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Submachine 3

[REPLAY] Submachine 3: The Loop is another sequel of Submachine point and click adventure style room escape game developed by Mateusz Skutnik. In this episode, the dream continues as you must try to escape from a series of seemingly endless, identical chambers. This time there is no inventory, nothing to assemble - just an increasingly intricate puzzle that will push your abilities to the limit. Good luck and have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Submachine 3: The Loop

Submachine 3: The Loop Walkthrough

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  1. Submachine 3 - The Loop walkthrough:

    pick up the thing down in the left corner of the room, and press the levelswitch in the midle of the room.(dah!)

    go in the right room, there you wil find a map. on the map there are marked places where there are switches(the levelswitch in room 0, 0, is allways marked with an X.). just click all of the switches and press the levelswitch.

    look at the map, wierd eh? well, press one of the switches, and voilá! a number! the numbers are coordinates, like 45 is 4, 5(room). follow this until all of the lights in the coordinate-thingy in the upper left side of the screen are green.(you wil hear a sound)

    allright! i supose i dont have to remind u about the map enymore. there are fuor consoles with four numbers in(and 6 buttons), and two switches. the numbers are changeable, exept one, a diferent for each console. find these numbers memorize them(or write them down), and you have a code! the code must be put into each console, and then u pull the two switches and the levelswitch last.

    this one is easy, there are six switches with dots on. one dot = first pressed, two dots = second pressed, and so on, rhen you press the levelswitch, of course.

    find the switches, type the coordinates for the room in LETTERS. a = 1, b = 2, and so on.. easy!

    find the symbols with a number under that says whitch position it has in the password, memorize them(or write down), and type them in to the password thingy in the room left of the levelswitch and press the little button on the floor. if the level switch does not unlock, the password is not typed correctly.

    yepp! the map is wreced. so, i'll help u with coordinates this time. first, go to 0, -1. pull the switch, go to 0, 1. note the symbols, and go to 1, -1. when you press one of those things on the eh.. something, two lights go green, remember the symbols? the line in the symbols is the clue, in your head draw a line between the green lights so it matches the first symbol. in the room on the right(2, -1), do the same, just with symbol no. 2. continue till all are correctly inserted, then go to 1, 1, and press the switch. and then the levelswitch.

    mechanical eggs? hehe.. no. in the room under the levelswitch, there is an console, type in the coordinates for one of the three "eggs" and go to it, its open! flipp the switches inside of the "egg" and... you get the big picture!

    the map is gone! well, i certanly dont hope you are collorblid. hehe. in room 0, 1, thre is a plate with letters and a switch under each. in room 0, -1, there is a similar plate but with collours instead. so, here it goes: the letters is the first letter in a collour. i think you have noticed that three of the switches on each pate doesnt work, well, they are the ones that u have to match at the other plate, see? then you bress the big button under the colloured plate to unlock the levelswitch.

    now, this looks stupid, eh? the map points out things that's not there. well look in the room left of the levelswitch. there's a blank map! make it match the other map, and go in the room below the levelswitch, and press this switch. feel free to go on to the next level!

    a note! readd it and you det the picture. just be awere that the leaf has no spesific place, it's different every time you play.

    i hope this walkrough has helped. made by me, and only me!

    Thanks to Zox_of_D00m for this walkthrough.

  2. Another walkthrough:

    Level 1:

    Click the little oval at the bottom left of the screen. This gives you your HUD which says what coordinates the room you are in is at. Press the latch!

    Level 2(password:LINKVA):

    Move right one room. The grid represents where all the switches you must trigger are. X marks 0,0. Use the grid and trigger all the switches. Return to 0,0 when all the lights trun green on your HUD. Press the latch!

    Level 3(password:BAMITA):

    Ignore the grid at 1,0. Move to 1,1 and press the switch until ONE of the red lights turns green. Now, go to the location represented by the number on the switch. So 32 means go to the switch at 3,2 and press that. Continue this technique until you hear the noise and all lights are green. Return to 0,0 and press the latch!

    Level 4(password:FIROGA):

    Go to (1,1):(1,-1):(-1,-1) and(-1,1). At each location press one of the buttons in each column to find which number never changes. Then remember the location of the unchanging number, and make the other switches match. When all the swiches are identical, go to (0,1) and (0,-1) and trigger the switches. Return to 0,0 press the latch!

    Level 5(password:WINDA):

    Use the grid at (1,0) trigger the switches in order (the number of dots denotes its position.)
    When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 6(password:BANDA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) visit every location, then match the letters with its coordinates, where A=1,B=2,C=3 ect. When all are lit correctly press the latch!

    Level 7(password:MJOLMA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) visit all the signs with symbols and a corresponding number. Then imput the symbols in the position represented by the number, on the display board (-1,0). After you have all the symbols in the correct order press the button connected to the display. When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 8(password:FLINTA)

    Move to (0,-1) and press the latch at the bottom left. Go up to (0,1) and memorize the order. Then make the lights on the latches(from (1,-1) to (1,-6)) follow the pattern. Then go to (1,1) and trigger the switch. When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 9(password:SLITTA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) input the coordinates of any of the switches into the device at (0,-1) and press the lever. Then go to the switch at that coordinate and trigger the 2 levers. Repeat the process for the other two main switches. When all green are lit press the latch!

    Level 10(password:ANELKA)

    Match the two boards at (0,1) and (0,-1) the letters represent a color. O=orange P=purple Y=yellow ect. When they match, press the button under the board at (0,-1). Press the Latch!

    Level 11(password:BOTWINKA)

    Make the grids match at (1,0) and (-1,0). When they match trigger the switch at (0,-1).Then press the Latch!

    Level 12(password:SYNTAGMA)

    There are two ways of ending:
    1. Follow the directions on the note at 0,0(The leaf is right under the grid at (1,0)).
    2.Or Beat the last puzzle. The equations at (0,1) and (0,-1) denote how many clicks of each color are required. So if it said RGB=123 then the blue tube from zero should have 2 clicks. When all the tubes are filled correctly then go to (1,-1) and (-1,-1) and trigger the two switches.When all the green lights are lit then you know what to do!

  3. When you beat the last puzzle, you die of dehydration, so I suggest following the note.

  4. is there really a leaf?
    I have looked every where.

  5. If i have found the leaf.. and taken it to that thing.. Have i won then?

  6. This is the Bamita level walkthrough:
    1:got to any machine and click on it
    2:for example,if it says 34 , on your compass go to the room that has the first number 3 and last number 4 on the compass.
    3:on that room click th emachine and if it says 54 go to the room on your compass that says 5 as the first number,4 as the will have to see 54 on your compass.and keep on doing that.

  7. nari.loco,u havent won unless u play the lab and the root

  8. try Escape The Museum game?

  9. Level 1:

    Click the little oval at the bottom left of the screen. This gives you your HUD which says what coordinates the room you are in is at. Press the latch!

    Level 2(password:LINKVA)::

    Move right one room. The grid represents where all the switches you must trigger are. X marks 0,0. Use the grid and trigger all the switches. Return to 0,0 when all the lights trun green on your HUD. Press the latch!

    Level 3(password:BAMITA):

    Ignore the grid at 1,0. Move to 1,1 and press the switch until ONE of the red lights turns green. Now, go to the location represented by the number on the switch. So 32 means go to the switch at 3,2 and press that. Continue this technique until you hear the noise and all lights are green. Return to 0,0 and press the latch!

    Level 4(password:FIROGA):

    Go to (1,1):(1,-1):(-1,-1) and(-1,1). At each location press one of the buttons in each column to find which number never changes. Then remember the location of the unchanging number, and make the other switches match. When all the swiches are identical, go to (0,1) and (0,-1) and trigger the switches. Return to 0,0 press the latch!

    Level 5(password:WINDA):

    Use the grid at (1,0) trigger the switches in order (the number of dots denotes its position.)
    When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 6(password:BANDA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) visit every location, then match the letters with its coordinates, where A=1,B=2,C=3 ect. When all are lit correctly press the latch!

    Level 7(password:MJOLMA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) visit all the signs with symbols and a corresponding number. Then imput the symbols in the position represented by the number, on the display board (-1,0). After you have all the symbols in the correct order press the button connected to the display. When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 8(password:FLINTA)

    Move to (0,-1) and press the latch at the bottom left. Go up to (0,1) and memorize the order. Then make the lights on the latches(from (1,-1) to (1,-6)) follow the pattern. Then go to (1,1) and trigger the switch. When all green are lit, press the latch!

    Level 9(password:SLITTA)

    Using the grid at (1,0) input the coordinates of any of the switches into the device at (0,-1) and press the lever. Then go to the switch at that coordinate and trigger the 2 levers. Repeat the process for the other two main switches. When all green are lit press the latch!

    Level 10(password:ANELKA)

    Match the two boards at (0,1) and (0,-1) the letters represent a color. O=orange P=purple Y=yellow ect. When they match, press the button under the board at (0,-1). Press the Latch!

    Level 11(password:BOTWINKA)

    Make the grids match at (1,0) and (-1,0). When they match trigger the switch at (0,-1).Then press the Latch!

    Level 12(password:SYNTAGMA)

    There are two ways of ending:
    1. Follow the directions on the note at 0,0(The leaf is right under the grid at (1,0)).
    2.Or Beat the last puzzle. The equations at (0,1) and (0,-1) denote how many clicks of each color are required. So if it said RGB=123 then the blue tube from zero should have 2 clicks. When all the tubes are filled correctly then go to (1,-1) and (-1,-1) and trigger the two switches.When all the green lights are lit then you know what to do!


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