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Submachine 4

Submachine 4 - The Lab Walkthrough[REPLAY] Submachine 4 - The Lab is fourth episode of Submachine point and click game series has been released by Mateusz Skutnik. Submachine: The Lab. The game in which with every puzzle solved, every chapter finished you fall deeper and deeper into mystery. Fourth chapter takes us to the heart of the submachine, the place where all questions will be finally answered. Or were finally answered. Once again it's time to ask youself - is it possible that you're too late? Have fun!

Update: Let's replay this game, while waiting for new games!

Play Submachine 4: The Lab

Submachine 4: The Lab Walkthrough

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  1. The Lab
    1. Find the hammer and break the padlock on the shutter. Enter the attic.
    2. Find the chimney brush, go back to the roof and tossit into the chimney. Go back to the attic and collect the door key from the chimney. Also find rubber tube, gas handle, the key, and naphthalene from the suit pocket.
    3. Open door using door key and enter the lab.
    4. Upper floor of the lab: click on the green computer and using the button talk to Murtaugh. After a short chat he will print out the list of known locations. Take it from the printer. On this floor collect the lighter as well.
    5. Go down, collect the beaker. go down to the main floor of the lab.
    6. Go left into the bathroom and place the beaker on the grate on the floor. Using the hammer knock off the plug on the pipe above the beaker.
    7. Exit the bathroom. Go right to the room with the ladder. Collect a cd there and go up. Collect IronTrioxide from the holder and go right. Collect the screwdriver. Use the rubber tube to connect the burner to the yellow pipe. Also use the gas handle on the pipe. Turn the gas handle, switch on the burner, and light the flame using the lighter.
    8. Go all the way back to the roof and on the far lef side use the screwdriver to release the valve. After the screw falls down, collect the valve.
    9. Go back to the lab and go into the bathroom. Collect the soap from the sink. Place the valve on the vertical pipe and turn it. Now you can collect the full beaker.
    10. Go to the burner and place full beaker on the burner. Drop soap, IronTrioxide and Naphthalene into the beaker in this order. Collect AcidiOxide and the now-empty tester.
    11. Go back to the bathroom and fill the tester as you did with the beaker before. Collect water. Go two rooms right, there are two pieces of paper on the desk, collect them. Go to the far right, use the key on the locked door and enter. Click the bell. Use AcidiOxide on the crate mechanism. Go right again and collect the note behind the portal.
    12. Enter 1-0-4 on the portal and click the large button underneath the numbers. You'll be taken to...
    Ancient Location
    1. Find the pedestal with four vertical switches. There are four signs on the switches: "/" "|" "_" "\". There are also four small doors with symbols on each of them. Turning the right swithes will open them. For example, if you click on switches "|" and "_" it will open door marked with "+". And so on. Open four doors, you should collect these items: stone key, blocade, tile D, tile B and a knife.
    2. Go one room up from switches and use blocade and stone key. New ladder will come down. Before going up turn all switches down, go up, go up again, where another small door will have opened and collect tile C. Go all the way to the top, use knife to cut the rope. Go all they way down again and collect tile A.
    3. Go down to the room with the dog. Use all tiles on the wall machine, and click the button that is revealed.
    4. Go back to the portal, there is a new ladder going up. Go up and collect the coil. Go left, collect the note and get back to the portal. Type 5 - 2 - 9 into the portal and teleport to...
    The Basement
    1. Go two chambers to the right, there is a coil charger. Place coil on it and pull the lever. When its done, collect charged coil and go to the bottom left room. Place the coil in the machine and flip the switch.
    2. When its charged, repeat recharging coil for similar machine on the bottom right (take the coil out of the first machine and go recharge it). After that turn the switch on the machine in the middle room. A laser beam will appear. Go two rooms up from here and put the cd on the holder to bend the laser beam.
    3. Recharge the coil again and go to the portal. Type 6 - 9 - 0 and teleport to...
    Looping Trap
    1. Rooms in this section are placed in a coordinates system. The portal is in room (0, 0). Go left, and you're in room (-1, 0). Click the machine so it shows 1, 1, press the button at the base of the machine, then go to the room (1, 1) and click the button that has appeared there.
    2. Repeat the same for (1, 0), (0, 1) and (-1, -1). Don't forget to click the button after setting the coordinates!
    3. After that go to room (-1, 1) and collect the orb.
    4. Go back to the portal. type 5 - 2 - 9 and go back to…
    The Basement (Revisited)
    1. Go to the room with a pedestal and the laser beam that has been bent. Place the orb on the pedestal. After it breaks, collect the chest key. Go back to portal. Type 5 - 5 - 1.
    Brick Room
    1. Turn off the water in the pipes. On the portal type 4 - 6 - 2 and go to...
    1. Go all the way to the right and find the pipe section with the padlock on it. Break the padlock using hammer. You have to strike it four (4) times to break it. Collect the turbine. Go back to the portal and type 8 - 0 - 0.
    The Ship
    1. It's dark. You have to light the lamp first (middle left) - use the lighter.
    2. Go right and unscrew the metal hatch using the screwdriver. Use the knife to cut the wires.
    3. A new ladder appears in the far left room.
    4. Go up. Use the lighter on the lamp again. Go right and up, use the lighter on the lamp again. Put the turbine into the pipe and close the round metal door. Go down, push the switch, the grate goes up, go right again.
    5. Use the chest key to open the chest. Collect the arm. go back to the portal, type 7 - 7 - 0.
    The First Tomb
    1. There are no rooms here, just this chamber. But if you look closer, there is a sign on the right wall (click to zoom in). A circle, a square and a triangle. So type 0 - 4 - 3 on the portal and teleport.
    The Second Tomb
    1. Use water on the big shining bubble. Water is in the test tube you collected from the lab. Collect the sceptre when it appears.
    2. Go back to the portal, return to the Ancient Location (1 - 0 - 4)
    Ancient Location (Revisited)
    1. Go up, place the charged coil on the machinery. Go left, turn the lamp on, and look through the lunette. You'll see another coordinates. 4 - 5 - 2. Go back to the portal and teleport to that location.
    1. Use the arm and the sceptre on the statue…and you’re out!

  2. You also must find 21 secrets(blue balss)...the first one is on the chair in the attic

  3. So here is the 21 SECRETS WALKTHROUGH:

    1. In the Attic, on the very right on the CHAIR
    2. When you walk out the door, go down 1 floor, look to the lower RIGHT on the FLOOR
    3. Another floor downstaires, go to the very LEFT, where the Computer is, look at the lower bottom of the TRASHCAN
    4. Lowest floor, look under the table at the CHAIR
    5. Go to the very left, you’re in the BATHROOM. On the middle left side there’s another secret.
    6. Go back, climb up the laddersgo the very right, look at the bottom end of the gaspipe. The next secret.
    7. a) When you’ve done the acid you have to go to the room with the gate. There’s also a bell with a dice under it. If you turn the bell, the dice will raise. Keep it there and go on, we’ll need that later. (Dice should be in the air)

    8. Your at the portal, go RIGHT -> DOWN -> LEFT. Look very close on the lower left. Next Secret.
    7. b) RIGHT, RIGHT, the next bell. Ring it. (Dice should be in the air)
    9. go back LEFT, then DOWN, at the eye of the dog.
    10. UP, UP, UP, use HAMMER on broken STONE.

    11. You’re at the Portal. Go very right. Look at the power socket (?), middle right.
    12. Go LEFT, DOWN. Now you should be at this strange station that produces the laser. Lower right of the machine

    13. From Portal go: LEFT, DOWN, RIGHT. Look on the floor at the right.

    BRICK ROOM (551)
    14. Portal. Look at the lower right.

    LIGHTHOUSE (462)
    15. go right 1x. Look at lower RIGHT.

    THE SHIP (800)
    16. First screen, Portal. Left side, bottom of pipe(?)(where the lamp is).
    7. c) RIGHT, the next bell, ring it! (Dice should be in the air)
    17. Unscrew plate. Take next secret from the whole where the wires are.
    18. When you are at the very top of the ship, where you put the turbine into the pipe, look lower LEFT. Bottom of pipe (or what ever, the yellow thing should be ;) ).

    SECOND TOMB (043)
    19. Go to very LEFT. Look at the corner of the tomb.
    7. d) Ring bell. (Dice should be in the air)

    7. e) Go LEFT. Take secret from open safe (all dices are up)

    WHITE (LAST) ROOM (596)
    20. right room, right corner

    VERY LAST ROOM (728)
    21. look at the top left. In one speaker(? May be, may be not a speaker ;) ).

    Congratulations, you’ve found all 21 Secrets :) Now you can go RIGHT to this machine and fill in all 21 Secrets ;) Enjoy the rest :)

  4. Does anyone know if you can break the lock in the secrets room?

  5. where do u find the rubber tube?????

  6. where do u find the pedistle

  7. does anybody know the code to return to the lab??
    i forgot to fill the test tube with water x__X

  8. ohh i found it. it's 0-0-1 if anybody's silly enough to do what i did (:

  9. WOW what a game

    for anyone thinking of giving up, dont its realy rewarding once you finnish

    ps find all the secrets :)

  10. cab anyone help me get into the attic?

  11. never mind i got it!! =)

  12. I'm having trouble with

    The Basement (Revisited)
    1. Go to the room with a pedestal and the laser beam that has been bent. Place the orb on the pedestal. After it breaks, collect the chest key. Go back to portal. Type 5 - 5 - 1.

    Where's the room with the pedestal???

  13. once you get to the room where the laser is bent by the cd, go right.
    god this was the hardest game ever.... and i followed the walkthrough... or else... it would have took me 4 ever.

  14. can anyone help me find the rubber tube in the attic?????

  15. If you don't find all of the secrets, don't worry about it. As far as I can tell, it only gives you some information about the inspiration for the game--not more game play.

  16. RUBBERTUBE location:
    from the ladder in the attic, go right 1 time and look in the black part of the ceiling, it looks like a green rope.

  17. while i finished the game, i went looking for the secrets, but i accedentily clicked on the side of the page and went to another web page. so i had to start all over.

  18. is there a passwprd so i can get into the attic again e.g 3-4-5

  19. what do i do with the secrets?!?!i have them all...

  20. Wow..i missed this one..didnt see this here..Covert front 3 better not be

  21. how do you get the numbers to be entered in the portal? for last 2-3 u had hints like circle , square and triangle i.e 043. but how to get the earlier ones ?

  22. does anyone no where the gas pipe is???

  23. who knows the correct tandemn of switches in this:

    1. Find the pedestal with four vertical switches. There are four signs on the switches: "/" "|" "_" "\". There are also four small doors with symbols on each of them. Turning the right swithes will open them. For example, if you click on switches "|" and "_" it will open door marked with "+". And so on.

    ... pls... im kinda dizzy..

  24. How do you turn off the water in the brick room??? I cant click on anything near the switches!!

  25. never mind i went back and did something else and its working now...but now im finished and only have 17 secrets!!!! help?????

  26. where is the rubber tube??

  27. where is the rubber tube tell me where is it!!!!!

    help me .!!!

    i love this game .!!!!


    if you did not tell me where is it i will not play any more on this site.!!!!!

  28. ighthouse
    1. Go all the way to the right and find the pipe section with the padlock on it. Break the padlock using hammer.

    I couln't break the padlock with the i Had to end the game.
    Your advice is good...but maybe not good enough so anybody can get the "hint"

  29. OK SO I FINISHED THE GAME COLLECTED ALL 21 SECRETS! BUT! at the the end in the last room after you put the secrets in the thing and you look at the videos then there is one last lock. HOW THE HELL DO I OPEN THIS LAST LOCK! I tried hitting it with the hammer but it didnt work :( WHAT DO I DO!??? Im at the end ..I need to know!

  30. Guisell, I'm sure you're not supposed to break that lock. It's just there because the picture is about pipes. The pics for the other objects have related things in the room. It's just for show.

  31. I can't turn the green computer on!

  32. Wa,first you have to be in the basement section,make sure you have the coil,and charge it in the left room.then go down,left and insert the coil into the charger.then take it out and charge it this in the opposite room.then pull the lever on that thing in the middle of both rooms,and the lazer will then go up,up again,put the cd on the claw,and go to the right the orb on the top of that cylider and it will break.take the chestkey and use it in the ship: 800 coordinates.

  33. To TB Tabby,what computer are you talking about?this is submachine 4 the lab.not the root!

  34. The Lab Directions:
    1.(follow the instructions given to you)
    2.wait till it says your on your own.go to the coat and pick up the white dots.
    3.go left and click on the hanger to get a golden key
    4.go right three times till you get to the chair.
    5.pick up the chimney brush on the corner.
    6.go to the roof again and do you see that rectangular hole thing?insert the chimney brush inside it then go inside again.
    7.go right and pick up the silver key.
    Attention!:in this room locate the green tube and pick it up. keep going left until you reach a door and desk.
    9.on the button left corner pick up the gas handle.
    10.use the silver key on the door.
    11.go down until you reach a room which looks white and has wood flooring,including a big power tank.
    12.go right and pick up the lighter.
    13.then go left twice and click on the computer.
    14.keep pressing the green button till you hear something printing.(Look for words)
    15.get out of the monitor screen and pick up the note in the printer
    16.go to the stair and go down.pick up the beaker and move down till you get to the bottom floor.
    17.get the notes on the desk.then go left inside the bathroom and put the beaker on the floor till it fits.
    18.use your hammer around in the pipes till it breaks.
    19.pick up the soap on the sink.
    20.go out the bathroom.go right twice,and up the ladder.
    21.Lets call this room the Chemistry floor.pick up the purple tester.
    22.go left,pickup the screwdriver,and go to the roof again.
    23.go left and unscrew the valve.pick it up.
    24.go back to the bathroom and insert the valve on the hole in the pipe.
    25.twist the valve and water will go into the beaker.
    26.pickup the beaker and go to the chemistry floor.
    27.go to the left room. put the tube on the pipe where the gashandle is on and on that weird looking cup with a handle.
    29.put the beaker on top of the cup shaped thing.
    30.put these in the beaker in order:
    1.soap 2.purple tester 3.white dots.
    31.twist the gashandle till it faces away from the pipe.
    32.twist the handle on the cup-shaped thing.
    33.use your lighter in the tube of the cup shaped thing.(do this before adding any thing to the beaker)
    34.when it turns white,take the beaker and go down the ladder in the left room.pickup the tester also.
    35.go to the bathroom,put the tester on the ground,turn the valve,and when it has water in it,take it with you.
    36.go left twice till you find a room that has a red light above it.
    37.use the gold key on it and enter.
    38.ring the ad bell till the block is in the air.
    39.use the beaker on the control for the gate.the control will crack and bleed.
    40.go inside the room to your right.
    41.the gray thing is a teleport.toggle the numbers till you get 104 then press the button below it...and kaboom!your out of the lab! STILL YOU HAVENT WON THE GAME! you need to go to all these rooms with their coordinates you enter in the teleport:
    001=the lab
    104=ancient section
    690=The loop
    529=the basement
    551=brick room
    800=the ship (go to brick room and light house first!)
    770=tomb trap [hint:circle is 0,because it has no edges.square is 4,because it has 4 edges,the triangle is 3,because it has 3 edges.]
    043=needs one drop of water room.
    452=statue room
    596:This is either the secrets room,or the exit to the WHOLE game.

  35. on step nine i meant to say bottom instead of button.i am sorry.

  36. There's actually 22 secrets

    The 22nd is in the 3rd floor room (at the lab (001)).
    [You have to have the charged coil from the basement].
    1. Stick the coil in the machine left of the stairs (put it in the lightning bolt).
    2. Then press the bottom screw and grab the secret.

  37. Hi. Where does the code to transport from the white final room to the place (where u use the 21 secrets to open the bonus part) come from? How did u get it?

  38. I cant see any VALVE on the ROOF!

  39. Billybob you're right I was carrying the charged coil with me just in case but didn't think of using it on the big "teapot" where the 22nd secret is hidden.

    BTW, there's an extra (and useless) room just right of the first portal in the lab, you can see it by clicking on the vertical bars.

    Very nice game, thank you Mateusz!!

  40. I am 2 years late for the game... but it is worthy...

  41. I remember this one being frustrating for me when it came out, but hey...I'm seasoned now. (crosses fingers) Going to try without the walk through and see how it goes.

  42. took me 4 hours and missed 5 secrets but was able to do it on my own this time...Ughh. I remember why I didn't like that one too much. They're all great but I think that one was the hardest for me...

  43. Love this series the best XD

  44. The ending room soundtrack is nice also XD

  45. Why don't you link to the game on Mateusz's own site? That's a bit rude.


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