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Steppenwolf - The Yeti 1

Steppenwolf 5 WalkthroughSteppen Wolf - The Yeti 1 aka Steppenwolf - The X-Creatures Project 5 is the first episode of Steppenwolf - The Yeti point and click adventure game series created by Sarbakan for Warner Bros. In this game, you have to use arrow keys on your keyboard to move in the game and space key to interact near objects and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

Play Steppenwolf - The Yeti 1

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  1. Interesting continues.I pass this one.*_*

  2. So I got her to crawl forward with the arrows but then what?

  3. HATE arrow moving games...see ya

  4. PFFFF.... I pass this one too

  5. Hmmm...nice to look - but what is to do?

  6. Oh - in the middle of the way you can interact...

  7. folder, keys, fork, meat and rod. But I cant get down again from the platform...

  8. ah...I have found a way to go back...

  9. first death near the dog and the soldier...I think you must do something with the meat and the dog.

  10. Meat an dog works - anc you can go near the soldier, if he smokes. Now stuck...
    Anybody in there...?!

  11. i like the games but always need a walkthrough to finish them

  12. how do you get her untied?

  13. skoot halfway across the floor then push space bar

  14. Steppenwolf - The Yeti 1 Walkthrough:

    1. Scoot over to the window in the middle and hit the action (ACTION).
    2. Grab the pipe in the lower left part of the truck.
    3. Go back to the window and use the action button again. When the truck takes off and the soldier takes off with it you can enter the doorway.
    4. Climb the ladder and grab the keys and the file on the left table.
    5. Go out the doorway on the same level and go up the stairs. Make your way to the left and down the pole.
    6. Grab the pitchfork and the meat that is hanging up in the middle of the room.
    7. Climb back up the pole (by using the ACTION) and back to the stairs.
    8. Go back in to the room and back down the ladder.
    9. Go to the bottom of the screen and to the outside.
    10. Get close to the bottom of the ramp and throw (action) the meat to the dog.
    11. Stay behind the tent that is closest to the dog and wait for the soldier to go for a smoke.
    12. Use the pitchfork on the yak closest to the soldier.
    13. Go back to where the dog is and out to the next screen.
    14. Go to the right side of the trucks and wait for the soldier to take a drink and go to the hut with the door.
    15. Grab the hose and go to the back of the trucks.
    16. Now go to the left side of the truck and wait for the soldier to turn his back and grab the gas can from the back of the truck.
    17. Go up to the back truck and combine the gas can with the hose.
    18. Siphon the gas from the side of the back truck.
    19. Go back up to the top screen and back to where you stabbed the yak and go to the jeep.
    20. Use the gas can to fill the jeep and then use the keys to drive off.

  15. no way am i starting over after i die


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