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Dream Electricity - Piano

Dream Electricity WalkthroughDream Electricity - Piano is another Japanese point and click escape the room type game. But this time you are trapped in a train and you need to get of there by searching to find items and clues. Then use them to escape the train. Good luck and have fun!

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  1. By chance is there an English version of this one, cause unfortunately I have no idea what I'm doing in Japanease (Sorry if spelled wrong)

  2. i hav e the light switch kind of hard to find umbrella and a spark plug lookin thing

  3. found a screwdriver, light switch, and a flashlight looking thing, plus if you look through the window on the same side you find the screwdriver there's some sort of puzzle

  4. Got a blue ticket but cannot figure out the puzzle

  5. And the window on the otherside has a carasel with horses of different colors and each numbered 1 - 6

  6. did you open the grate i found that it has like a flash light or somthing then i found some note cards but i dont know how to pick them up

  7. I just got a grey ticket off the door when I put in the code 0000 I think it happened so fast not sure

  8. I couldn't pick them up either unfortunately I can't read japanease so I have no clue what they say

  9. Use the umbrella to see the cards. Where did you get that code from?

  10. ok found the umbrella now on the floor where the light switch was found in the corner

  11. just started playing with the key's and on the box but when i did put it in and took the ticket the box disappears??? then you can put the ticket on the cross next to the lock box?? but nothing happens

  12. I used the GYRB combo from the cards to open the lock and got a blue ticket.

  13. the grey ticket is for the thing next to the lock

  14. My blue ticket goes in there to but does nothing???

  15. if you got the flashlight turn the lights off

  16. i got some kind of gold thing

  17. WOW I found a KEY in a treasure chest on the floor!!! Cool...

  18. I have the flashlight but don't see what to do with the lights off. I can't seem to click on anythin.

  19. Just turn around and you will see the box opposite the light switch down on the floor in the corner

  20. I see the GYRB but what do the symbols mean?? Could they be numbers of some sort

  21. You match up the GYRB with the numbers on the horses. That is how I got my blue ticket. I put that code in.

  22. what lock are you talking about for the gyrb combo is it the one with the chains because thats gone

  23. yea mines gone too did it go when you got the blue ticket??

  24. Yep. Not sure what to do with this key thing and still can't figure out the puzzle.

  25. Thanks it clicked in my head the horses were the same color but I still haven't figured out the other window has anyone else

  26. i dont have the blue ticket thats what i was wondering

  27. happyman is not so happy i cant figure any of this out

  28. I am having a hard time figuring out where to use the key. It has a weird bottom on it, but I have no idea either.

  29. i think im getting really close with the other window i figured somthing out once i placed them all to where i thought they should go the formed a crown looking shape and what does the spark thing actually do i placed it but nothing happened

  30. It would be great if we could figure out and read whats written on the windows in the front and rear of the train...any clues

  31. thats right where did you find that spark thing at anyways

  32. ive got six things a grey ticket, gold key, umbrella, spark plug looking thing, flashlight, and the screw driver

  33. go to the end by the chains turn to face white door its on the left in the pipe

  34. screw it ill be back later

  35. there is something inside one of the columns.
    something that u can put in the hole under the soffa.

  36. Apagar la luz, enfocar con la linterna y buscar en el carro, en una puerta hay un cofre con un cetro.

    I,m sorry my english is very bad.

  37. that's ok, hey thanks I found the spark plug and put it in under the window not sure what to do after that

  38. I found a sparkplug in a tube.

  39. The puzzle with the ferris wheel - if you double click the dots you get an arm and move them to the coloured stars????

  40. tried that already redroobar couldn't get anywhere with it though

  41. you can actually move both the small dot first then the large one underneath it but even that lost me even more

  42. connect the smaller circles to the smaller stars and the bigger circles to the matching colored stars... it should resemble a tulip? I don't know where to go from here...

  43. Anyone get any farther than the flamed looking tulip that appears after the lines are in the correct order??

  44. wheres the f***ing light switch?!?!

  45. I found the way out great game.

  46. Congratulations seven2, now put us out of our misery and give us a few clues?

  47. The flaming tulip gives fire to the spark plug

  48. put the larger circles in order by color... it should resemble a crown coming to a point at the bottom, next put the little circles by the stars that are closest to them... it should resemble a symetrical tulip looking thing... now your spark plug thing has charged up

  49. I found two ways out one with the blue ticket and by restarting the game one with the grey ticket I found by accident before the blue one but the boy only runs out the door with the blue one

  50. please tell me how u figured out the the window with the horses? (and i cant find any cards that help with the GYRB thingy)


  52. light switch is on the second ring. on the handrail

  53. Hey carol did you figure this one out

  54. got as far as the stars and my mouse died on me. cant move the damn thing. so will buy a new one tommorow and if i get fed up playing poker will steal a mouse from someone in the house :)

  55. LMAO there ya go that's the to get things done good luck

  56. am assuming i dont need 4 tickets. i put the grey one in. and the thing started spinning. not sure what to do now though. key does not seem to want to go anywhere

  57. crap i have tried everything. besides dancing naked in the garden. not sure that would help though grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  58. I must suck or something... I can't find the grey ticket!

  59. from what i can gather there is two tickets but u only need one.
    i reset the code to 0000 and got a grey ticket

  60. Oh... so if I already got the blue ticket I can't get the grey one?

  61. also assuming. i assume a lot tonight. that the cards. even though i have lost them. they give 4 colours, and that is to go with the horses. and when u input that code u get the blue ticket.
    so 2 diffrent endings.
    though am stuck so pfffffffff

  62. no,,,because the code thing dissapears

  63. I still don't understand what they were talking about with the window puzzle

  64. ok imagine a tulip...
    the 8 colurs u see in the box split up so u have a smaller and a larger colour.
    u have u put the larger colour on the matching stars, and the smaller colour goes on the stars closest to them.
    so it ends up looking like a tulip.

  65. Hmmm, 7777 gives you a white ticket...

  66. mmmm so am guessing there is more than 2 endings.

  67. I kinda understood the puzzle though, but where does the black circle go? Does it not move?

  68. if i could figure out how to use or where to use the key. would try them all

  69. ok that stumped me. but the black circle is realy a white one in cognito. so put it on the realy big flashing white star

  70. when u complete that it changes to a yellow like tulip. and the spark plug is working. then u go to the ticket thing. and put your ticket on it and it spins. hmmm i think there is 4 ending to this game now.
    anyway it spins and am stuck

  71. Aha! I beat it!

    Once you got it to spin, use the key on the key hole at the top

  72. ok i did it.
    and there has to be 4 endings.

  73. wow found 3 endings..the blue ticket. the grey ticket. and the white ticket. now need to find the 4th. where is jrogue when hes needed

  74. ok so far to get the white key u need to type in 7777 and to get the grey u need to type in 0000
    the other two are not so easy. if u look where u put the ticket there is 4 screw like things and each what ever ticket you put in lights up a certain one.i found 3. now i need the 4th ending.which i take to be the hardest one.

  75. oh and 3146 is for the blue one.

  76. Sorry about that but you've already done more than me I only found 2 didn't realize there was anymore should have known otherwise though

  77. lol i hate to finish half a game.

  78. what did u do cycle through the numbers to find the 7777 code

  79. pretzel told me. the i realised there was 4 endings. 2 doors. the chains and the boy who runs away

  80. not sure how he came by that number though

  81. though i admit to cycling the numbers now.

  82. I got 7777 by seeing if there were anymore obvious codes left (like codes that are all the same numbers)
    I also tried 1234 and 0123 but no avail.

  83. I made it from 0000 to 0051 than gave up LOL

  84. Carol do they have a new one of these everyday

  85. ok check back tomorow am to stuborn to give in. i may get the numbers but not the clues that lead to them.

  86. Yeah, I went a bit farther.

    I got to 0500 hehe but it was just never going to get found... then I tried randomly mashing the buttons hoping I'd get the correct combination.

    I tried rearranging the colors in the code but couldn't get that to work either.

  87. u know i have only played these 2 the one from last night and todays one. so i dont know. but they fun when u share what little knowledge u do know

  88. chances are if we knew japanease we'ld have all the clues we need to beat this game

  89. true and am not sure it would be to hard for them to bring out english version. lets face it majority of players know some english, minority of players who know japanease is as i said minority

  90. 3100 and counting ....

  91. Well, I picked a random number to start on but it's not anywhere in 6000-7000. I'm gonna turn in for the night, so hopefully you guys can find it.

  92. Also, I'm still confused as to why the door on the left is clickable but the one on the right isn't (to the left and right of the combination box thing)

  93. will try. and any new ones come out email me. its n my profile.
    thx for your help pretz

  94. ok i done up to 3000 now will go 4000

  95. as i said earlier the escape roots.
    white lead u to white door and tracks, grey leads you to chain door. blue a kid comes takes your ticket. i think thats the missing ticket

  96. Really? I thought white was white door in back, gray was the one of the gray doors on the side and blue was the other gray door on the other side.

  97. I think we are the kid if you remember when the game starts you see his face in the window of the train looking out

  98. ask me later. u could help though doing from 5000 to 5999 if we leaped frog each other would know the answer quicker

  99. Remember, I already did 6000-7000 so make sure you don't do that on accident :P

  100. pretz jump in ajoin us. start from top.
    why did u choose 6000 to 7000+?

  101. Destiny changes in the interpretation where [soliloquize of the driver of rear] fact and truth as for those which are visible interpretation differs and chooses.

    This is the translation of the window next to the lock...

  102. wowo gopt blac ticket . numbers to quick tp pick but first two was 46

  103. [Soliloquize of the driver before] as for number of nothing as for repetition color of ordeal as for revival letter when hell two fuses, the selection of heaven four, happiness just.

    Translation from other side of train...window on the left couldn't do window on the right they read from top to bottom right to left

  104. Well I picked 6000-7000 because I'm random like that.

    I just got done with 8000-9000.

  105. Cool that breaks the chains on the door and lets you climb the stairs out....then with the japanease again LOL

  106. ok to get the black ticket is 46. willcheck the other numbers was to quick for me to take note.

  107. saying that the black ticket is not doing anything for me at the moment.

  108. That's really messed up now that I think about it I was messing with just those 4 numbers forever and never found that ticket boy I feel stupid LOL

  109. Carol it's 4631

  110. duh. in my rush to check numbers i didnt pick the key up.

  111. Yay! But I could have sworn I tried every rearrangement of GYRB...

  112. LMAO there ya go that could help just a little...

  113. well sugar. i guess since u found 4 endings its up to u to make walkthrough.

  114. So did I pretzel go figure missing the simplest one

  115. You call yourself sugar often carol....just kidding

  116. i would if the black ending worked for me. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, my key dont work for it

  117. did you remember to redo the window and place the fuze...

  118. nope.
    lmao it is 7am my sleep patern has gone down hill with these games

  119. lmao shame on you well I'm calling it a night mabey I'll catch you on the 'marrow have a wonderful day..

  120. u should do walk through with 4 endings.

  121. night sugar. but it is down to u to do the walk througs.

  122. that's ok I'll pass it's 1am and I have to be at work at 8am I'll let someone else takle this one...

  123. Unless of course there isn't one when I get off tomorrow evening at 6 so we'll see if there isn't one I'll take care of it with all 4 endings

  124. Yippi!!! i've finished!!! 2 ending; d blue ticket go heaven, think coming bk alive from sickness or something, dunno jap, just guessing, & d black ticket goes 2 hell or rather means died. cool! ;D

  125. mel u got 4 endings to do.
    i am hoping either jrogue or pretz will do a walk through

  126. pretz u where correct earlier.
    black ticket takes chains.
    blue the kid.
    grey must be the doors .
    and white the white door.

  127. ok sugar, my keyboard sucks with grammer. so wil leave it to u.
    thx again was fun night,

  128. U guys r really wonderful! really test out every no. Got d 4 endings, shld ve known (there's 4 key hole on d cross thingy). So white tkt goes heaven, black goes hell, blue-recover?? Grey no sure, cos' me no understd jap, any1??

  129. Why you always complete those without me :p Stupid times i live in :p Anyway where to place the fuse and what to do with the umberella. Further got everything ...

    Another question, why those combination of numbers RYGB?

  130. umberella is used for looking at the cards.
    and if u go half way down the carriage and turn. the fuse goes under the window.on the top of the seats. u will find it easy

  131. and half way down the carriage u can look out the windows. u will see puzzles on either side. that combination of numbers come from looking at the horses and cards

  132. Still don't get the umbrella thing, I look like stupid :p Maybe i should do 1 game at once in stead of four at once :p

  133. lol maybe that would help.
    ok when u find the cards u cant reach them so u use umberlla . it does not pick them up just shows u what is written on them

  134. All I had to do to find the hole for the fuse, was to click the middle top of the couch, nobody told me :( :p

  135. Must be blind or something but where are the cards located???

  136. for every ending u need to do the stars puzzle. but u only need to do the horse puzzle for one ending.

  137. would someone please at least post one walkthrough please thanks

  138. The horse puzzle is as simple as can be anyway :p Walkthrough would be posted later today as far as i know :)

  139. yep jrogue is going to do one later. he knows the 4 endings.

  140. Here we go with a walkthrough!

    1.Move forward, and then turn left to face the seat. Click on the far right chain and you'll zoom to it. Click on it to reveal the light switch.

    2.Click on the far right of the seat that you should be able to see now. Take the umbrella.

    3. Turn left, go forward, and then face right. Click on the screwdriver in the cushions.

    4. Turn completely around and click on the grate beneath the seat. Open it with screwdriver to get the flashlight

    5. Turn around again, and click the chain that has the lightswitch. Turn the lights off.

    6. Now, turn around and look to the left of the seat you're facing. Click on the chest and take the key.

    7. Move all the way forward toward the chain box as possible. Turn around and click in the middle of the pipe on the left. Slide down the compartment and take the fuse.

    8. Face the side window that has the weird square with colored circles on it. Now, this is a bit tricky, but here's how you complete the puzzle:

    First, move all the big circles to the matching colored star (the black one moves to the white star opposite the red one.) Then, move the little circles to the little white stars closest to them. This should form a fiery tulip thing that charges your fuse.

    9. Turn around and click on the seat. You'll go to a empty fuse... thing. Put the charged fuse in there.

    10. If you look at this window, there's a carousel with colored horses, and each time you click on one, there's a number. Remember these numbers.

    11. Turn around again, and click on the seat toward the left side. You should see some papers. Use the umbrella to read the papers. It shows Green, Yellow, Red, then Blue.

    12. Go to the number box. Now, this is where the different endings split. To get the gray ticket, put in the combination 0000. To get the white ticket, put in the combination 7777. To get the blue ticket, put in the combination 3146 (from the horses and the paper). To get the black ticket, put in the combination 4631 (I'm not sure how you're supposed to get this combination... me carol and jrogue just went through every number and jrogue found it)

    The gray ticket takes you out the right side door, the blue ticked shows you running out the left side door, the white ticket takes you out the white door, and the black ticket takes you out the black chain door.

  141. good job pretz. lol guess that was easier combination to get than the 7777 u got. at least that used the same numbers as the horse one.

  142. The 7777 one was pure dumb luck. I was just trying random combinations I could think of :p

  143. You forgt the end :p

    13 Place the ticket in the mechanism at the right of the ticketbox, which will be gone after you got a ticket. The cross will turn the right circle up which will flash red, put the key from the chest into the circle and you're done.

  144. 4631 is gotten via the words. They translates to "red, blue, green, yellow".

    Random info:

    Gray - Ending: Repeat
    Blue - Ending: Rebirth
    Black - Ending: Hell
    White - Ending: Heaven

  145. number 7 in the walkthrough:
    7. Move all the way forward toward the chain box as possible. Turn around and click in the middle of the pipe on the left. Slide down the compartment and take the fuse.

    I cant get "open/slide" down on the steel bar..... I Click it and then what????


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