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Chronon is a brand new and unusual point-and-click puzzle game from on of Eyezmaze. The time-based puzzle takes place in the dwelling of a creature that leaves early in the morning and returns in the evening. The objective of the game is to manipulate objects at various times throughout the day to complete the story. Click on items to act upon them, if possible, and change the time of day by clicking on the time buttons along the top of the game window.

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  1. This is a walkthrough Knard left on another game site:

    14:55- Click the key on the top of the clock to unlock the missing time (9:45)
    6:15- Put the wreath on the table and set the egg on top of it. Open the window.
    9:05- Remove the ledge from the fireplace. Attach the rope to the ledge. Put the bottle from the left shelf into the monster’s arms.
    9:45- Click on the rope to bring the monster back inside.
    12:25- Click on the red berry to put it on the floor. Attach the rope to the berry. The round water bottle on the left side of the table, and the bottle with milk on the right side of the table.
    6:15- Put the clock on the wall.
    9:05- Lengthen the clock’s tail.
    9:45- Remove the wood from under the cage and leave it on the top shelf. Get the egg from the top of the clock.
    12:25- Give the mirror to the monster. Open the hatch. Leave the wreath on the table.
    14:55- Put the burning wreath in the fireplace. Put the wood on top of the wreath. Put ledge in the fireplace. Put pan on table and add all the ingredients, except poison, and add the milk from the right shelf. Put the clock back on the shelf.
    18:10- Put the pan on the ledge of the fireplace. Put the clock on the wall.
    19:00- You’re done. >

  2. this walkthrough is correct.
    the walkthrough before is wrong.

    12:25- Put the wreath in the fireplace. Put the clock on the wall.
    14:55- Click the key on the top of the clock to unlock the missing time (9:45)
    6:15- Put the wreath on the table and set the egg on top of it. Open the window.
    9:05- Remove the ledge from the fireplace. Attach the rope to the ledge. Put the bottle from the left shelf into the monster’s arms.
    9:45- Click on the rope to bring the monster back inside.
    12:25- Click on the red berry to put it on the floor. Attach the rope to the berry. The round water bottle on the left side of the table, and the bottle with milk on the right side of the table.
    6:15- Put the clock on the wall.
    9:05- Lengthen the clock’s tail.
    9:45- Remove the wood from under the cage and leave it on the top shelf. Get the egg from the top of the clock.
    12:25- Give the mirror to the monster. Open the hatch. Leave the wreath on the table.
    14:55- Put the burning wreath in the fireplace. Put the wood on top of the wreath. Put ledge in the fireplace. Put pan on table and add all the ingredients, except poison, and add the milk from the right shelf. Put the clock back on the shelf.
    18:10- Put the pan on the ledge of the fireplace. Put the clock on the wall.
    19:00- You’re done.

  3. Well, I can't click on the key on the clock - it only causes the clock to get back on the shelf.

  4. You can pull the long thing at the end of the clock to sort of lock it. But even after doing that, I still can't retrieve the key.

  5. don't see any key on the clock and when you click on it it returns it to the place you got it from also what do you mean- Remove the ledge from the fireplace. Attach the rope to the ledge. Put the bottle from the left shelf into the monster’s arms.?

  6. lol, i got it, but it didnt gone to in 60-80/100... but nice wwalktrough

  7. @surreal_jas:

    when the egg transforms into a monster lol

  8. phantom:

    I put the wreath in the fireplace and the clock on the wall. I went to 14:55 and clicked the key. The clock went back on the shelf. I pulled the tail, then clicked the key. Still nothing. Is there something else I have to do? HELP! I want to beat this game so badly...

  9. WTF?!?!?!?!

    i followed the walkthrough and only got 92/100

  10. "14:55- Put the burning wreath in the fireplace. Put the wood on top of the wreath. Put ledge in the fireplace. Put pan on table and add all the ingredients, except poison, and add the milk from the right shelf. Put the clock back on the shelf."

    Keep the clock on the wall and don't put water on pan!

  11. i did it by following the walkthrough and got 100/100 you just have to make sure you are on the right time for each thing

  12. Simply one of the greatest online point and click games I've ever played. Brilliant.


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