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Out File #01

[REPLAY] Out File #01 Escape is another Japanese point and click escape game developed by Tonakai Interactive. The goal is to get out from this room. Click any places in the screen and you'll find hidden items or riddles. When you get an item, it will be indicated on the right in the screen. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Out File #01

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  1. Hi there!
    So far found battery and piece of paper. Panel under left side of rug but can't open it. Plug in socket but nothing happens.

  2. hi. same here and key on blue cabinet

  3. ok wher is the plug and where to put the letters from the paper?

  4. Tina: Thx for the key. SD under pink cabinet. Unscrewed metal piece on right side of blue closet and found a wheel.

  5. behing pic secret panel but sd doesnt match

  6. wheel can be put on radioator but notjing happens

  7. I found a blue key in same blue part where wheel was. Can't get to that point again but I opened the closet with it and got tape.
    Tina, you and I are stuck ;)

  8. I opened the trap door with the metal thing. Use it on the right middle side like a wedge.

  9. Yes we are :). i have six items and only used sd

  10. ok behind the couch from bin side there is another screwdriver for the painting

  11. oooh thx. but i enter inside and cant do anything

  12. Vickie: where do I have to click for the SD near the couch? The front parts of the arm of couch makes a sound.

  13. POP! Found SD :)

  14. you have to put the tape to the cable and then you can turn on the switch and from the cat eyes you can bring down the projector

  15. catqueen : when you see the trashbin in the left side from the couch

  16. Thx vickie, got it :)
    I lifted the bin and turned it around. Clicked a few times and a cd fell out,

  17. Sorry ladies, I have to go. Hope to play later.
    Thank you and have fun.

  18. Vickie to put tape on cables inside the trap?

  19. the front parts of the couch arms are the switch for the light

  20. where is the cable for the cd player?please

  21. Hello!
    Where can I find the tape?

  22. the tape is in the blue cb

  23. In the blue cb?
    There was only a wheel.
    When I open it now, there is nothing!

  24. in the place you found the wheel there is also a blue key where you can open the closed blue cb front

  25. vickie there is cable behind pink cabinet i guessthats the one. i turn on projector but there's no film

  26. got the cd-player working. maybe we have to play the song on the guitar...

  27. is there any way that we can use code on guitar?

  28. dabbeljuh do you have cd?

  29. cd is in bin. lift it, turn it and use it like a drum until cd falls out

    battery goes on backside of picture - use yellow SD

  30. behind the guitar is a dark hole

  31. switched lights off and read paper: and the key with very thin edge swallows all in all.... wonder what that means

  32. hey guys, I think I have caught up now. If you play the music from the CD on the guitar you get an orange key

  33. how´s the sequence shurei?

  34. I think this is right...
    with the numbers being the strings from the left
    16454 16454 66655566654
    then repeat

  35. anothe piece of paper when you open the door

  36. TY shurei - opened door and smashed my head ;) In German: Kurz vor dem Klo in die Hose geschissen...

  37. it says under the stool of the gods

  38. i open door... no paper...

  39. ook at the right side of the door - middle (the height of doorknob)

  40. take disc out and use it in hole behind the guitar, but be careful i got gassed and got to restart

  41. stop the gas by turning red wheel completely to the left.

  42. I really don't see a key in the blue closet.
    When I push the blue cabinet, I only find a wheel ... where to look??

  43. click bottom egdge of upper cb near front corner. a bit pixely....

  44. I died too, i was trying to hide in the trapdoor with the gas on to see what would happen. nothing apparently

  45. hi everybody
    can't find the hole behind the guitar
    some help please ?

  46. click on the neck of the guitar on the whole guitar view

  47. Hi, I'm back.
    Ian, click the neck of the guitar

  48. Look again at your paper when the 3 pieces are together. Read the columns from left to right. Looks like part of colors.

  49. oh man just died for the 3rd time... gotta stop playing with the gas

  50. and what about the zoom on the plant ?
    any idea ?

  51. a third piece of paper in the plant, saying : the star extinguishes all in all...

  52. Ian, there is a tiny spot near the leaves where you can find a piece of paper.

  53. can read the complete message, after putting the three pieces of paper together

  54. i forgot to refresh

  55. Look at my post above about paper. Don't read the rows, but the columns. I also found a red dvd at the top of the rolled carpet.

  56. should be time for movie, then

  57. put the screen down, press "play" on the right arm of the couch, and you'll see a very strange movie…

  58. don't forget to turn the light off

  59. loaded red DVD, press catface on picture and then down arrow. left couch arm is a remote - switch lights off. Now stuck with math...

  60. thank god... i was about to give up but something finally happened. If you push the arms of the couch LLRRLRL like it says on the video a safe opens

  61. we'll probably need the books now

  62. Well done shurei!

  63. "If you push the arms of the couch LLRRLRL like it says on the video" ???
    congrats, shurei, but how the hell did you get this hont from the video ???

  64. I opened the safe used code from paper with books. Got timer.

  65. of course, i meant "hint", not "hont"…

  66. good morning u.s.aaaaaaaaaaa . argh my game is still loading .its been like 5mins man. ill try again, then move on

  67. Oh no.....I died. Stupid me HAD to turn the valve again. Not playing again but I'll hang on a while.

  68. i cant find paper on!

  69. sorry for you, Catqueen
    you really deserve a medal for all the good work you did on this one

    by the way… any hint for the books ?

  70. The video is the projector, it has the code written on the bottom

    i just died too and im not doing it again. I got the code and the timer. The timer fits in the wall, I guess you gotta hide in the trapdoor with the gas on and wait for the timer to explode or something.

    If you put the screen down the gas is trapped on the other side of the screen, but it gets through eventually. Hope this helps, good luck

  71. @ Tina
    zoom on the leave which is on the left, in the middle (sorry but english is not my language)

  72. red dvd on rolled carpet? cant find it

  73. @ al-the-bal
    you got to click so that you'll stay just in front of the rolled carpet, and then y'ou'll see the dvd appear under it, in the middle

  74. al-the-bal: It's just near top. Click the grey part left from the carpet.

  75. Out File 01 Walkthrough:

    ~ Click on the pink trolley and click under it and get a green screwdriver.
    ~ Click on the blue cabinet, then click on the right side (shadow part) and use the green screwdriver on the bracket.
    ~ When you unscrew the bracket a drawer is opened. To open it. Click on the part where the bracket was there and the drawer will open.
    ~ Get the wheel from inside.
    ~ Now click on the bottom left side of the open drawer and get the blue key.
    ~ Close the drawer and come out of the screen.
    ~ Now click on the locked blue cabinet and use the blue key on it to get the tape.
    ~ Now click on the top left side of the cabinet and get the red key.
    ~ Come out of the screen and go the the area of the couch. Click on the couch. Get the battery from underneath the couch by clicking on the left side.
    ~ Come out of the screen. Get the paper from underneath the third cushion from the left.
    ~ Click on the dustbin, when it is up in the air click on the inner side of the bin and the bin will turn upside down. Now use the bracket that you got from the blue cabinet on the bottom of the bin. Tap it for a while and the blue CD will fall from it.
    ~ In the same screen you will see a little part of the couch. Click there to get the yellow screwdriver.
    ~ Now click on the kitty frame. Click on the lower left then top right then top left. The frame will fall.
    ~ Click on the frame again so that it will turn. Now use the yellow screwdriver on the screw to open it and put the battery in it. Close it again .When done click on the frame again so that it will back on the wall.
    ~ Come out of the screen and click on the plant. When you have a closer view click on one of the left leaf and get the second paper.
    ~ Now come to the screen where you face the guitar. Click on the top left of the carpet. It will roll.
    ~ When the carpet is rolled, click on the bottom of the rolled carpet. You will see the shadow, click there. Somewhere in the middle. You will get a different view and see something red under the carpet. Thats the DVD. Get it.
    ~ Now click on the trap door.
    ~ Use the bracket from your inventory to open the trap door. Click on the middle right side of the trap door and it will open.
    ~ Click on the wires. Use the tape on the blue wire. Close the trap door. Put the carpet back.
    ~ Click on the locked switch board that is on the wall. Use the red key to open it. Only one is turned on (the left most one) Turn on the other two as well by flicking the last two up. Close the lid and come out.
    ~ Now go to the pink trolly and click on the left back side of it. You will see a power plug. Plug in the wire.
    ~Turn on the player (it's the one in the middle).
    ~ Play the CD in the player and listen to the music, now you have to play the same tune on the guitar strings.
    ~ This is the order in which you have to play it. 1 6 4 5 4 1 6 4 5 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 6 5 4 ( from left to right) you'll get an orange key from the guitar.
    ~ Use that to open the door.
    ~ You will see a cement wall. Click on the middle right side of the wall to get the third paper.
    ~ Combine all the three papers.
    ~ Now get the CD out and put the DVD in. Play it. It will play some music.
    ~ Let the DVD be inside. Go to the frame. Click on the kitty's face (where the nose should have been).
    ~ You will see two arrows.
    ~ Click on the bottom one and the projector will lower down.
    ~ Now click on the couch. Click on the left armrest of the couch. Click on the left side of the armrest to turn the lights off.
    You will see a play button. Click it and watch the DVD.
    ~ Click on the armrest again to turn on the lights.
    ~ Now click on the top arrow of the frame, so that the projector will go back up.
    ~ Go to the couch and click on it to have a closer look. Click the front part of the couch's left and right armrest in this way. Left , left , right , right, left, right, left. While clicking in this manner the lights will turn on and off and play a sound too.
    ~ The bottom part of the couch will open.
    ~ For the code of the safe.

  76. Match up the letters of the paper with the way the books are arranged. Combine the three papers and read them vertically you will see that they spell out the first three letters of a colour. The books are arranged in this way ~ Blue, Red, Green, Violet. See at which place these colours are in the paper. That is the code for the safe. Add * before the number and # at the end of the number and the safe will open.
    For example if the BLU is in the 6th place then the first number of the code is 6. In the same way see where are red green and violet .
    ~ This is just an example. Look at the order of the books and compare to the order of the message colors.
    vio = 1
    red = 2
    ora = 3
    yel = 4
    gre = 5
    blu = 6
    bro = 7
    So the code according to the books is= *6 2 5 1 #
    ~ These are few of the codes that I have used so far...
    1 ~ *1257#
    2 ~ *6437#
    3 ~ *6251#
    4 ~ *6257#
    ~ You can also read POST #320 for the code.
    ~ When you open the safe you will get a timer. Take it.
    ~ Go to the guitar.
    ~ Use the disc in the hidden passage that behind the guitar. Click on the top of the guitar to reveal this passage.
    ~ Turn it's nob. To turn it on click on the little part on the top. Come out.
    ~ Now there is a powerplug behind the player. You need to get the plug out and put the timer in and put the plug to the timer.
    ~ Before plugging the timer in, set the timer. Set the timer according to how fast you can do.
    ~ Then lower the projector, and put the wheel on the pipes.
    ~ When there is 30 seconds (or whatever you want) left turn the wheel to the right 4 times.Get the wheel out. And quickly go to the trap door under the carpet and close the cover and wait until you hear an explosion.
    ~ Come out of the trap door.
    ~ Click on the tunnel that has appeared and you are out. Actually TO BE CONTINUED.
    Codes for the safe
    B R O Y G B V
    R E R G R L I
    O D A L E U O


    B R O Y G B V
    L E R E R R I
    U D A L E O O


    B Y G R O B V
    R E R E R L I
    O L E D A U O


    V R O Y G B B
    I E R E R L R
    O D A L E U O


  77. IMPORTANT: the time you turn the wheel 4 times to the right must be > 53 sec.

  78. I'll be honest, as soon as I got to the guitar part my interest in this one flatlined. The pixel-hunting was bad enough, but having to memorize a sequence THAT large? Nope, done.

  79. Thanks xaq. You saved me a lot of time. I was hating the pixel hunt too. Now that I know of this sequence.....


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