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Gorax Episode 2 - In the Castle of the Boss

The Adventures of Gorax Episode 2 - In the Castle of the Boss is second episode of Gorax point and click adventure games series. Gorax is desperate for a transfer into Magmania's secret service. He hopes to prove he's the best hero in the realms so he will be chosen for the job. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. Hi...nice game, but now it stoppes because I dont know how I can remove the forcefield of the key. Any ideas?

  2. I think, that I must do something with the pictures, but I don´t know what...
    Have found and placed three elemnts from outworld.
    Have found the way to become one of them in the garden and have found the way to the key - but now stuck.

  3. need the key, cannot go there please help

  4. make the fire map burn and you gat a hint. I´m there, but can´t take the key

  5. help how do you start the game please

  6. have a metal plate from one lock now

  7. ok, put a metal plate in one of the gold plates at the pictures. Now there is a picture of bertha the witch...

  8. @ sherry: for me there was no problem to start the game. Have you tried the alternative link?

  9. have 4 plates (used)and now have spell for key, put no idea how to come there

  10. Thanks for the fire tip.

  11. @lesley, I did and it brought me to a bunch of games

  12. Gather 3 elements (one is in the garden, take fence then use garden.
    Take plates from lockets, talk to ghoasts to get spell, tear them apart and put them together again to get spell. Burt map gives you hint to get at the key, Go into throne room to get fourth element. Then go into museum en put elements there, then go back to throne room to meet boss

  13. Opend the gate and i think thats the END (out)

  14. Thanks, I restarted it and no problem thanks again

  15. Downloading .................

  16. Gorax Episode 2 Walkthrough:

    1.use tha chair examine locket and take thing on locket

    2. use the sideboard examine that locket and take the thing on locket

    3.go to the right take fire map, than onece agian examine teh locket and take the thing

    4.examine the lockets and take the thing i think one of them doesnt have one examine the gold plate and put the the metal plate from teh locket one it (the one that has a chemistry thing on it)

    6.the only chioce u dont do is can i help

    7. to the right and match the metal plates with the golden plates and talk with them till u get all of the scrolls put the scrolls together till u get "givemethekey" go to the left twice

    10. use matches with fire map go to the right twice than go left than go right now cast spell than grab key

    12.go back down than use fence post

    13.use garden (u need to get the red things agian forgot to tell u at begginin ill list all locations at the end)

    14. head back to the gate and unlock it

    15. now u need the outer world elements(red things) heres the locations
    1.from beginning go to the left its be nerb
    2.from beginning go down its by nerb agian garden where key fell thrown room by thrown

    16. set these on pedestals in room by picture

    17. now go back to thrown room to finish the game

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.


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