Gateway II is sequel to the first Gateway game made for JayIsGames Game Design Competition 2 by Anders Gustafsson. In this game again you need to solve puzzles to get into the next room. Have fun! Play Gateway 2
for the first Tape go through the gateway, down the hall, button to open and take the hand mirror, it'll be useful later. Examine the sink, turn on the water That's hot water. Code for the cabinet is in the mirror (7997) Go outside, see the yellow bot You see that when you stand under the light, your mirror glows Blind the eye with the mirror to get out Push in tape, transfer,watch
Second Tape keep all the spots dark to have the door open Just fiddle with this one, you'll get it eventually take the lighter and newspaper from the table There's a screwdriver in the dresser Put the newspaper under the door and use the screwdriver in the lock Use the key to open Just click out to where you think you should be able to walk to get the tape Take note of the numbers on the pyramid painting upon leaving (786) Yellow bot again, same bridge puzzle on the way back Insert tape, transfer, and watch
Third Tape Use the pen to scribble on the pad and get the number Blink three times with the lamp, wait for the return Go back to the phone and dial the number Use your lighter to set off the sprinkler Grab the tape, and when the eyes appear, open the fridge door and hide behind it Eventually the eyes will leave again Use your mirror to make a prism in the water This is the code for the alarm (BPYGRO)Yellow bot, exit Transfer and watch
Fourth Tape Look in the window Force the student to create the sums 24, 79, 163 Check your telescope to see yellow bot Blink the lamp thrice Back to the telescope Answer the phone Notice the note-like scribbles I used 11223311 Turn on the tv Remember the code for the pyramids? Grab the tape Yellow bot, leave End After yellow bot collapses, go to the tv Transfer and watch Now back to the girl, examine her See the place where a cord might go? Well, plug her in with the wire on the ground Now you must recall the real-life order of the tapes (264379851) Yellow bot has her resurrection, resolution, and epiphany, and we're done Follow her out for credits
When you walk on a dark block it turns some blocks bright, when you walk on a bright block, it turns some dark, you just have to experiment to get them to all turn off.
u have to wait a long time to make the eyes go away and when the lamp gets stuck just enter the number and wait for words in the lower left corner, keep mouse on the phone for words to apear. p.s, dumbasses
beppe1 wat did u mean by Remember the code for the pyramids? i didn't understand how to get the last tape i'm in the room with the t.v. the 1 without the place were u but a tape in
To anyone who wishes to save time crossing the bridge to find the second video tape. On first encountering the bridge (when all the lights are off) move towards the right gateway in this pattern...(for simplicity I have named the steps 1-6 from left to right) 1-2-1-2-3-4-3-4-5-6-5-6. On returning across the bridge right to left, it's the same pattern in reverse.
i think that at the end, since we dont know if they get back together, that your character tries to get her. yea i think the character is just a player who does all this just to get the girl.
The last tape... in the living room area there is a picture with 3 pyramids... it says "7,6,8" That is also the last code for the the tv... type it in and then the bookshelf moves. Grab the tape and continue on.
Easy as did it in 20 mins flew though. I think the 1st one was harder like but anyway easy. Should make a gateway III. Be great, like where she and he goes after that be kool.
Ok, im in the place where the sprinkeler is at i did the lighter on it how do i make it a prism with the mirror and when i go to the alarm override thing it doesnt show letters help me!
Good job on the game, and I think the guy was just someone who felt he had to set her free, or just someone random. And the entire world in that game was basically her conscious.
the code for the tv in the 4th room is on the pyramids in the 2nd the post of the entire walkthru (from 06/3/07) and get 3 numbers in the right order.
I found out how to get the three numbers for the TV. 1-go back to the room where the TV and the four doors are. 2-go in the bottom right door 3-go to the living room were the TV was. 4-look at the poster of the pyramids and remember the numbers 5-go back to the living room where you were at the beginning and write in the numbers
When you get the tape go back to the room with the TV and the four door, you will see the yellow girl again she will start to talk. Stick the tape in the V.C.R. watch and transfer the tape. Take the wire from, click on the yellow girl and plug the wire in to the socket. Write in the numbers 264379851 into the button pad. Shell wake up and talk to her mothers’ shadow. Follow the girl out and then the game ends. Credits appear and game restarts.
Pick up bathroom mirror. Use sink. Open Warm Water Tap. Write Down # on Mirror (7997) Use Keypad. Enter in # from Mirror. Pick up video tape. Go through right gateway.
Room 2: Robot apears then leaves. When you attempt to go through right gateway it closes and an eye appears at the top. Stand directly under light bulb. Use mirror on the eye. Go through right gateway.
Room 1: Watch TV Use tape with Slot Press Transfer button. Press Eject to discard empty tape. Select Clip. Click Play. Click to move dialog along. Exit TV Screen. Bottom Right Door will open Go through bottom right gateway.
Room 4: You have to make all the tiles transparent. I have named the steps 1-6 from left to right. 1-2-1-2-3-4-3-4-5-6-5-6. Go through the bottom right gateway.
Room 5: Pick up lighter. Pick up newspaper. Look at painting. (Pyramids 786) Open Drawer. Pick up screwdriver. Use newspaper with door. Use screwdriver with lock. Pick up newspaper. (You will get key) Use key with lock. Open door. Enter gateway.
Room 6: Click on where a tile would normally be and one will appear. Once you get all the way right you will see a tape. Pick up tape. Exit room.
Room 5: Exit Room
Room 4: Robot appears then leaves. Make the tiles transparent. 6-5-6-5-4-3-4-3-2-1-2-1. Exit Room.
Room 1: Watch TV. Use new tape with Slot. Press Transfer button. Press Eject to discard empty tape. Watch new clips. Exit TV Screen. Top Right Gateway opens. Enter Top Right Gateway.
Room 7: Turn on lamp. Look at table. Pick up pen. Scribble on bottom on pad to reveal #. (86763454) Put down pen. Go Back. Turn light off and on 3 times. When you get three blinks back Look at the table. Pick up the receiver. Dial the #. Enter the right gateway.
Room 8: Use lighter with sprinkler. Enter right gateway.
Room 9: Pick up video tape. When you try to leave eyes appear. Open fridge door. Hide behind door. Eyes will blink faster then disapear. Exit room.
Room 8: Use alarm override. Stand directly under light bulb. User mirror with water. You will see a rainbow (Blue,Purple,yellow,green,red,orange) Use this pattern in alarm override. Exit left.
Room 7: Robot appears. Exit left
Room 1: Watch TV. Use new tape with Slot. Press Transfer button. Press Eject to discard empty tape. Watch new clips. Exit TV Screen. Top Left Gateway opens Enter top left gateway.
Room 10: Look at number above door. (24 79 163) Look at window. Enter numbers that add up to one less or more than the number required. (I.E. for 24: 11+12). Punish the robot until he enters the number you want. The lightbulb will go on. Then click reset. When you get all 3 the door will open. Enter left gateway.
Room 11: Turn off lamp. Look through telescope. Robot blinks light three times. Turn off and on lamp until you get a response. Look through telescope. She calls you. Look at table. Pick up phone. She breathes. Use symbols on pad and press those buttons (11223311) Left gateway opens. Enter left gateway.
Room 1: Robot is there. Click to follow dialog. Watch TV Use new tape with Slot. Press Transfer button. Press Eject to discard empty tape. Watch new clips. Exit TV Screen. Pick up cable. Examine Laura. Use cable in hole. Punch in code based on sequence of events (264379851). Click through dialog. Follow her off.
I tried to get the mirror in the first stage to blind the eye and Ive tried it for hours and it still wont work--walk under the light, mirror glows, drag and drop, and nothing, ive tried standing at every angle, closing the other door behind me, etc---any suggestions?
god your all dumb its the easyiest game ever just write everything down and your away and as for the floor jus play about with it n it will work in the end
Mike and Laura do get back together, gateway one is the aftermath of gateway two remember in gateway one in the T.V. room when your following laura the last thing she does is get in bed with mike.
there is a quicker way of getting throught the door when the eyes are out. save your game when you are at the eyes but remeber to get everything first. then quit the game and load it again and the door should be open.
Hello!!!!!!!!!! Ashley you are sooooooooo stupid its not 768 its 786 also Tape 1 go through the gateway, down the hall, button to open and take the hand mirror, it'll be useful later. Examine the sink, turn on the water That's hot water. Code for the cabinet is in the mirror (7997) Go outside, see the yellow bot You see that when you stand under the light, your mirror glows Blind the eye with the mirror to get out Push in tape, transfer,watch
Tape 2 keep all the spots dark to have the door open Just fiddle with this one, you'll get it eventually take the lighter and newspaper from the table There's a screwdriver in the dresser Put the newspaper under the door and use the screwdriver in the lock Use the key to open Just click out to where you think you should be able to walk to get the tape Take note of the numbers on the pyramid painting upon leaving (786) Yellow bot again, same bridge puzzle on the way back Insert tape, transfer, and watch
Tape 3 Use the pen to scribble on the pad and get the number Blink three times with the lamp, wait for the return Go back to the phone and dial the number Use your lighter to set off the sprinkler Grab the tape, and when the eyes appear, open the fridge door and hide as far back int eh shade of the fridge as you can. Eventually the eyes will leave again Use your mirror to make a prism in the water This is the code for the alarm (BPYGRO)Yellow bot, exit Transfer and watch
Tape 4 Look in the window Force the student to create the sums 24, 79, 163.Or you can just look at the other door to find the three sums. Check your telescope to see yellow bot Blink the lamp thrice Back to the telescope Answer the phone Notice the note-like scribbles I used 11223311 Turn on the tv Remember the code for the pyramids? Grab the tape Yellow bot, leave End After yellow bot collapses, go to the tv Transfer and watch Now back to the girl, examine her See the place where a cord might go? Well, plug her in with the wire on the ground Now you must recall the real-life order of the tapes (264379851) Yellow bot has her resurrection, resolution, and epiphany, and we're done Follow her out for credits
when you get the two eyes in the kitchen (tape 3) hide behind the fridge door and in the shadows. the eyes blink really fast and then vanish - easy! hope that helps!
HELP!!! I turned on the lamp, and turned it off. When I look through the telescope, THERE'S NO ONE THERE. It's deserted! I turned the light on and off for three minutes. I looked through the telescope at different times-still no one. When I called the number on the phone (11223311) it's one digit short! Can someone help me?
Also, if you need help with ANYTHING before this part, I will gladly help you.
Finally, remember this. If you are ABLE TO PICK AN OBJECT UP, pick it up.
Okay. I got the robot. She's standing behind the lamp. The lamp is on My lamp is stuck in the off position. Once again 11223311 refuses to do anything. The robot already called me, but when I picked up the receiver I got a dial tone. There may have also been breathing, but there was definite a dial tone. HELP!
ok everyone has it all worng the reason its not working is because the code is not 768 its 786 i got confused too try that code and it will work trust me!!! =P
ok so the part in which u are in the room with teh eyes and u have to hide behinde the refridgerator door... u dont exactly hide behinde the door.. u open the door, then hide behinde the actual refridgerator
ok i got the # on the bottom of the note pad, i made the lamp blink 3 times and a light blinked on the wall, and i called the # what am i suppose to do with the lighter, how am i suppose to make the sprinkler come on.. HELP ME PLEASE.
that was a really annoying ending! it didn't explain anything! do you have to play the first game to get it or something? i don't understand.. the mother killed herslef, blahblah blah, but what's with the girl's dialoge at the end of the game? ARRRRGH!
Yay! I finsihed the game! I was so eager to know what happens at the end! What a sad, touching ending! Wow, I love this game! :D Finished game on March 30, 2009 at 10:12 p.m.
Hello, this game is easy!!! for the eyes, open the fridge door, and hide BEHIND it, not where the eyes can see you, basically where you're robot thingy goes darker, near the closed gateway. It'll blink faster then disappear.
Can someone tell me what happens at the end does the mum die does Laura leave home or not Can some explain the story line from scratch please? :) Thanx Only coz i presses something without saving and i cant b bothered to go back so thanx:)
you will have to notice the numbers 24,79 and 163.make sums for this math answers.may be,12+12=24,68+11=79,72+91=163.if the robot gives wrong answers u can punish him.
if u need some cheats of ur answers here they are:
if the robot isnt putting 163 then click the punish button and then he will try again, if he still dosent do it then punish him again and then punish him again and again if he does wrong
2- The code with the tv in the living room is 786
3- the number where the pink phone is is 86763454
4-if the eyes wont dissapear then stand behind the FRIDGE, not the door
5- u have a lighter in ur inventory, use that lighter with the sprinkler and then the door will open
these r the answerss to all ur questions and it was a really sad and scary game!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
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First to finish!!! Yeah!!! :-)
ReplyDeletewhat shall I do with the TV cable?
ReplyDeleteI got the tape and mirror in the washroom but then this eye thingy locks me in this hall way wut do i do ?????
ReplyDeleteYou, dont need to plug the tv in, it just works,
ReplyDeleteTony try using the mirror on the eye, standing under light.
I can NOT get the mirror to to reflect on the electric eye! Am I crazy? I loved the first game.
ReplyDeleteThx u Missclay ^^ muahahaha i blinded the eye haha
ReplyDeleteSame here. it wont load anything when trying to watch the TV. Grrrr
ReplyDeletefor the first Tape
ReplyDeletego through the gateway, down the hall, button to open and
take the hand mirror, it'll be useful later.
Examine the sink, turn on the water
That's hot water.
Code for the cabinet is in the mirror (7997)
Go outside, see the yellow bot
You see that when you stand under the light, your mirror glows
Blind the eye with the mirror to get out
Push in tape, transfer,watch
Second Tape
keep all the spots dark to have the door open
Just fiddle with this one, you'll get it eventually
take the lighter and newspaper from the table
There's a screwdriver in the dresser
Put the newspaper under the door and use the screwdriver in the lock
Use the key to open
Just click out to where you think you should be able to walk to get the tape
Take note of the numbers on the pyramid painting upon leaving (786)
Yellow bot again, same bridge puzzle on the way back
Insert tape, transfer, and watch
Third Tape
Use the pen to scribble on the pad and get the number
Blink three times with the lamp, wait for the return
Go back to the phone and dial the number
Use your lighter to set off the sprinkler
Grab the tape, and when the eyes appear, open the fridge door and hide behind it
Eventually the eyes will leave again
Use your mirror to make a prism in the water
This is the code for the alarm (BPYGRO)Yellow bot, exit
Transfer and watch
Fourth Tape
Look in the window
Force the student to create the sums 24, 79, 163
Check your telescope to see yellow bot
Blink the lamp thrice
Back to the telescope
Answer the phone
Notice the note-like scribbles
I used 11223311
Turn on the tv
Remember the code for the pyramids?
Grab the tape
Yellow bot, leave
After yellow bot collapses, go to the tv
Transfer and watch
Now back to the girl, examine her
See the place where a cord might go?
Well, plug her in with the wire on the ground
Now you must recall the real-life order of the tapes
Yellow bot has her resurrection, resolution, and epiphany, and we're done
Follow her out for credits
i scribbled on the notepad, but no phone is appearing. please help!
ReplyDeletescribble on the bottom area.. a phone doesn't appear, a phone number does
ReplyDeletehow do i keep all the colors of the blocks dark?
ReplyDeleteso do laura and mike get back together?
ReplyDeleteWhen you walk on a dark block it turns some blocks bright, when you walk on a bright block, it turns some dark, you just have to experiment to get them to all turn off.
ReplyDeleteAnd nobody knows if they get back together...
I got the phone number on the pad but what does blink three times with the lamp mean?
ReplyDeleteI have the phone number but when I try the lamp it says the lamp seems to be stick - what do I do now?
ReplyDeletehow do i get the second video tape i did as it says and nothing happens.....
ReplyDeletethe eyes won't go away..
ReplyDeletei hid behind the fridge door...
but the eyes wont go away!!
pleas help me!!
u have to wait a long time to make the eyes go away and when the lamp gets stuck just enter the number and wait for words in the lower left corner, keep mouse on the phone for words to apear. p.s, dumbasses
ReplyDeletebeppe1 wat did u mean by Remember the code for the pyramids? i didn't understand how to get the last tape i'm in the room with the t.v. the 1 without the place were u but a tape in
ReplyDeleteahhhhh i dont no wut to scribble!!!!!!!!!!wut do i scribble??????!!!!!!
ReplyDeletehelp me i dont know what to scribble!
ReplyDeletethat was all pretty clever. it scared me during a lot of parts though ;[
ReplyDeleteyou just scribble on it random stuff on the bottom and the phone number will show up almost like invisible ink
ReplyDeleteI love this game! it rulz! the ending is soooo sad but rewarding. the whole story brakes your heart. poor mother, :*(
To anyone who wishes to save time crossing the bridge to find the second video tape. On first encountering the bridge (when all the lights are off) move towards the right gateway in this pattern...(for simplicity I have named the steps 1-6 from left to right) 1-2-1-2-3-4-3-4-5-6-5-6. On returning across the bridge right to left, it's the same pattern in reverse.
ReplyDeletei think that at the end, since we dont know if they get back together, that your character tries to get her. yea i think the character is just a player who does all this just to get the girl.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how to get the 4 tape! I did everything with the telescope but I couldn't get the tape
ReplyDeletei cant find the last tape!!! please help me!!im at the tv but i cant find it!
ReplyDeleteThe last tape... in the living room area there is a picture with 3 pyramids... it says "7,6,8" That is also the last code for the the tv... type it in and then the bookshelf moves. Grab the tape and continue on.
ReplyDeletei cant find the last tape!!! please help me!!I'm in the living-room but i cant find the code
ReplyDelete~Ashley i read your advice but i still cant get it....i don't see how the pyramid picture looks like 7 6 8
i am stuck on the bit when the eye is covering the what do u do
ReplyDeletecheers from piers
i am stuck on the eye bit what do u do
ReplyDeletecheers from piers
In gateway 1 i cnt get past the TV stage the code i got was 54271 but i seem 2 b a digit short cn ne1 help me?
ReplyDeleteEasy as did it in 20 mins flew though. I think the 1st one was harder like but anyway easy. Should make a gateway III. Be great, like where she and he goes after that be kool.
ReplyDeleteOk, im in the place where the sprinkeler is at i did the lighter on it how do i make it a prism with the mirror and when i go to the alarm override thing it doesnt show letters
ReplyDeletehelp me!
i put the code 768 into the tv 30 times and nothing happened.what do i do.
ReplyDeleteps. the bookcase did not reveal a tape for me
i put the code(768) into the tv 30 times and nothing happened.
ReplyDeleteGood job on the game, and I think the guy was just someone who felt he had to set her free, or just someone random. And the entire world in that game was basically her conscious.
ReplyDeleteI can't pass the tv part either! I turned the tv on, clicked 7, 6, then 8, and nothing there something i missed?
ReplyDeletethe code for the tv in the 4th room is on the pyramids in the 2nd the post of the entire walkthru (from 06/3/07) and get 3 numbers in the right order.
ReplyDeleteI found out how to get the three numbers for the TV. 1-go back to the room where the TV and the four doors are. 2-go in the bottom right door 3-go to the living room were the TV was. 4-look at the poster of the pyramids and remember the numbers 5-go back to the living room where you were at the beginning and write in the numbers
ReplyDeleteWhen you get the tape go back to the room with the TV and the four door, you will see the yellow girl again she will start to talk. Stick the tape in the V.C.R. watch and transfer the tape. Take the wire from, click on the yellow girl and plug the wire in to the socket. Write in the numbers 264379851 into the button pad. Shell wake up and talk to her mothers’ shadow. Follow the girl out and then the game ends. Credits appear and game restarts.
im stuck on the bit with the lighter plz help me
ReplyDeleteI got the code from the pyramid, and I pushed 7, then 6, then 8. Aaaand nothing. Can anyone help? I'd really like to finish the game :/
ReplyDeleteTo... Most people above me (and the absolute dumbass who said the code was 768) the code is actually 786.
ReplyDeleteah yes... the first person to say 7,6,8 was... the dumbass ashley!!!
To ashley: Please apologize to the people who believed your words.
*Sob* Touching story =D
ReplyDeleteim stuck at the bit with the ****** phone ringin
ReplyDeleteim stuck at the bit with the ****** phone ringin
what was the point of this game it was totally gay it sucked
ReplyDeleteW00000t this game ownz
ReplyDeletethat game rules!
ReplyDeleteis there a Gateway 3?
ReplyDeleteim stuck!!! the eyes wont go away!!
ReplyDeleteive been hiding behing the open fridge door for like 6 or 7 minutes!!! Did i do something wrong???
ReplyDeletethis is annoying me
ReplyDeleteshould i just refresh the page?
ReplyDeleteYou need to open the fridge door, then stand behind it, by the door, for a few seconds
ReplyDeleteto beppe1:
ReplyDeleteHow did you know you had to make the student get those sums? where was that clue?
or anyone else who can answer that...
ReplyDeletehi what are the colours for the alarm override plz help cheers
ReplyDeleteIf you are having trouble watching the TV try this link:
ReplyDeleteWalkthrough - Step by Step Spoiler Warning
ReplyDeleteRoom 1:
Enter Bottom Left Gateway
Room 2:
Push button.
Go through left gateway.
Room 3:
Pick up bathroom mirror.
Use sink.
Open Warm Water Tap.
Write Down # on Mirror (7997)
Use Keypad.
Enter in # from Mirror.
Pick up video tape.
Go through right gateway.
Room 2:
Robot apears then leaves.
When you attempt to go through right gateway it closes and an eye appears at the top.
Stand directly under light bulb.
Use mirror on the eye.
Go through right gateway.
Room 1:
Watch TV
Use tape with Slot
Press Transfer button.
Press Eject to discard empty tape.
Select Clip.
Click Play.
Click to move dialog along.
Exit TV Screen.
Bottom Right Door will open
Go through bottom right gateway.
Room 4:
You have to make all the tiles transparent.
I have named the steps 1-6 from left to right. 1-2-1-2-3-4-3-4-5-6-5-6.
Go through the bottom right gateway.
Room 5:
Pick up lighter.
Pick up newspaper.
Look at painting. (Pyramids 786)
Open Drawer.
Pick up screwdriver.
Use newspaper with door.
Use screwdriver with lock.
Pick up newspaper. (You will get key)
Use key with lock.
Open door.
Enter gateway.
Room 6:
Click on where a tile would normally be and one will appear. Once you get all the way right you will see a tape.
Pick up tape.
Exit room.
Room 5:
Exit Room
Room 4:
Robot appears then leaves.
Make the tiles transparent.
Exit Room.
Room 1:
Watch TV.
Use new tape with Slot.
Press Transfer button.
Press Eject to discard empty tape.
Watch new clips.
Exit TV Screen.
Top Right Gateway opens.
Enter Top Right Gateway.
Room 7:
Turn on lamp.
Look at table.
Pick up pen.
Scribble on bottom on pad to reveal #. (86763454)
Put down pen.
Go Back.
Turn light off and on 3 times.
When you get three blinks back Look at the table.
Pick up the receiver.
Dial the #.
Enter the right gateway.
Room 8:
Use lighter with sprinkler.
Enter right gateway.
Room 9:
Pick up video tape.
When you try to leave eyes appear.
Open fridge door.
Hide behind door.
Eyes will blink faster then disapear.
Exit room.
Room 8:
Use alarm override.
Stand directly under light bulb.
User mirror with water.
You will see a rainbow (Blue,Purple,yellow,green,red,orange)
Use this pattern in alarm override.
Exit left.
Room 7:
Robot appears.
Exit left
Room 1:
Watch TV.
Use new tape with Slot.
Press Transfer button.
Press Eject to discard empty tape.
Watch new clips.
Exit TV Screen.
Top Left Gateway opens
Enter top left gateway.
Room 10:
Look at number above door. (24 79 163)
Look at window.
Enter numbers that add up to one less or more than the number required. (I.E. for 24: 11+12). Punish the robot until he enters the number you want. The lightbulb will go on. Then click reset. When you get all 3 the door will open.
Enter left gateway.
Room 11:
Turn off lamp.
Look through telescope.
Robot blinks light three times.
Turn off and on lamp until you get a response.
Look through telescope.
She calls you.
Look at table.
Pick up phone.
She breathes.
Use symbols on pad and press those buttons (11223311)
Left gateway opens.
Enter left gateway.
Room 12:
Notice pyramid picture.
Watch TV.
Press 7
Press 8
Press 6
Panel opens
Pick up video tape.
Exit right.
Room 11:
Exit right.
Room 10:
Robot apears
Exit right.
Room 1:
Robot is there.
Click to follow dialog.
Watch TV
Use new tape with Slot.
Press Transfer button.
Press Eject to discard empty tape.
Watch new clips.
Exit TV Screen.
Pick up cable.
Examine Laura.
Use cable in hole.
Punch in code based on sequence of events (264379851).
Click through dialog.
Follow her off.
Correction to getting last tape: the TV code is "7,8,6" **IMPORTANT**
ReplyDeleteWhat lighter, i dont have a lighter???
ReplyDeletei finally finished the game! No one told me i had to pick up the lighter in the 5th room!!!
ReplyDeleteis there a 3rd one?
does anyone need help?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletei finished the game woohoo its
ReplyDeletewas all beacause of that guy that said everything lol =)
so same as me dose eny 1 need help
ReplyDeleteAsk me witch 1 and i will tell u
how to do it
on the secong tape how do you get all of the dark bits on the floor to go off so the door can open?
ReplyDeletePLZ HELP!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteim stuck in room 8
i cant get the alarm code working and cant set off the sprinklers
ReplyDeletehow do you do the 3rd gateway im stuck where it says on the paper mouther is waching blink 3 times and the rest of the paper has been ripped off
ReplyDeleteI tried to get the mirror in the first stage to blind the eye and Ive tried it for hours and it still wont work--walk under the light, mirror glows, drag and drop, and nothing, ive tried standing at every angle, closing the other door behind me, etc---any suggestions?
ReplyDeletehelp haw do you put the caple of tv in wich plug
ReplyDeleteHave just finished playing...v clear! liked it a lot.
ReplyDeleteHowever, for those of you who've asked if the main robots get together at the end...'s a computer game and a very simple one at that..Come on
i got the code but i dont know hw to set the code in alarm override please help me.............
ReplyDeletegod your all dumb its the easyiest game ever just write everything down and your away and as for the floor jus play about with it n it will work in the end
ReplyDeletethe pyramids numbers are 782 NOT 786 WHO SAID 786 U STUPID HEADS
ReplyDeleteim at the part of the fone. i got the number and i dialed it on the fone, but it doesn't ****** work... WTF???
ReplyDeleteShe has to ring you first and when you hear the phone rining go answer it and when you hear her breathing type in (11223311)
ReplyDeleteThe student wont put 163 in! what do I do!?
ReplyDeleteoh i love gateway..not sure how i missed this post..anyone else here..probably gonna do this..
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU MIKEZAUN.COM...for reccomending mirrored site for upload...i couldnt see T.V. before..:) thank you.!
ReplyDeleteMother and little girl..mother dearest is kinda creepying me out now..finish and see what happens..
ReplyDeleteGOOD GAME..sad as hell at the end though..i hope they come out with the third part now..:)
ReplyDeletei pased gateway two but i cant pass gateway one i dont know what to do.
ReplyDeletethat stupid robot doesnt type the correct number! what to do????????????
ReplyDeletewhat to do with that silly robot he doesn't type the desired number
ReplyDeletethe phone has to ring first and when u hear her breath...type this in...11223311
ReplyDeleteneed any more help let me know..:D.
ReplyDeletethe gay alarm code wont work... >:( i typed in the code on the rainbow like 20 times, but it never worked.... D:
ReplyDeleteyay!! i did it!! thanks so much ppl 4 ur help (: woo hoo!!
ReplyDeleteI can't do the shocking thing!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't watch TV, in the room where I must get the last tape! Why?? The TV is highlightened but nothing happens when I click on it. HELP!!!
ReplyDeletewhen i get out the front door i always go to the right but the tape is never there!!!!!!!Help!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNever mind, I finally found it. :P
ReplyDeleteMike and Laura do get back together, gateway one is the aftermath of gateway two remember in gateway one in the T.V. room when your following laura the last thing she does is get in bed with mike.
ReplyDeleteneed help i cant get student to rit 163
ReplyDeletewtf is the alarm override color code cant get it plz help
ReplyDeletethere is a quicker way of getting throught the door when the eyes are out. save your game when you are at the eyes but remeber to get everything first. then quit the game and load it again and the door should be open.
ReplyDeleteThe game is really good and what a great story line. it was so sad.
ReplyDeleteThe override code is blue purple yellow green red orange.
ReplyDeleteHello!!!!!!!!!! Ashley you are sooooooooo stupid its not 768 its 786 also
ReplyDeleteTape 1
go through the gateway, down the hall, button to open and
take the hand mirror, it'll be useful later.
Examine the sink, turn on the water
That's hot water.
Code for the cabinet is in the mirror (7997)
Go outside, see the yellow bot
You see that when you stand under the light, your mirror glows
Blind the eye with the mirror to get out
Push in tape, transfer,watch
Tape 2
keep all the spots dark to have the door open
Just fiddle with this one, you'll get it eventually
take the lighter and newspaper from the table
There's a screwdriver in the dresser
Put the newspaper under the door and use the screwdriver in the lock
Use the key to open
Just click out to where you think you should be able to walk to get the tape
Take note of the numbers on the pyramid painting upon leaving (786)
Yellow bot again, same bridge puzzle on the way back
Insert tape, transfer, and watch
Tape 3
Use the pen to scribble on the pad and get the number
Blink three times with the lamp, wait for the return
Go back to the phone and dial the number
Use your lighter to set off the sprinkler
Grab the tape, and when the eyes appear, open the fridge door and hide as far back int eh shade of the fridge as you can.
Eventually the eyes will leave again
Use your mirror to make a prism in the water
This is the code for the alarm (BPYGRO)Yellow bot, exit
Transfer and watch
Tape 4
Look in the window
Force the student to create the sums 24, 79, 163.Or you can just look at the other door to find the three sums.
Check your telescope to see yellow bot
Blink the lamp thrice
Back to the telescope
Answer the phone
Notice the note-like scribbles
I used 11223311
Turn on the tv
Remember the code for the pyramids?
Grab the tape
Yellow bot, leave
After yellow bot collapses, go to the tv
Transfer and watch
Now back to the girl, examine her
See the place where a cord might go?
Well, plug her in with the wire on the ground
Now you must recall the real-life order of the tapes
Yellow bot has her resurrection, resolution, and epiphany, and we're done
Follow her out for credits
when you get the two eyes in the kitchen (tape 3) hide behind the fridge door and in the shadows. the eyes blink really fast and then vanish - easy! hope that helps!
ReplyDeleteHELP!!! I turned on the lamp, and turned it off. When I look through the telescope, THERE'S NO ONE THERE. It's deserted! I turned the light on and off for three minutes. I looked through the telescope at different times-still no one. When I called the number on the phone (11223311) it's one digit short! Can someone help me?
ReplyDeleteAlso, if you need help with ANYTHING before this part, I will gladly help you.
Finally, remember this. If you are ABLE TO PICK AN OBJECT UP, pick it up.
Okay. I got the robot. She's standing behind the lamp. The lamp is on My lamp is stuck in the off position. Once again 11223311 refuses to do anything. The robot already called me, but when I picked up the receiver I got a dial tone. There may have also been breathing, but there was definite a dial tone. HELP!
ReplyDeleteI got breathing! She called me! I dialed 11223311 again, but it's too short by one digit.
ReplyDeleteI GOT IT!!! While she's breathing, you have to enter the number. Got it.
Finished. It's really a sad ending. Makes you think.
ReplyDeleteon my computer the first gateway gme has so many glitches does anyone else have this problem?
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ReplyDeleteok everyone has it all worng the reason its not working is because the code is not 768 its 786 i got confused too try that code and it will work trust me!!! =P
ReplyDeleteI went to the room with the front door. I got the lighter, the screwdriver, and newspaper. I went back to the room with the TV. Now what? Please help.
ReplyDeleteok so the part in which u are in the room with teh eyes and u have to hide behinde the refridgerator door... u dont exactly hide behinde the door.. u open the door, then hide behinde the actual refridgerator
ReplyDeletehope it helps
ok then when you see the eyes start to blink faster they go away about 10 secons after
ReplyDeletewow, incredible game. i loved it; it was so amazing and sad<3
ReplyDeleteok i got the # on the bottom of the note pad, i made the lamp blink 3 times and a light blinked on the wall, and i called the # what am i suppose to do with the lighter, how am i suppose to make the sprinkler come on.. HELP ME PLEASE.
ReplyDeleteThe red square room!
ReplyDeleteThis is the easiest way to get through to the other side AND BACK!!!
To go from the T.V. Room to The Living Room:
Go one Square forward
Back to Start
Forward three squares
Back to Start
All the way to the End and through door
On the way back is the same except opposite.
Walk to the End
Walk three squares back
Forward to the End
Back one
To the End and through door to T.V. room
What Start and End mean (sorry for the confusion!)
Start: the side that you enter the room on
End: the opposite side of the room from where you start
yay i finnished it
ReplyDeletei love this game
the storyline really makes you think and it made me nearly cry near the end.
that was a sad oh well i finished good game kinda sad hope there is a third.
ReplyDeletei scrible on the bottom of the page in door three but the number dont come up.
Has anyone noticed that the mother robot gets into the backseat of the car before she drives away?
ReplyDeletehey its me corey and i need PERFECT instructions for the phone....WHAT RETURN is what im stuck on!!!
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i got scared to hell when i picked up the tape and headed over to the frigde!!!!!
ReplyDeletehey guys i feel bad for the girl and yes we all know that she is hot and wish for PART3!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteandrew i did notice that the mother does get in of the back seat of the car
ReplyDeletethat was a really annoying ending! it didn't explain anything! do you have to play the first game to get it or something? i don't understand.. the mother killed herslef, blahblah blah, but what's with the girl's dialoge at the end of the game? ARRRRGH!
ReplyDeletehow do u work out the nos 11223311.. i mean how did ya frgr that out??? the hell do u get the 7th tape???help meeh out..
ReplyDeleteThat was such a great game! thanks!!
ReplyDeleteGood game, nice atmosphere..., but WHO IS THAT POOR GUY GETTING ZAPPED FOR SUCKING AT MATH?? :))))
ReplyDeletehow the hell do i pake the prisioner to do 24+79=163
ReplyDeletei dk if the one who made the game didnt noticed that 24+79=103 but.. oh well plz help meeee!!!!
why does no1 want to talk!?
ReplyDeletewhere is the bloody sprinkler plz somebody tell me
what telescope r u guy talking about?
ReplyDeletethe sprinkler is the gray thing hanging from the ceiling
ReplyDeletethe retarted people who said the code was 768 messed me up but the code for the tv is actually 786
ReplyDeletewhat is the ******* pyramid code for the tv? is it 768, if it is this game is stuffy!
ReplyDeleteI know what to do with eye but it don't work.Can anyione help me?
ReplyDeletethe game was very sad and was the
ReplyDeletegreatest mystery game i have ever
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYay! I finsihed the game! I was so eager to know what happens at the end! What a sad, touching ending! Wow, I love this game! :D Finished game on March 30, 2009 at 10:12 p.m.
ReplyDeletei was in the bathroom i got the password to get the video tape and there was a guy then the guy went back and i saw a big eye how do i get out?
ReplyDeletehey jocelyn can you give me the cheats
ReplyDeleteAwsome game But iI CAN'T FIGRIRE OUT THE ORDER OF THE TAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeletethe taps are 11223311
ReplyDelete&the game SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! the peopole who made it SUCK!
ReplyDeletei completed it
im in the 3rd tape, this eye is takin foreverr, help mee
ReplyDeleteHello, this game is easy!!! for the eyes, open the fridge door, and hide BEHIND it, not where the eyes can see you, basically where you're robot thingy goes darker, near the closed gateway. It'll blink faster then disappear.
ReplyDeleteit takes ages for the eyes to leave for the third tape ..........does anyone know how long it takes
ReplyDeleteahhhhhhhhhhhhh happy ending:) i think this game is actually quite scary in places but i enjoyed it :P thanks for helping me :)
ReplyDeleteCan someone tell me what happens at the end does the mum die does Laura leave home or not Can some explain the story line from scratch please? :) Thanx Only coz i presses something without saving and i cant b bothered to go back so thanx:)
ReplyDeletehow do i get to the sprinkliers
ReplyDeletehow do you get past the robot who sucks at math
ReplyDeletewhat this code of tv?
ReplyDeleteyou will have to notice the numbers 24,79 and 163.make sums for this math answers.may be,12+12=24,68+11=79,72+91=163.if the robot gives wrong answers u can punish him.
ReplyDeletethe code of tv is 264379851
Who knows what happens to mike in the end? i know you go with Lauren and the mum died by crashing the car But WHAT ABOUT MIKE?
ReplyDeletePLZ HELP thank you
ReplyDeleteis the first tv code or for the end bit
YOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!!! :) :) :)
if u need some cheats of ur answers here they are:
ReplyDeleteif the robot isnt putting 163 then click the punish button and then he will try again, if he still dosent do it then punish him again and then punish him again and again if he does wrong
2- The code with the tv in the living room is 786
3- the number where the pink phone is is 86763454
4-if the eyes wont dissapear then stand behind the FRIDGE, not the door
5- u have a lighter in ur inventory, use that lighter with the sprinkler and then the door will open
these r the answerss to all ur questions and it was a really sad and scary game!!!! :) :) :) :) :)
working link:
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