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Sabrina In North Pole

Sabrina In North Pole is another point and click adventure game from Gamershood.This time Sabrina is visiting her friend. At morning she gone home, but big wind took her away. Now she's middle of nowhere, she don't know that area. You must help her! Click on right things at right time to make things move. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I'm with you Billy. at one point a person came out of the house to take wood and got back in. since then - nothing.

  2. Hi both, need some help? x x x

  3. when he took wood he dropped something , pick it up , push lever and go to top of hill , use the rope the man dropped and slide down hill

  4. Cant get her to let go of the rope?? x x x

  5. Never mind I just clicked the snow heap underneath her a few times x x x

  6. I can knock off the ice (and it grows again). I can push Sabrina but she does nothing but move her arms. and I can press the chimney but nothing happens

  7. Can't get her to pick up rope...says "no use" when I highlight it

  8. If you're on the first level you need to make the guy come out and colect wood. He drops something right of the wood stack. Go and get this then walk to top of the hill and move the lever, when rope is moving go to the top of the rope and use the thing you picked up handlebar thing to slide down rope.

  9. Hi all.
    Then empty the river, go to the other side and refill river to stop the bear.

  10. I think you have to use middle cog to fill the river up. May have to press the little button again as well. Hi @Zazie x x x

  11. Thanks, but where exactly is "top of the rope" I can't seem to find it.

  12. Hi loz :)

    The rope is a black line passing above the house with chimeney.

  13. level 3 easy. Speak to guru guy, Go down via snow ledge (left of puppy) go up via branches on right.

  14. seem to be stuck on 4th scene, Can't seem to click anything :(

  15. In the scene with little dog : walk down over the center snow heap to fetch the dog, bring back the dog to the man (using the bushes to the right)and he takes you down to the next scene.

  16. Sorry dcva1948 - the rope hangs from top right above house to middle right next to house. click it near the top and she should automatically walk to the right spot. If not try clicking the hill at the very top near where the rope starts....
    Only 3 levels.....dissapointing!!

  17. Thanks Billy. didn't see that one :)

  18. stupid me its the end!!! lol I feel like a fud! haha

  19. The end ? This was short...

  20. sarah4 - 4th scene?? Theres only 3 isnt there, if your looking at a little house on the left with the sun in top right corner thats the End screen. x x x

  21. I quite like these types of games - makes a nice change from locked doors, colour codes and maths equations!! But this one was definately too short. Shame x x x

  22. Hi there. In third scene I keep falling down of the left snowpile. *very blond*

  23. Poor Sabrina keeps falling off the mountain....where do I click to keep her from falling???Please

  24. Hey @catqueen! great minds?,,,lol

  25. Of course, This blonde is stuck in the 2nd

  26. nokra, I have the same problem. Also trying middle pile but she keeps falling off.

  27. Got it! It's the large pile in the middle. There is a point you can click and she won't fall. Then get puppy.

  28. The only other hotspots are the brown dials/gears or whatever,,,but don't know what to
    and pop isn't working , is it?

  29. Oh! POP did work for I guess it only helps one at a time...LOL I'll try that again...


    Level 1
    Click icicle hanging above stairs. After it drops Sabrina will walk to the top.
    Click the chimney of little snow house. Man will come out and walk to wood pile.
    Click the wood and then the door. He will collect some wood and then return home.
    But he has dropped something next to the wood pile. Hard to see but its just right of the wood – looks like small dark smudge. Click this to collect. It looks like a piece of rope.
    Click the grey box left of screen next to cog. It’s a lever. Now the rope that goes over the house is moving. Click the rope near the start (top right of screen. Sabrina will walk to the top of the hill. Click the rope in your inventory and then the one above the house and Sabrina will slide down into the next level.

    Level 2
    Click on the snowheap bottom right a number of times and Sabrina will drop into it.
    Click her outline midscreen so she walks there and again at start of bridge.
    You cannot cross bridge yet. Click the small grey button just right of the where the river starts. One of the cogs moves so they are all perfectly in line.
    Click all three cogs and the river dries up. Now you can cross. But as soon as you do a bear appears and heads straight for you. You only have a few seconds now so click the middle cog between the top and left holes (so North-West) This should make the river fill up again and stop the bear from crossing. Press forward (bottom left)

    Level 3
    Click guru guy who asks you to save his puppy.
    Then click the ledge covered with snow in the middle. (left and above dog)
    Sabrina will pick up puppy. Now click the branch on the right of where the puppy was and click each branch one by one until they are at the top. Then click outline near guru. Click guru who thanks you. When speech bubble disappears click him again. And then a third time so he lowers his platform. Click the empty space to the right of him on the platform to jump on and then he lowers you down to your house

    The End

    (No seriously that really is all there is!!)

  31. I think we are on different scenes...I am still sliding down the rope...any tips on how to stop her?

  32. finally! I really feel stupid now!!!!!
    I was clicking the wrong

  33. Nokra - I was stuck here for ages. You have to click the snowpile below the rope at the right time. If you click when she's on certain part of the rope she'll drop. But I got fed up and just clicked madly from when she started sliding...until she drops!! x x x

  34. You have to click on the lowest left pile somewhere in the middle left of the pile and keep clicking, don't stop.

    I'm stuck at the river, tried everything, but nothing seems to be emptying the river, anyone help?

  35. Thanks for the Short-through...@lozxxx
    unfortunately...I needed it!LOL

  36. Lol :D It's a fun game, but sometimes kinda annoying

  37. LMAO!..I am glad I wasn't the only one who kept killing her ! the W/T from lozxxx

  38. Yeah I needed to get out of that river, the rest was simple :D

    Gonna go find another game, hopefully some of you will join me

  39. Aww dang!...2 new games that I cannot play...123Bee and Gazzy are a no-go for me....later, Guys!

  40. Sabrina In North Pole Walkthrough:

    Level 1
    1 click on the icicle
    2 click chimney repeated times
    3 man comes out of the litle house
    4 click on the wood pile
    5 click on the door of the little house
    6 when the man is going back inside, he drops something. it is hard to spot , so watch the man carefully as he is going back inside
    7 click on what the man dropped
    8 click on thelittle box by the pulley
    9 a rope lowers over the little house, click on the rope
    10 click on the little thingymbob you picked up by the wood pile

    Level 2
    1 click on the pile of snow in the bottom right hand corner ( you have to click on it until Sabrina falls from the rope)
    2 follow Sabrina's shadow until you get to the brdge on your side
    3 at the source of the river there is a little botton, click on it and then the third wheel on the wall
    4 click on Sabrina's shadow
    5 quickly click on the second wheel many times until the river turns blue

    Level 3
    1 go and talk to the little man
    2 click on the third snow islan from the left
    3 form where you are standing click on the closet plant
    4 click on the next closest palnt (not the on you are touching)
    5 click on the plant right above you
    6 click on the plant right in front of you
    7 click on the plant right in front of you
    8 click on Sabrina's shadow
    9 click on the little man 3 times
    10 click on the platform
    The little man gives you a ride down and you are back at your house!

  41. Ahhhh I came across this game a long time ago, on some other site - and was fascinated (I'd never played any flash games before). Looking for more like it led me here, and to room escape games, and I've never looked back LOL. (Still can't finish this one without help!)

  42. Really having problems but don't wan't to read walk thru.


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