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Trollface Quest 5

A10 - Troll Face Quest 5: World Cup 2014 is another new addicting and challenging puzzle game developed by Ppllaayy for A 10. The world cup is here, are you ready to troll the players, the FIFA and your friends? Here is your chance! Good luck and have fun!

Play Troll Face Quest 5

Troll Face Quest 5 Walkthrough

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  1. 1. Click the word, "TROLL" on sign.

    2. Find scissors bottom left then click red sign.
    Click red tag on ground, click guard then man.

    3. Click moon 4 times.

    4. Pump 2 times then click ball.

    5. Click clerk's hand then click prisoner.

    6. Click bottle far right of bar 2 times.
    Click cup.

    7. Drag safe to the left. Click plug. Click scanner to exit.

    8. Click TV then keep clicking drum rapidly.

    9. Click 3 car tailpipes then click stoplight.

    10. Click ball behind desk 2 times.

    11. Click chair. Click back of head.
    Drag clippers to spell, "UBR".

    12. Click right score number 3 times.

    13. Click ball and wait. (Do NOT click, "click here")

    14. Click trash can. Drag rat and can out of the way.
    Drag and drop shoe in front of old lady.
    Click door.

    15. Click man 2 times.

    16. Click goal. Click sign 3 times.

    17. Click boy 3 times. Click hat.

    18. Click left number 6 times.

    19. Click roof of goal. Click ball.

    20. Click teeth on trollface rapidly until meter is full.
    Click ball.

  2. Seriously? The first comment pretty much spoils the fun of the game. Save the walkthrough until folks have a chance to try it out themselves first, okay?

  3. ..It's a walkthrough site, it's perfectly fine to post one in the first comment. Just look at the title of the page: Trollface Quest 5 Walkthrough. jeesh.
    If you don't want it spoiled for you, don't read the comment.

  4. Why bother posting at all then ??? If the walkthrough is available, people will use it .. if you post it early, it is hard not to miss ... you don;t havea choice not to start reading, but he does have a choice not to post it !!! ITS A WALKTHRU SITE .. DONT POST IT IF ITS AVAILABLE .. your reasoning is wrong.

  5. I don't mind a walk through - but I enjoy trying to solve and "play" with other people and asking for help and helping others - but that's just me and I rarely get a chance help in a live game

  6. Nope, posting a walkthrough right below the link to the game is a good way to spoil someone's fun. Yes, it does say Walkthrough at the top, but you HAVE to come to this page in order to get to the game. Also, there is in fact a separate link to a walkthrough for those of us who don't want to see spoilers first thing.

  7. game loads forever, no game, 1 star awful

  8. One star because it takes a long time to load???

  9. 1 star, because I walked away and came an hour later and it was still loading...

  10. I gave it one star because I am trolling. :D

    And I thank the person for posting a walkthrough on what is in fact a walkthrough site. Click "Walkthrough" on most of the games posted here and the link leads here. There are supposed to be walkthroughs here. If you don't want to see a walkthrough, don't click the link to the comments and/or don't scroll down.

    You are in control of what you do and don't read, not everyone else. Use your own judgment, and be responsible for your own actions and ensuing situation. In other words, grow the F*** up.

  11. UGH I hate to admit it but Bill Chinery is probably right #$*^%###

  12. No, he's not right. You can't just go to the game, you have to click on the link on the main page which leads to the page where you can click on the link to actually play the game. If you have your monitor set to any reasonable resolution, the comments are directly below, and if the very first comment is a walkthrough, you can't help but look at it because it's right there. There's no avoiding it.

    And no, not everyone comes to this page for walkthroughs, it's a very convenient and timely source of new games, and not everyone wants or needs walkthroughs. In other words, don't be a d*** and assume that everyone is using the site the way that you think everyone should be using the site.


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