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The Scrapper Escape

[REPLAY] Gotmail - The Scrapper Escape is another Japanese point and click escape the room game developed by IDAC for Gotmail. In this escape game, you try to escape from the room by finding items and solving puzzles. Good luck and have fun!

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The Scrapper Walkthrough

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  1. really cool game 10 out of 10!!!
    (did it without any hints)

  2. check the window popping out...

  3. ????still no clue. tell me pls

  4. the first page of the diary shows what it should look like: [OOO OOOO OOOO]

  5. please whats the password for the machine? i cant find it anywhere

  6. Am I just being impatient? I have waited a good five minutes, and all I have is a black screen, the diary, and the little corner map. I have clicked all over the main screen hoping to hit a light switch, but no luck so far. Do I have a glitch?

  7. that happened to me too i refreshed the page and it worked the second time

  8. Yay, after 5 reloads it finally worked!

  9. is there a key for the truck?

  10. does anyone know the password for the big silver machine?

  11. Walkthrough:

    1). Enter the building through the main garage.
    2). Click on the blue canister immediately in front of you. You'll see a gold rod under the dumpster thing.
    3). Click to the left of the blue canister twice to reach the rod. Pick it up.
    4). Zoom back out to the original view and click left twice. You will be facing a metal cage with canisters in front of it. Click on the two small canisters three times to zoom in on them all the way. Select the gold rod thing and click near the end of the two tubes hanging down. The gold rod should connect.
    5). Zoom out from that once and click on the thing you just connected. It should now follow your mouse around. When you click the mouse button a flame will shoot out; use the flame to melt the two metal bars in front of you (just move them along the bars till they're gone). Put the blow torch back and zoom in to the cage. Pick up the flashlight on the floor.
    6). Zoom out from the canisters all the way and click left twice. You will be facing two dumpsters. Click near the bottom of the right-most one twice to zoom in underneath it. Select your flashlight and use the about item button. Clikc the button on the flashlight to turn it on. Select the flashlight and look underneath the dumpster. Pick up the wired card (for lack of a better name).
    7). Zoom all the way out of the dumpsters and click left twice again. Click on the bottom of the second dumpster from the left twice to zoom in underneath it. Use the flashlight again to find the wheely thing.
    8). Zoom all the way out and click left again. Click in between the doors of the open dumpster twice to enter the dumpster. Take your flashlight out and click towards the back of the dumpster. If you look on the floor near the end of the overturned rack you will see a trap door on the floor. Zoom in all the way on it and open it. You will find a mini computer thing. Use the about item button on it after you find it, and select the wired card. Click on the bottom of the mini computer and the card will connect.
    9). Zoom out of the dumpster and click left twice. To the left of the motorcycle you'll see a silver thing on the wall. Zoom in on it twice. Select the mini computer+wired card and insert it the middle of the silver thing. Hit enter. Hit the 8 button on the computer keypad. A crane will come down from the cieling.
    10). Zoom all the way out and click left to find the crane. Click on the crane once and select the wheely thing. Attach it to the crane to the top left of the hook. Go back to where you left the mini computer and hit the 2 button on the keypad. The crane will rise up and the wheely thing will leave through a window. Hit 8 again to bring it back. Return to the crane and click the wheely thing. Use the about item button on it when its in your inventory. Click the middle of what looks like a safe attached below the wheel to zoom in on it. Click it again to open it. Take the red card from inside.
    11). Return to the mini computer and remove it from the silver thing by clicking anywhere but the keypad. Remove the wired card by clicking near the bottom of the computer. Select the red card and click the white panel on the left of the mini computer. It will pop out. Insert the red card and close the panel. Click the top of the mini computer to zoom in on its screen. It will commence a loading program. Once it's done click the japanese buttons on the screen and it will begin playing a video. When the video is done, you will have a rotated picture of the mini map on the bottom right of your screen. Get to where the red light is flashing on the mini computer by zooming out and clicking right twice, and then clicking behind the left door of the open dumpster. Zoom in on the green barrel and move the pieces inside around until you find the wrench. Take it.
    12). Zoom out and hit left twice. Click the weird little blue thing, and then click to the right of it to rotate behind it. Use the wrench to remove the screws and click on top of the blue thing. Open the lid and take the silver key.
    13). Zoom out and hit left twice. You'll be facing the big yellow truck. Click its ladder twice, and then hit up. Use the silver key on the door. The yellow truck will then pick up a ladder for you and place it against the dumpster.
    14). Zoom out, click left, and click on the ladder. Climb up twice and hit right. Then click on the ladder leading down and head down it. Click right twice once you're on the floor. Click the back left silver block to zoom in on it. Click its bottom left corner twice to zoom behind it. Use your flashlight and get the crowbar.
    15). Zoom out and search the blocks until you find one that has a silver figurine sticking out of it. (Search hard, it can be difficult to see. For those of you who have played White Day, look familiar?) Use the crowbar to remove it. Once you have it, use about items on it. Click its bottom button to open it up and take out the red key.
    16). Climb back up the ladder you came down. Retreat the way you came until you're on top of the open dumpster (you'll have an option to go right, left, or down). Click left. Click on the top left corner of the dumpster twice to zoom in fully on it. Use the crowbar on it to pull it back, and then click to zoom in and find the blue key.
    17). Go back down to where the silver blocks where. Instead of facing them, click left to face the big silver machine. Zoom in on each of the four corners and use the blue key to unlock the machine.
    18). Once the machine is open, use about item on the red key, and click right where the skinny part widens out. You know have a USB thingy.
    19). Zoom in on the screen that came out of the machine. Use the new red key on the slot to the right.
    20). Open up the diary (the thing you started with). Click the picture to open up a link. In the new link, click gallery to find the photo in the diary. "New York Beat" is what the red arrow was pointing to. Return to the computer and enter New York Beat as the password. Click OK and click Push. A video will start up. Keep clicking the screen to keep it going. You'll end up in front of a the door near the beginning of the escape. Click on it to exit. Voila, you're done.

  12. My apologies; step 4 should be click left three times, not twice.

    I would also like to point out that you actually have to click the picture in the diary and open the link for the password to work on the machine

  13. how do I get to the silver machine?

  14. When you get down the second ladder, hit right. You will then have an option to hit left, right, or back. Hit left to get to the machine.

  15. Great Game as usual.
    Love this site!
    Thank you to all of you walkthrough writers, without you guys, I would never have finished any game!!!!!

  16. Thank you, Clever :D That was the ONLY part I was unable to get -- I was trying all combos of the photographer's profile :p

  17. Mini computer? Seems more like a cellphone...

  18. My favorite game by far. I love that I didnt have to work out any puzzles...especially SLIDE puzzles!

  19. how i make it in english?

  20. caught this one from the replay

    what a phat game, thx Gotmail ☺
    ♥ the graphics & the cut scenes, so realistic
    a premium quality game & a real toughie for me (e.g. to find all the needed spots), so I'm thankful that there's a WT (thx Clever)
    it's so good to still have one, even after so many years...!

  21. I seem to have bumped into a bug. I opened that red pulley-like thing with a small blue compartment in my inventory, and now I cannot close the closeup view - the X to close it is not there. So, I'm stuck with the view of an object on the screen.

  22. The website you're supposed to get the password for that big silver thing, does not seem to work anymore - at least it won't load for me. The password is there in the walkthru posted here.

  23. Ahh, and the game has just frozen. Hallelujah.

  24. There definitely seems to be something iffy about the inventory management coding. First, the close button never ppeared when I opened something in the inventory so I had to restart the game. And now, once again when I opened something (the diary) in the inventory, the game froze. Everything else works, but the game window won't respond.
    As I see in the walkthru, I was at the very end of the game, so no way I'm gonna bother replaying it.

  25. Oh, the website ( finally decided to load - about 5 minutes later...

  26. didn't have any of those probs, bio...

  27. No problems at all and everything went smoothly. I hadn't played this earlier. Probably have missed it earlier somehow.


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