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The Privacy Escape

[REPLAY] Gotmail - The Privacy Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by IDAC. In this game, you need to search to find items and clues to use for getting out. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

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  1. Is this a replay? Looks familiar! :)

  2. Yep, it says so on the EG24 homepage.

  3. Okay. I have been away a few days so I am gonna pass on it and play a new one first. :) Thanks, ST. I am slow today. Lol

  4. The Privacy Walkthrough:

    I have given the directions like go right and go left, so that it will be easier to find the computers as there are many computers.
    1 ~ As soon as the game starts. Click on the right computer.
    2 ~ Click on the monitor and get the black mobile.
    3 ~ Click on the left computer. Click on the keyboard and get the blue keycard.
    4 ~ Go left three times and click on the leftmost computer.
    5 ~ Click on the CD tray of the computer and get the yellow keycard. Click on the pen stand and get an antenna. Click on the right computer. Click under the desk and get the card with wires ( Not exactly sure what it is called)
    6 ~ Go right once then go forward.
    7 ~ Go right again.Click on the left computer, click on the UPS. Take the unicorn statue. Click underneath the desk and get a blue mobile.
    8 ~ Go right once. Click on the lock. Use the yellow keycard on the lock. The fingerprint scanning will start. Click on OPEN.
    9 ~ The door is open now. Go inside. Now there are three computers in this room. Go right once. Click on the computer then click on the keyboard.
    10 ~ The keyboard will move. Get the laserpen.
    11 ~ Go right once. Click on the screen of the computer. Click on the warning that appears on the screen. You will see a wire puzzle. Finish it and you will get a ID. Take a look at the picture given at the end of the walkthrough. It says what you have to do to connect the wires. Once done click on. The ID will be in your inventory.
    12 ~ Now select the black mobile and attach the antenna to it. You will now have a wiretap finder.
    13 ~ There are three things which are the Wiretaps
    A ~ The fountain pen which is near the keyboard of the computer next to the stairs.
    B ~ The telephone on the desk
    C ~ The clock.
    14 ~ Select the Wiretap finder in your inventory then click on the fountain pen. You will get the Wiretap. Select the wiretap finder again then click on the telephone, you will get another wiretap. Select the wiretap finder again and click on the clock. You will get the third wire tap. Now select the wiretap finder and you will see the Password on it. It will be in your inventory.
    15 ~ Once you have found the Id and the password use them on the left computer near the stairs. It will ask you if you want to cancel the monitoring. Click yes. Now you can go upstairs.
    16 ~ There is a lock on the door. Use the blue keycard on the panel. Then insert the blue phone in it and press enter. Get the phone back. The door is open. Go inside.
    17 ~ There is just one computer in this room. Click on it. Then click on the top of UPS and get the black item ( not sure what it is) .Use the black item on the card with wires, and use the blue mobile on the black item..
    18 ~ Now click on the screen. You have to find the three differences. These screens are from the previous games.
    Click start and then after the count down click on the following
    For Escape the hair salon
    The rack, the dustbin, the plank near the bottom chair
    For The Bar
    The blender, the leftmost wine glass, the left side of the bars counter
    For Destino ( car )

  5. The excaust, the chair (left of the car), bottom of the stairs.
    19 ~ You will get a password once you are done. Now go to the locked door. Use the combined mobile/and card on the lock of the door. Input the four digit password that you got. The door will open.
    20 ~ Walk till the end of the hallway. You will see a cross on the floor. Place the unicorn on it.
    21 ~ Go back once, and go right. You will see a light switch. Turn off the lights.
    22 ~ Go back to the unicorn statue. Use the laser pen on the end of unicorns shadow. Get the red mobile.
    23 ~ Turn the lights on and return to the door, use the blue mobile and the password again to open the door.
    24 ~ Disconnect the blue mobile, select the mobile then about items and click on the left side of the mobile. It will open, get the memory card.
    25 ~ Use the memory card on the red mobile.
    26 ~ Go downstairs and click on the mechanical eye that is above the rotating doors.
    27 ~ Select the red mobile then about items and click on the screen, click on the mail and a key code will generate. Now use the red mobile on the eye.
    28 ~ Don't go through the rotating doors.
    29 ~ Go to the door that is under the stairs.
    30 ~ Use the red mobile on the lock next to the exit. Don't take the mobile back. Open the door. Enjoy the END.

  6. Wow! Thanks yalcin!

  7. If anyone is still here, can you remember the name of that very, very long escape game that came out last year. There was a stone tower spiral staircase and a room at the top of that like a lighthouse and that was only the end. Thanks!

  8. Elements Escape by Neutral?

  9. I think that's it! Thanks Charlie!

  10. daisy dorset,
    Neutral is the best. Play 'em all, but don't expect them to be half hour tidbits. They are days games (some of them). Don't peek at hints! You'll get it eventually!
    Other bests are Pastel Games, Haretoki, and Kotinsuru (sp? One game is Spynx)

  11. I can't believe I forgot about Gotmail games!

  12. Trig, you mean Kotorinosu. Yeah, they have amazing games! I also recommend Robamimi, best developer imho. Neutral is great and Elements is very hard to beat in quality tho. Oh, and since this page leads to a Gotmail, I'd also recommend playing their games, they dont make escape games anymore but they have some really good ones.

  13. Hilgreed, Mild Escape, Choko Chai and Lo Nyan are also worth playing :) (there are still many other good developers but I can't remember all of them haha)

  14. @Nini xD, say it isn't so!!! That is such sad news. Gotmail games are easily in my top five favorites. Are all these other greats still making games? I sure hope so.


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