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Diversity - Find Your Way

Diversity is another point and click escape from the room game which has really cool graphics like Crimson Room game suggested by Destiny. You are in a little room and you have to search the room to find some items and clues to use for opening the door and getting out.

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  1. Fab! First Here! This is a fun game, on room 4 now!

  2. And She's Out!

  3. I'm stuck in the bathroom. I'm never gonna get to bed...

  4. someone pls give me the password for the first room---i cannt hear those sounds

  5. Fantastic game, the best I have played this year!

    The bedroom

    1. Go to the chest of drawers and get the magnifying glass from the middle drawer.
    2. Move to your right and open the double locker.
    3. Use the magnifying glass on the poster to get an aerosol can.
    4. Move round to face the bed, lift the pillow and get the zippo.
    5. Combine the zippo with the aerosol can in your list of items.
    6. Face the fridge, open it and get the knife stuck in the ice.
    7. Drag the Aerosol/Zippo combo onto the knife to melt the ice.
    8. Move back round to the chest of drawers.
    9. Water the pot plant with the puddle of water.
    10. Collect the carrot that's now grown.
    11. Move to the single locker and give the carrot to the little man guarding the tape recorder. (you can also get him out the way by using the knife and the aerosol/can combo)
    12. Playing the tape with sound a sequence of beeps which correspond to the combination on the door.
    13. The door combo is 1675347

    The Office
    1. Zoom in on the desk facing you and open the top drawer under the desk.
    2. Get the crowbar and the key.
    3. Move round until your facing the chest of drawers.
    4. Get the disc from the paper bin.
    5. Zoom in on the drawers with the printer on top.
    6. Get the electrical connector from the other bin.
    7. Use the crowbar and key to open the third drawer down.
    8. Open the drawer and get the missing drawer handle.
    9. For distraction you can operate the printer. It really works! Cute!
    10. Move back round to the drawer with the music system on them.
    11. Use the missing handle to open the drawer.
    12. Get the next key!
    13. Move to your left and focus in on the drawers under the desk. Use the key to open the drawer to get another key.
    14. Use the red key to open the door.

    Now this is where it gets weird! You can use the disc and the electrical connector to play on the computer. You'll basically play a game within a game. Upon moving into the next room you may get a different colour scheme and music depending if you've done this or not.

    The Nursery.
    1. Click on the top shelf and get a diary.
    2. Move to the desk. You'll find a needle under the paper in the bin.
    3. Again for distraction you can use the pens to draw on the paper on the desk.
    4. Move to the locker, open it and get a key.
    5. Use the key to open the diary for a clue.
    6. The clue in the diary might be different each time you play but basically you move to the cot and click the bars in the order described.
    7. You'll be rewarded with a long stick.
    8. Take the stick and dislodge the key from ontop of the roller blind.
    9. Exit the room.

    The bathroom.
    1. Move down to face the cupboard and get the Aceton from the top drawer.
    2. Get the flowers and get the toy rat.
    3. Click the waste bin and get the dental floss from under the paper.
    4. Combine the rat and the floss to get a rat on a string.
    5. Open the corner cupboard and get the cat out of the way by using the rat on the string.
    6. Pick up the long key.
    7. Face the direction where you came in.
    8. Pull the string that's hanging down and the use the long key to unlock the trapdoor.


    Behind the boxes of soap powder on the washing machine is some caustic soda. You can use this to melt the duck in the bath if you like!

    I'd be really interested to hear if other gamers go different versions of the scenes. As I say I have had a red and a blue nursery with slightly different scenery and clues in the diary.

    The Beer Glass Collector

  6. Hmmmmm. I am stuck in the bathroom...I can't get any floss from the trashcan, and I found no flowers. My rubber duck is full of dirty bath water, and my rat is now soaked with acetone. I have a zippo lighter and a magnifying glass, and that's all I can select to use. I see the trap door on the ceiling, but don't have a key. When I click on the washing machine, it says I need to "short circuit" it. Any suggestions for me :-)?

  7. The flowers are in a pot by the cupboard, mine were yellow.
    The floss should be under the piece of paper you can lift in the bin.

    Hope this helps

    The Beer Glass Collector

  8. Hi Rich, there is a pot by the cupboard, it's where I found the zippo lighter, but the only other stuff it contains is a twig and some dead wood or such. No fleurs. Also, my trashcan is tipped over, with the papers on the floor, and none of the papers are clickable. There is a detergent bottle that is clickable, but that just brings me back to a different area. I have NO IDEA what to do next. Ha. I LOVE to hate these games :-)

  9. Also, oddly enough, each time I revisit my pot o' twigs, the zippo lighter is there again. Magic! Or...a bug. Nah...I'm sure it's magic.

  10. that was a well goodgame finished it well easy

  11. That's really weird Joanna. My zippo was under the pillow in the first room!

    The Beer Glass Collector

  12. In the nursery, the diary says "from the left 32214", but there are only 4 clickable bars?

  13. Yes Nate, so click the third one, the second one twice, the first one and finally the forth one! ;-)

    The Beer Glass Collector

  14. You can also open the diarylock with the needle!
    BTW: I enjoyed this game very much.

  15. I'm in the nursery, did everything. Used the key to unlock the door. I can hear the door unlock and open, but it won't actually open. Anyone else have a problem in this room?

  16. OK, I finally went to bed, and left my game up. My hubby woke up and saw my game, started his own, and finished, waking me up with a printout of the "final". His game, he tells me, went exactly as Rich said. However, mine, obviously something blew up, because when I entered the room, the miror is cracked (which he says his was not), the trash can is tipped over, the bathtub is full of dirty water, the plant is dead, etc. An alternative ending I suppose, but how did I get it?? Where did I go wrong??

  17. I got stuck the same way. I never figured out how to get out of the alternate bathroom but I did figure that the reason why it's all dark and icky is because I torched the guy in the closet the first time (I didn't know any better - I got the carrot after I already torched him). Anyways, that's your punishment.


  19. RKY
    Im having same problem as you.Hear door unlock in nursey then nothing.Dont know why or how to fix it.Might have to start again grrr.

  20. going to cry... can't get out of first room!! i cant hear the tape, and the posted code doesnt work. help me!

  21. hehe nevrmind...i never clicked on the doorknob

  22. in the office and i pushed the green button on the printer and pushed print- and it printed out a random red heart!!!! am i the only one who's amazed at this?!

  23. use manifying glass on dead rat inside the washing machine to get something :)

  24. im having the same problem as rky...lock clicks door doesnt open. evryone who got past... tell us how!!!! ps/ dont right click and push play/ sends you back to beginning

  25. Must be a bug. I can't get out of the nursey also. Hear the door unlock and that's all.

  26. This is really a neat game and I have played alot of them, doesn't take much to entertain people.
    People need to chill and just have fun.
    This was very cute

  27. Everything depends on what tou draw in the paper of the nursery. If you draw in black, stuffs in the bathroom will be wrong; but if you draw with red the flowers will appear.

  28. help cant get out the nursery heared door open but thats it i have done it twice but still cant got out help please

  29. I combined the rat,acetone and zippo lighter in the bathroom and now i have a burning rat in my boxes where my rubber duck etc was!! Very funny-now i cant get out

  30. LOL...(I set the rat on fire accidentally trying to combine the acetone with another item.)

    I threw the burning rat in the washer, which short-circuited it. Then use the magnifying glass to look up the head's will open the trapdoor in the ceiling. You'll have to look past the irate ghost rat in the washer. I think the ending I got was because I burned the rat.

    Too funny!

  31. The "diversity" in this game means that you can make choices for the good or the bad all the way through the game. The clues to get out are more or less the same (except in the bathroom) but depending on what you do the game becomes more "bad" or more "good" and that shows up in the scenes and the final ending. On the left bottom is a slider showing how good or bead you are; up to now I have found 5 different endings:

  32. That's very interesting. Do you have a list of "good" and "bad" things to do?

    I only found that if I burn the little guy guarding the tape recorder in the first room, one of the rubbish bins in the second room is tipped over. And if I play the second room again in the computer, the nursery is red when I enter it.

    Apart from that I cannot get the alternative forth room.

    Where do you get to see those pictures of your family?

    The Beer Glass Collector

  33. @rich: there are many things you can do that will give the same effect, e.g. use either a key or a crowbar to open a drawer in (I think) the office room, or using the key or the needle to open the diary in the babyroom. Other example: to get the cassetteplayer from the little guy in the closet, you can kill him with the knife, burn him, or grow a carrot in the cup on the chest(using water you get from burning the knife in the iceblock) and feed him the carrot (by the way, if you give him the carrot after you killed him, he comes back happy again and you restore some "goodness":-) ).

    Obviously, some choices are "good" and others "bad". Look at the slider at the bottom with everything you do (some are less obvious, e.g pushing the elevator knob is bad, turning on the PC is good, if I remember well).
    With every bad thing you do, chances are that life gets bleaker: in the next scenes, furniture may be broken, the music sounds less happy, rooms are darker, etc.

    The 5 pictures I showed are what you see when you get out of the last room, the bathroom, escaping through the ceiling. Which one you get depends on the choices you made earlier, so replay it a number of times to see all the possibilities! As far as I remember, the one with Damien was with the slider all the way in the black, the heaven one with the slider all the way to the white, the rest in between. It may also be that the endings depend on some specific actions. For instance, I had one bad ending with the bath full of blood and a severed head in the washing machine. That seems to happen only if you burned the little guy, allthough I am not really sure about that. Great game, I think.

  34. OK, after the excellent advice here's a list of good and bad things:


    Bad Things:
    Killing the guard with the knife.
    Burning the guard with the aerosol/zippo combo

    Good Things:
    Burning the post with the magnifying glass (perhaps the author dislikes porn?)
    Watering the pot to make the carrot.
    Giving the carrot to the tape machine guard.


    Bad Things:
    Pressing the elevator button.
    Using the crowbar on the drawer.
    Putting the disc with the virus in the PC.

    Good Things:
    Using the key to open the drawer.
    Plugging the PC in with the electrical connector.

    Bad Things:
    Using the needle to unlock the diary.
    Writing in Black on the pad

    Good Things:
    Writing in Red on the pad
    Using the key to unlock the diary.


    Bad Things:
    Soaking the cat in flammable liquid.
    Putting the caustic soda in the bath.
    Burning the rat and putting him in the washing machine

    Good Things:
    Getting the cat out of the way with the rat.

    Can anyone find anymore. The "evil" nursery is bloody creepy! Brrrrr

    The Beer Glass Collector

  35. stupid game.. stucks all the time

    the sound doesnt always work, although it is essential for the game to hear various sounds..

    pitty, seemed creative..

  36. I managed to gain the highest level of "goodness" right before I tried to click on the string attached to the ceiling. however, a flash appeared and it didn't lead me to the view of the ceiling (I already got the key). Since then, I couldn't change to any other view/move... (if you click the right bottom corner, it will take you to have a quick browse of the whole room - from the washing machine > toilet > bathing tub > mirrow and sink > drawer chest > the plant > origin view).

  37. I tried to be really bad but then in the nursery, the game wont let me get the bar from the bed... I can hear the taping but cant get anything... It's creepy when your bad!

  38. that happened to me too
    the solution: i think you have to do it til you get the stick
    i did it at least 30 times and i finally got the dam stick

  39. this might seem weird/stupid but in the office i got the red key and everything but no viewpoint allows me to get to a door.

  40. i am also experiencing same prob..cant get into nursery now..been there b4-but now i hear door click open then just gray box..i have tried over & over..maybe TOO many ppl playin ha! or a bug..i even tried re-bootin my own luck..anyone else same prob..& fixed this bug? -L.A.

  41. i finished the game without no problems
    i have that maybe that happened because many people were playing it
    better thing to do is to play later

  42. omg! now today it lets me get into the nursery..but not into nxt room! which according to you guys is the i only get 1 room daily ha! geez i dont know whats up with this game...:(--L.A.

  43. can someone tell me how get out of the nursery? door unlocks with key then nothing, it won`t open!


  44. okay so i am in the bathroom and did everything but i cant get the corner cabinet to open!! help me!!!

  45. Wow! I love the multiple paths!

    I found a fast way to get to the "bad" scenario. In the office, click on the printer switch, then cancel the print. Repeat until your meter goes down. This will give you the really depressing nursery (& diary) and the macabre bathroom.

    Found some more "good" things for the bathroom:
    -Suck up water into duck from bathtub
    -Squirt duck water onto washer
    -Putting the caustic soda in the toilet
    -Cleaning the toilet with the brush

    SPOILER: The walkthrough doesn't seem to cover the "evil" scenario, so in the bathroom, you'll need to get the magnifying glass above the mirror and use that on the "delightful" object in your washer to get the trapdoor key. (this scenario doesn't have floss or flowers)

  46. i beat it!!!


  47. woah...soemthing really weird happened
    i first went to get the zippo then i went to try to open the drawer, then it went all over the place and then i left the room. i completed that room without doing anything. -_-

  48. Whats weird is when you play the game in the game in the game

  49. right i am in the nursery and i am at the point were you have to do the things with the cot but i am doing everthing right and i am not getting the stick

  50. This game is fun and i have finished with all 5 different endings.

    p.s. Nursery is really creepy if your evil and has anybody listened to the creepy voice at the end if you've been evil all through the game...... creepy...

  51. i had to set my acetone soaked rat on fire to short out the dryer. It was terrifying because i did it on accident, and then i had to cut open the dead cat (that jumped out at me-how did that happen) to get the key.

  52. Im in the nursery and i got the key to the door and i heard it unlock and open but it didnt actually open. Wut do i do?

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  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. omg, why go i keep playing these games

  56. Oh my god, I love this game :)

    The next room pretend on what you do in the room before. What you do influences the ending and the darkness of your life/soul... just great.

    You feed, fire or kill the guy in the cupboard in the first room and such things. really great game :)

  57. i get it if u r good wen u get in the nursery it is all nice but if u r bad it all horrible teddy head ripped of ect

  58. in the bedroom i found a nasty dart beside the cupboard and used it on the poster. this is another bad thing you can do.

  59. yes i did it! ! ! that guide that rich did really helped.
    thanks rich.

  60. well i started off by burning the guy in the closet and when i got to the bathroom i found no escape, but when i started my game again and gave him the carrot i found an easy escape rout and the bathroom was very different. so has anyone escaped when burning him?? x

  61. how the fuck do u move the goddam cot? someone please help me out!

  62. One of the best games, I have played this year. but I would be grateful if I did not have a bathroom full of rats and rubbish.
    Anyway worried about my psychological state of being:)

  63. I loved it! I don't think the sound the rat makes when he's jumping out at you is very attractive, but it was fun, for an escape the room gamer like myself :D

  64. Okayy this is very random && of noo help...but I opened tha drawer under tha desk in tha office && tha wall turned from light-green to dark-green.
    I thought it was totally cute.
    I guess since green is like totally me && muh baby's fav. color = ]]
    && I love tha whole heart thingy when you press print on tha printer = P
    && tha heart on tha paper in tha nursery...TOTALLY SWEET.
    ohh && btw GREATTT GAME..Ive been playing for HOURS!

  65. BTW what tha heck is tha dart for??

    [[in tha first room]]

  66. BTW, anyone ever notice that some of the music in the red nursery is from Blade Runner?

  67. Joanna - it sounds like you're stuck in Onda. I typed 'point and click games' into google, and it showed me a page with Onda on it, which was a broken version of the almost-evil version of diversity's bathroom (broken because it couldn't be finished - it started whizzing around the room). I tried that before reading all the comments that said it was actually just a small part of Diversity, so I came and played this. But everything was where you said, and did what you said it did.

    Hmm, I didn't check the dates. Possibly 'Joanna' posted here 7yrs ago or something.

    Oh well. This game is cool, anyway. I love the way your reflection shows you how evil you are...

  68. iv played this game twice, once as tyhe 'good' version and the second at the 'evil' version.
    Rich has posted a few good and bad things to do in each room.
    in the evin version, i have also found in the bathroom you can light the rat by dousing it in the fuel and lighting it with the zippo then put it in the washer to short it out. then you open it again and there is a head and something in the nose. use the magnifying glass and you find a key. click on the celing and use the key on the attic door. OUT

  69. I Loved this game.... not too tricky :):)

  70. I'm stuck in the bathroom. I've been trying the evil version, where I'm evil throughout the entire game, but I accidentally clicked on the bottom right corner-- and now all it will let me do is browse the room, it won't let me do anything else-- although when I click on the trapdoor string, the room flashes gray for a second.
    Is it possible that I've been too evil and/or this is just a bug or something?

  71. im stuck in the nusery i cant get key to door and what do i get it out of???

  72. WOW!! GREAT GAME! it teachs people a lesson (it did for me :D ) its amazing because what you do in the past effects your future and if you do good you get good and if you do bad you get bad. i tried to get all 5 scenes (YAY I DID) but with the one that said see you in hell in the bathroom i felt so bad (even though its a game) what i did! and i felt so bad and so just AMAZED of what i done and what the out come was i had to STOP! i just couldn't finish it. so what i did was refreshed the page and start a FRESH, new start! and all i did was kept doing the one at the end that said see you in heaven son! love, kiss and hugg. mum, dad & jacob. now after looking at each scene i relized to live life by looking after everyone and everything everyday and let yourself and others (inclueding animals) live happily and love everything and be thankful for what you have because you never know you could be the one who has no friends and wishes your life was over or the ooposite has lots of friends and wishes to keep living life to the fullest!! know i live life like thinking thats theres no tomorrow so i can keep living it to the fullest!! and like my dad always saids such as life! ;) l8rs! mwah xoxoxo

  73. OMG I got a dead cat in the dryer and a ghost rat that jumped out and tryed to get me!

  74. Haha. Now I got a severed human head. It says something is in the nose but it wont let me get it. I guess the creator never expected anyone to be that bad and didn't make an exit for that scenario.

  75. I got up to 8 games within a game within a game within a game within a game within a game within a game within a game within a game. Whew. It was hard. But EVIL! MHAHAHAHAHAHAHH!

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. after i herd the voices whn wnt in office (sry 4 bad spelling i suk @ spelling) & i clked green button on printer the game seesed & quit i still herd voices 4 the last 15-30 seconds & this game kinda kreeps me out & btw the person/ doll looks like terrence&phillip from south park (funny show channel 66 4 cable)

  78. i cant pick pick up the flowers in the bathroom

  79. All of you who are confused by the alternate bathroom, this is all dependent on what you did before. It's why this game is called Diversity.
    If you killed the little man and popped the poster with the dart, then your ending will be all gross. The mirror at the bathroom in the end shows how "good" or "bad" you were. e.g. if you did all good things, it shows a happy smiley person. If not, it's cracked or ther'es a scary person.
    I think a couple more things that affect it is if you used the key or the crowbar in the office, what you drew on the notepad in the nursery, and whether you played the game again on the computer or not.
    Hope this cleared up any confusion! =)

  80. This game no longer works, and it haven't for years. I really liked this game. Where can I play it?


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