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Stuck Panic

Stuck Panic is another point n click escape from room game. You are in a little room and you have to search the room to find the keys to use for opening the door and getting out.

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  1. fullscreen version,

  2. I have only found 2 keys so far...the first key I found was by moving 4 of the books to the bottom shelf where the blue key was and the other by knocking over the trash can. and I type in the password on the computer but nothing happens?!?! It's 001100011...right? someone help pleeeeease!!!!

  3. dont know how to knock over the trash can. but found another key: switch off the light, then you can pick up a key from the lamp.

  4. you can even see the shadow of this key on the carpet :)

  5. the password is probably binary code, right? If you convert it you get # which doesn't help at all...just to mention it...

  6. anyone found a use for the blue key ?

  7. On the screen there is a clickable zone around the letters SSWOR in the word PASSWORD.
    Did not find any use for it though ...

  8. il y a une clef dans la poubelle sous le bureau

  9. hey...I found a Blue key! lol

  10. you got to turn the computor on to put in the password click on the box next to the desk and the computor comes on

  11. whats the password????

  12. Binary code, pa"SSWOR"d, it can help?


  13. ce n'est pas pa"SSWOR"d mais password. il n'y a pas de zone cliquable sous les lettres on voit juste les zones cliquables de toute la piece par transparence sur l'ecran! faire TAB sur ecran= toutes les zones cliquables de la piece. binaire 00100011 c'est egal a 35 mais ca ne marche pas

  14. Effectivement, c'est juste mal programmé =)

  15. Considering that there seem to be useless objects that have 2 possible positions (like curtains, paintings, small tablee, cupboard, ...), I wonder if this not the way to use the binary code.

  16. There is a very tiny patch of yellow in the grass in the painting that is different ...

  17. j'ai 3 clefs jaunes et une clef bleue mais plus rien à faire. La petite corde rouge dans le ventilateur m'énerve. lol

  18. moi pareil une clef dans la poubelle, une dans les livres et une dans la lumiere eteinte j'ai ouvert le tiroir avec la clef bleue mais rien dedans et le code du mot de passe ne fonctionne pas ni en binaire 00100011 ni traduit =35, je ne sais plus quoi faire

  19. je ne suis pas sure que le mot de passe soit 00100011 quand on regarde de pres on dirait des lettres entourees "to" et pareil 3 autres entoures et le reste surcharge l'avant dernier chiffre un "1" ou un "2" ? tres dur ce jeu j'aimerais bien connaitre la solution!

  20. Au moins cela me console je cherche toujours lol. Il y a certaiinement quelquechose à faire avec tout ce qui bouge, mais j'ai beeau tenter des choses rien ne fonctionne. Vraiment difficile. J'ai l'impression que le code a un rapport avec la peinture sur le mur mais je n'arrive pas à le faire tomber.

  21. moi je me dis l'inverse peut etre que toutes les choses qui bougent sont des leurres. car quand on faisait TAB au debut on ne voyait pas qu'il y avait quelque chose dans la poubelle, rien nous le laissait deviner et en plus il a fallut insister pour la faire tomber

  22. Ich sehe:

    2 Nuller
    1 Einser
    3 Nuller
    2 Einser

  23. Merciiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Dr Hugo :-)

  24. i did an walkthrough (with help from guys from gamershood) to help those that have difficulties with this game:

    you only need four keys to finish the game

    -while the light is off take the 1st key from the lampshade
    -turn on light and "zoom in" and click on the bin to take the 2nd key
    - turn on computer (little black button) and write password "2132" (2 zeros 1 one 3 zeros 2 ones)
    - take 3rd key from pc
    - move books to under drawer to get 4th key

    ps: i didn't won this game because i couldn't get the 4th key (from the books) and i don't know where the 5th key is so please don't ask me help on the 4th key cause i can't help you
    i hope rich helps you and nishant too cause i can't do nothing more on this game for you

  25. finally i did step four and got the last key
    thanks nishant

  26. Nice work Slash, I've only just logged on today so I haven't had a real go at this one.

    Strange that you only need four keys to escape, and although it would seem you need the blue key to open the drawer, there's nothing in there anyway!

    Bit daft all in all.

    The Beer Glass Collector

  27. Merci Dr Hugo génial, cela faisait quelques heures que je cherchais ce code mille fois merci!!!!

  28. Argh, I should have thought about compression algorithms, so simple ...
    That could also explain why only 4 keys are needed =)

  29. the reason why you only need 4 keys is because in the door you see 4 places to put the keys

  30. i hav 4 keys but the door won't open !!!plz help me i think it's hard cya

  31. just click on the door knob

  32. Its easy u just need 4 gold keys and a blue key

  33. To Escape we need 4 gold keys and blue key.

    1.we get from the computer.The password is "2132".
    2.when the light is off,click on lamp and u get the key.
    3.The blue key which is beshid the computer.
    4.Move the book down to the place where the blue key was.when u move 3 book the last book has the key.
    5.The last gold key u get from trashing the bin.

  34. 00 = 2
    1 = 1
    000 = 3
    11 = 2

    Pass for computer = 2132 to get key :D

  35. If you want the door to open just press the knob, I discovered it after I escaped... Awesome game.

  36. And I won the game, I love these game website It's totally my type of games. Awesome games and some cool designs. I'm a fan of it....

  37. 1.Get key from draw
    2.Knock down bin get key
    3.Click the books then drag them to the place where the blue key was.
    4.The last book will fall pick up key.
    5.On the computer, by clicking the box beside it.
    6.Enter password which is 2132(Ignore note on comp it isint the computer pass).
    7.Look at the box that opens the computer collect key.
    8.Switch of light and get key from the lamp.(You could see shadow of the key on the carpet)
    9.Click knob of door, then our out.

  38. need to find fifth key.
    found (1) trash pin (2) ceiling light (3) code to computer (4) books
    please help.

  39. The number for the computer is 2132. 2 is 00. 1 is 1. 3 is 000. 2 is 11


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