Your goal in this game is to help the Guinard family get an education and improve their lives. The game takes place over four years, devided into sixteen seasons. At the beginning of the season, you give each family member a role, including work, school, or volunteering. Once every character is assigned to a role, click "Start Season" to start the season.
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what an incredibly depressing game...no matter what you do....everyone gets sick....very sad game
ReplyDeleteIt is depressing: there is no way to "win". Though obviously this is sort of the point. Even stockpiling savings does not help; the family is simply cut off from affordable medical care, education, or any exciting or remunerative employment.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me want to donate money to Oxfam or similar. Again, this is probably part of the point, so I guess it's effective.
thats not entirely true... I finished the game, everyone was very healthy + happy and had everything but computer and bigger home. Also had like 4000, around that time bandits rob you but its ok. Never ghave someone rest at home, always use hospital, dont make anyone work for rum distilling, do volunteer work with youngest boy, use the farm, and stall, and livestock. Dont stockpile until you have all the things up to plumbing. You wont need to educate right away, try to get a foothold and make sure u buy the bike so you can have construction worker. Stall is serious source of income, but it is not on menu. It is offered at one point.
knight watchman: talk to knight get red key
billiard room: move pic at the back twice get red gem
master room: hit pillor not attached to wall get clue
library:the book in left corner click the red say yes
too often
blue key
queens room:
piece off paper
tea room:flashlight
conference room:
get spy glass
memory hall: use spy glass on what looks like a cross on back wall compass
garden: talk to the statue she give u her name
rock hall:
green gem to the left
study: lighter off table
celler:black key and heads name but could not find it got that from another post
main dinning room: light candle with lighter get gold key
twin knights:clue to guest room
guest room:
white gem from under bed
artisan room:hint for purple gem
red hall: purple gem its in the glass caminate
master room: blue gem on table
servant dining hall:black gem in what looks like the safe on back wall
treasure room: click all gems on to there place click the blue thing u find the flute ur out the end
good job on posting a walkthrough for the wrong game,kid.
ReplyDeleteThis game is completely retarded. The family gets sick *all* of the time, no matter how easy you work them, no matter how many times you visit the hospital or clinic, and they lose their jobs for stupid reasons. This is the most horribly designed game I have *ever* played.
ReplyDeleteThe game is excellent!!
ReplyDeleteYou just have to think twice!
You have to do a lot of volunteer
work, so you build a comunity centre a library and medical education.
Educate the wife so she can get a job as a secretay. Do not send children to school!! It is much to expensive.
Do not buy a school uniform or toys or the health tea! Do buy the books every turn.
Do not work at the distillery, it will make you sick and hospital will cost you more than you earn.
Get the bike, livestock, if offered the market place.
I managed to keep the family healthy and quite wealthy.
But I did not make the perfect game :(!
Has anyone managed to get the job as professor? Or was able to buy a new house?
I didn't manage the big house. Actually, I didn't manage the computer, either. But everything else is a piece of cake, by earning money constantly, buying accessories, and doing volunteer work with the kid. Also it's a wise idea to turn everyone to "work hard" during the seasonal progress screen. This'll make them provide more money.
ReplyDeleteMake sure that everyone does the most profitable job he can take (except rum distilling!). This is especially true after you get the stall - if the mother can do secretary work, the father should run the stall, and vice versa if secretary work is not available and the father can do construction. Assign the parents first! The smallest kid should do volunteer work every time, unless you desperately need money (then he does farm work). Build the health center first, then the soccer field. Once the field is done, you can have the kid work at the farm for extra cash (or if you want diplomas, send him to cheap schools).
Also, make sure you never lower your life quality below decent, and it would help to raise the quality if you can afford it on top of purchases - it'll make your family lose much less health while working, especially if you've already bought a bed.
Anyone who has health 5 or less should go to the clinic for the season. Pay attention - if more than two of your family members reach health 6, don't buy anything fancy this season, save up so that you can pay the clinic next season.
This is a very capitalistic game, it seems - the more you buy, the better off you are!
Hm, but HOW do you get the education for the mom (which she needs in order to become a secretary) if you don't send her to school? Buying the books every urn resulted only in education level one for me...
ReplyDeleteVolunteer work is EDUCATIONAL, for EVERYBODY! If Marie can't be a market woman, have her volunteer; she'll get tech degree and earn secretary wages.
ReplyDeleteALWAYS buy books; never go to school. Home school lets people work & doesn't cost ridiculous fees for enrollment & uniforms. EVERYBODY can get a bachelor's degree.
Don't waste money on potions, toys, bed (you'll be working, not resting.) Buy SHOES ASAP, books always, bicycle ASAP, livestock ASAP, PLUMBING ASAP, radio (keeps em happy & educated -- I'm a radio producer; I know these things.)
Buy a bicycle as soon as you have about 500/money. Patrick and Jean can take turns at construction with it, when available.
Work far whenever possible; bumper crops & new field, which reduces living expenses.
Try to maintain savings of +500; game will offer you a market stall. Buy it. Stall owner is one of the most lucrative occupations.
DON't waste $ on Christmas; it's not polite to gorge oneself, commemorating the birth of a human sacrifice. Tacky.
WAIT 'til you're really SICK to go to hospital; usually, go to clinic sick. Don't waste money or time on visits when you're just a little run down. Hope you've saved enough to live without people's incomes when they NEED care.
If you have to work a sick person, TAKE IT EASY! Take easy bad weather, too; don't wear out your workers. Staggering jobs (farm worker to volunteer) helps with fatigue. NEVER distill RUM!! I'd rather dig dirt with the chickens and eat garbage. Never take it easy any other time.
IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING as SOON as you have the income level saved! You should be at "Good" by year two, "Excellent" by year three.
Game is sexist. Poor Jacquiline never gets beyond market woman, even with a degree!
At least both parents can be stall owners.
VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTEER: It's a free education AND cures fevers! You'll see.
Rogi Riverstone
does anyone know any cheats?! such as like it gets you like a million goud or something? im a sixth grade kid at the international school of beaverton middle school. my name is Vineet Apte and our social studies teacher (Henry Coates) makes us play this game to show what regular life is like in haiti. and my friend keeps bugging me about how much better he is than me so i want to get a good cheat, print the page out and show my friend
ReplyDeleterogi! i went to ur site and it sucked!!!!!!!!!!!! u liberal! i hate you, you mother fucker!
ReplyDeleteThis game is HARD! Everyone in my family died of malaria and cholera except the dad, making him so unhappy he got depressed and got fired! But, if you go "all out" for christmas you get a big happiness boost for everyone.
ReplyDeleteBtw Runescape, if you ARE really in sixth grade, you sure cuss alot.
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ReplyDeleteWell i learned that unless their actually sick or healthy under 4 they don't need anything. If they are healthy but only to 3 or less, take them to the clinic instantly if you can afford it. Stay at poor home to save money, don't overstock because you will be robbed. You don't need the home remedy that I know of. Also, resting at home does almost NO help whatsoever, you just waste time and resources, so something else. Don't give the kids too hard a job, give the unhappy or least happy one's under 5 work as a volunteer to make them happier. Don't buy toys unless overstocking. Build health clinic from volunteering before soccer field. Buy Stall when it comes out as an option.
ReplyDeleteWell i learned that unless their actually sick or healthy under 4 they don't need anything. If they are healthy but only to 3 or less, take them to the clinic instantly if you can afford it. Stay at poor home to save money, don't overstock because you will be robbed. You don't need the home remedy that I know of. Also, resting at home does almost NO help whatsoever, you just waste time and resources, so something else. Don't give the kids too hard a job, give the unhappy or least happy one's under 5 work as a volunteer to make them happier. Don't buy toys unless overstocking. Build health clinic from volunteering before soccer field. Buy Stall when it comes out as an option.
ReplyDeletebasically send the mother to school on a rainy season, do buy books, tea at every round and shoes, send the rest to work except youngest child who does volunteering and whether the mother cannot go to school send the eldest son to work to school and he soon be qualified for mechanic and when the mother gets her degree she can work as a secretary, do accept stall if offered so jean could work in a stall and after the mother got her degree could send the father to school and whenever they get ill send them to hospital but if the adults are ill cure them with hospital treatment and soon every will have more education once the volunteering work has finished . at and send the young kids to school once adults done their education and alternately just send marie to school , the rest work and once marie gets secretry work make all work and soon you be earning 2000+ and if you are careful even when the bandits take money and fix roof always you could just rarely buy the computer if you reach 5000 before the game ends which i managed to get in dry season 4 yr and guess what they got even more qualifications and this is a rare chance but a new house is unafforable always but image they got decent money and qualifications in the future not the game itself they could have dream house but somewhere else as its impossible to have dream house in wheree they live as it could be robbed or targetted if you see what i mean.
ReplyDeleteplus one time i got the adult the professor job but that if he or she got education at level 8 and depends on thecirmstances as jobs change during each season
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