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One-Off R

[REPLAY] Gotmail - One Off R Escape is another point and click escape game developed by IDAC for Got Mail. Anyone wants to own a machine only for oneself if you like a motorcycle. Actually, my life changed mainly on a motorcycle all the time. It is an examination run of the motorcycle which I built this evening. I adjust it to the last of a motorcycle at private pit where remodeled a container now. I love this space most. However, I noticed that I cannot go out of here when I finished last adjustment and was going to start a motorcycle. Somehow or other, I can't go out without solving a mystery happening in this space. Good luck and have fun!

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One-Off Escape R Walkthrough

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  1. I have the Briefcase, screwdriver, refridgerator key, motorcycle key, wood hammer, used chocolate bar, canned meat w/ code revealed, and paper with sign painted on it. there is a code from the front tire of the motorcycle, but I can not desipher it. I think the code numbers on the radio go on one of the combinations. There is a lot of braille in this game.... Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance, BioRad

  2. HELP! I don't know how to do the 13 part!!the sign is like:

    . . . . .
    .. .. .


  3. forget about it

  4. it's fun to play - but totally illogical!

  5. Anonymous,

    Just put the two pix together. I took a snap of each [Print Screen] and inserted the little squares onto the picture with the lines. You'll see numbers now.

  6. I can't figure out the briefcase code?

  7. why cant i attach the mini motorbike to the red 'real' motorbike??


  8. i cant do the briefcase pat its sooo confusing!!

  9. i dont get it.....

  10. this is retarded....the part where ur supposed to click on the wall...and listen to if "it doesn't sound hollow." doesn't make sense. i dun get it. i need help. i can't find it what so ever. arg..... and ur supposed to stab the wall with the damn screw driver? come on....this is puzzling

  11. HAHA. nvm i got it.

  12. i can't get the fucking chocolate of the fucking can

  13. Lauren - did you put the chocolate in the fridge?

  14. Now this is the type of escape room I like it took a lot of logic and time to figure it out. I used the walkthrough on the times I got stuck but other than that I made it out fine and dandy. The briefcase is the hardest part ha ha but I found my own trick which is click on the memo and click about items and then take a peice of paper from your desk and hold it up to the screen and draw out the lines as they show on your screen, close the memo out click on the meat can click about items and now hold your peice of paper up to it and wa-la you have numbers.

  15. Stupid walktrough, I don`t undestand yhe part of the memo, the dots, etc.


  16. i cant get da hamer will some1 help me plz?!?!?!?

  17. im stuck on the 13 part please help!
    my signs look like this this is the choclet .. .. .
    .. . .. .

    and my memmo is like this _ _ _ _
    .. _ _ _
    _ _ _ _
    please help!!!!

  18. joeswuffy the hammer is on the first shelf (the one closest to the floor)to the right of all the boocks you have to keep clicking on the cans then you will have the hammer and my name is (Colin yes im a boy im just using my sisters account lol)

  19. can some1 plz tell me where the winch cable is cos i cant seem 2 click on it?!?

  20. I cant figure out step 13. memo ---- -..-- ---- and chocolate reads : .: :' . :

  21. To figure out the code using the paper with three rows of four lines and the dot pattern from the can from the fridge. Zoom in on the paper and trace it onto a real piece of paper from the computer screen. Then zoom in on the dot pattern from the can. Place the tracing of lines over the computer screen so that two rows of dots fall in the spaces between the three rows of lines. Four numbers will be traced out. Mine was 6052 but yours may be different. I'll try and illustrate -

    pattern from paper:
    ___ ___ ___ ___
    ___ _ _ ___ ___ Combined:
    ___ ___ ___ ___line ___ ___ ___ ___
    dot _ _ _ _ _
    Pattern from can:lin___ _ _ ___ ___
    _ _ _ _ _ dot _ _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _ line___ ___ ___ ___

    6 0 5 2

    hope thatdoesnt confuse you more!

  22. sorry the spacing got screwed up on the illustration I'll try again

    Pattern from the paper:

    ___ ___ ___ ___
    ___ _ _ ___ ___
    ___ ___ ___ ___

    Pattern from the can:

    _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _

    line ___ ___ ___ ___
    dot _ _ _ _ _
    line ___ _ _ ___ ___
    dot _ _ _ _ _ _
    line ___ ___ ___ ___

    6 0 5 2

    Remember though your number may be different

  23. Lines from can ::.*::

    Lines from paper


  24. i need help bad sec day cant figure out lines are ___ ___ ___ ___
    ___ ___ _ _ ___
    ___ ___ ___ ___
    dots are _ _ _ _ _ _
    _ _ _ _ _ _

  25. One Off R Walkthrough:

    1. Get the wooden hammer hidden behind the cans on the lower shelf, left to the hi-fi speaker.
    2. Connect the winch cable to the engine.
    3. Get the “attaché case” hidden in the box behind the blue helmet on the middle shelf.
    4. Go to the trash bins and use your hammer on them to get a memo with several horizontal lines.
    5. Plug in the fridge cord (left to the trash bin).
    6. Go back to the shelves. Hit the blue helmet with your hammer and get the key that felt on the floor (next to a wheel).
    7. Use the key and click the silver cap of the motorbike to get a red screwdriver.
    8. Use the same key to unlock the motorbike (select the key and then click the red lock), and push it forward. Something fall on the floor. Notice the black cord on the right hanged on the wall).
    9. Get the second key on the floor, right to the rear wheel.
    10. Use this second key to open the fridge. Get the can on the shelf. Click twice the can and note the strange marking on the bottom side.
    11. Open the red tool box on the middle shelf (to the right) with the screwdriver. Get the chocolate bar.
    12. Select the can and combine it with the chocolate bar. Put the can back in the fridge and close the fridge. Open the fridge again and get the can back. Click it twice to remove the chocolate and read the sign.
    13. You now have all clues to find what the first 4 digit code is (used to open the attaché case). There are three rows of 4 lines or double dots on the memo and two rows of dots on the can. The lines or double dots on the memo and the dots on the can are different in each game.
    14. Open the attaché case and get the yellow switch box. Go back to the motorbike.
    15. Zoom on the front wheel and you will see a white switch on the wall (top of the screen, very small and tricky to see). Turn it on!
    16. Go back to the motorbike. Use the key again to move it forward. Plug the yellow switch box to the black cord hanged on the wall to the right of the motorbike.
    17. Press the red button of the switch box (the green light must be on). Enjoy the animation!
    18. The next challenge is to open ALL the doors of the cabinet. Opening a door close all the adjacent ones and vice-versa. Get the black box.
    19. Go to the trapdoor on the floor under the shelves and look at the symbol on the floor. Select the black box and then select the corresponding symbol. Close the window and then select the black box in your inventory. Click the symbol on the floor. “Bingo! The signs match –they’re in sync”.
    20. Repeat with the symbol in the fridge, on the motorbike (use the key to move it again forward) and in the red toolbox (use the screwdriver to open it).
    21. The black box is now unlocked. Open it and you will find sand inside.
    22. Pour the sand in front of the cabinet.
    23. Turn on the music (left to the cabinet). The vibrations will turn the sand into a motorbike shape.
    24. Go back to the middle shelf, move the helmet, the red cans and the box, and you will fin a radio controller.
    25. Remember One-Off? Look at the stack of tires, use the radio controller and you will see two miniature motorbikes moving out from there.
    26. Get the blue mini motorbike from behind the fridge and place it on the sand in front of the cabinet.
    27. Use the radio controller with the blue mini bike and watch it crashing again behind the fridge.
    28. Get the knife that felt in the trash bins.
    29. Go back to the real motorbike. Zoom on the front wheel. See the strange symbols on the floor? Select the knife and click the symbols. You are now able to read a second four digt code.
    30. Use this second code to open the door. You will enter a second room with a red motorbike in it.

  26. 31. You’re now trapped in this new room. Get the ashtray on the table and empty it in the trash bin in the corner.
    32. Use the knife to cut a piece of fabric from the back of the chair.
    33. Clean the ashtray with the piece of fabric.
    34. Get the mini red motorbike hidden between the moving chair and the table.
    35. Use your key to move the red motorbike forward. Get the magnet to the right side of the motorbike (rear wheel).
    36. Get the rubber band next to the front wheel.
    37. Face the wall with a mirror. Use your hammer and click the wall everywhere carefully until you find where “it doesn’t sound hollow” (check that your hammer is selected!).
    38. Use your screwdriver to stab the wall and get an elastic thing.
    39. Combine the magnet with this elastic thing. Select the red mini motorbike and combine it with the magnet and the elastic stuff.
    40. There is a white rail over the red “real” motorbike. Zoom in and attach the mini red motorbike to it. Use your radio controller to move the mini motorbike to the other end of the rail.
    41. Get back the mini motorbike. Click it in your inventory and get three small balls.
    42. Combine the rubber band with the magnet to build a sort of slingshot. Combine it with the balls.
    43. Look over the table. Click the rail here and you will see a circuit breaker box. Use your slingshot to destroy it. The light turns off in the room and the emergency light turns on.
    44. Click your slingshot once in your inventory and then put it on the floor in the light. Use your ashtray as a mirror and fix it to the slingshot on the floor. Congrats, you’re out!

  27. caught this one from the random section

    challenging as always - it's a Gotmail - thx for all your great creations ☺


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