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Old Fantasy Street Escape Walkthrough

Old Fantasy Street Escape


GamesNovel - Old Fantasy Street Escape is another point and click escape game developed by Games Novel. There is an old fantasy street in your town. The old people in your town said that it was abandoned because there are ghosts and bad spirits in that street. You don’t believe about the old street and you want to explore it. It was a peaceful night when you enter the old fantasy street. You explore the place and you hear strange sounds. When you try to go out the door is locked and it needs a key to open it. You must search for the key before something bad will happen to you. Good luck and have fun!

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Hope this is a good one ...

Seems to be only one scene. Have a lit torch plus an unlit one. Purple key, purple symbol, green insect

Oops no - mor than one scene. Purple key opens door - tried it b4 but didn't work first time

Unlit torches go in close up of greenish street scene, then use lit one to light them up - gives number code

Purple symbols - spot to place them is a bit difficult to see. look carefully around the archway

Think it's pretty easy to work out what to do with purple stars through the archway...

Knife from insect puzzle

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*Colour dot puzzle

Ok - something has clearly gone wrong with that cloth disappearing. Can zoom in on section of carpet in fireplace room but can't do anything. Have half of the sum on wall in next room. Seems I need to restart in order to get that cloth. Can I be bothered?

What to do with the pumpkin seeds?

POP. Hard to see the spot on the tree to place the seeds.

that section of carpet is to be rubbed with towel to give code,nice game

yeah, clicked on the towel and it disappeared...not gonna restart.

Same with the towel...not that these games aren't a waste of time....but what a waste of time.

Well that was disappointing - my cloth disappeared - Seems I can't go any further without it

       Random Game  2/4/24 12:24 PM

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