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Recovery Room Escape Walkthrough

Recovery Room Escape


Mougle - Recovery Room Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Mougle. In this game, you are locked in a room and you try to escape the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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In Out!

In...not out yet.
Blue square behind fishbowl. Key opens middle drawer near couch. Gives pink square and numberclue.

Got another square and hammer. Use hammer on cd in second room for dvd. Dvd gives clue for cb in first room. Got a knife.

Hammer not used on cd, must be cb ofcourse. :)

horrible game, no real puzzles, nothing to think about, just waste of time trying to find the small active area on the couch for the knife and move the keys over each and every drawer to find the right one

Knife used on couch for another square and key which is used on left cb in second room. Got sd. Used it (ofcourse) on the left speaker.

Squares on wall in second room gives key. Now out too.

Knife on sofa..bit too easy

I wish we didn't have to try so many keyholes in these games - tedious.

where on sofa would be nice to know

ok finerly found place to use it far right seat cushion use knife there

and out

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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