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Halloween Haunted House Escape Walkthrough

Halloween Haunted House Escape


123Bee - Halloween Haunted House Escape is another new point and click type room escape game by 123 Bee. Two friends decide to enter into the haunted house. As they enter, the door gets locked due to a magic spell. Now the door can be opened only with the help of a magic pot. Help the guys to search for the magic pot to dispel the magic and open the door to escape from the haunted house. . Good luck and have fun!

Play Halloween Haunted House Escape



Interesting....new inventory, have to use the "camera" to find two skulls.

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oops I mean Very Cool 123Bee...

spiders and skulls are really hard to see...

Just joining, well when all these ads finish!

heading in too

and they spiders and skulls are all in different rooms

inside house, the piece of glass go on drawer at table across from fire place. (just found 1, need more)

Getting used to using crowbars instead of keys!

pumpkins in far left scene give shape hint for box in far right scene

jars in far left scene give color hint for box in far right scene

Ooh, different.

thought the candles might go on the pentagon but no

i have 5 candles a mirror and a pumpkin...no idea where to place the candles

i mean star

two pieces of broken mirror now need one more cat

after recognizing the shape and color hints in far left scene for boxes in far right scene, it's fast forward.

ok need a bat two pumpkins and running out of hot spots. There's a cabinet in the last room that has a hand on it and I have no idea how to open it

they do go on star. you just need hint first

And out

for 3 pic box in far right scene, just look at the module on wall above pic box and click on the little panels.

thought i was stuck...just had to remember my task

anyone stuck?

I was totally stuck and then I found the table to place the broken mirrors. from there it was smooth sailing. Thanks 123Bee!

The camera interface made an interesting change as did the task idea.

I thought I got stuck a couple of times; turns out I just wasn't paying attention :3

I know that's a pretty useless comment, but I can't think of any hints that haven't already been stated here. Mostly I was just missing some hot spots.

       Anonymous  10/23/14, 7:14 AM  

Good game with explosive end :)

Thanks 123Bee...

Four stars from me...

lol, 1st you want to get in to the house, then you have to find your way out again. No good puzzles but an interesting combo of escape and hidden-object game. And I like the way hotspots disappear after you use them in 123Bee games.

Missing 1/2 of mirror, 1 bone, 2 pumpkins, 1 leaf, both cats, and hand. But I finally found all the $^&^$ spiders and candles.

Oh, and the 3rd bat.

Ok, finally figured out the asterisk puzzle. Need more coffee. Things are going much better.

Yep, that was the key to everything. Out.

One bone in first room cabinet. One bone behind puzzle next to tv.
1/2 mirror in last room in box with color code.
Maple leaf in last room in jar with pumpkin eye code (shapes).
One owl in second to last room on fireplace (picture in previous room gives code). Second owl I think in the first room cabinate.
Bat behind owls.

Ok, lol, nvm Lurker Smurf.

Love this game...the camera was a nice twist.

However, everything seems to be stuck in my inventory at the moment. No matter, I'll go get some lunch and go to the library and start over. A game like this is worth a start over to me. :)

Nice 4 stars

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How to go completely insane:

Play game a first time.
1) Find all skulls and spiders fairly quickly. Game inventory freezes.
2) Start game over later. Go over and over and over and over every room but cannot find one of the spiders. You know it's there...but you keep missing it.


POP. Was hoping that would happen Naturally, in the first room, near blue jars. :)

Can't find spot where to place mirrors......

       Anonymous  10/23/14, 11:14 AM  

place mirrors in side of desk/table with board above, left of 3 chairs with stars

interesting game and likes the way 123 Bee constantly evolving his game.

Nice soup. :)

Game froze not starting again

123 - enjoy the games, up to the point where the inventory freezes - this has happened on several games now - so pretty please, if you read this, check this error out.

could anyone please tell me where the three skulls are? i only can find two.

Finally found the last skull in the kitchen.

       Anonymous  10/25/14, 5:25 AM  

Thanks Lurker Smurf - I was stuck with asterisk too. Just click all the prongs until one vanishes and keep going.

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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