7. Acid is the half lemon

  8. It didn't start for me either. But I retried. Found a toy car without wheels and batteries. And 3 wheels and 1 battery., 2 papers, a toy duck, and half a far.

  9. I have half a lemon and 4 papers, I'm pretty sure I'm at the end, but I can't do anything with these things.... am I missing something to write on the papers??? I'v already tried squirting lemon juice on the papers... nothing.

  10. still here? I am at the same point as you Jef Pedal -

  11. Heather,

    I think you just have to keep trying with the lemon. It took me several attempts before the lemon worked.

  12. found the fourth wheel by turning off the fan

  13. @heather: second time i tried the lemon it worked

  14. To make the lemon work on the collected 4 papers, make sure you deselect them, and then reselect them.

  15. Room #1:
    Lift pink rug in center, get wheel #1.
    Zoom in on sandwich to left, get wheel #2.
    Zoom in on fan, flip switch to right, get wheel #3.
    Zoom in on table, get pen.
    Zoom in on pen, get axle #1.
    Go to cabinet upper right, take toy duck and get knife from drawer.
    Zoom in on floor lower right and get car.

    Room #2

    Go to table in center and get lemon.
    Use knife on lemon to get 1/2 lemon.
    Get flower on top of left cabinet.
    Zoom in on flowers and get battery.
    Go to right hand door of large cabinet in back and get letter grid.
    Put toy duck on scale and get 0945.
    Look above picture on right and get axle #2.
    Look in cabinet under picture and get wheel #4.

    Room #1

    Enter 0945 in cabinet under toy dog, get paper #2 and battery charger,
    Zoom in on charger and insert battery.
    Take assembled charger to outlet on left, plug in, flip switch, remove charged battery.

    Room #2

    Zoom in on car, flip over, insert axles and wheels. Flip over again, open battery cover, and insert battery.
    Place car in from of mouse hole lower left, get paper #3 and key.

    Room #1

    Insert key in toy dog, get solution code for letter puzzle.
    Use letter grid and solution code to get R,E,O,Q,M. Be sure that you have zoomed in on both documents first.
    Go to letter puzzle in back and enter R,E,O,Q,M and get paper #4.

    Room #1

    Click on the papers and assemble. Use lemon on them to get code for door - 6958. It appears that you have to be in Room #1 to use the lemon.
    Use 6958 on door and out.

  16. It seems you have to take the completed paper in inentory first,
    then select i again, and only ten the lemon does his work..

  17. Glad to finally play an Ena Game without bugs, though I'll admit that some of their typical goofs keep it interesting and fun.


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