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Pursuit Escape Walkthrough[Replay Game] Godlimations + ArmorGames - -Pursuit- Escape is another point and click room escape game developed by Godlimations for Armor Games. This is second installment of the Trapped trilogy as character Dialla Reineheart puts an end to the infamous crime organization. Search every area around each scene to reveal hidden spots and items by pointing your mouse to either horizontal and vertical sides of the screen. In some areas you may click on objects and you will get closer for further examination. Good luck and have fun!

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Pursuit Escape Walkthrough

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  1. anyone tell me what to do at the treasure chest, have tried using/combining everything with no luck :~(

  2. I've used the screwdriver, but I'm still locked in the car. Help please.

  3. use the screw driver, then lift up the lock. you'll then exit the car. give me some help when you get to the sewer.

  4. how do you catch the fish?

  5. why dont you use the walk through?
    and to make the fishing Rod, you put glue on the rope and then put the bannana on the glued rope, and then the pocket knife.

  6. where do you get the rope?

  7. I am having troulbe getting the gasoline from the boot of the car, where can i find that and how the heck do i get to it?

  8. go into the sewer. get the jacket. look at it. get the keys. open the trunk with the keys. get the gas. put the oil on the bear. use it on the lever. break down the wall by the swinging light. look at the skull. get the rope. build the fishing pole -- rope, glue, banana, knife. catch the fish. give it to the cat. get the blowtorch. fill the torch with gas. use the torch on the metal bars on the far right. enter dark room. use the light bulb with the glint on the right. break down the wall on the right. fin.

  9. cant play the game, as it wont let me use the teddy nor the note next to it :-( everything else works fine. I'm using a mac and tried it with safari and with firefox, same result

  10. For Mac users, it works using IE forMac, but none of the other browsers I used worked.

    It's interesing the mix of violence and religion is interesting...

    A good episode overall.

  11. Aww the ending is so sad :'(

  12. How can i break down the wall, do i do that withe gun or soomething else

  13. how do you break down the wall with a swinging light bulb???

  14. Ahhhh how the hell do you combine things like the damn screw driver..grrrr

  15. grrr i can't use the walkthrough for some reason. How do i open the treasure chest i have no idea what to do

  16. to get through the wall use the knife and hit it lots of times

  17. for the screw driver put glue on the yellow part first then add the screw

  18. How can I break the wall with lighting bulb something missing.I will crazy.

  19. And what bulb from right orr left side

  20. I keep reading that I need to find a jacket in the sewer, but HOW THE HECK DO I GET THE LEVER DOWN?!?! I've tried using the knife and the gun, but she just keeps on saying, "The lever was old and rusty. I couldn't pull it down."

  21. I can't find any help to get into the chest, any suggestions? What am I missing?

  22. ok i did everything i was supposed to do in the car but its not working it wont let me out ! help please

  23. use the knife on the lock to open the door

  24. can anyone pls help be by telling ,, what to do with the treasure chest? plz...i m stuck.

  25. Leave the treasure chest. Click the right wall a few times.

  26. where is the screw driver?....

  27. I cannot get the rope. It appeared in one attempt of the game. I have tried over and over again by restarting game and the rope never appears. What am I doing wrong?

  28. I cannot get the rope, it no longer appears. I have only seen and retrieved it once. All other attempts at restarting the game, the rope never appears. What am I doing wrong? Thx

  29. i cant find the oil. i have looked,clicked, and even use the bear on the floor. it just isnt there. and there are no arrows to look with.

  30. i cant find the greesy oil in the sewers i look, click and i have even tried to use the teddy bear on the floor and it just wont show up.

  31. can't break the bars in the sewer.. i have used it on the bars on the right but it wouldn't work.. please helllppp!!!!!!!!

  32. Same thing here!!! How long time do u have to hold the blowtorch against the bars?
    Or how do u do it???

  33. AHA!!! Got it! Hold down ur left mouse button...


  35. ok i got through the bars and found mikey now what?

  36. .too bad that mikey is dead...the rope is very easy to find..after you broke the wall with your click a few times on the skull when it lights up...and suddenly..there is your inventory!

  37. what no walk through this game takes a while to download

  38. can someone please tell me wat am i supposed to do in the sewer??? i on the lever na dthe lights turnign on and am i supposed to break the wall ??? an dwhich wall am i aupposed to break...and how do i get by the metal rods on the right????? am i supposed to break the wall on the left or the small round mesh in the water???? please help and plese be more detailed!!!!!!! plewase please

  39. okay okay i got thru to mickey and he is dead! now wat do i do???

  40. somehow posting comments here is helping me!!! i got thru!!!


  42. you must fill the blowtorch with the gasoline that is in the trunk of the car

  43. I have used the screwdriver and the knife, but I am still locked in the car. I can't lift up on the lock. HELP!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. I got to the part where mickey is died but i don't know how to open the chest or do i have to ...please help

  46. help! i got in to the sewer and turned on the lights its just i cant break the wall to get to the skeleton please help me!!

  47. u r supposed 2 use tha knife 2 break down tha wall just keep hitting tha knife against tha wall!

  48. if u use tha screwdriver and tha car still wont open up then u use tha knife and hit it against tha black thick line then with ur mouse u click on tha little black thick line and then tha car will open up!

  49. u get tha rope inside the wall so wen u hit tha wall wit the knife hit it alot of times and tha wall will crack open click inside and thentha rope will be inside!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. walkthough for the sewers

    first go in the sewers then go till u see jacket look at it full screen and get keys and go bak up ladder goto car use keys for the trunk get gas go bak down all the way till u see oil take it and go where the lever is use oil on bear and use oily bear on lever and then pull it and u get light where the first light bulb is on top theres a easy wall get kife hit it a few times go in get rope then follow this get glue use on ropoe use rope on bannana and thenuse knife on rope and get fishgo bak up.give fish to catget flamer and use gas on flamer go all the way down to the pipes and melt the right hand pipes not middle are nothing happens. cliktheflamer on left hand go in see mickey dead then go in bak dont touchthe chest clik the right hannd wall a few times then end.

    hope this helps thanks

  52. guysif u need help wit anything then send me comments ok.........................

  53. okay so i think i finally got to the end, i dont get it, what do i do after i find mickey dead and so on?

  54. how do u get the bolwtorch?? i talked 2 the store keeper and he wont give me the blow torch!!! plz help!!

  55. ehehehe...that was was fun to play. if u need hints or how-tos...just pm me...i can help...i guess...

  56. where do u click the skull ive tried

  57. Awesome game, though the end is abrupt and sad. waiting for the next in series

  58. Where is the screw driver! I have looked everywhere and the knife wont let me out of the car

  59. here's a complete walk throught =D

    First, take the pocket knife
    on the table (other table) then turn off the light to get the light bulb
    then take the letter taped on the flower base. open the ref to get the banana, go to your room then take teddy. take the gun on the top corner of the cabinet thingy, then theres nothing there, get out and you can take the paper on the door (it's for walkthrough but it's not useful anymore because you are reading this =D) go to the exit then.....AHHHH!!! someone attack!!!! there is a fight, I wonder who is it? then go to your room and see the window open (he just escaped there)

    a scene again............ your in the car but mickey locked you in the car !!!!! ok then, get the supah glue below the radio then get the screw in the drawer, on the lights above you so you can see below the drawer, click on the rug then get the screw handle. combine the screw with the glue then combine the screw with a glue to a screw handle, now you have a screw driver, screw the door beside the sit of the driver (you can see the screw below the lock) us the knife to the opened thing to unlock the door then your out. go down the sewer go left the pick up mickey's jacket then click on mickey's jacket and get the key. now use the knife to the broken wall (if you couldn't find it then click where ever you want) now if the wall is destroyed, don't go in yet. go to your right to get the greesy oil then combine it with the teddy, go left twice and use the teddy with oil, use it the the lever to pull it down. once you pull it down the light's are now on =D. now you can go to the broken wall. AHHHH!!! there is a skeleton in there!!!! now take the rope that is tied in the neck, combine the rope with the glue then combine it with the banana and then knife, now you have a fishing rod, go to the place that have water and fish, take the fish by using the fishing rod, go out the sewer and give the fish to the cat and you will receive the blow torch also open the trunk of the car by using the key to get the gasoline then combine it with the blow torch, now go in the sewer and go down. go to the right twice and use the blow torch to the cage, there will be scene then, go to the cave that have no light, use the light bulb to the floating thing (actually it have a wire) then AHHHHHH! full of skeleton!!! now I don't know what happened next (If you say it's finished, that's impossible, there is no credits and there are some items that haven't used)

  60. i finished the game and got to the credits, but it was kind of lame. anyone need extra help just say so. if i could get it anyone can lol

  61. can anyone help me catch the fish? i have made the rod and i have tried using it but i can't catch the stupid fish. please help me.

  62. I have gotten to the room wth two skeletons....but no credits. What have I missed or do next?

  63. in the last room just click in the wall next to one of the skelletons and it will break...

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. well after finding mickey, u move on to the right to another room with two skeletons, use ur lightbulb and light the room, keep hitting on the wall to the right, it will break and there u will find the gangsters, when u move again mcnelly appears and threatens u...that's where the game ends and credits appear!!!whew!!!

  66. um how do I get the driver?

  67. This Pursuit game was so hard and easy. The treasure chest was the part I thought I had to get, but instead, I clicked the right side of the wall. It was amazing!

  68. This game was amazing. I was stuck a few times, but I figured my way out. I hated when Micky died. Thta was horrible.

  69. I filled the torch with the gas and still can't get through the bars. I held down the left mouse key and that still didn't work... help!

  70. Well, Elizabeth, did you try to do it on the right side of the bars, near the wall? If so, did you left click on only one of those? This also happened to me. Try to be patient and it will work, trust me.

    Post comment again if you have trounles.

  71. how do i get out of the car?? all i found n the car is the screw.

  72. Full walkthrough!!

    1. Take the pocket knife on the table.
    2. Turn off the light to get the light bulb (on the ceiling).
    3. Take the little paper on the flower base (letter from Mickey).
    4. Open the refrigirator and take the banana.
    5. Go to your room to take the teddy bear. Take the Gun too (on the top corner of the sorta cabinet)
    6.Go to the exit door door and follow a scene (there's a fight
    7. Go back into your room and look out in the window, (a scene again). Then you're in Mickey's car, but it's locked!
    8. Now get the super glue below the radio.
    9. Turn the light on
    10. Take the screw in the drawer. Click on the rug them get the screw handle.
    11. Now combine the screw with the super glue, then with the screw handle, then you get a screw driver (woot!).
    12. Use the screwdriver on the door of the driver, then use your knife with the black line thing and you're out!
    13. Go down the sewers, the go left to pick Mickey's Jacket. Click on it and find some keys.
    14. Use the knife on the wall a few times (in right of the wall there's like a form, more you click on the wall, with the knife, more it will darken). Until the wall is broken.
    15. Go to your right and get the Greesy Oil, combine it with the teddy bear. Go left twice and use your teddy with the lever.
    16. Go right and go into the broken wall... there's a skeleton!!
    17. Take the rope tied in the skeleton's neck.
    18. Now follow this: Combine rope with super glue, combine it with the banana, then with the knife. Now, you've got a fishing rod! (yay!).
    18. Go to your right, to the place that has water and a fish, use your fishing rod with the water and you should get the fish.
    19. Get out of the sewers and give the fish to the cat and the man will thank you. He'll give you a blow torch.
    20. With the keys, open the car's trunk to get gasoline.
    21. Combine the blwo torch ith the gasoline. Then go back to the sewers.
    22. Go to the place where there is water then use the blow torch on the right of the cage(where there is no water).
    23. Now follow a scene; Mickey dies.
    24. Now go to the cave where there is no lights and use your light bulb on the little floating thing.
    25. Then finally, click on the wall a few times and you will follow a scene.

    And then bla bla bla.
    W00t! You finished!!

  73. Full walkthrough!!

    1. Take the pocket knife on the table.
    2. Turn off the light to get the light bulb (on the ceiling).
    3. Take the little paper on the flower base (letter from Mickey).
    4. Open the refrigirator and take the banana.
    5. Go to your room to take the teddy bear. Take the Gun too (on the top corner of the sorta cabinet)
    6.Go to the exit door door and follow a scene (there's a fight
    7. Go back into your room and look out in the window, (a scene again). Then you're in Mickey's car, but it's locked!
    8. Now get the super glue below the radio.
    9. Turn the light on
    10. Take the screw in the drawer. Click on the rug them get the screw handle.
    11. Now combine the screw with the super glue, then with the screw handle, then you get a screw driver (woot!).
    12. Use the screwdriver on the door of the driver, then use your knife with the black line thing and you're out!
    13. Go down the sewers, the go left to pick Mickey's Jacket. Click on it and find some keys.
    14. Use the knife on the wall a few times (in right of the wall there's like a form, more you click on the wall, with the knife, more it will darken). Until the wall is broken.
    15. Go to your right and get the Greesy Oil, combine it with the teddy bear. Go left twice and use your teddy with the lever.
    16. Go right and go into the broken wall... there's a skeleton!!
    17. Take the rope tied in the skeleton's neck.
    18. Now follow this: Combine rope with super glue, combine it with the banana, then with the knife. Now, you've got a fishing rod! (yay!).
    18. Go to your right, to the place that has water and a fish, use your fishing rod with the water and you should get the fish.
    19. Get out of the sewers and give the fish to the cat and the man will thank you. He'll give you a blow torch.
    20. With the keys, open the car's trunk to get gasoline.
    21. Combine the blwo torch ith the gasoline. Then go back to the sewers.
    22. Go to the place where there is water then use the blow torch on the right of the cage(where there is no water).
    23. Now follow a scene; Mickey dies.
    24. Now go to the cave where there is no lights and use your light bulb on the little floating thing.
    25. Then finally, click on the wall a few times and you will follow a scene.

    And then bla bla bla.
    W00t! You finished!!

    U click on the wall to the right like 10 times.

    To Anonymous
    Use ur knife now.

  75. this game was fun. it was hard and easy at the same time. thanks everybody for your help on some parts♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  76. i got to the room with the full skeletons, and i clicked on the wall, but it just took me back to the room before the one with the fish in it. what am i doing wrong?

  77. Where is the next part to this? It is annoying that I have no clue what happens now.

  78. i have vista and im using will not let me combine the screw wit the handle 2 make a screw driver

  79. nevermind...i got i didnt find da superglue i got it now im good

  80. I got to the sewer but I can't figure out how to go left.

  81. Go to Yahoo Games..
    Somehow the game 'Trapped' is related to this game!

    Yahoo said that 'Pursuit' is the sequel to 'Trapped'

  82. cansomeone tell me how to put the scredriver together i cant do it i have all the pieces but i just cant

  83. use da supaglue (under the radio thingi)

  84. what do you do afta brakin da wall in da skeleton room im so lost it say you follow scene but all she say is "im callin in backup"

  85. i am not able to see the rope in the skeleton only its half head is seen can any one help me please

  86. I can't melt the bars, it won't melt.

  87. thanks i really enjoy this game. . . and through u you help me answering those problems need to be solved. thanks again . . . .


  88. i need help with the rope i can not findit.

  89. Well i have finished the game but is there a previous one btw thank you Austin and Dillon for the help it is a very enjoyable game :3 ROFL

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. this game is quite simple once you look at the walk through hahaha :'D

  93. Thx Iove's Life, I was SO looking for it :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  94. It says that the final episode is out, is there?

  95. not a game I really liked. (shrug)

    Out with help -- I didn't think to combine superglue with a banana and a knife to make a fishing rod. o_0

  96. Awful interface. Impossible to play.


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