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Basement Escape

InfoWEB - Basement Escape is another point and click type escape the room game by InfoWEB. In this game, you try to escape from the uninhabited island. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. going in, hope someone else is too!

  2. no probs, I've been out since 10 mins :)

  3. game loading

  4. stuck with a liquid which i dont seem to be able to do anything too? broke the wood bars and open the cage in the cove but dont have the clue for the safe in there

  5. I am stuck with a jar and four red candles and lots of places that say password unknown.

  6. I need password for under stairs, safe and safe in cave with skeleton.

  7. stuck with liquid too.. how do you break the bars or open the cage?

  8. managed to get the safe open in the cove with the password above the skelton's bodie

  9. found a password at head of skeleton for safe in there, use jar on contents and stuck with blue dots now.

  10. i found a rod in one of the boxes where the candles go.

    Now stuck with a notebook and all blue dots on after using the liquid on it but dont know where to use this clue...

  11. Crowbar from toolbox (colour hint on cleaned clock).

  12. ok ... jumping in for some hints..

    Red candles will only make sense once you've got matches. And to get a 'code' from the candles, you will need yet another object which would probably be too early to spoil away...

    Oh, where to put red candles into?
    Search big open boxes with black color inside. Can't remember anymore if you need a light source to find the "receptacle". :)

  13. Notebook hint for cage under stairs.

  14. 9 dots hint:

    You need something that will display 4 numbers on 4 out of the 9 dots. If I remember correctly, this combination must be used under the stairs.

  15. i have lit the candles but dont have the foggiest idea what it means? (Red Flames)

  16. I used matches on candle which were yellow and then turned red when lit. No code there. Still can't find password for large safe in room or cell under stairs

  17. Candle flames need exinguish first.

  18. Another hint:

    Lit candles won't make any sense.

  19. hah alphaomega beat me to it

  20. You have to use the cup to put the candles out again to see the hint. Height is numbers.

    The liguid goes on one paper to see the 9 dots then use the other paper on it to see the 4 numbers.

  21. im blowing and blowing and they just won't go out.... must be those magic candles :)

  22. I have no cup, anyone know where that is??

  23. In top box (use knife from top of safe).

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. I think the cup was in the box you open with the knife.

    Lol, only had two coins when going out, seems there were ten.

  26. use knife in one of the 3boxes evans.

  27. --> cardboard boxes ... pry 'em open

  28. boxes at teh corner of teh wall

  29. Hey there !!
    I'm stuck with batteries and matches ... feeling dumb ...
    Any help ?

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. 2 sorts of batteries (1 pair for flashlight, 1 for radio).

  32. found knife on top of safe next to 3 rows of boxes

  33. @Sam ... I think you will need the flashlight (ON) to find the knife

  34. The knife was not in a safe or so. It was on top of something, I think.

  35. Out thanks to Alphaomega's knife hint. Had no idea knife was there or would have been out on my own.
    thanks again.

  36. So, now I know I have batteries for a flashlight I don't have yet ... Thanks, alphaomega, need to search more !!

  37. I think flashlight was in front or next to the cage.

  38. s-t you have to specify which cage. :) there are two...but you seem right, it's left of the cage under the stairs.

  39. Lol, sorry arbeits, but doing this from memory (hence the 'I think' everytime). Already glad it was a bit correct :)

  40. well it's a matter of looking at things, second cage (for me) was the one in the "cave" with the skeleton...

  41. Where do the coins go that I keep acquiring...reminds me of the allowance I never got.

  42. Believe notebook is in safe in cave

  43. Can someone please spoil the location of the liquid for me please?

  44. Notebook from cage in cave (use key from shield & hint from above skeleton in cave).

  45. Liquid on box shelf (use flashlight).

  46. I only get a paper from the safe. And I can't pour the liquid on it. What did I miss out?

  47. Coins go nowhere - you just collect them and it tells you your total at the end

  48. Liguid was between some boxes.

  49. Number of coins collected you only see at the end (found 8, but there are usually 10).

  50. Apart from the clock clue to open the colour box, i dont have any other passwords. Have used the note beside the skellie, to open the cage in the black hole, but am now stuck. I have the flashlight, the matches and the liquid in inventory. Are the candles or knife visible (though not to me) or are they recvd when opening things?

  51. Liquid is poured in notebook, then put paper.

  52. clio-rose see Sam's comment @ 6:40

  53. Candles from safe in front of open boxes bottom left of clock (also holders there, use flashlight).

  54. Thanks Janet...and thanks Sam. Missed that comment. Sorry.

  55. Aarggggg. Still searching for liquid - have clicked in, around and between all boxes ................. what am i doing wrong?

  56. Good game, I to come here to find the knife so thanks for the help. Other than that it was logical and fun.

  57. use flashlight between boxes.

  58. Thanks alphaomega. I missed the password near the skull.

  59. Boxes on shelves - click towards right in middle row -use flashlight for jar of liquid

  60. oh. I think that is my problem. I dont have the radio working. So cant open the safe near the clock. Im missing the batteries. Does anyone remember where the radio batteries were?

  61. Doh! Thank you billy & Janet

  62. use flashlight in mouse hole for radio batteries

  63. Hint for candle safe from radio (you need batteries from mousehole, use flashlight).

  64. Thank you once again Janet, and alphaomega. I did that, but can only assume i didnt have the flashlight highlighted. ooops.

  65. Batteries for flashlight under box small wagon.

  66. Thank you everyone for you great help and hints. Out now with 6 coins. (i beat small-tool on the coins...nah nah nah-nah nahhhh. LOLOL)

  67. 10 coins
    - rope ring
    - shield (octagon 5 o'clock)
    - spears
    - stairs
    - top of box shelf
    - top of cave cage
    - skeleton in cage under stairs
    - open box bottom right (candle scene)
    - left of safe below spears
    - left of cage under stairs

  68. toolbox to the right of candels

  69. 9/10 coins without help. Missed the one on the cave cage, thanks alph!

  70. navigation here is difficult

  71. no it isn't. you really have to play a game with an *actually* difficult navigation, as the English saying goes "you ain't seen nothing yet!" ;)

  72. I have tried and tried to get code from candles. Every one I enter is incorrect! I have 1, 3, 9, 6 - any ideas?

  73. Snoff - read small-tool's comment @6:33

  74. Helpful Hint: If you hit Ctrl F, that will open up a "Find in page" box on the lower left of your screen. Type whatever you're having trouble with, i.e. candles. Use the up/down arrows and it will take you to any posts that have the word candles in them.l

  75. Don't forget to SAVE if you want to go back and find the rest of the coins.

  76. Took me forever to find toolbox. To the right of table with 6 boxes where you put candles.

  77. I still can't figure out the code for candle safe (the one which has a candle on it ^^), despite I've read comments above... Can someone spoil it for me please ?

  78. At least, you don't have to count height of candles...
    But you should take their height. The smallest is 1, the heighest is 4...

  79. Yannoche, you're not going to believe this. I had the same as you and Snoff, counting and counting, it's faaaaar more simple.
    1 2 4 3. what do you think of that??

  80. @arrie That's what I used. ;-)

  81. A-basement-you-definitely-want-to-escape-from-through.

    Scenes from left to right.
    For coins please scroll up. AlphaOmega wrote them down.
    Click the lightswitch. On the floor a fuse. Place it in the switch and tadaaa, light.

    1. Three balls view.
    Behind the right white ball a lightbulb, behind the left one is a radio.
    Below the brown boxes in left corner are batteries.
    Place bulb in the lamp below the stairs. (password is needed). In this view, click on left side of the screen, it takes you below the stairs = a flashlight. About item flashlight, place batteries.
    Use flashlight in the mousehole to get other batteries.
    Place them in the radio, push green button, a voice is gently asking for help.

    2. Table view.
    The word from the radio in the small can on the table = candles.
    Use flashlight in left box = candleholders. Place candles in them.
    Click right of table for a toolbox (password is needed).
    The clock on the wall needs to be cleansed.

    3. Pile of pallets view.
    Upon the safe in the corner = a knife (password is needed).

    4. Shields view.
    Below the sand a dustcloth. On the barrels are matches.
    Use flashlight between two boxes on middle shelf = a liquid.

    Combining round.
    - Use dustcloth on the clock = colour hint, used on the toolbox = a crowbar.
    - Use crowbar on the pile of pallets in view 3. Go in. On the left a cage with a safe. On the right ... don't think about it, zoom in, take the memo. Zoom out once, click the floor where the fingers are pointing, read the word. Go out.

    - Look at memo, click a shield, click top diamond-shape = key.
    - Use key on the iron cage in the hole, use the password to open the safe = a notebook. Go out.

    - Use knife on left box in 1st view, take the cup. Light the candles, empty the cup on them.
    Look at how high the candles are amongst each other = code for safe in the corner = a sheet.
    - About item the notebook, pour liquid on it = a grid. Place sheet on it = code for cage below the stairs, click the circles according to notebook = another memo = code for exitdoor.


    small can: help
    toolbox: 2341
    safe in the hole: skull
    candles height = 1 2 4 3.
    exitdoor: 5050.

  82. LOL Yannoche, Congrats to both of us. Your comment wasn't posted yet when I posted mine. Sorry.

  83. I saved this game for the weekend, always difficult to me. But all went well until I had to count the candles. Spent some loooong minutes on them. Great game, very good.

  84. Thanx Arrie for the w/t. It will help a lot ;-)


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