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Submachine 2

[REPLAY] Submachine 2 - The Light House is sequel to the world's famous point and click Submachine games series, that grabbed minds of millions of people all around the world. This game is 5 times bigger than the first one, and a lot tougher to get through. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Submachine 2 - The Lighthouse

Submachine 2 - The Lighthouse Walkthrough

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  1. I can't figure out the e=mc2 code or how to turn the 4 red lights to green while moving the levers or sticks or whatever you call them...although the one and only comment on this game is old, if anyone can help me with this, your comment is more than welcome.

  2. the e=mc2 code simply means


  3. to turn the leaver sticks you have to push the small buttons

  4. I realy dotn't get it yet the code e=m*c*c so can someone help me pleass:(?????

  5. on the diary entry, it says that m=629, and that machine thing said that c=2, so you have to solve e=m*c*c, or e=629*2*2, and that answer is your code.

    now i need help. i don't understand how to solve step 21, with the green glowing machine. can someone help pleas?

  6. You need to enter the code that is written on the picture of the lightening house on the wall on the second floor. The code is on this arrow pointing to the first floor window. Good luck.

  7. i still dont get the code says 4 digits, i dont get it
    someone help me

  8. please will someone help me....
    27 and 28
    i dont get em

  9. The E=mc(Squared)

    So you find the m number on the letter, it changes for each person but it is a 3 digit number. For me m=742

    the c number is found on the machine. For me c=2.

    So to get the code I had to multiple m by c(squared)

    so it was 742 *(times) 4 = 2968. that was my code.

    (((Note to ^ (square) a number, you just multiple it by itself. so 2 squared (usually written 2^2 on a computer)= 2 times 2 which = 4, for 3 squared (usually written 3^2 on a computer)= 3 times 3 which equals 9. etc.)))

  10. l am so stuck on #29 when l go there, there is no middle ladder. Is there something that ldidn't do? HELP ME!

  11. not any help, but again, a great quality game. looks like i discovered it a few years after the fact. luckily, the new one will renew some interest in the prequels

  12. im stuck with ('29') cause i must have done something wrong cause i can't find where i put the negative and positive coil???

    so can any1 help me plz.

  13. that was an amazing game!!!!!!! i loved it alot!!!!! now im adicted to playing this series (good job who ever made this game!!!!!!!)

    when you go up the ladder that leads to the giant bulb stop in the section where thelight makes the room look cone shaped. theres panels on the left and right that you can go in.

  15. it"s sooo amazing but it took me so many time before i complete it,, if your getting a hard time in solving the e=m*c2, all you have 2 do is to use einstein's equation which is e=mc2 for example the value of my c is 2 then the value of my m is 861,all i do is i multiply 861 by 2, then the product is 1722 then i multiply it by 2 then the product is 3444, that's it, then in the glowing the glowing machine all you need to do is follow the instruction in no.10 then there is a paper on the wall, on the paper a drawing is written zoom it the in the side there is a code, just remember it then in the glowing machine you place it there then push the button above it then get the light bulb, then for lauren place the fork in the brokenwire above it then pull down the switch handle...
    good luck,,
    enjoy too,

  16. I need help with number27

  17. I don't get it with all that c=somthing or other

  18. I can't get wider from ( 5 ).
    There are no ladder ?? Help

  19. Where can i see the code for the green flashing machine with the symbols? There are no symbols ot dots on the picture of the light house on the wall, and there is only some strange signature on the pamphlet, but it don't seems like the symbols on the machine. Can someone help me to solve the code, please?

  20. number 6:

    how do you get the key? i can see it but i cant grab it! when i go further in the tunnel, its all dark, so i cant see.....

  21. uhuh.....neva mind.....had the wrong key.....found it! srry.....

  22. I have the same problem. I'm not able to get the key room in step #5. Please help.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. To use the positive and negative coils:

    Alright, you know where the lighthouse light bulb is-at the very top of the light house? And you know the ladder that leads up to it. It's a long ladder, and there are two tunnels hidden on each side of the ladder, two screens up from the bottom. If you look you will see them, but it you're not looking for it... If you take the tunnel to the right you'll find a little room where you can deposit those positive and negative coils. This is step #29 in the walkthrough

  25. The thing with the 4 digit code is easy! Just use einstien's equation! when you get diary 2 read the 3 digit code at the end example mine was 508 you multiply the 3 digit code by 2 twice! easy eh?!

  26. Ok. Good game, and once you read the walkthrough it's easy to do it. But how on earth did the walkthrough author knew to use the einstein formula??

  27. Caio, look in the cat note.

  28. I'm stuck on 5, the ladder just ends. I restarted and still no additional ladder, what the heck?

  29. I can't get the ID out of the camera....I don't even see it. I did put the memory in the camera when the lever was down already though...hmm

  30. thanks 4 d comment!!!

    it really helps.

    here is my hardest part

    in 27 e=m*c^2 means e= m times the square of c.

    means m x (c x c)

    if you get the product thats the answer

    in 28.
    note all the movements of the buttons and anaylyze it..

    in 29.

    when you get in the ladder twice, you will get in the cone-shapped area, you will see in the screen the 2 walls that have a crack or somethin, that is the meaning of the doors.

    good luck ang nice game..

    thanks again and enjoy

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. who knows how to solve the 4 digit code in step 27 kindly help me the m in my letter is m=737 i dont know how to solve e=m*c^2 ple help me im only 11 thats why i dont know how to solve it pls help me.

  33. @Panpi - answer to the code is 2628. that's 657*2*2..
    @tachycineta.bicolor - you need to put the bulb and the memory in the camera then pull the lever down. after that, you need to click on the lens to view.. when you see the movie, you can see an ID card, then click on it..

    --- i finished the game without even completing the secret code..

  34. Attempted to post this earlier, so if it appears twice, sorry.

    #29 is incorrect. You will have to put the FORK on the wire leading up to the switch first, then actiavte the switch, and then the ladder will come down and THEN you can climb it.

  35. the answer to the riddle is 2440 for those who couldnt get it!

  36. i can't find the fork!

  37. e=m*c^2
    i finished it and its to be continued to sm3:the loop

  38. i also got the 20/20 secrets.....weeee

  39. the "m" given in the diary#2 is 509 and the "c" is to 3..... think we have diff problems given frm ths game that is y we cudnt find ans bec we get the ans for the pasword frm here

  40. so done the game fun as hell!! got 20/20 what do i do with them??

  41. I need help figuring out what it means when they tell me to left click on the tile. What tile?

  42. Where do you put the fuse on the machine? I can't figure it out.

  43. Sorry to interrupt.. I've been looking for a game that recently challenged us all. I can't remember the name? We entered the first level and viewed a wall and.... well with a lot of help... moved to the 2nd level... by the 4th many wanted to return their degrees for refund. I WANT TO CHALLENGE MY SMART @$$ UNCLE... can anyone tell me the name? It was available between June - October? Please help

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. what if the c=3 and m= 556 ?
    my counter cant do it ):

  46. plz help my code is 625 i need help i am only 11

  47. Bottom Floor:

    Zoom in on game machine, find 1 secret (1)
    Go all the way to the left, and head up the stairs.
    Pick up cog wheel
    1 secret (2)
    Use the Wisdom Gem in the stand. Click on the ball at the top of the antenna thing to drop down a ladder.
    Go to the right two rooms. Zoom in on the phonograph.
    Use the cog wheel (drag the cog wheel onto the phonograph)
    Click the button
    A ladder somewhere upstairs will drop.
    Zoom out

  48. The Red rooms:

    Finding the value to c
    Climb the ladder once.
    Go to the right.
    Zoom in on the bottom left-hand corner of the contraption, and jot down what C equals
    Getting the room key:
    Go back to the left and climb the ladder.
    Enter sewer pipe. At the end of the pipe, pick up the room key.
    Getting the fork:
    Climb the ladder - this is the topmost red room
    Head to the right.
    Click on the cut out and get the fork and 1 secret (3).
    The yellow floors:

    Go back to the ladder and head up.
    Head left and take the stairs all the way up.
    Pick up 1 secret (4) in the rubble.
    Go all the way to the right. Pick up 1 secret (5)
    Head left once.
    Pick up pamphlet.
    Zoom in on picture. Zoom in again. Take note of the dotted code
    Go left again. You can switch on the light. I’m not sure if it does anything. Pick up 1 secret (6)
    Go left to the screen with two doors (skip the metal looking door for now). You can switch on the light - again, I’m not sure if that actually does something.
    Enter the left door. Grab the cat note. Exit the room.
    Use the room key to enter the right room. Grab the sewer key. Exit the room.
    Go right, and take the stairs all the way down. Then go right, then down.
    Use the sewer key on the sewer cover.

  49. The Sewers:

    My suggestion is that you make a map of everything so that you don’t miss any squares, but below are the things you’ll find in the sewers, then there’s a section on how to get those things, all are relative from the screen where you see the sewer opening in the red room.
    What you’ll find in the sewers:
    5 secrets (11)
    Switch handle
    Positive coil
    2nd floor key
    Letter to liz
    Details on how to get those items:
    Secrets and note to liz:
    Go left until you find a secret.
    Go left 4 times, down once.
    Go left 4 times, down 3 times, right once, up once (3 secrets) + note to liz
    Positive Coil:
    Go left 8 times, down once, right once.
    2nd floor key:
    Left 2 times, down once, right once.
    Switch handle:
    Left 6 times, down two times, left once, down once, right once. Solve the puzzle.
    Exit the room. Down once, right twice, up once. Grab the switch.
    Exit the sewers.
    The teal rooms:

    Climb the ladder into the teal rooms. Climb the ladder again, and take the tunnel on the right, and go to the end. Use the switch handle.
    Go back to the first teal room. Go left once. Click on one of the tiles to reveal a secret (12)
    Take the stairs all the way up again.
    Go to the right once, and go through the metal door. Pick up the negative coil.
    Go up twice. Use the 2nd floor key on the door.
    Go left once. Take the Diary 2 note from the typewriter.
    Go left again. Take the movie memory.
    Head 3 rooms to the right. Click on the glowing teal thing, and enter in the dot code from earlier.
    Click the teal button.
    Take the light bulb.
    Go to the right.
    Click on the moving stick figure. 4 secrets (16)
    Grab Note to Myself
    The green rooms:

    Go back to metal door, and exit it.
    Take the ladder down to the next door.
    Go left and take the stairs all the down.
    Go to the leftmost room with the movie camera.
    Insert the light bulb and movie memory.
    Flip the switch.
    Look at the picture, and grab the ID card

  50. The metal tower:

    Go back up the stairs to the yellow-brown floor. Go to the right to the metal door, and enter it. Follow the ladders all the way up
    Use the fork on the broken wire, and flip the switch handle.
    Go left and up.
    The 4-digit code:
    e = m*c^2
    m can be found on the note called diary 2. (c was found earlier)
    Go back down, and go all the way to the right, then climb the ladder. Pick up 1 secret (17)
    Click on the buttons next to the red dots until all the red buttons turn teal.
    Go down and left. Climb the ladder twice.
    If you go left:
    Grab 1 secret (18)
    If you go right:
    Use the positive and negative coils
    Climb the ladder again three times until you see the portal - looks like a big bulb with purple wires around it.
    Pick up 1 secret (19) and portal note.
    To the right of the portal:
    Pick up the digout key.
    To the left of the portal:
    Put the ID in the slot
    Use the digout key by:
    Go back to the ladder, and climb down it 9 times to get to the yellow floor. Go all the way to the left and use the digout key.
    In the tunnel, pick up 1 secret (20) and the fuse.
    Go back to the portal, put the fuse in the room to the right. Flip the portal switch.
    You’re out.

  51. @Lorena: The code is: e= m*c*c

    (For example if m is 887 and c is 2 you must type 887*2*2 to your Windows calculator)

  52. yay, that's my favorite part of submachines!

  53. yay, that's my favorite part of submachines!

  54. I have no idea what any of the above hints are about. I used a diamond thing and brought down a ladder and picked up a cog wheel and that is all I can do. I have only the one ladder and can go right and see machine but left is nothing but darkness. No where else to go.

  55. @evans - me too. That's where I am. I can see a hing "c=3" when I climb the ladder to the right on the blue machine, and that's it. Can't do anything else at all. Some update!!!

  56. found it - I missed that right turn

  57. cog goes into gramophone

    you can see number for C
    on one of the notes there is number for M

    think about einstein formula and you got 4-digit code

  58. Aaarrrggghhh!
    I can't solve the 4x4 dots puzzle in the sewers. I've got almost everything else, but I can't apparently even get into the part where I need einstein's equation without the switch handle I'll get when I solve this bloody puzzle.

    Given that NONE of the comments above say a word about it, I'm guessing it's supposed to be easy but....

  59. Game was bugged for me, locked up and couldn't do anything.

    Cant be stuffed to repeatedly refresh a game and start from scratch tbh.

  60. got there eventually with a little help, missed a couple of rooms and the tunnels near the top.
    On the e=mc² you need to do the c² first, so if your c is 2 then c²=4 if it's 3 then c²=9. you multiply this by m (from the diary page). mine was c=2 m=903, so e=903x4=3612

  61. manju yadav, if you are going to rewrite a walk through verbatim, then at least credit the author by citing his or her names!! 10/10 Mateusz Skutnik, glad I found your games even if I am the last to do so!!


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