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Surviving Charles Dickens' London

Dare you take a tour of Dickensian London? You could meet Mr Micawber, Mr Pickwick or Fagin. Or you might catch smallpox and end up in jail. If you do well, you'll get to meet Charles Dickens.

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  1. A very good game here. Deserves a sort of walkthrough, though there are many ways to play it.

    The intro shows you how to move and introduces the ticket collector. You need 12 shillings to go meet Dickens. But if you only have 6, he'll let you off with a trivia question. Mine was "What novel has a character who spontaneously combusts?" I've read Bleak House so I knew that. But then my game ended too quickly. You can avoid the ticket collector until you think you've seen everything.


    Anything you see that's not a silhouette, might be clickable. Go right to meet Oliver Twist. Give him a shilling for some gruel, then go to the Blacking Factory. Learn about child labor in Dickens' time. Earn your shilling back.

    Go all the way left to King's Bench, and help Mr. Micawber out with a shilling. He tells you to watch out for Uriah Heep.

    Go all the way right to Holborn, and see you've done all the things on the list. To the right, meet Mr. Pickwick who gives you bread. Further right, and find 5 shillings on the street. Click on the poster to read about the Pickwick Papers; continue right and go to Temple.

    If you click on the guy behind you, you get smallpox. Bad luck! But you can recover from it. Continue right, read the book, then talk to Marley's Ghost. Follow him and select yes for the story of Little Nell (and an excellent quote).

    Continue right, notice your pustules clear up. Nice! Ready for the Law Courts. Meet Uriah Heep, say no to his scheme. I think maybe you lose the game if you say yes; don't know how you'd recover all those shillings.

    Right again, pick up some bread off the street to raise your health, lol, then enter Smithfield Market. Meet Fagin. If you play the pickpocket game, you can raise your total to 10 shillings. Just make sure to wait till there are no policemen walking towards you. Not sure what happens if you get thrown in prison.

    Continue to the Thames. Click on the lantern to read about pollution. Click on the nasty, skanky-loking piece of bread to raise your health to 100.

    Continue to the River for a smell tour. Play the minigame to raise your total to 14 shillings. It's easy, just avoid the green ones. If you hit them you catch cholera.

    Go on to the station, and click on the ticket collector till you get his attention. It takes a few tries. Go meet Charles Dickens!

    Your score is 950, maybe because you didn't catch cholera.


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