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Incognitus 2 - Asleep in the Deep

Warped Out 2 WalkthroughIncognitus - A Sleep in the Deep is another point and click type room escape game from Warped Out Entertainment, who is also creator of Incognitus - Proximity of Doom game. Again, you need to search around to find and use items with clues in order to escape from submarine. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. I have ID card, hanger, pliers, broken mouse wheel, wrench for lock picking. I´ve combined pliers with hanger and got a steel rod... Now what????

  2. I've turned off the electricity, too

  3. Me too! Then you see an upside down glowing John Travolta on the wall! Whats all that about???

  4. I haven't seen the upside down John Travolta yet. But I did find some kind of flute or recorder, which I turned into a pipe. Then you can click on the floor and replace a section of pipe. Haven't been able to stop the water yet, though.

  5. I used the mouse wheel on the bottom of the pipe to the right of the red wheels, and if you use the pliers twice on the hanger, you get a lock pic. Where is the flute/pipe yo found?

  6. its in a tube standing up on the floor next to the cabinet with the drawer where you get the hanger

  7. its in a tube standing up on the floor next to the cabinet with the drawer where you get the hanger

  8. i also found an electric bill hidden under a panel on the bottom shelf of a cabinet. not sure what its for yet.

  9. If u pull the left hammock rope the "window" shutter opens...In the same view there´s the box that moves when u click it... Wheredid u find the recorder?

  10. the recorder is inside a tube/pipe that's to the right of the cabinet with the hanger in it.

  11. Cheers found it! Have u manage to do anything else yet?

  12. not really. I clicked on the screws that are on the "window" after you lift the shutter. If you use the lock pick made from the hanger and click on the top right one, a little box pops up that shows an enlarged view of that area, but i can't figure out what to do with it yet.

  13. click on the right bottom lock in the grey window (with the four locks in the corners)And something comes up...But what does it meen???

  14. ;) SNAP!
    Mine was the bottom right ine though...

  15. i guess they are locks. I thought they were some sort of screw. I can't figure them out either.

  16. If you click your lock pick, and click the teeth of the lock from right to left and do it fast enough, the lock opens. It takes a few tries, but i can only get one of the 4 locks to come up.

  17. for the screen that pops up when you click the bottom right screw, use the straight wire you made out of the coat hanger. you have to pick the lock.

    how did you turn off the electricity?

  18. if you switch to the other tension wrench, you can move the bottom piece of the lock so that it sits horizontally instead of vertically. i can't get to the other three locks either.

  19. There is a metal panel under the electricity. use the wrench to open it and switch the bottom one to off. It doesnt matter what you do with the top one, not that i know of

  20. where's the wrench?
    also, i managed to turn off the lights and saw the upside down john travolta--not totally sure how i did that though.

  21. I've turned off the electricity, but not the lights. Has anyone figured out how to open the box on top of the cabinet?

  22. The wrench is behing the box that the cage sits on. The lights can be turned on and off by clicking the second to last coat hanger on the wall.

  23. i dont know if it means anything, but the first, fifth, and sixth red wheels can only be turned 4 times.

  24. how many items has everyone found? I've found 8 so far, but there are spaces for more.

  25. i have 7- the id card, the flute, the wheel, pliers, tension wrench, lock pick, and regular wrench, what else do you have?

  26. the electric bill. its in a hidden panel on the bottom shelf of the cabinet (where you found the tension wrench). also, the id card can be inserted into the electric meter, but I can't figure out what that does yet.

  27. i just got a magnet from the porthole window.

  28. The magnet allows you to turn the little dials on the meter reader, i dunno what to put in though.

  29. I put in 36295 for the meter reading, which is the number it was in 07/07 which is the month of the calender on the wall. A little green light came on, but nothing happens.

  30. how do i turn off the electricity??????

  31. how do ui get the magnet out of the place?????????

  32. the electricity question was already addressed so read up for that. The magnet is acutally posing as one of the screws

  33. can someone please clarify how to get the flute? I can't seem to open the pipe to get it out.

  34. i can't find the pipe but i know where it goes. on the screen where you put the hamster wheel. at the bottom of the screen there a oplace for a pipe or flute. the light switches are on the same screen as the hamster cage. the second from the right is the off switch and the one closest to the right is the on switch.

  35. OK, so here's what I have so far:

    Get hanger out of drawer. Use pliers twice to make lockpick.

    Click under drawer, get tension wrench, then click twice on bottom of cubby hole to open and grab electric bill.

    Click to the right of the drawer and look in the pipe to get the recorder. Use pliers on recorder to make pipe.

    Turn right, get mouse wheel, then click bottom left behind the crate to grab the wrench.

    Turn right, click below meter to view panel. Use wrench on each nut, then turn the bottom switch off.

    Back out to normal view, turn right. Use mouse wheel on the little hole bottom right, then click near the grate at your feet. Use pipe to fill in the missing piece.

    Go right again, ope n the light fixture to get the ID card, then pull on the hammock rope to reveal the locks on the window.

    Use the lockpick on the lock (this will take some time), then use the tension wrench to open it the whole way.

    Go right once more and grab the magnet disguised as a bolt from the window.

    Go left three times, then use the ID card on the slot to the bottom of the meter.

    Someone else sai dyou can set the meter to 36295 using the magnet, but I don't get anything when I do that.

    That's all I have so far.

    Anyone want to add?

  36. nevermind. after i posted, i found the flute, i used the pliers to cut it and it fit, but didn't do anything that i noticed of anyway. oh, and the light switch, goes back on by click on the off one. i guess i click them both and didn't notice, so the second right coat hanger turns the light both on and off. and i got 9 items

  37. Oh, after you set the meter,you can get a key by clicking on the dark spot next to the panel. That unlocks one more corner of the window. There's something in the pipe next to where you put the mouse wheel, but I can't figure how to get it out.

  38. to turn on the light on the meter, leave the top switch under the meter on. where you go to turn off the electrity, so u don't get fried, leave the top one on, then set it to 36295, then where the john Travolta points down where the lights are off, (you can see the black square when the lights are on.) then you get a key like (i know it's been spoken of alot, but i'm just clearing it up).

  39. I used the x&o's games to come up with the number of times to turn each of the red handles (from top to bottom). After this, click on the mouse wheel that you put in place, and the tube will fill with water, and the item will float to the top? I can't figure out the puzzle in it tho?? The puzzle seems to have some of the symbols that are on the meter as well?

  40. To me the answer to the riddle in the box is the moon, but i have no idea how that helps or what the equation is for

  41. Please Help!!!!! I have clicked everywhere inside and out of the pipe and I still can't find the recorder. Please Help me!!!!!

  42. The pipe to the right of where you get the hanger is open at the top. Click the opening and you look down inside, then click the flute.

  43. I think that the ecuation that is something like:
    "c - vxw + ?" it's for the 4 digits code of that box thing, and the numbers 200, 240, 3 and 485 of the meter are in some way the ecuation to find the solution that is the code..dunno really rofl

  44. hew
    i think the answer has something to do with Ohm's law.

  45. Anyone figure out the tic tac toe and the pipes?

  46. yeah you have to add the x's and o's according to the "turns" table. 6 rows, 6 wheels, add horizontaly. I thought the first number on the meter was 1200, is it 200?

  47. the combo the the wheels are
    then turn click the hamster wheel and the item rises

  48. You have to have the grate completed before you can turn the hampster wheel and get the note in the tube.

  49. Oh, i really don't know if it says cl200 or c1200, LOL...

  50. OMG I freaking give up on this game I've got as far as getting to the window with the locks I can't manage to finish it off after I use to lock pick and get it to a larger view then I'm clicking wildly with the tension lock wrench whatever you call that thing and nothing happens I just die, I freakin give up! Can somebody help me I've read everything on this forum and still can't manage to get past the first lock HELP!!!!

  51. OKay I got past the stupid lock now I still don't know how to get any farther I got the key from the box below the meter and put it in the wall and then I'm stuck after that! Arrgh this is killing me I have found my weakness I can't beat the darn game I LOVE IT but at the same time I'm frustrated lol

  52. the two keys fit in the other locks at the window.
    Does anyone know what to do with the riddle and the equation? And what about the movable box?

  53. Hello, I set the meter to 36295, but nothing happens, no green light :-(

  54. electric must be on for green light

  55. i left the top one on...

  56. Nolans mama,
    When you get a close up of the lock, you must use the hanger turned lockpick to open the lock one cylinder at a time. only after you get all the cylinders up do you use teh other wrench to open it.

  57. grrrr.. I CAN'T pick the lock! I did it the very first time I tried, but now I can't get it unlocked again! I tried clicking each individual lock with the lockpick made from the hanger, but can't seem to do it fast enough to get them all open at the same time. Any tips?

  58. Neslihan, For the meter, did you put the id card in the slot just under the meter?

  59. Thanks :-) I'm trying!!

    I found the key to the bottom left lock. It's hidden behind the baseboard where John Travolta is pointing when you turn off the lights.

  60. yes put ıd card after take a magnetic and zoom in thats all

  61. Good job Theres! The last key or object needs to be in the box on the cabinet. The only thing we haven't used really is the movable box by the window which I suspect is needed to climb out and the box with the lock. Obviously the combination is in the formula in the note, but what could it be? This game is driving me crazy!!

  62. Hey Viper thanx for your info I got past the lock on the bottom right side but now I can't seem to find the key under the baseboard everyone is talking about I got the one that is in the box underneath the meter but then I don't get past that :o( and I've tried my luck with the lock on the box on top the cabinet but still haven't gotten it yet

  63. you have to click around at the top of the baseboard. when you turn the lights off, you should see a glow in the dark, upside down John Travolta. the key is behind the top of the baseboard where John Travolta is pointing.

  64. I am completely stumped on the code for the box. I've tried the solving the equation on the meter a couple of different ways, but neither of the solutions worked.

  65. The item boxes change color after we use them, so there must still be a use for the electric bill, the tension wrench, the pilers, and the magnet, as all the other items are not accessible.

    I have tried the equation to make the code for the box and haven't got anywhere yet either.

  66. The greek on the box has something to do with it. I get "sen anoigei" taking that from greek to english. "Aniogei" means open, but I can't get anything for "sen."

    Also, the box says that the answer is like a puzzled response to a question. As in "What?" or "Watt."

    Just had that bouncing around my head, so I thought I'd see if it helped anyone.

  67. How do I turn the lights off?

  68. you can turn the lights on and off by clicking on the third hook of the coat rack that's to the left of the mouse cage.

  69. OKay I think there are some bugs in the game because not even 3 hours ago I was able to work on the lock but now I can't. I had to restart the game in order to get the lock's teeth to move :o( grr but this is by far one of the hardest games and addicting games I've ever played

  70. thanks for the tip theresa!! Now I just need the forth key which is inside the grey box but I can't get it opened with the #3365...anyone has figured the code for that grey box??

  71. Whoa Whoa wait a sec Lynna how did you come up with the 3365 number?

  72. OKay when I tried to transalate the words on the box it was actually "Sev Avoiyei" and the translation came out as "Association of Greek Industrialist Avoiyei" maybe that has to do with the ID dunno have to go look and see

  73. Edit: There is nothing really useful on the card but I did notice on the calender if you zoom in on the bottom is has these to dates written down Wednesday July 31st "Live forever or die trying" Tuesday July 9th "Become a lawyer and finally make crime pay" Don't really get it I geuss I have to go back and read the note from the box with the equation PS If you zoom in a little more on the calender there is a funny saying on it he he

  74. Nolan, If you take the numbers that are actually on the meter and do the equations as written you get 3365, but it doesn't work. Anyway, the order of operation would be different becasue you would need to multiply, then subtract and add. If you zoom in on the bax when you are looking at it from afar, there is English written on it and I don't think it has anything to do with the code for the box.

  75. sosuem, The objectes change color because thy are out of our hands, not just because they are used once.

  76. below the eletric meter there's an equation which the result is 3365.
    The equation is c1200 - 240v x 3w + 485.

  77. indeed, the code 3365 does not open the grey box.

  78. i think the result is 965.
    but this number does not open the box, too.

    what is "c", "v" and "w"?
    is this Greek?
    "c" is left side. "v" and "w" is right side.why?

  79. It appears that the code actually IS 3365... after entering it you also have to use lockpick (made from hanger) in the lower right corner of the box which is at the border where the colours change.


  81. Hi Folks,
    Thanks for all the tips,

    The Greek phrase on the box simply translates to "It Does Not Open".

  82. Walkthrough

    click cabinet take coat hanger close drawer and return to room, click dark space under cabinet take gold thing and click towards the front to get a electricity bill return to room, look at the calender and note the date that is circled, look at bill and go down until you find that date follow it across to get a five digit number remember it for later, return to the room by clicking object description again to get it to go away

    Now click beside the cabinet you will see a pipe click the top opening and take the flute click return to room twice, go right once click the hamster cage to get a wheel, click on the lower left corner of the box and get a wrench return to the room

    go right once and click on the floor underneath the meter to view a panel take the nuts off with the wrench while they are unscrewing click your pliers and click the coat hanger you have to do it TWICE by clicking the pliers click the hanger click the pliers again and click the hanger again to make a lock pick, then click the pliers again and click the flute to make a tube. After the nuts are off move the panel to the side and ONLY click the bottom switch return to the room

    Click on the meter and note the equation under the circles c1200-240vx3w+485 return to the room Go right once and put the hamster wheel on the pipe on the floor next to the open standing tube with a box in it click on the floor where you see the corner of a grate and put the tube you made out of the flute into the open space return to the room

    Go right two times and note the tic-tac-toe board X=1 O=2 go down the table top to bottom and count the numbers 2,2,4,3,2,3 while your there you should see a round window there is a magnet disguised as a screw find it also in the rectangle light there is an ID card grab it

    go left to the red wheels click on them to get a closer view click them from top to bottom in the order you got from the tic-tac-toe puzzle return to the room click the hamster wheel and the tube will fill with water bringing the box to the top open the box note the equation c-vxw+? sound familiar? Now close the box up and put the numbers from the meter into the equation you got from the box should look like this C1200-240Vx3W+485 so subract the first two numbers get a new number multiply that number by 3 and add 485 and get the answer

    Go left twice to the meter click the ID card and put it in the slot under the meter click the meter and use the magnet you got from the window and turn the little needles to the numbers you got from the bill you should see the grey dot (tiny one) turn green if you got it right return to the room click the dark panel next to the one with the switchs a box comes up click it to get a key

    you may have to turn left once in order to see the hamster cage again notice the coat hangers? Click the left one next to the last one the lights will go off and you will see and upside down John Travolta notice where he is pointing click the number again to turn on the lights now click on the top of the baseboard around the dark spot to get a second key return to the room

    Go back to the safe box on the cabinet you may have to zoom in to see the lock numbers better press them until you get the number that you got from the equation if you manually zoomed in zoom back out and click the bottom right corner of the box where its changing colors from grey to dark brown get the third key return to the room

    Go left twice until you see the black window pull the hammock rope click the bottom left lock and use your lock pick to move the teeth up the ones on the left side their should be four do it QUICKLY once they are all up click your gold tension lock pick and click the circle area to turn it close out put the keys in the other locks when they are not highlighted in your inventory it means it worked I dunno which order they went once you placed all three keys click the black part and it will move away move the box to the front of the window click the window again and you are home free.

  83. please help i cant get the second ke that john travolts points too

  84. ok i just startted to play this game-how do i use my objects to help me? do i drag them or double click on them or something??

  85. Whenever I look in the Drawer with the hanger, I am able to get the hanger, but then there is no way to get back to the room??? Can anyone Help me???

  86. LaLa: To use an object just have it highlghted when you are clckng somthing.

    David, I got stuck here too, you just have to click the front lip of the drawer though.

    Sexy 1: turn the lights off, see where he's pointng, turn the lghts back on again, you even get a couple of secs before the lights come back on to line up your mouse, click on the skirtng board under his finger.

  87. ok i can not figure out how to get the key from the gray box
    it says in the corner where grey mets dark brown.... can now get it
    and then picking the lock on the window there. i cant seem to get any of the pins up

  88. the code to the box must be 3365, but the dang thing won't open. supposedly you click the right lower corner, but i've clicked every square mm of the screen & nada. This game is screwed up. I've even tried using 0965, or 9650, which should be the answer if the auther remembered his order of operations...PEMDAS. Help.

  89. I just started playing this game..and i got all the wya until here
    >> you may have to turn left once in order to see the hamster cage again notice the coat hangers? Click the left one next to the last one the lights will go off and you will see and upside down John Travolta notice where he is pointing click the number again to turn on the lights now click on the top of the baseboard around the dark spot to get a second key return to the room

    Go back to the safe box on the cabinet you may have to zoom in to see the lock numbers better press them until you get the number that you got from the equation if you manually zoomed in zoom back out and click the bottom right corner of the box where its changing colors from grey to dark brown get the third key return to the room

    now how do i get that key when its saying click on the baseboard or something i dont know where thats at im so confused....then i tried doing the box on top of the cabinet and everytime i put the number 3365 in and click return to room its not showing anything turning from grey to brown or whatever. can someone please help me with this???

  90. ok i got the key where the john rtavolta guy was pointing but i still cant get the grey box open...anyone wanna fill me in on that?? thanks

  91. You have to use the coat hanger lock pick to open the compartment on the safe box! select the pick and then click the black line between the dark and light section directly right of the combination wheels.

  92. In reference to the locked box, when he says the 'box is changing colors from grey to dark brown' he doesn't mean it's literally changing or blinking or something like that. He's talking about the border where the two colors transition. Nevertheless, I can't get the stupid thing to open either. I've tried everything I can think of. Getting the second key is hit or miss too. It seems like the place to click along the baseboard never works twice.

  93. HELP!!!!!!! ok seriously how do you get the tention wrench? i clicked everywhere around the cabinet and i can't find it!

  94. Don't know if anyone found this but I got a message from a box in that tube that is hooked up to the knobs that turn

  95. Where is the cabinet where you get the flute thing? i like need a lot of help and i cant get the lock to work. Please Help!

  96. How the heck do you find the wrench? I tried clicking the left side of the box under the hampsher cage but nothing happens. I died 3 times tring to work this out PLEASE HELP ME!

  97. I can't turn the hampster wheel after I connect it to the pipe I have the grate completed with the tube from the flute and I used the numbers from tic-tac-toe on the whels but it won't turn, anyone know what I should do?

    @ Shady

    It s on the left side of the crate with the hampster cage click between the crate and the wall when you change screens click on the silver object, that is the wrench

    @ holly

    The cabinet is on the first screen you see when you start, it has a drawer on top where you got the coat hanger, the pipe is on the right side of this cabinet and you have to click on the top to find the flute

  98. ive found all that but i found a key to wut do you do with it

  99. When I go to the drawer I cant click out... there's no "return to room" button. Help!!

  100. When I go to the drawer I cant click out... there's no "return to room" button. Help!!

  101. if u got any questions i can answer them because i beat it

  102. *dahlia

    u have to close the drawer be clicking the border of the drawer

  103. I don't understand how to use the tension pick on the gold circle. I click on the entire graphic and nothing happens!

  104. I've tried and tried and tried...but it won't let me put the ID card in the slot.
    Where do you click?

  105. umm...i dont know how to tell u uhhhhh on the line of the slot ooo and be sure to highlight the card also

  106. to pick the lock u have to use the lock pick that u made from the hanger on the four bars on the right u have to be quick and get them up at the same time then u use the tension wrench on the gold circle and it will unlock

  107. Is there anything to do at the ending page where the blue water is lowering?

  108. i know were the pole thing next to the cabinet with the hanger is but how do you get the pole thing

    + how do you turn og the electricity.

  109. i know were the pole thing next to the cabinet were you get the hanger is but how do you get the pole thing

  110. were do you get the rench (paul)

  111. i found the whistel thing but what the F--k do you do with it

    (sorry for my bad language.)

  112. how do you open the lock on the window

  113. omg i put the flute/rod thing in its place how do i open the lock

  114. How do you get the third key?
    ~ I put int the code: 3365
    ~ Select the Coat Hanger Lockpick
    ~ Click like a crazy person all over the lower right hand part where the box "changes colors" and nothing happens
    What am I doing wrong?

  115. i have 10 things so far and i cant find out the 4 digit code to the box on the dresser. I need someone to tell me it .plz respond

  116. now this is how you beat a game when you need help and a big ty to theresa for finding out the code.

    ps. if ur still trying to beat the game read the hole page to get help thats why ur here right?? btw move ur mouse slowly around they area were JT is ponting to and don't stop clicking.

  117. man, this was a friggin tough game to figure out without getting some help and the toughest part was trying to figure out the walkthroughs you guys posted here.

    to have to pick the safe AFTER entering the combination number and then find the key hidden outside the safe was the stupidest thing i've ever known.

    the famous "the bottom right corner of the box where its changing colors from grey to dark brown..." didn't really help since i drowned more than i'd like to mention trying to find it.

    so here it is, to get the key for the safe:
    1. enter 3365.
    2. select coat hanger lock pick
    3. move to the bottom right part of the safe where the grey colour is separated from the brown with a vertical BLACK line/border.
    4. click like crazy till a drawer pops out.

    you need the coat hanger lock pick again for the bottom right lock on the window, and once you get the pins up you need to use the other gold wrench to click on the circle.

    nevertheless, it was a nice game. keep it up!

  118. help i can only find 2 keys. the one you get by entering 36295 into the meter and the one in the box with the code 3365. were can i find the 3rd key at

  119. this is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo freakin hard

  120. I so do not get how to get the electricity bill. You do not need to turn the hanger into a lock pick because there is already one there.

  121. you do not need to yous the hanger for the lock pick you can just use the one that is already under drawer in the empty space. And also I do not get how to get the electricity bill.

  122. I do not get how to get the electricity bill! will you help me?

  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Carly just click close to the edge of the emptyspace where you found the gold thing, then the fake bottom will raise up and reveal the bill

  125. Help!!!!! i still can't fgure out how to unlock the box! I put in the numbers 3365 and I'm clicking on the side of the box with the pick but I still can't figure out how to open it!

  126. I have the card, bill thing, magnet, flute/tube,plyers,wheel,plyers, lock pick, coat hanger/wire rod, and the spaner. I got the panle open but I don't know how to pick the lock I got the lights off but I dont know what to click where the glow in the dark thing is pointing I know where the pipe/flute goes thats about it... how do you: pick the lock, turn the water off, and open the box (I know the code) but I dont know where to click and with what. Any help would be great!

  127. how do you shut off the electricity

  128. as often as i click on the hamster wheel ... it doesnt move, and the tube does not fill.

    i turned the red wheels for 6 times now in the order 2 2 4 3 2 3 and the hamster wheel didnt move. what am i doing wrong?

    ah yeah, i finished the flute-tube as well before trying it ...

  129. how do u turn off the electrisaty

  130. ok i read through
    ever singe comment

    how do u get the third key?
    no one ever said..

    i got one fron JT
    and one from the grey box..

  131. So far I have this:

    -get the hanger out of the drawer and cut it 2 times with the pliers.
    -get the tortion wrench and the electricity bill out from underneith the drawer.
    -get the tin whistle from beside the drawer and cut it once with the pliers.
    -go right and get the mouse wheel in the cage.
    -get the wrench from the left side of the crate.
    -hit the second form the right coat hanger and follow travolta's hand to a spot in between the wall and the trim to get a key.
    -go right and use the wrench on the bolts on the right-most panel in the floor under the meter.
    -once open, flip the bottom switch.
    -go right and use the mouse wheel on the pipe in the floor.
    -use the tin whistle pipe to repair the pipe at the very bottom of the screen.
    -click on the red wheels and turn them the following amount of times:
    -click and hold on the mouse wheel until the box in the tube is at the top. read it.
    -go right. click on the hammock rope.
    -click on the bottom right lock and click up all the tumblers at the same time with the wire. use the tortion wrench to turn the lock.
    -use the key on the bottom left lock.
    -click on the light and retrieve the card inside.
    -go right. click the bottom right bolt on the window.
    -go right twice. put the card in the meter.
    -enter the meter and use the magnant to enter the following code on the dials: 3 6 2 9 5.
    -go back the room and click on the left-most panel in the floor under the meter.
    retrieve the key.
    -go right twice. use the key on the top right lock.

    that's as far as i've got. i only need the safe combo to get the last key.

  132. Get hanger out of drawer. Use pliers twice to make lockpick.

    Click cubby hole under drawer, get tension wrench, then click twice on bottom of cubby hole to open and grab electric bill.

    Click to the right of the drawer and look in the pipe to get the recorder. Use pliers on recorder to make pipe.

    Turn right, get mouse wheel, then click bottom left behind the crate to grab the wrench.

    Turn right, click below meter to view panel. Use wrench on each nut, then turn the bottom switch off. (Leave top switch on)

    Back out to normal view, turn right. Use mouse wheel on the little hole bottom right, then click near the grate at your feet. Use pipe to fill in the missing piece.

    Go right again, open the light fixture to get the ID card, then pull on the hammock rope to reveal the locks on the window.

    Use the lockpick on the lock (this will take some time), then use the tension wrench to open it the whole way.

    Go right once more and grab the magnet disguised as a bolt from the window.

    Go left three times, then use the ID card on the slot to the bottom of the meter.

    Zoom in on meter & Set the meter to 3 6 2 9 5 using the magnet.

    After you set the meter, you get the 1st key by clicking on the dark spot next to the panel You opened with the wrench. That unlocks one more corner of the window.

    You may have to turn left once in order to see the hamster cage again notice the coat hooks? Click the second last one. The lights will go off and you will see an upside down John Travolta. Notice where he is pointing. Click the coat hook again to turn on the lights. Now click on the top of the baseboard where John Travolta was pointing to get a 2nd key.

    The Tic-Tac-Toe game (X’s & O’s) shows the number of times to turn each of the red Wheels (from top to bottom).
    1st Wheel - 2
    2nd Wheel - 2
    3rd Wheel - 4
    4th Wheel - 3
    5th Wheel - 2
    6th Wheel - 3
    After this, click on the mouse wheel that you put in place, and the tube will fill with water, and the item will float to the top? Answer the equation to get the code for the combination box on top of drawers.

    The code (for those of you that can’t work it out) IS 3365... after entering it you also have to use lockpick (made from hanger) in the lower right corner of the box which is at the border where the colours change. 3rd Key.

    Go to window and move box so is under window.
    Use all keys to unlock window and click in middle of window to escape.

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