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Abandoned: The Forest

Abandoned: The Forest is another point & click adventure game, the sequel of Abandoned, developed by Krutovig and sponsored by ArmorGames. Abandoned: the Forest is the second part of a big story about parallel worlds. Now you are in the Forest, the sacred place of the Ordered. Follow your disappeared brother and try to find him in this mysterious world full of strange portals, many doors, and so much to explore. As you make your way around the game, you will collect items that can help you progress, as well as discover new areas of the world that you haven't seen before. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Six keys. No clue what i'm doing. Yikes!

  2. glitch - I have 14 shovels!

  3. yep. only need one in the dessert. you will also get multiple pyramids if you keep clicking.

  4. this is challenging! haven't found a desert

  5. have two keys 14 shovels and something I got after opening the circle door

  6. have to run. very complex arena layout. need map. when you get to a room with stairs and red bricks.... use lint roller looking thing on bricks. they will highlight certain ones. then click on them. good luck.

  7. desert is left door in room with three doors. need key. use shovel in second scene to left. bye.

  8. Hi all! This is a great game. I'll try to do sort of a running walkthrough for it, at least the 1st part, to get you started. Thanks for posting Edgar! (And hello! Nice to see you're still around.)

    1st, the arrow at the bottom is your inventory. Sometimes you'll have to put it away to go downward.

    After you go through the first door, go down, read the message at the hand, and go L to find the SAW. Then go back up the tree; you can't get through the door on the left yet.
    Go R as far as you can and pull on vines to go up. At the top, go L and you'll find a loose board to use your SAW on. Go back down and install it as a lever. Pulling this lever gives you a ladder down to the R side of the tree.
    Go L and up to grab the SHOVEL. (I don't know what to do with the turning switches yet.) Go R to find a pyramid in a cave, and firther to find a key and a stair up to the first puzzle. Work from the top down until a path goes all the way through; gears will move, and you've opened up another area.

    More to come.

  9. Go back up the tree to find a new ladder. Up it and L there's a door you can open with your 2nd key. You can go in and take a weird CYLINDER from the machine.
    At this point, if your retrieve your LEVER, you can go up and R to use it, and have access to the R side of the tree by another way. I don't yet know why you might need this.
    Go in the door under the thatched roof; there's the solution for the door on the L side of the tree. Also here's three doors you can't open yet.
    Up and L, another locked door, and an entryway to a spiral staircase, which leads to another locked door (L) and an open door (R and down).
    And dammit, I just clicked on the stupid armor games link on the side of the page, and I'd have to restart to tell you how I got the key to the desert. I think it was in the rooms past the dials on the ground to the left of the tree.

    Oh well that's enough for now. Have fun exploring!

  10. This game is actually from 2016.

  11. Borek
    Igor Krutov only now released his creation as a free online game - IIRC, you had to purchase it before...

  12. thx just1 for taking your time to write a WT «on the go»

  13. What's with the shovels? Collected 38 of them, is that enough?

  14. OK, now I have also 23 clue papers for 5 buttons, maybe it would be better to fix those things?

  15. Decent game. Halfway though. Why such bad ratings?

  16. I knocked two keys off of branches, but can't find them on the ground ...

  17. Now that was a difficult game. Solved most of the puzzles with brute force, guessing and pure luck, but it took me hours.

  18. @noel: glitchy games ALWAYS get low ratings, no matter how good they may have been thought

  19. mazza
    which browser are you using?
    checked in Chrome & it loaded properly for me...

  20. I meant "Decent game. Halfway ThRough."

    I haven't encountered glitches yet, except for the clue paper you can repeatedly get. That doesn't interfere with the game though.

  21. Game like this needs a map of sorrts.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. willis
    which browser are you using?

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. sorry for the delay willis
    lost internet connection the whole Sunday :-(

    being an admin of EG24, mayhaps I could help you with your issue (feel free to email me - click my nick to gem my email address)

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. willis
    you can email me at

  28. (oops, typo in earlier comment - gem = geT)

  29. I can't open either. Using chrome. Just black scene with two swords. Clicking anywhere opens new screen.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. loading issues:
    I tested the game link in Chrome & FF
    but unfortunately it d/load for me either - it stops after loading with the 2 swords on the screen...!
    so there must be a prob on the side of the sponsor (ArmorGames) where unfortunately I don't have access to...
    but will contact ArmorGames about this issue asap...

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I guess they haven't tried to fix this game, huh?

  34. Hi again Willis Pate, email me the issue and I'll look into it asap.

    Thanks for using EG24 as your (fav) gaming platform

    IT Manager

  35. i just need help with opening the door with the sculls

  36. oh come on be a team player


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