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Arcane Season 2 - The Stone Circle Episode 8

[REPLAY] Arcane Season 2 - The Stone Circle Episode 8 is eight episode of Arcane Stone Circle series created by Sarbakan for Warner Bros. In this game, you try to solve the puzzles before it´s too late. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Arcane - The Stone Circle 8

Arcane - The Stone Circle 8 Walkthrough

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  1. i drew the circle over a million time and it still wont work.

  2. I wanted to add to this..the circle is diffucult, but if u draw a big enough one and make sure the lines cross the greenish spots on the will work..:)

  3. the left to right slashing won't work...i do hold the mouse button down while i slash from left to right...why isn't it working like it's s'posed to...?

  4. The Baroness is Alicia Blackwood.

  5. There are many games like Steppenwolf and Nightmares:The Adventures of Victor.

  6. The Cardinal will appear.

  7. Complete Walkthrough:

    All Chaacters:
    1.Click on the Bentley.Gregor will say that they need to split up into teams.
    2.Click on the rocks beside or front the car.Gregor will take it and he will mention that the ground is covered with chalk-like rocks.
    3.Click on the trunk of the Bentley.Take all the items inside it.
    4.Click on arrow to the left by the Baroness's waist

    The Baroness and Ophelia:
    1.Click some (2) stones on the left and right.Ophelia will have a psychic vision.
    2.Use the hands of the demon to the 2 stones.
    3.When your're done,go back to the Bentley

    All Characters
    1.Click to the right.Gregor and Prescott will go to a place where a fallen stone placed.

    Gregor and Prescott:
    1.Click on the specs.Precott will see an energy beam on the fallen stone
    2.Use the rope or the shovel to the fallen stone.They will make an experiment.(To make it stand the fallen stone.)Go back to the Bentley.

    All Characters:
    1.Click on the trunk.Use the rope to the hitch.Prescott will tie the other end of the rope to the hitch.
    2.Click on the Bentley's windshield.Prescott will turn on the Bentley and drive for a distance.

    To be Countinued.

  8. Countinued:

    3.Go back to the standed stone.

    Gregor and Prescott:
    1.Click the shadow.Prescott will notice that the lights go through the standed stone.
    2.Use the chalk-like rock to the stone.Draw a circle to it.
    3.When your're done,a pit will appear and go inside.
    4.You will see a sign on per circles.
    5.Follow this sequence:

    Ø Demon legs on position 1 (triangle symbol)
    Ø Demon eyes on position 2 (chicken-foot symbol)
    Ø Demon wings on position 3 (square symbol)
    Ø Demon heart on position 4 (Y symbol)
    Ø Demon hands on position 5 (circle symbol)
    6.When your're done,use the specs and get the shining stones.
    7.When you're done,go back to the Bentley.

    All Characters:
    1.Click on the left by the Baroness's waist.
    2.Click on the right.
    3.When you're the middle of the Stonehenge,use the two rocks on the broken stones.
    4.When you're done,Shub-Niggurath ( The Demon)will appear.
    5.Click on the demon.(It's a long story so be patient.)
    6.Follow this sequence to defeat the demon:

    Ø Hit the left hand of the demon, by clicking on it. The whip will hit the demon and wrap around its hand.
    Ø Hit the right hand of the demon. The whip will hit the demon and wrap around its other hand.
    Ø Hit the head of the demon. If you have done this correctly, there are 3 whips emanating from the Talisman of Yhe.
    Here's a tip:
    You can hit the right hand of the demon but not the head.
    7.When you're done,the Cardinal will appear,surrounded by it's henchmen.(It's a long story again so be patient again.)

  9. Just draw a big circle even if it is incomplete and even it won't cross the green spots. Hiya,Gelooz! I thought that Alicia Vonarburg is the baroness? Is A. Vonarurg and A. Blackwood are one? Hey? Am I the youngest commenter here? I'm only ten years old from Philippines.

  10. The demons left hand or the hand ON the left? And HOW do I get the whip to connect? It just keeps missing. I tried 2X and got 1 success per arm, but he immediately ripped it, and the retarded saving wont ever work. I dont wanna do the ENTIRE thing again because of that, twice without even finishing is too much...

  11. my goodness the putting of the two stones with the half circle and square won't work...eventhough i drag those stones to the broken stones lying on the ground...i did it many times but still it doesn't work.

  12. my goodness the placing of 2 stones with the symbol of half- square and circle won't work... i did it 7 times but still it doesn't work... it's only this time that i encountered problems in the's the last episode but it ruined my game...

  13. holy cow... do something about it!

  14. i cant whip his hands and the two guys are dead....what is that about...

  15. Like I said in previous game,epizode 7 I finished this game before 10 days more or less,and is not dificult to pass again.The walktrough is here, so I found that the game is not difficult.I hope that will be more games like that,maube continue or something?

  16. Sorry for [my spelling] in english

  17. Hi, where you can post a game?
    the link "Submit A Game" not function with me

    and contact with the EG24 members do not work?

  18. Sylli,
    I had the same problem. All you can do is keep on trying to submit it with the form you get from the submit button and eventually it will work.
    By the way did you fill in the code that you can see in the little picture. You have to fill that in too and it's case sensitive.

  19. but wer 2 put the 2 broken stones in the the middle of stonehenge..!!!....smeone plzz help me out guys..!!....i m really irretated..!!..:/

  20. Yeah, I am having the same problem with the stones. The stones won't go anywhere. I have tried everything and I nothing works.

  21. Also the claw will only scratch one of the two stones. It doesn't work on the other.

  22. The game is bugged for me, whenever I try to place the stones my inventory vanishes and I get told I don't have everything yet... end of game.

    One star.

  23. If you're going to have a game with limited clicks before you lose, then navigation and activation of items should be much simpler and clearer. This goes not only for this game, but for the whole series.

  24. On the one hand, I love the theme, atmosphere and graphics of this series. On the other, the interactions are so bad, the puzzles so random and illogical, the navigation so flawed, that I can't get anywhere, and I have trouble finishing the game even when I follow the walkthrough word for word. What a shame!


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